Chapter 1- Escape

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(The song above inspired this book :D, idk why tho lol, I guess the last bit of the song)

(Jesse's P.O.V.)

I ran as fast as I could, I had finally escaped that awful place. I laughed half-heartedly, hardly believing I actually escaped that hell-hole.

The dark oak wood trees provided cover the leaves covering the night sky. The crunching of the leaves under my feet and my heavy breathing was all you could hear in the almost silent forest.

I eventually stopped and rested against a tree, I used my wolf senses to listen for any sign of them chasing me. Luckily there was nothing but the wind blowing the branches above.

I climbed up the tree, using my acrobatic skills, I climbed up pretty high up in the leaves. I relaxed on one of the branches and drifted off to sleep.

~Time Skip~

I journeyed far for the next few weeks, hunting animals and sleeping in trees or caves. My clothes ragged and dirtied, a few rips too. One day as I was walking I heard voices. I hid quickly in some bushes and listened.

"I'm so glad to be back" a male voice exclaimed "Me too" a female agreed. "You got to tell us everything!" Another male voice excitedly told. "Alright I'll tell you everything once we get back to the Order Hall" the first voice laughed.

I followed them until we came to a town, I stayed in the cover of the trees as the group went into the town. My eyes widened in joy, excitement and fear. I've never seen a town before, I've always been stuck in that lab.

I shook my head clearing the thoughts. I carefully walked up into the front entrance of the town. People ignored me and continued with their tasks, I walked deeper into the town and eventually I found the group I was following before. People were around them talking about who knows what, I watched for awhile interested in their interactions with each other.

I made eye contact with one of them and I quickly looked away and marveled at the beautiful buildings around me. There was a tap on my shoulder which made me jump in fright, I turned around to see the girl I had made eye contact with. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you" she apologized with a smile.

I stared at her for a moment and awkwardly gave a slight smile back, many thoughts ran through my head, My heart pounded in my chest, palms sweaty with nervousness.

"I'm Olivia" she introduced herself. "I'm J-Jesse" I replied my voice hoarse from lack of use, with a little stutter. I hate talking to people, I feel awkward and scared when I do.

"Follow me, we'll get you some new clothes" she explained, while turning around and walking over to the group that I had followed earlier.

"Hey guys, this is Jesse" she introduced me to the group. I waved awkwardly with an even more awkward smile. "Hey Jesse, I'm Lukas leader of the New Order of the Stone" the blond boy introduced himself. "I'm Petra" the redhead in the back stated in a bored tone. "I'm Axel" the green jacket guy said excitedly. "And Ivor is in the temple somewhere" Lukas explained.

"N-Nice too meet you" I said nervously. "What happened to your clothes?" Lukas asked "I've b-been traveling awhile" I replied, still stuttering like an idiot. Lukas lead the way into the building behind him.

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