Chapter 5

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"Fine Bardock, if you really want to know, yes, I am an elite. I am the daughter of one of the top elites." She started to cry, I wrapped my arms around her. "You could of just told me, I wouldn't of cared." She looked at me, "I didn't want you to stop liking me because of the fact I'm elite." My parents both stepped in, "don't your folks care about where you are?" She shook her head, "no, they really haven't cared since I could walk, even then, someone else but them took care of me." She opened the door, "I have a surprise for you Bardock," I cocked a brow, she ran outside and took off towards town. "Why don't you just date her if you love her Bardock?" My mother asked me, "because, Gine would go after her and my best friend would kill me." I grabbed my phone and saw I missed fourteen calls from Gine in the past hour. I called her back, "hey, what's up?" She started yelling, "why haven't you answered your phone?" I pulled my phone away from my ear, "because I was hanging out with y/n." I heard a car outside, I walked out and seen y/n in a truck with a boat attached to it. "I have to go Gine," I hung up the phone and put it on silent. "Grab your bathing suits and let's go!" She laughed. The elites had the privilege to own the cars and boats. I grabbed mine, got in the passenger seat while my parents got in the back. "Where we going?" My dad asked, "we're going to the river bank." We pulled off and went to the river, we listened to the music and sang together, enjoying each other's company.

We got to the river bank, she got the boat into the water, I tied it down to the dock as she parked the truck. My parents stepped on, admiring the boat, it was nice out today. She had my hoodie on, "I thought you said it was gonna be chilly today Bardock?" She winked, it was 80 out, she stepped on the boat, I untied it and got on. She pulled it out into the lake, only the elites are out here, this was very exciting for me. She pulled out a box, taking out a yellow tube and pulled out a machine and started pumping it full of air. "Bardock, grab the rope from under the front would you please?" I nodded, grabbing the rope. She tied it to the front of the circular tube, "who wants to go first?" We looked at her confused, then she spoke, "I'm throwing this in the water, hop on Bardock." She put it in the water, I sat down on it, she tied the rope to the back of the boat. "Hold on sweetheart!" She yelled at she drove the boat slowly, the rope tugging onto the tube as the boat got farther. She sped up a little, we passed a few elite boats, them giving weird looks and glares at us as we passed. I could feel the water hit the tube from beneath me, it kinda hurt. We hit a wave and I flew off the tube. She slowed, they pulled in the tube as I came back above the surface. She drove the boat back around, I got up on it and shook off. I was dripping wet from the water. She had me go down below in the boat and change into dry clothes.

I came back up after Changing, my parents went out on the tube and had a blast. I checked my phone as we all settled down and headed inland to go eat. I had almost a hundred missed calls and texts from Gine. One text that caught my eye read:
I know you are only there with her because you want to be with her.

I rolled my eyes and turned my phone back off, I helped haul the boat back onto the trailer and she dropped us off at home before she took the stuff home. She came back about an hour later with pizza, my parents seemed to really like her.

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