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The sky had completely darkened and the only light I could see was the pale moon hanging in the night sky. The bread and cheese Marie had brought me hadn't satisfied my appetite and my stomach was rumbling with protest. I patted it regretfully and curled up into a ball to try to sleep.

I couldn't sleep.

Eventually, I gave up and stood on my tip-toes to look through the barred window. The Glade was dimly illuminated and I could make out the shapes of Gladers sleeping on the ground, occasionally tossing or shifting in their bags. I sighed, trying to memorize every detail of the place I had lived for, well, as long as I could remember. The thick trees where I had first met Marie. The Box in the middle where I had come up, confused and scared. The Kitchen where Jenny had made the best food any of us had ever tasted. I felt tears starting to leak out and wiped them away furiously, determined not to break down again.

As I stared out into the Glade, fatigue started to take over my body and I gladly succumbed to it, laying down on the cold floor and closing my eyes. My mind drifted off again and I fell into a fitful sleep.

"You'll be fine."

I opened my eyes to see a boy, around sixteen years old, smiled at me. I smiled back at him and looked around the room, sighing.

I seemed to be in some sort of hospital room, with tubes coming in and out of my body and a beeping heart monitor beside my bed. The boy was sitting on a wooden stool and had a baseball cap jammed over his head, hiding the mop of dark, curly hair. He was fiddling with a pencil and tossing it back and forth in his hands, apparently not paying much attention to me.

"You'll be fine," he repeated, focusing on me at last. "I promise. Teresa promises. Okay?" I smiled sadly. I knew he meant it, but promises didn't mean much when survival was desperate and odds were stacking against the human race.

"I know, but. . . take care of Jesse for me, will you?" I asked, hoping for a nod. The boy didn't answer for a moment, then nodded.

"I will," he said softly. "I'll make sure Genevieve's safe too." I knew they were empty words, every one of them. But it still made me feel better.

I sighed and examined the inside of my wrists. There was a tiny needle connected to a thin tube inserted in a vein in both of them, sucking out small amounts of blood every minute and sending them to the lab for testing. At least it didn't hurt too badly — it stung a little, but I didn't mind.

"Rest for now, alright?" he asked, gently pushing my head back onto my pillow. I grinned.

"Protective as always, Cuz," I murmured as the boy picked up a syringe full of a clear liquid and looked apologetically at me.

"Gotta give you a sedative now," he said, positioning the needle on my left forearm. "You should be out in thirty or so seconds, then Paige'll want you transported to the labs." I nodded and watched as the needle entered my skin and I felt a painful pinprick. The boy pressed down the plunger and I felt a wave of exhaustion enter my system. The boy gave me about half of the entire syringe's contents and withdrew the needle, glancing at me worriedly.

"I feel okay," I said, my words a bit heavy. "Just - just keep Jesse safe, right?" The boy smiled and nodded again. I smiled and whispered, "See you in the Maze, Thomas."

I woke up with a start, confused when I scanned my surroundings. Then I remembered yesterday's events and a weighted sigh escaped my lips. I looked out the tiny window and judging by the sun's position, it was a little past noon. Normally, I would've looked to my watch for the time, but Sonya had taken my watch and shoes when she had locked me in.

"Hey." Marie smiled at me through the rusty iron bars and squeezed in a sandwich wrapped in clear film. I ate it hungrily, stuffing my mouth full and swallowing far too quickly. Marie chuckled softly and gave me some water, which I chugged eagerly.

As I swallowed the refreshing drink, Marie said, "The Collective had a final vote an hour ago. For your Banishment."

I froze, my hand halfway to screwing the cap back onto the water bottle. I looked at Marie, waiting for an answer to my silent question.

Marie seemed to know what I was thinking and mumbled, "They're scared, Neil. You get that, right?"

My heart sank and I suddenly felt very sick. I handed Marie the bottle and I sat down on the Lockup floor, fighting to keep down the sandwich. Marie looked sadly at me and I finally found my voice.

"So - when?" I asked in a hoarse voice. Tears pooled in my eyes and I blinked rapidly. determined not to let them spill.

"Sun - sundown," Marie managed, her voice cracking. I nodded and sat down, my chin resting on my knees.

"That's it then," I said, feeling empty. "Sundown. Then it'll be over." I hoped it would be quick.

Marie left, leaving me alone in the Lockup with my thoughts. I had only ever seen one other Banishing, because there had only been one other. It had been violent, scary, aggressive. I wouldn't go like that. I'd much rather go quietly than fight a battle I couldn't possibly win.

The rest of the day had been rough, with only a few visitors. Jenny showed up with a plate of my favorite mashed potatoes and gravy as a goodbye. Clary came to check on my leg in the evening and unwrapped my fingers because they had healed. Marie came over a couple more times, but we didn't talk much. Just sat in silence, contemplating and waiting for sundown.

I hadn't cried for hours. I was numb, emotionless. When the sun finally sank into the horizon, Sonya came and unlocked the door. I stepped out, breathing in the cool air and held out my wrists. Sonya bound my wrists with a leather strip and led me to the Maze doors.

The entire Glade had assembled there, standing in two rows three people deep on either side of the walls. I walked through, limping slightly and keeping my eyes on my feet. Don't look up, I told myself. Don't look up.

But when I was a few meters from the open doors, I suddenly raised my head. "Wait," I said, stopping. "Can I say something?"

Sonya looked toward Harriet, who nodded. Sonya gestured for me to continue and I took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry," I said, making eye contact with as many Gladers as I could and memorizing their sad faces. "I'm really sorry. I don't know what happened - maybe I wasn't thinking - but I'm sorry, whatever happened. I swear, I never would have done it if I was thinking straight. That's all, I suppose."

I looked down back at my feet and waited for Harriet to say something.

"Neil, Keeper of the Runners, you are being sentence to Banishment for the attempted murder of Rachel. The Collective voted at nine thirty-three this morning and tonight, at sundown, you are being Banished," Harriet said, her voice shaking slightly. Sonya nudged my back and I stepped forward, taking one last look behind me. At Marie, who had tears dripping down her chin. At Sonya, who's bottom lip was trembling with repressed sadness. At Rachel, who, despite what I had done to her, was wiping away salty tears.

"Two minutes," came Harriet's quiet voice. Two minutes until the doors closed. I clenched my teeth and walked quickly into the Maze.

When I was a few feet out, I turned around and faced the only people I could remember and worked with for the past two years, almost three. They stared back, some expressionless, some silently crying. I had survived with these people. I wouldn't be alive if it hadn't been for these people, but, I thought dreadfully, I wouldn't be alive much longer.

A terrible grinding noise and with a crunch, the walls started to close. I watched until the walls had slammed together completely, and for a little longer after that.

Then a eerie wail jerked me back to reality and I suddenly realized the weight of the situation. I was alone. In the Maze. With the Grievers.




From Wikipedia:

"Jennifer Anne Doudna is an American biochemist. She is a Li Ka Shing Chancellor Chair Professor in the Department of Chemistry and the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of California, Berkeley."


Eh. I think this one was okay. Not really short, but I finished it pretty early. Please vote, comment and follow!

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