Kissing Instructor (JK/Pt. 3)

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That day Jungkook didn't give you an answer why he didn't like your boyfriend, he said he just didn't and that was it. He stormed out of there and then stopped going to the gym at the time you did. He couldn't bear to see you again, he obviously couldn't control his feelings anymore and he couldn't think of any other way to deal with it than to shut you out.

You kept going to the gym at the same time and days in hopes he'd eventually come back. His absence made you really notice how much you needed him, you missed him and not seeing him every Tuesday and Friday as you were used to really did alter your week more than you would have guessed.

You tried to talk to your boyfriend about how you were feeling about Jungkook avoiding you, but that brought to light a whole new side of him you didn't know. He freaked out and became insanely jealous, despite you reassuring him you'd been friends for a while and you had never had any feelings for each other. He didn't want to listen to reason though.

Friendships weren't your forte. Apart from your boyfriend, Jungkook and your mutual friend, you didn't have anyone you felt you could talk to. You were a really honest and outgoing person, but sometimes you came on too strong and that pushed people away. Just like it had happened with Jungkook. There was no one you could talk to that wasn't connected to him.

The seventh anniversary of the band was coming and Jungkook offered a song he had been working on to be released during the festivities. The other members and the company loved it and agreed to release it immediately. You found the track on your notifications and clicked on it, a song by Jungkook. A tear escaped your eyes, you couldn't help but beat yourself up about how you had ruined everything.

You wanted to hear his voice, it had been so long. You put your earphones on and laid on your bed, your eyes closed to fully appreciate the sweet sound.

"That faint voice of yours that grazed me
Please call my name one more time
I'm standing still under the frozen light, but
I will walk towards you, step by step"

It was so beautiful, Jungkook was amazing at writing lyrics. You were so happy he had given it a shot and continued to work on more songs.

"A pitch dark room
I shouldn't get used to it
But I'm used to it again
The low-pitched sound of the air conditioner
If I don't have this, I might just fall apart"

Sounds like me, you thought as all you did was go to work and come back home to be locked in your room. You kept losing friends, the feeling was not unfamiliar, but you were used to being by yourself. You didn't mind your own company, but your nature screamed for social interaction.

"We laugh together, we cry together
These simple feelings were everything I had
I will look into your eyes
And say, 'I missed you' "

Tears started running down your face as you thought about all what you shared with Jungkook, the good times, the bad times, you really did miss him. He really was your only true friend, you are not really a friend group person, but thanks to your friend in common, you'd met him and he had become closer to you than they ever did.

As the song went on, you cried harder and harder, but you didn't want to stop the track. Then you started putting the pieces together.

"The day, that moment
If I knew this was gonna happen
I would have remembered more of them"

That day? When it happened? If he'd known? The words resonated in your head.

"In a rapturous memory
The rain pours even when I dance alone"

A precious memory, the pouring rain. One that hurts, makes you cry, makes you feel alone...

"We may not be on the same page
But I want to walk this path with you
Still with you"

We are on different paths, we don't see eye to eye. But he wants to be by your side, still with you. With me?! Your eyes shot open and you knew why Jungkook didn't like your boyfriend. All of sudden everything made sense to you. You needed to talk to him.

Remembering you had Yoongi's phone number from this one time Jungkook gave it to you so he could help you out with something, you dialed it. Hello? - you heard his confused voice when he picked up. Hey Yoongi, it's Kook's friend, you helped me a while back? - you said hoping he'd remember you. Oh, yeah, right - he said and became silent, you took it as a sign to go on.

Do you know if Jungkook is still going to the gym? - you asked. Uh...every day. Did you lose his number? - he asked puzzled as to why you were talking to him instead in the first place. No, I just need to know when? - Yoongi wasn't sure if he should answer, he really had no idea why you were coming to him or if Jungkook even was in contact with you still. Hmmm - is all he said.

Please? I need to talk to him, but I don't see him at the gym anymore when I go - you tried with your alluring voice, the one that Jungkook had fallen for. Yoongi thought for a bit, so they were seeing each other still - I think he's there, he left a while ago though - he shared finally. Oh my god, thank you so much, Yoongi. I have to go - you said hurriedly and hung up the phone, leaving him saying goodbye to no one.

The gym was close to your home, but still a few blocks away, you ran with all your might. The blocks felt eternal, but you didn't have time to walk calmly. It was only 10 minutes to the hour and Jungkook was probably about to leave soon.

With just a few minutes left, you arrived and barged into the room. He looked up and when he saw it was you, he was shocked. You approached your wide eyed friend and sat on the floor next to him, he was doing his last set of crunches, as usual. Hey Kook - you said smiling sweetly at him, your gaze soft. He finally looked at you and saw the look in your eyes was a new one he'd never seen before.

He looked away and down - hey - there was guilt in his voice, not anger as you had expected. I listened to your new song - you told him hoping this would make him talk, but he didn't. Ah, yeah, ARMY really liked it. I think we can all relate to being apart - he said. You frowned, why didn't he want to admit it.

That day, that moment, you didn't know - you started and he looked up at you with wide eyes again. Only a memory, one that leaves you feeling sad and alone - you continued holding his stare as you noticed his face started to turn pink. I'm with someone else, but you're still here for me, even if I'm not, you still miss me - his jaw had dropped and he was shook to the core.

Had he been that obvious? He thought he could make this so it sounded like it was dedicated to the fans. This was the definite end of your friendship, his heart sank at the thought. His face was enough confirmation for you that you hadn't heard what you wanted to hear, it was true.

You leaned in to kiss him and he jerked back instinctively. You put your hand on his cheek and he managed to stay still and close his gaping mouth. Before your plush lips, the ones he had missed so much, touched his. He responded eagerly reaching out with his hand and holding your waist, his breathing was becoming uneven.

He tightened his grip on your waist and pulled you away. I can't, this is not right - he said looking away. He couldn't look in your eyes, he didn't trust himself and his feelings anymore and he'd continue doing something he'd regret. You gently put your hand on his cheek again and brought his eyes back to yours. Those big doe eyes that always gave you a peek into his innermost feelings that for some reason he tried his hardest to hide.

We are done, he turned out to be a controlling maniac - you said and Jungkook's heart threatened to jump off his chest, that particular smile of his drawing itself on his face. He crashed his lips back on yours, making you fall on your back, with him reaching out for your neck to keep you from escaping his grasp.

His hungry kisses made your heart race and butterflies flutter uncontrollably in your stomach. You ignored you were starved for his love until that moment. You ran your hand down his jaw as he ran his underneath the hem of your shirt and up to your waist. Someone cleared their throat and you pulled apart looking at the source of the sound.

Your faces were flushed and your lips were raw and swollen. The trainer that had walked in looked at you with quirked eyebrows without saying a word and you both scrambled to your feet. This time of the day the gym wasn't as empty as your usual time.

Once he walked away, Jungkook looked at you intently - do you maybe want to hang out afterwards? - he asked nervously. You nodded with a wide smile and kissed his hot, red cheek - go shower, I'll wait right here - he grinned and grabbed his things quickly, practically running out of the room in excitement.


I hope I didn't butcher "Still with You" with this one shot, lmao

I hope you liked it ClosetKPopFan ~ ❤︎

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