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It feels like an eternity of heading to point B. I know I needed this... but why did I go along with this idea?

"Annieeeee." Diana said in a singsong voice.

"What is it?" I asked.

"How far are we from the motel? It's so boring."

"Hey! This was your idea!" I said back.

Diana sighs.

"You do have a point... but it was on our bucket list."

I half smiled.

"Yep as well numerous other things." I said, smiling.

"You don't seem too enthusiastic about it."

"I'm pretty tired." I admit, "Last motel we stayed at, the bed was so uncomfy." I continued.

"You could've told me. I wouldn't mind taking over."

"No you did last time... I wanted to take my turn driving." I said.

Diana half smiled.

"You always are stubborn, but that's why I love ya."

I chuckled. Diana turned up the radio to a song that's playing as she sung along. Then something caught my eye while looking at the road. Something in the sky. It almost looked like a shooting star... but in broad daylight?

"Diana look at the sky!" I said as Diana whom was singing and looking at her phone.

"Huh what?"

"Look at the sky!" I repeated as she looked up to the sky.

The star looked to get closer by a millisecond. I had to pull over and look. It looked as if whatever it is gonna land on the ground at any given second.


The ground rumbled from the impact. It was not far from here.

"I'm going to investigate."

"Are you insane? What if it's a meteor? What if it's-"

"Just stay here. Please?" I begged.

Diana frowned.

"If it's something dangerous you just run and I'll contact the authorities. Ok?"

I nod as I began to run.

30 minutes later...

I approached the crater and looked down. It definitely wasn't a meteor for sure but what is it? I looked for a stick that's long enough to poke it. All I can find is rocks and such. Should I even get closer?
Suddenly the thing moved and I went grab my switchblade from my back pocket.

The thing... was a person? The stranger looked to be in pain and was moaning.

"Are you okay?" I asked the person whom rolled over and moved his cape. The strange man looked at me before he stands proudly.

"I am Loki of Asgard. Your new king."

My eyebrow raised. He definitely hit his head. He saw my switchblade and chuckled.

"Is this-"

My phone goes off and I checked. This "Loki," looked at my phone rather curiously. It was Diana.

"What's going on?" Diana first asked.

"It's some weird person who fell out of the sky."

"Weird?! I am a god you dull creature!"

Diana heard it because she went really quiet.

"I'm going to call the police-"

"Diana. Let me handle this. I was the one who discovered the mess."

"Anna, you're exhausted! You're not even thinking straight!" Diana said in a worried tone.

I looked at the male person who calls himself a "god," he was hunched and favoring his side. His green eyes looked back at me looking at me very seriously.

"Diana... Don't worry about me. I'm fine. I just need sleep after this." I admit.

Diana sighs.

"Okay... I do hope you know what you're doing."

"I know... I'll be back in a few." I said as I hung up.

"Now who are you?" "Loki," asked as he was trying to find something but couldn't.

"And why should I tell you oh so great god?" I said sarcastically.

He took notice.

"You're the one who found me, midgardian."

Midgardian? I swear this man definitely hit head hard to make him talk funny.

"Take me to your medic."

"Well then, your highness. We're in middle of nowhere." I pointed out.

"Well are you a medic?"

I crossed my arms looking at him coldly.

"Are you?"

"...Why should I help you? You've literally just fell out of the sky."

He made an offended noise.

"Thank you for pointing that out, midgardian."

"This "midgardian," has a name." I said in a snarky tone.

"And that is?"

I guess I have no choice. Diana's probably going to call the authorities about this mess. I immediately put my switch blade away.

"Anne." I said I held out my hand.

"How did you do that?" He asked intrigued about what I did with my switchblade.

"It's my switchblade." I said briefly, still holding my outreached hand to him.

Finally, he takes it and climbs from the crater he made.

"Come with me."

I can't believe I have to do this but... I had to help and not leave him stranded. Let's hope Diana doesn't freak out.

Moments later...

"You're just...! You're gonna let a stranger ride in our car?!" Diana says in shock.

"He's injured... it's crazy I know."

Loki didn't say a word but only observed. Diana looked at him and observed his clothing.

"From the looks of it. He's not from here."

"I am from Asgard."

"Asgard..." Diana repeats then turns towards me, "Even though I think this is insane but I always trust your judgment, Annie."

"Annie? I thought it was Anne?" Loki asked now confused.

"Annie is a nickname..." I explained.

"Nickname?" Loki was curious.

Diana begins to drive.

"It's like another name. Like I go by Annie. Diana goes by Di or Didi." I explained.

He listened while I went to through the luggage.

"...About that dagger of yours."

"Switchblade." I corrected.

"Whatever. I'm intrigued of it... I have never seen any like that."

My eyes looked at Diana whom I can tell she looked at the review mirror and looked directly at me with concern. I know he's definitely faking it. I found the first aid kit and began to tend to his wounds.

"Now what made you land in the desert?" Diana asked.

He didn't say anything obviously ignoring her.

"Hey! I was asking you a question!" Diana said annoyed.

"And I won't answer it, puny midgardian." He said back.

"Puny?! Who are you puny?!" Diana began to yell.

"Di..." I said her name first, "Calm down. I know you don't trust him."

"You think?! He came falling out the sky! No other being would just randomly fall out the sky and land on the ground injured!" Diana says.

She does have a point. I'm still wary of him as well. And Loki was definitely enjoying the argument as he's evilly smiling.

"Loki. Don't think you're slick. I still don't trust you and I only made an exception because I always help people in need." I said.

"Then that makes you weak and pathetic to help me and try to trust me." He said, chuckling.

"You were the one who asked me if I was a medic," I paused, "Which I'm not by the way."

"I am a nurse but I won't treat a random stranger that fell from the sky." Diana says.

Then Loki sat up.

"Then you must not hurt me!" Loki cried towards me.

"Aw shut up you big baby. Diana taught me."

His green eyes stared at me for a moment.

"... where's the designation are you both heading two?"

"A motel."

"A what now?"

"A motel." I explained.

Ho boy this is gonna be a long journey with a possible alien in our car.

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