"Chapter Four"

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Diana fell asleep again while Loki was able to try popcorn for the first time. I can see he's enjoying himself but I am still wary of him. He was still having his eyes glued to the book.

"Loki." I said his name as his green eyes moved up, looking at me.


"I have so many unanswered questions..." I paused as I saw he closed his book and turns slightly to my direction.

"I'm still confused as to why to you want to help."

"Simple. I wanted to see that weak person show submission once more."

So he DOES remember...

"So you do remember..."

"Of what?" Then it hit him, "Oh yes... I do remember your boss. Seeing how he was quick to bow down to me and say "spare me! Spare me! I don't want to die!" Loki was evilly grinning at this point.

"So it's not because of him being..." my voice trailed off.

"Somewhat. A cocky man like him should deserve the rightful punishment by having his heart ripped out before his very eyes."

Ironic he's a cocky man and wants to put down another cocky man. Loki chuckled.

"At least I have dignity." He said, reading my mind.

"But you killed people." I said, somewhat calling him out.

He held up his finger.

"That's because-" His voice trailed off. He definitely looked frustrated. Gotcha.

He took a deep breath.

"Look... I want to help since I have nothing better to do."

"But why help? Why not escape?"

"You sure love to press questions, Anna."

I rolled my eyes.

"Let's just say... I can sense you're a good person. Your aura is very intriguing."

"My aura?"

He nods.

"Yes... I sense you are a good person and I wanted to stay... other than your friend, you're so enticing. I also don't know where else to go." He admits.

So... he's alone. He needs some friends. God I can't help to pity him. But maybe Mari and Diana are right: maybe I'm too trusting and weak.

"Who says you're weak?" He read my mind again and asked.

"Will you stop that?"

He looked offended.

"If your friends think you're too trusting and weak, then maybe you need new friends." He paused, "Yes I can tell you're afraid of me... I do enjoy people fearing me yes but if I want to stay here I want to at least stand my ground."

I looked away... I looked at Diana for a moment whom is fast asleep... hopefully not listening.

"Anne." He said my name coldly, trying to get my attention.

But I am weak. I've been walked on as a welcome mat for so long... I felt his hands touch mine. It felt... cold?

"How about this: you come with me and get away from them for awhile." Loki says.

"I thought you said you had no where to go?" I sharply asked still avoiding eye contact.

"I don't but we can go somewhere else together." He suggests.

I looked down at my hands and still saw him trying to hold my hands. His hands felt cold as ice. But it also felt smooth... it hasn't been 24 hours and I'm driving myself insane with Loki's presence. I know it's not love... and maybe that's what Diana and Mari was trying to do: save me from becoming attached.

They've been there for me since day one. Ever since I was orphaned...

"Anna. Listen to me." Loki said, once again trying to get my attention.

I closed my eyes, averting his stare. That and I need to think.

"Anna." I felt his hands grip onto mine once more.

"... I don't know." I said, "I can't just leave her here. She'll freak out."

Loki sighed.

"Just come with me... get away from them." He paused, "If they're worried and can't trust your judgment through all of it, then they're not your friends."

I shook my head... no. I know what he's doing. He's trying to manipulate me at my weakest point.

"No..." I paused, "You're probably gonna take me to play mind games. Just because you're here doesn't mean you can control me!" I said a little louder on purpose.

Diana didn't wake up but rolled over. Loki shook his head and sigh.

"You're very stubborn, girl." He said, annoyed. "But I want to help."

"And why should I trust you to help me? I still don't know how you're gonna help me with being my "fake boyfriend." And all."

"Simple: we need to practice. Are you good with acting?"

I made an annoyed groan noise.

"If I weren't a CEO's assistant I'd probably be an actress... as a side job."

"Oh?" Loki's eyebrow raised, curious, "What are you interested in?"

Like I'd tell you. Loki sighed.

"Come on, we need to practice. Tell me."

I crossed my arms.

"Please... I don't know why you're even helping me."

"Because I hate to see a beautiful Midgardian such as yourself let yourself be treated like scum by a boss and your friends!" He admits.

My cheeks felt warm... beautiful?

"...Beautiful?" I said in shock.

Loki groans.

"Damn it, Anne. I know we haven't known each other for long but your stubbornness but soft and gentle personality... that's what it's making me stay. I'm attracted to you... Anne..."


"I'm attracted to you, Anne Wright."

So... all this time? The teasings...? The banters...? All of this time even though it's not even a day?!

"...How long you had this feeling?"

"Since the beginning."

It all makes sense. Why he wants me to leave with him. He wants that fantasy of fairy tales of running away to be together.


"Why what?"

"Why fall for me? I'm just only luggage-"

He puts his finger to my lips, shushing.

"You sure ask a lot of questions."

"I just want to know... why? We barely know each other. This is too soon to even confess. I don't know where the hell you learned how to confess to a girl that you just met."

"That's the problem: I was from a realm where we fall fast and confess to one another... like the fairy tale stories."

"Well here it's much different. The man usually confesses after a few dates." I explained.

He listened.

"But does love at first sight exist?"

"Sometimes, yes."

Loki nods. I didn't say anything, still shocked of the confession.  He didn't say a word either.

"...So what are you two midgardian women doing traveling together?" He broke the awkward silence.

I didn't say anything right away only laying down.

"We're here for a musical festival." I only put it. I didn't mention the bucket list that we made together when we were in our teen years.

"What is this music festival?" He asked still sitting up.

"...Let me sleep." I finally said as I felt the second wind hit me, making me exhausted.

He didn't say anything, finally I can sleep now...

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