"Chapter Twenty One"

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...So, apparently there's an man with the power to open portal and his head was just poking out. I began to use my magic.

"Talk. What the hell do you want?"

"To talk, kid."

"I don't know if I should trust you." I paused, "I'm not a kid. I'm a young adult."

He rolled his eyes.

"Sure, kid."

"Now give me one good reason why I shouldn't hurt you or shout for help?"

Finally, Loki was slowly waking up with all the commotion. The creep noticed and used his magic to quickly pull the portal and close. Somehow... I'm in a different place?

"What the hell, creep!!"

The man just makes another fake laugh.

"Creep? I'm just wanting to talk."

"Then. Talk." I said threateningly.

"...I see why in other verses, Loki has married you or in some cases... loved you."

Verses? Marriage? Loved? What the hell is he going on about?

"What do you want?"

"Look, kid."

"I have a name. It's Anne...." I wasn't sure whether to use Stark or—

"I know. In many cases you're Anne Stark, some you are Anne Wright and some you went by as Anne LokiWife."

I raised my eyebrow. I still wasn't putting my guard down.

"And? What do you want from me?"


"To what?"

The man shook his head in disbelief for a moment before letting out an irritated sigh. He used his magic to show everything. From one "verse," to the next. It all had different stories and versions... realities. Then... it all ends with one thing: a witch.

"Do you remember Wanda Maximoff?"

That name... it was very familiar.

"...Yes. They tried to make a version of me like her in a way. Why?"

"Let's just say that after seeing the many realities, you need to be trained and protected."

"Protected? I'm sick and tired of this protection and shelter. As I just learnt I'm not weak."

"Of course you are with the bright IQ. But." He points his finger up, "You do not realize there's danger—"

"If it's Loki, he loves me. He wouldn't be dangerous or try to harm me."

He shook his head and face palmed.

"Naive we are to fall for the prince of lies and mischief."

...and he does have a point. But I'm tired of being told I can't love Loki. But he's changed. He hasn't harmed me or anyone in quite some time... but...

"And that proves my point." He noticed my silence.

"...Look at the realities again, sir."

"It's Stephen Strange."

"Okay... Strange. Look at the verses again. Because in some of them I married him."

"But in others he's either died for you, or you died and Loki became the lonely and grieving god."

I hate to be manipulated by the good guys.

"If you're trying to sway me to believe and manipulate me like the rest then you're sadly mistaken, Mr. Strange." I paused, "Although I do appreciate the generosity but I don't need any help."

He shook his head once more.

"And get yourself manipulated by the scarlet witch and have her use all your power for the bad purposes?"

I clenched my hands into fists. He used his fingers once more to replay everything once more. I stood my ground, shaking.

"Stubborn we are, Wright."

"...I need time to think."

"Make it quick since I'm not patient and Wanda is trying to look for you." He paused, "I should be... glad that Loki in a way is helping with throwing her off her tracks but it's only temporarily."

I sighed. Somehow we're at the rooftops... and I looked around and it was just me. I looked down and... back at New York. Everything from just now was playing on repeat. Yes... Loki has been helpful since the beginning and I'm eternally grateful and I felt bad I was such a jerk. He doesn't understand the concept of time. Suddenly... I felt something was put on my back?

I looked and it was the cape he was wearing. The cloak... it's almost human. It's trying to comfort me.

"...Thank you." I spoke softly to the cloak, holding the long cape of the cloak around me for warmth.

I hate how that once again Loki helps me from the bottom of his heart and I might repay him by being a shitty person. I had to make a fast decision because if this villain is after me... then I need all the help I can take.

"...I'm ready. But I have something to do."

Strange teleports me back to the main area.

"That is?"


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