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Your POv

In all honesty, I paid no attention at all while they discussed this 'treaty'. I had since moved from the floor and sat beside Alice, curled against her side. "You guys don't even drink from people. why have a treaty" I quietly yawn. "Maybe Jacob can tell you about it sometime" Alice hums, slipping my hand into her cold one. I'm not sure what they decided because in the end I had fallen asleep.


I felt like someone was playing the bongos inside my skull. The painful, rhythmic throbbing causing me to groan. "(f/n), get up" A soft voice chuckles. "No, leave me to die" I groan, curling up with my head between my hands. "Move you hands" they chuckle again before something cool is pressed against my head causing me to latch onto it. "It's just one thing after another with you" they sigh causing me to open my eyes.

"Rose?" I croak, only her blonde hair helping me identify her from the blurred image in front of me. "I've already notified Edward, he'll bring Carlisle" she hums, stroking her cool hand across my head. "I had a feeling this would happen" Carlisle's voice rings out. "Yea, yea. Dumb decisions give you dumb prizes" I groan burying my face in Rose's hand. "At least you're aware" Edward snickers from somewhere out of my vision. "Go ahead laugh it up while your cousin dies" 

"I'll just need to check a few things. Rosalie could you give Mr Swan a call and let him know (f/n)'s condition and get him to contact the school" He sighs, helping me sit up. I had only now noticed how wolf boy's shirt was glued to my skin by my own sweat, my hair damp once again and sticking to my neck and shoulders. "Your body is definitely trying to burn it off" he mumbles removing the thermometer from my mouth. "You have a fairly bad cold, we'll need to keep an eye on your temperature but otherwise you will be staying here and resting" he states, handing me a few pills and a glass of cold water. "I'll stay home" Rosalie offers. I hadn't even noticed her walking in.

Carlisle looked at me for a moment before replying "Actually, I think it would be best if Jacob watched over her" I nearly choked on my water as my brain finally processed what he said.  "No. I want rose" I croaked, giving him a pleading look. "Wolves are able to speed the healing process of their mate by being beside them" Carlisle informs me. "If it will heal her faster then its decided" Rosalie murmurs, both of them making the decision despite my protests.

Great, not only is my first date cancelled but now hes going to babysit me while I'm all sweaty and gross. 

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