That One Outfit (NSFW/TH)

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War of Hormone? - said Tae shocked but amused at the same time, he couldn't help but pull his classic box smile. Yeah, I really wish there had been no controversy around it, I certainly don't agree with the opinions on it...I actually found it - you paused and blushed - appealing. He burst out laughing and you looked down at the floor - Noona? - he said in between giggles. No, don't you dare...I know it's an older song - your face contorted in an uncomfortable way, you were pouting and your voice had a tense tone to it. Tae noticed and stopped laughing, feeling guilty that he had teased you.

He cleared his throat - so that outfit, I don't think I'd fit in it anymore - he said on a more serious note as he considered it. You're right, it's been a while, nevermind - you still sounded hurt. Tae sneaked behind you and hugged your hips as he swayed from side to side playfully. You unwrapped his arms from around you and walked back to the room, closing the door behind you. He stared at the door and sighed, now that was not how sharing your secret fantasies was supposed to go. He didn't bring up the topic again and neither did you since you felt really embarrassed.

A week passed and as you entered Tae's apartment you saw he still was not home. You hung your purse and jacket on the coat rack and laid on the couch, as you turned to lay on your side, you caught a glint of something at the end of the hallway, where Tae's bedroom's door was open. Your curiosity got the best of you and you got up and walked up to his bed. A fancy white box with a shimmering ribbon tied in a bow was placed on it, you looked at the card and without much effort you read your name on it. You brought it closer to you and turned it around, there was nothing else written on it.

You untied the bow and opened the box to reveal a neatly folded blue dress with a white cap sitting on top. Well, that was an odd choice. Tae enjoyed buying outfits for you, he had been very observant of what your style was like and was specially good at picking stuff out for you. You put the cap aside and held up the dress to have a better look at it. It was sleeveless, had a pleated bottom and was rather short, it would only fall about halfway down your thighs. You held it against your body as you looked at yourself in the full-body mirror at the corner of the room. A big bright red "T" was placed at the center of the top. You furrowed your eyebrows trying to figure out why this looked familiar, yet you'd have never picked it.

You took off your clothes and slid into the dress, it fit you perfectly, almost as if it had been made for you. You took the cap and placed it on your head, contemplating the full look on the mirror with a tilted head. The sound of the door being unlocked made you peek out the room into the other side of the hallway - Tae? - you said out loud. Oh, you're here, great! - he said as you heard his steps coming closer. You went back to looking at yourself in the mirror, straightening the dress with your hands and instinctively pulling down from the pleats. You were not used to wearing anything above the knee.

Oh wow - said Tae as he leaned on the side of the doorframe, admiring the snug fit of the dress on your body. You turned around startled, you were too absorbed into your thoughts to notice he was already in the room. You went to greet him and you gawked. His hair was now a light shade of purple, he was wearing a black top with a leather jacket with various patches and buttons, tight-fitting white striped blue pants and black shoes with white socks. A long chain around his neck and a small silver earring on one of his earlobes. It was...the grown up version of War of Hormone era V. Your face burned as you pursed your lips and stared without blinking. He giggled and walked up to you, placing his hands on your hips and swaying from side to side as he often did. Surprise! - he said as he smiled brightly and proudly while looking at you.

It fits your perfectly... - you said still not believing your eyes, to be honest, you thought that was the end of that talk. Tae hadn't even taken it seriously, or so you thought. I actually had it tailored as a favor from the stylist, same with your dress. I took the time to get the measurements out of your clothes so that it would fit you just right. And my hair, well, everyone's been waiting for a comeback of the purple so this seemed like the perfect time - he explained as you looked at him feeling fuzzy inside, he had taken all this time to plan this out. You were wrong about him dropping the idea and moving on.

I took the liberty of changing the letter of the dress to a T - he wiggled his eyebrows as he did flower hands below his chin - I hope you don't mind that it's not the exact same as the MV's - he smiled awkwardly hoping he hadn't messed it up. Tae, I... - you trailed off looking at him up and down and then locking your eyes back with his, holding onto his upper arms for stability - you look way better than I imagined - you finished almost in a whisper. He looked smugly at you and licked his lips as he ran his thumb across them. He lowered his hands to squeeze your butt a couple of times in a cheeky manner. You chuckled as you were reminded of his attitude in the video.

You leaned in to kiss him as you brought him closer to you, pulling from the chain around his neck. He cupped your cheeks and responded passionately, with a sort of urgency to it, his tongue all over your mouth. He pulled away and smirked deviously, once again licking his lips and rubbing his thumb against the corner of your lips. His eyes darker with lust, as he squeezed your breasts and snickered, sliding his hands down the sides of your body, tracing your curves with his fingers seductively. You gasped and gave him a not so innocent smile. Without moving his gaze, he swiftly slipped his hands up your dress and pulled down your underwear, which fell to the floor immediately. You crashed your lips against his as he grabbed your wrists and spun you around and onto the bed.

He was now on top, straddling you as he looked down at you and bit his bottom lip, your dress now barely covering your bottom half. You unbuttoned his pants which were now too tight around him and he groaned with relief. He pulled the front down together with his underwear and started grinding against you, flipping the dress up to your stomach with the first move. You were both more than wet enough.

Argh, I forgot the lollipop - he let out, his voice deep and husky now. He opened his eyes and looked down at you, before you knew it he had licked you from your neck to your cheek. You both giggled under your breath as you held his neck, rubbing your thumb against his jaw, your other hand deep in his hair on the nape. He continued to slowly and teasingly lick you over and over again, which tickled and made you both giggle pleasurably.


Once you were done, Tae plopped back on his pillow letting out an airy and satisfied sigh, you got up from the bed to go clean yourself up when you suddenly felt a sharp and stingy slap. You held your butt-cheek with a grimace and turned to Tae, disbelief written across your face. He was now sitting up, holding his hand in front of his face and looking at it in shock. He looked at you with a mischievous smile as he felt your stare and you got back onto the bed to hit his shoulder and throw a pillow at him - you're ridiculous - you kissed his cheek and, as you turned around, you could see the reflection of the big red mark he left on your behind on the mirror in the corner. You looked back at him judgingly and he quickly planted a sweet kiss on your lips.

You came back wearing your underwear and an oversized t-shirt you picked out from Tae's closet. He now had his underwear back on and had covered himself with the comforter, you sneaked into bed and cuddled to his side. Laying your head on his chest as he put his cellphone down on the nightstand and laid his cheek on your head, hugging you back. It wasn't long until you had both fallen asleep and he was all over you, his right leg wrapped around your left leg and his arm holding you hostage, squeezing you tight against his body. You looked up at his peaceful face, lips slightly parted, his breathing calm and slow, his now purple hair ruffled. You smiled contently and snuggled back on his chest.


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