Chapter 8

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The Badger Beak tavern was not what Jordan had expected, you would expect an outlaws hiding place and a know place for murderers would be dark and looming. What he was not expecting was the bright yellow painted house with kids playing on the sidewalk in front of it. This had to be a joke, but Crosby didn't joke.

"This is the Badger Beak tavern?"

"Yup." Replied Crosby, opening the door and walking in. 

Dessa and Jordan followed him in, walking past the kids who stared at them. He led them through a hallway and down a flight of stair to the basement.

"You must be joking, this can't possibly be the Badger Beak tavern!"

"Who said anything about this being it?"

"You just did," pointed out Dessa.

Crosby walked over to the closet on the far side of the basement and grabbed the handle.

"Well we're not here for this, we're here for what's under it." 


So they had a stairway hidden in the closet, huh never thought of that before; mused Jordan. He followed Crosby down the flight of stairs, Dessa skipped past them singing a little tune, not feeling the tiniest bit of worry entering a potential war zone. 

"So where will Margerie be?" Jordan asked.

"I'm not sure, we'll just have to find out I guess." Crosby replied.

By then Dessa had reached the bottom and had already left their sight. They heard a small tune playing that slowly got louder and louder as the two made their way down the hidden stair case and into the Badger Beak Tavern. Then they reached the bottom.

Inside was just like Jordan had expected, a room with tables and chairs everywhere, a bartender tending to the bar and people sitting around drinking beer. Just like your average tavern. 

As soon as he had walked through the door he knew who Margerie was. She had an armed escort around her and she easily stood out with her ginger hair. In addition, she had an annoyed face- Probably because Dessa was next to her trying to start a conversation...

Margerie then spotted him. She smiled, not a friendly. Anything but a friendly one - a cold smile.

Jordan walked over to the table, and took the seat opposite from her. 

"If it isn't the infamous Jordan Jahagran!" She said.

"And I'll just assume that your Margerie."


"You said you had information for me."

"Ah, quick to the point are we? Well, I have some information that would shock you, of course you probably already know what I'm talking about don't you Jordan?"

"My parents."

She laughed, "indeed! Too bad they died when you were so young, but yes I have information about your parents - but it comes at a price."

Jordan sighed, of course there was a price for information, there always was. "What do you want  me to do."

"Kill Sirena."

The entire tavern went quiet. As if suddenly it was holding its breath. Information like that shouldn't be thrown around, someone here would no doubt try and tell Sirena. But that's exactly what Margerie wanted. 

Someone got up to leave, trying to act casual, but it was too obvious that he was trying to leave to tell Sirena. If he was smart he would of just stayed in the tavern until they did then try to outpace them. If he was smart.

Margerie stood up and without a word pulled out a pistol and shot him in the head. He crumpled to the ground and stayed put. Throughout the room you could here the sounds of guns cocking and bullets being loaded. Things were about to get dirty.

Jordan grabbed Crosby and pulled him into the corner of the room right when the entire room exploded with gunfire. The sound of gun shots and laughter filled the room. He pulled a table onto its side for cover and he and Crosby hid behind it. 

"What are we going to do?" Jordan asked.

"The only thing we can do- Fight." He replied as he pulled out a pistol and point blank shot it into the back of a man in front of him.

In this there were no teams. The goal was to survive, the only people who weren't turning and shooting their friends in the back were the Gastronians, who were having a hell of a time killing everyone around them.

One of the Gastronians tried to take cover with them, he crouched down to reload his gun but Jordan kicked him out of cover, with a look of surprise he looked at them. Slowly overcome with anger he finished reloading his gun and pointed it at him. Jordan closed his eyes but waited, while nothing happened. He opened them to find the man on his side coughing up blood. A bullet in his side. He tried to lift his gun at the person across the room who had shot him but he didn't have the strength. He closed his eyes and lost consciousness. 

Jordan pulled out his gun and made sure it was loaded before firing across the room, catching a man in the shoulder. He fell in pain out of view. Jordan looked around for the easiest targets and largest threats-spying one holding a sub machine gun. He hid behind the bar counter, randomly popping up to spray a target with bullets to hide once more, just to hop up again. The Gastronians were having trouble putting him down.

He saw the man pop up and he instantly fired two bullets, but he was down before either of them could reach him. He was fast. He came up again without warning and sprayed bullets in his direction, Jordan ducked into cover behind the table but the bullets shredded the weak wood and broke half of it off. Then he ducked down and was away.

Jordan breathed a sigh of relief, the wall next and behind him were peppered with bullets. But Jordan now knew how the man could tell where everyone was, he just had to test his theory.

He popped up again and shot at a someone a few meters to Jordans left, the man screamed and slumped to the ground, starting to sob quietly, his clothes beginning to turn red with his blood. But as that man suffered someone else shot at the man behind the counter but he was gone. Just to appear in a different place to shoot the man who had previously shot at him.

His theory was right, he would look at the wall behind him to see which direction the bullets had come from, to find the location of any shooter. Or at least he was doing something like that, Jordan wasn't sure.

Crouching behind the partly destroyed table, he silently cursed that Crosby hadn't run off to the action, he couldn't think of a plan to take that guy out without giving away his position and killed. Plus its not like he's the only one out there, there are most likely another fifteen people up and shooting. Not counting the Gastronians of course who were still shooting and laughing. The fight had turned into a massacre, and Margerie was relishing it.

But his problem was solved by Margerie herself when she threw a grenade over the counter that exploded immediately. Droplets of blood were sprayed against the wall but the body wasn't in view. So much for his plan, that was none existent. But then something that surprised him mightily happened. The gunshots stopped.

He peeked from the table to see the Gastronians walking around the tavern, kicking at bodies to see if they were still alive. Jordan saw one of them find a man faking out, he kicked the man in the side and the man winced, without hesitation he shot the man point blank four times in the chest. But Jordan didn't pay attention to that, he was looking for Crosby.

He saw Dessa chatting with Margerie over to one side, but ignored her. There he found him, Crosby was sitting on a chair looking tired. Aside from that he was fine. But of course they didn't have a moment of peace.

"So do you accept the deal or what?" Said Margerie walking over.

He nodded. "I accept your deal."

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