Chapter 5: Memories

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"-Why did you bring her here!? We're already running low on supplies. We don't need another mouth to feed!"

"I know, but she was just lying there on the ground, I couldn't let her die-"

"That's the whole point of banishing her! Did you forget she killed Mel?" The voice hissed, deep and angry.

"How are we so sure it's her? It could have been anyone,"

"Her hands were covered with blood."

"Maybe she was trying to help him-"

"Then why didn't you say that earlier?"

Silence. The voice determined on saving me seemed taken back by that question.

Someone sighed before walking away, then stopped, "You better know what you're doing." Footsteps walked away before a bang, probably the door, was shut.

The other person in the room groaned.

Silence once again.

I slowly blink my eyes open and stared at the ceiling. Where am I? Who was that? What just happened?

My encounter with Chancellor Paige hit me full force. WICKED. They gave me back my memory. They wanted me to begin another stage. One that was only to be executed if there was no other option available. But...

Did I really have the guts to pull it off? Was I really going to begin the stage? Play as a pawn in WICKED's games?

I pull my gaze away from the ceiling, trying to calm my racing nerves. Gripping the sides of the wooden bed, I pushed myself up.

My whole body was sore, like I pulled every muscle I had. I let out a tiny groan, taking in the small room I was in.

The door was shut, voices murmuring behind it. There was only one chair in the room where someone was currently sitting in. His dark head in his hands as he continued breathing deeply.

"Well, this is awkward." I blurted out after a few seconds of staring at him.

The boy's head shot up.


"Lira!" He ran to me, trapping me in a hug.

The air was knocked out of my lungs the second his skin made contact with mine. I gasped, trying to breath. My head exploded in pain; I squeezed my eyes shut as the pain slowly crept throughout my brain.

Then it stopped.


I feel absolutely nothing.

I opened my eyes, staring into a void of black. I couldn't see anything, feel anything, smell anything. It was as if someone had stolen my five senses, leaving me senseless.

My heart skipped a beat when a small boy appeared in front of me, completely out of thin air. I stared in shock as the darkness around him slowly morphed into a room. He was staring intently at my side. I slowly turned around to find a girl I hadn't noticed. She was small and looked like the boy's age, if not younger.

The boy sighed angrily, "I know you can hear me, just say something."

The girl raised her and I took a step back. She looked exactly like me. From her dark hair to her eyes. It was like I was staring at a mirror, a few years back.

"I don't want to!" She yelled, glaring at the boy. I keep on staring at her- well younger me- in shock. Am I dreaming? this a memory?

The boy sighed once more, 'Please, Lira. I know you don't want to do this, even I don't want to. But we have to at least try. Please."

Younger me glared at the boy, "I hate this! I hate them! Why do we have to do it, Tom?"

I turn to the boy. Tom? He looked familiar, with the brown hair and eyes. Almost like-


He didn't even flinch when I said his name, like he didn't hear me at all. Was I even here?

The door behind him opened and a girl walked in.

Then I was falling back. Back to the darkness that surrounded me, back to silence, back to senseless.

Someone was shaking me. I snapped my eyes open to find Thomas holding my arms.

"Lira! Are you ok?!!"

I stared at him. He looked just like the little boy, from his hair down to his chin. Every detail. Even his eyes were the same, if not a bit darker. My gaze drifts to the wall behind him, relieving the memory over and over again.

He shook me once more, "Lira...?"

"I remember," I look up and meet his eyes. "I remember you."

Sooooooooo, whatcha think?
I know I've said this a lot and it's probably annoying at this point but please point out any mistakes, places that confuse you or anything else that might help me be a better writer.
Know that this is only a first draft and I'm still learning how to write a story.
If you have any suggestions, tips or ideas that might be helpful don't be afraid to share them!
Just don't be a meanie and we're good to go!
P.s I have no idea what to write in the next chapter.

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