Chapter 10- Rules

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Jesse woke up to someone opening his cell door. "Time for you to get back to work JW-0" the small man said "what do I have to do today?" Jesse asked while wincing at the aching pain on his back, the blood had been cleaned off but no treatment for healing his cuts. "Making sure the guest don't try anything" the small man answered before scurrying away.

Jesse put the shirt back on while wincing at the pain in his back. He then walked down the hall to the forest room where the 'guest' were held. He opened the door and walked inside, the door closing behind him. Now he was stuck in here until he was called to do something else. 'Hopefully no killing today' he thought.

The people in the room glanced wearily at him. "I'm only here to observe, don't worry!" He shouted so everyone could hear. They were obviously still afraid of him, the people steered clear away from him. He saw the Order giving him dirty looks, which saddened him but then he scoffed. He didn't need friends, or maybe he just didn't deserve them.

He leaned his shoulder against the cold obsidian wall and watched the people. Some kids were playing, oblivious to the danger that they were in. Jesse frowned, anyone younger than 12 would be experimented on.

Jesse wasn't sure of Zander's plan, only Zander knew the full plan. All that Jesse knew was that Zander was sending his loyal experiments like Jay, to kidnap people and have the young experimented on to be his loyal servants. The other people were either killed or kept here for purposes, Jesse didn't know.

Jesse kept a stone cold expression as he walked around, observing the people working together to farm and kill the animals that spawned in here, or build houses or entertained the children.

Jesse's stomach growled in hunger but he ignored it, he had to get used to not being fed as much again. Their was a pull on his shirt he turned to see a little girl with blond hair, she looked about 7 years old. She held a carrot out to him "I heard your stomach growl" she explained he shook his head "sorry I can't accept it" he said. She stepped closer to him and held the carrot higher up like she was trying to shove it in his face "take it, mama says we should take what we are given and to share with others" she said.

Jesse slowly took the carrot from her hand "thank you" he smiled "Jade! Get away from him!" A female voice yelled, a woman ran over and grabbed her daughter's hand and dragged her away from Jesse.

Jesse sighed he continued to walk around, now eating a carrot. The speaker sounded "JW-0 please report to Mr. Thornheart's office and bring one of the newcomers with you" The female voice spoke, Jesse sighed and walked over to the Order.

They were whispering something but stopped when Jesse started to walk over to them. They gave him a glare but he kept his stone cold look. "One of you guys have to come with me, who will it be?" He asked, Lukas immediately volunteered and Jesse grabbed his wrist and lead him out into the hallway.

Once they were in the hallway Jesse let go of Lukas's wrist and walked beside him. Lukas raised a brow "why did you let go of me? Don't you have to make sure I don't escape?" He asked, Jesse shrugged "I can catch up if you run" he replied.

"Why did you betray us? After we helped you?" Lukas asked, Jesse rubbed his arm and looked away "I didn't betray you, look we can't talk about this now there's cameras everywhere" he tried to explain.

They walked in silence for a while then they stopped at one of the many iron doors. "Let me give you some advice before we go in, don't make him mad and agree to everything he says even if you don't agree" Jesse advised before opening the door and pushing Lukas into the room and following behind.

The room was small and filled with bookshelves with all kinds of books. There was a desk in the middle of the room where a man sat in a chair. There was a computer at his desk that switched between cameras. Lukas sat down in one of the seats across from Zander. Jesse went to a corner behind Mr. Thornheart in the room and stayed quiet.

"Thank you Jesse" Zander thanked, Jesse nodded in reply. Zander then turned his cold icy blue gaze onto Lukas who didn't flinch away from his stare. "As you know I'm Mr. Thornheart, but you can call me Zander. What's your name?" He asked "Lukas" Lukas replied shortly, Zander chuckled "A bit fiery eh?" He smiled.

"Now you're probably wondering why you're here, right?" Zander asked, Lukas nodded "I'm just going to explain the rules and the consequences if you break those rules" he explained, Lukas stayed silent.

"The first rule is if you attempt to escape, you will be punished with death. Understood?" Zander stared Lukas down with his cold blue eyes. Lukas nodded, "Next Rule. If you help anyone escape you will be punished with great amounts of torture and pain" Zander explained, Lukas nodded once more. "Third, if you attempt or succeed in hurting or killing anyone, it results in death or torture depending on the circumstances" Zander narrowed his eyes at Lukas who nodded again in understanding.

"That's all, three simple rules you need to follow, Jesse take him back to the forest room" Mr. Thornheart waved them away. Jesse nodded in obedience and grabbed Lukas by the collar of his shirt, pulling him out of the chair and taking him back into the hallway.

Once they were out of sight Jesse let out a breath he was holding and let go of Lukas's shirt. "Sorry I had to be so rough, Zander would punish me if I was nice to you" he explained. Lukas stared at him for a moment then asked "why are you so nice then? Are other 'experiments' meaner than what you're doing? And I don't get what's different about these 'experiments' I keep hearing" Lukas asked.

"Look I can't tell you anything especially tonight, I'm on guard duty with Jay or JE-12. And I totally can't just take you somewhere with no cameras and tell you all the answers to you questions" He winked at Lukas, who got the hint at what Jesse was trying to do.

They arrived at the forest room Jesse whispered in Lukas's ear "I'll be here at 12 midnight, you can bring one other person with you" he explained quickly, then he pushed Lukas into the forest room and closed the doors and walked off.

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