Chapter 3

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What is this? Tasty morsels?  A tree says.

What? NO!  I'm tired of absorbing humans, lets just kill them already. One argues.

Why would we do that? The more we drink and eat, the stronger our influence will become. The other countered.

True. The other conceded.

I think we should bake them into a quiche!  One says.

Shut up Morzen. The first tree says.

Okay sorry. Morzen replies.

So are we going to absorb them, or kill them? The first tree asks.

I still think a quiche would be nice... Morzen pushes.

I thought I told you to shut up. The first tree replies.

Right, shutting up.

I guess we'll absorb them, I'm hungry. What do you think we should do with you humans?

Jordan was too shocked to reply. "Um... I think you should let us pass through." 

So the trees could talk. Well, sort of, they sort of sent their thoughts toward you. Jordan could barely describe it. He was right, the forest was alive, the swaying branches were arms and the trees were the people. He couldn't think straight, hundreds of trees were yelling at him at once.

Some were discussing how to kill them, others were either really confused or made no sense.

Cats! I love cats! 

Selling free bark! Straight from the oven! Wait, do we even have ovens?

Look humans, do you think they have waffles on them? I love waffles!

We should let them through.

Shut up, no one likes you.

I have a wart.

How do you have a wart? You're a tree!

Oh. Then it's probably not a wart.

Did someone say waffles?

It was overwhelming. He staggered to the ground, he looked over to Crosby, he himself was face down in the mud. He started hitting himself in the head over and over again with his fists. Jordan needed to think of something quick.

"Excuse me! Could I speak to you're leader?"

Why should we let you human! 

Yes! Make a Quiche!

I'll make you into a quiche Morzen! 

SILENCE! A large voice yells.

Suddenly everything quieted, all the trees' stopped gibbering and stopped moving. Jordan and Crosby got up and looked in the direction of the only sounds. A giant oak tree stood there, so this was there leader.

I have heard you human. Why do you ask for me? The great oak asks.

"Well, we need passage through your forest."

A deep rumble came as a reply, he guessed it was laughter.

Why should I? You would make lovely meals, we would pull you under ground and absorb you. Slowly over a few weeks, you would decompose and your body will be absorbed into the trees' around you.

Perhaps even made into a quiche!


Sorry master.

Anyways, we have no intention in letting you leave, we haven't been eating well ever since those blasted humans with guns came, we killed them all of course. But ever since no one would come  in the forest! 

Jordan now saw why the fifty Flarers had failed, you couldn't fight trees. And the survivors were obviously traumatized, or listened to the voices for too long, he could easily see how that can drive you insane. 

"Then we'll have to kill some of you as we escape." He threatened half heartedly.

No reply. Either the trees' took his threat seriously, or they've gone dormant again.

Suddenly roots erupted around them, ivy flew from the trees, they wrapped around the horses, they whinnied and kicked at the roots, but they grabbed their legs, the ivy then wrapped around the torso. The horse was slowly pulled downwards, when it got to ground level, more roots grew and took the ivy's place, the horse screamed all the way into the ground. The dirt parted as the horses was pulled deeper. Soon enough the dirt was filling itself. Both horses were gone in seconds.

Crosby drew his gun and fired at a tree.

That was rude, chided the tree Morzen.

Roots entangled their feet, he struggled against the pull downwards but there was nothing he could do, vines entangled his body, he was helpless. A branch swooped down and picked him up in a gnarled hand made of bark.

Haha! There is nothing you can do to stop us! It was the tree from earlier, the one that wanted them absorbed.

He looked down to see Crosby on the ground, half buried already. Jordan had to think. And fast, suddenly he's thrown to the ground, he groaned. The voices of the trees' start up again.

This is fun!

Who do you think will scream the most?

Where are the waffles?

Quiche! We need a quiche! Jordan hears Morzen yell. Morzen picks Jordan up, This shall be our quiche! Morzen screams.

I look down to see Crosby just being covered by dirt, as if he was never there. How long could he hold his breath? Thirty seconds? A minute? He had to stall.

"A quiche is a terrible idea!"

What?! Morton screeched, like he had just pushed him off a cliff.

Yes! I agree with the human! No quiches!

"No, if you want something, tasty, make me a s'more! Just cook me over a fire-"



Not possible, NOT POSSIBLE

Our only weakness!


Let them go! Let them go!

"Yeah! Thats right! I want you to release my friend or I'll burn this entire forest to the ground!"

How will you do that human? He hear the king tree ask.

"I uh... Have matches in my pocket."He lied.

Jordan hears an explosion, and he looks down to find Crosby gasping for breath on the tree floor.

Fine, you have free passage through the forest. But if you ever enter this forest again, we will kill you instantly.

Suddenly the wind dies down. He fell from the limp branch that once was Morzen.

Jordan landed next to Crosby, "Holy crap..." he murmured.

"Lets leave, now." Jordan said.

They left the forest immediately, not wanting to risk it again. When they had left, Jordan swore that he saw the trees watching him. 

"We need horses, we still have a bit to go, since we didn't get through the forest, we could walk, but the Flarers might find out we gave them the slip."

"True," Crosby considered it, "well, for now were gonna have to walk."

So they walked.

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