Rescue mission (YG/Pt. 3)

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As the van was about to park at the side of the stadium for the band to get off, Taehyung felt it went over a little bump. I think we ran something over - he said concerned. He got off the car and went around it hoping it wasn't a small animal. Huh? Isn't this Yoongi hyung's phone? - he asked holding the crushed object up.

It looks like it - Namjoon said as he took it from his hand and turned it around. It was destroyed, but he noticed the familiar scratches on the back that confirmed it was his. This is not good, I need to let them know - he muttered and went looking for the staff.

The guys looked at each other panicked, if Yoongi's phone was here, he was not safe as they had imagined. I hope this is a really bad misunderstanding - Jimin said worrying. Let's go inside guys - Jin hurried them as he looked around nervously.

The older hyungs and the security guards checked the cameras of the parking area trying to see when the phone had been dropped and if there were any signs of Yoongi. There weren't many, so all they could see was him running around aimlessly and then him walking into a car.

Noting the plate down, they reported the car to the police hoping to avoid a huge scandal unless it was necessary. Despite being disoriented, Yoongi seemed to have got in the car willingly and he didn't look significantly distressed.

Yoongi and you had gone out for breakfast when you opened your fridge and discovered you had barely anything to offer. He pulled his hoodie up to cover his face and you lent him your aviator sunglasses, which were the least feminine you could find. He actually looked pretty cool in them.

You sat at a booth and after you ordered you fell silent. You would have taken out your phone and kept yourself busy, but he had nothing to do the same. You wanted to ask him so many questions, but at the same time, you didn't dare. He tried to make small talk as it was much too awkward.

You like my mixtape - he said and looked up at you - I remember your t-shirt. I do! - you said beaming and he chuckled at your excitement. Too enthusiastic, calm down, you scolded yourself internally. What do you like? - he asked a little frustrated he couldn't quite say what he wanted. When you started to talk about one of the songs, he stopped you - you like me, why?

You gawked at his question, why was he asking this*, he seemed to be curious about it though. I, uh - you could feel your face burning as he calmly looked at you. I like the songs you write, they are inspiring - you offered not being sure what you could say without embarrassing yourself.

He nodded and you laughed softly, Yoongi looked back at you confused and you mumbled something about infires. He had no idea what was so funny, but he couldn't help but smile amused. It's not funny - he said under his breath feeling self-conscious. Surely you couldn't be laughing at him, right?

Once you had finished your food, you offered to drive him to the stadium where the band should already be rehearsing. It wasn't long until you heard a police car behind you. You double checked your speedometer, you were sure you weren't driving over the limit. You pulled over and as Yoongi saw you reaching for the glove compartment, he opened it and looked at you.

Thank you - you smiled gratefully - the brown folder - you pointed at it and he handed it to you. As you were searching for your license, the policeman approached you with a frown. Good morning, officer - you said before looking up. Please get out of the car, miss - he said sternly as Yoongi stared wide eyed at him and the man nodded towards him.

You looked up surprised - what is the problem, officer? - you said opening the door and placing down your folder on your seat as you handed him your license clueless. You will have to come back to the station with me to answer some questions, your car will be towed shortly - he informed you and you stuttered - w-what? What is going on? - you asked confused.

Yoongi saw the look on your face and noticed something was wrong, he got out of the car assuming it had something to do with him as they looked back once more. She's innocent - is all he could come up with. Don't worry, Mr. Min, you're safe now - the police officer said not paying attention. Shit, this was a mess.

Another officer got off the car as you were ordered to go in the back and walked up to Yoongi, he took a step back confused. We are going to the stadium - he tried to explain him - the car was reported, we'll take you there shortly, Mr. Min. He sighed frustrated thinking that maybe he should have gone over this vocabulary, but being kidnapped was not part of the topics of every day discussions in his books.

As the man that accompanied him spoke to someone on his radio, Yoongi saw as the police car drove off with you and felt terrible. He needed to get to Namjoon and sort all of this out. The tall guy in front of him looked more relaxed now - they should pick us up soon - he informed him and then smiled.

My daughter is a big fan of BTS, is it? - Yoongi looked up at him not being in the mood. Would you sign this for me? - he offered his stack of parking tickets scribbling in the air and the idol raised an eyebrow and took it reluctantly. He spoke Korean, he was not dumb. He needed to be on his good side so he grabbed his pen and asked the daughter's name.

Within 15 minutes a car arrived to pick them up and they drove off to the stadium. Meanwhile, you were being questioned as if you had lost your mind and kidnapped an international celebrity. They called in a psychologist to assess the veracity of your statement, not being convinced that anything that came out of your mouth was true.


* please refer to

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