"Chapter Nine"

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I can't sleep. That goddamn traitor is still on my mind. I don't know how long they're keeping me here... but I need to finds ways to get that midgardian out of my brain.

I know I feel pity for her because I'm still in love with her, but this has to stop.... But am I so sure about this? Am I ready to forget this girl whom made my cold heart warm for the first time?

I heard the doors open... and I knew it was Anne because I can hear her thoughts.

I have to do this... I have to do this. Her thoughts were loud and clear. I guess she too was thinking the same thing.

"Loki." She said my name, her voice sounded hoarse once more.

I almost wanted to run near the glass but... I'm trying to remain strong.

"We're alone. We can talk." She would say softly.

Is she serious? She's still wanting to squeeze info out of me? Did all of our times we had were nothing?!

"There's nothing else to talk about." I said coldly.

"There is." She crossed her arms.

I noticed her eyes looked puffy... was she crying...?

"I told you. You betrayed me."

"You brainwashed me." She said in a snarky tone.

I almost cracked a grin.

"That was all on you, midgardian. You pitied me and took me in when we were strangers. Even if I tried, you were a feisty one."

"Because I am a good person. Unlike you." She responded back, "I try to see the good in everyone but you... you..."


"Is this love, Wright?" I would quote what I said to Romanoff years ago.

This made her eyebrows raised.

"Definitely not, Laufeyson."

I can definitely sense the tension. God it's hard to forget a girl like her.

"Just tell me the truth, Loki. Why did you come to Midgard in the first place?" She asked.

I shook my head. No. I'm not going to tell her.


I can see Loki's still upset with me. As figured. Even though I don't blame him... but.....

"Are you just gonna stand there, Wright?"

I know he's listening to my thoughts. I feel bad but also I feel... I feel...

"You're feeling the love for me."

I felt a vomit in my throat.

"No." I responded, covering my mouth.

He gets closer to the cell.

"If you were, why did you do this? We—"

"Loki. I wasn't in love with you. Love is different here in Midgard." I said.

"You're in denial, Anne. I can see it in your eyes that you hate me being in here. You want to comfort me."

Is he...? God damn it.

"You can't deny you felt something, Anne."

"Pity?" I said, "Because that's what I feel."

"You're feeling—"

And once again he believes I'm in love with him. I swear to god—

"Loki. Just tell me the truth. If you tell me the truth, I'd be out of your life."

"I seriously doubt that, Ms. Wright." He said with a laugh.

I felt annoyed and disgusted.

"Just. Tell. Me. The. Truth." I repeated coldly.

Loki didn't say anything, still laughing. You know what? Fuck this. I'm taking matters into my own hands. I stormed off.

"That was unsuccessful." Jarvis said in a very low voice that echoed the building. I looked up and shushed. Instead of heading back to my room to try to sleep, I went to the computer labs. There were a few agents awake.

"Ms. Wright-" one of them said.

"I won't be here long. I just need—"


"Let us take this matter in our own hands."

"No. I cannot stand idly by and let you guys try to solve this investigation on Loki AND who I truly am on your own."

They continued to resist on me helping. I can only just nod and leave. So much looking into the databases and find any record of me. But then again, I haven't been a bad person other than harboring an criminal for a few days.

I went to "my," room once again and lay on the bed. Instead of sleeping, I had to try think... Even if they refused for me to help. How can I—

—Wait. I got it! I gotta find Thor. But first, I need to sleep...

Next morning

Surprisingly, the agents and heroes had let me slept in. I did eventually get up and found Tony.

"Mornin'" He responded.

"Hey..." I yawned.

"Heard you were up last night."


"Yeah... let me guess."

Tony nods.

"Jarvis can see everything you know."

Traitor. I thought.

"I'm assuming you tried to get Loki to tell you?"

"Tried. Still won't talk." I said as I yawned and he passed me a cup.

A ginger hair woman walks in.

"Tony you—"

She looks at me. I shyly smiled.

"Hi, I'm Anne." I introduced with a shy but friendly smile.

She smiled back. I can tell she's definitely out of the loop.

"I'll give you two time to talk. I'll just steal some Poptarts."

"Poptarts?" Tony said with an eyebrow raised.

"Yea. I don't wanna intrude."

That woman softly smiled.

"You aren't intruding at all..." The woman said, "or at least I hope not."

I made a small laugh that made Tony gave a cold glare. I went to grab the Poptarts and wander for a bit. I'm not exactly going to look for Thor but get used to my surroundings since I know I'll be staying here for awhile. I looked around until I made the labs. I saw one lone scientist trying to take deep breaths. I would knock cautiously on the door to get his attention.

The scientist looked at me. His veins looks a little green for some odd reason?

"You okay, sir?"

"I—I'm fine." He would try to say.

I shook my head.

"No you don't..."

If only Shield confiscated my phone when I first arrived. I always had an album and used this one to help with my stress.

"...I know this seems rude for me to ask but do you know where my phone is?" I curiously asked.

The scientist weakly smiled as he would go into one of the drawers and passes me my phone.

"I don't— I don't—"

I can see that he's turning more green and I would quickly use my phone and put on some calming music. This made the scientist's veins slowly turn back to normal and his rapid breathing began to slow.

"Thank you...."


"Yes, Anne. I've been doing research about you."

"And I'm assuming it's pretty bad that it for you to stress out?"

"...Yeah." He shyly admits, "Bruce."

I nod.

"Have you seen Thor by the way?"

"He's probably out doing mission or doing what he usually does... why?"

"Well firstly: since he says Loki is his brother, It made me realize that the answers lie within Asgard."

He nods before making an awkward smile.

"This is going to sound weird but may I have a piece of your hair? I need it to conduct research." He awkwardly asked.

Which I didn't find it weird. I know he's just going to use it for research and discard after he's done.

"Of course. Just a strand or?" I would grab my hair to try find a loose one.

"Just a tiny chunk."

"How tiny?"

He awkwardly smiled. I have a bad feeling about this...


Bruce attempted to chop a bit of my hair off but it looks horrible. I had to convince most of the staff to let me go get my hair done and fixed. I also figured to change my hair color and try to go something new and different.

Once finished, I was supposed to head back but I just been stuck in that compound, I just want to explore New York. I know I might get an earful but...

I felt someone touched my shoulder suddenly. I almost immediately went into defense mode.

"Easy there, Lady Anne." Thor's familiar voice spoke.

"Thor?" I said in surprise, "I thought you'd be doing missions."

"I did. Finished early and saw you... your hair looks different."

"Thank you." I smiled softly.

"So what are you doing? I thought you'd be back at the compound."

"Bruce needed a bit of my hair for research and he messed it up so..."

"You got your hair done." He finished for me.

My stomach loudly rumbled.

"You want to eat, Lady Anne?"


"I know of a pub—"

"I want McDonald's. Something small and light." I explained.

Thor looked at me confused.

"Macdonalds?" He said confused.

"You had been here for awhile and never had it?"

Thor shook his head. Then... I guess I'm helping another "god," for a bit... again.

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