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"Since the dawn of time, mankind has been asking the same age-old question... Do blondes have more fun? With Sun Ray hair dye, the answer is 'Yes!'"

Why Allison, Raymond, and Jason were watching this stupid ad while lazing in front of the TV was beyond anyone.

They were in their own little bubble, watching blondes having more fun with Sun Ray hair dye, dreaming about being blonde and having more fun than other colored hair people with their boring colors when there was a sudden and forceful knock on the door.

Like any other dog, when there's someone at the door, Jason let out a loud bark and got into attack position.

Allison picked up a bat from where it was laid against the wall before dashing at the door with Raymond behind her. However, before she could open the door, it was broken in by police officers

"Dallas police! Hands in the air!" The officer shouted as he pointed his gun at her.

Another officer followed behind the other one and went straight for Raymond, "Get your hands behind your head," He ordered and Raymond followed.

Allison still hat the bat and the officer in front of her shouted, "Drop the weapon!" But Allison had no intention before Raymond's voice told her to do so, and so the bat was dropped.

Jason growled at the officer and was ready to attack, before the officer snapped at Allison, "Get your dog, or I will shot it."

Officer Dumb -the one with Raymond- holstered his gun, and punched Raymond in the stomach. Hard.

"Raymond Chestnut, you're under arrest," Officer Dumber -the other one- said calmly while still having his gun pointed at Allison and sometimes Jason.

"No! What are you doing?" Allison screamed as she watched Dumb arresting Raymond brutally.

"What's the charge?" Raymond asked as he was forced to kneel.

"Assault and battery."

Raymond tried to reason, "Officer, this is ridiculous."

"You don't remember?" Dumber asked, looking straight at Allison, "You beat a man without provocation at Odessa's."

"No! No, no, no, no, that was me!" Allison said, "I... I did that in self-defense! He was threatening us!

"Aah!" Raymond shouted as he was manhandled by Dumb, Jason had the strong urge to fucking rip that bastard's face off with his teeth but he settled for growling and showing his sharp as fuck canines.

No, please, stop it," Allison pleaded, "You can't do this."

Like she suddenly remembered that she had powers, Allison stepped forward to rumor the guy, "I heard..."

"Back up. Back up right now, or you're going with him," Dumb threatened.

Gosh, Jason's instincts were begging him to take a bite out of this man. preferably from his throat.

"Allison," Raymond called out, "Allison, baby, let it go."

"I heard a rumor," Allison tried again and Dumber's eyes went milky white, waiting for the rest of the sentence.

"Allison. Allison, baby, it's okay. Baby, I love you. It's okay. I'm fine. I'm gonna be okay!" Raymond said as he was dragged away, trying to lessen Allison's pain.

The milky eyes went away, "Do we have a problem here?"

"No. Officer," Allison said calmly. Oh, she was pissed!

The officer backed away and left, not closing the door.

Allison stumbled back, holding the wall to steady herself before she slid down the wall. Jason whined and went close to her, nudging his head under hers and settled his giant form in Allison's lap. She quickly hugged him tightly and cried.

Dumb and Dumber should say goodbye to the world because they just made Allison cry and that's a crime punishable by death. A very painful death.

The next morning, Allison left to go to the station where they were holding Raymond and so Jason was left on his own once again.

Normally, he would start watching a movie or something, but today he wanted to just sleep.

So that's what he did, He slept for as long as it was possible.

When Allison came home, she was met with the naked form of Jason passed out on the couch.

"What the fuck?!" Allison shouted, making Jason wake up screaming, which resulted in Allison screaming.

[ AD:

"Are you tired of not having fun because you're a boring brunette or black-haired or fucking blue? Well, you don't have to worry anymore! with the new Sun Ray hair dye, you can have fun now and not be the boring person with no friends! Stop being the awkward one and dye your hair fucking blonde. do it. do it you coward. I dare you-"

End of AD.
thanks to Sun Ray hair dye for sponsoring this chapter.]

"Jason?!" Allison said, still looking at the naked form of the guy she knew for like a day or two, who is also her brother's something.

"Allison!" Jason shouted excitedly, rushing to get up and hug the absolute queen, "I've missed you!"

Allison hugged him, still shocked, before remembering he was naked, "Oh my god, where are your clothes?"

"Don't have any," He shrugged.

"How did you get in my house? When did you get here?" Allison asked and walked towards her bedroom and got one of Raymond's more casual shirts, "Here, wear this."

"Thanks!" He beamed at her and wore the shirt, "I've been here for a couple of days."

"How did we not notice? How did Chew-Barka not notice?" Allison started looking around for her dog, "Where is he, by the way?"


"Where?" Allison looked around.

Jason frowned at her, "Here, it's me."


"I'm the dog."

"Wait," She shook her head, "What?"

"Yeah," Jason nodded, "I'm the dog, Chew-Barka, CM, all of them are me."

"You're several dogs?" Allison frowned.

"No the same dog different names," He then got a thoughtful look on his face, "Dolores called me a fucking disappointment from time to time but I don't know if that's a name or not."

Allison stared at him before moving towards the kitchen, "I need a very strong drink."

"You could drink some healthy milk instead?"

"Does Milk solve my problems? No."

"Does Wine solve it?"

They stared down at each other before Jason pointed a finger at her which Allison followed with her eyes, "Wine doesn't solve shit, Allison. But Vodka does."

Allison smiled, "I like how you think, the drinks on me."

"Well, I fucking hope so! I don't carry drinks around with me," He followed her to the kitchen where they got so drunk they ended up sleeping upside down on the stairs. Somehow, Along the way, Jason lost his shirt and ended up with a pink skirt. As we're speaking, he's passed out but I'm sure he's gonna be happy about it in the next chapter when he wakes up.

But do you know what they were actually missing? they might have had fun, but did they have Fun ™️ ? No, cause they're not blonde, but with Sun Ray hair dye they can have more fun! Approved by the Queen of blonde, Ellie Woods from Legally Blonde!

No idea where the Author's note begins and when the chapter ends, but it's time for memes!

Sorry for the chaos, I've been writing and editing my books since 3 pm. by the time I'm done with this it'll be around 10 pm. *clown emoji*

Also, I was going through my meme app, and all my brain could do was thinking how we could make them a blonde joke, so yeah.

The memes are blonde memes.

Ok I'm done 

Or am I?

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