Chapter 4- Found

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Jesse laid on the guest bedroom bed, he was extremely tired and just wanted to lay there for the day. The night before had wore him out, at least he didn't have to worry about the next full moon anytime soon.

His face was burried into the pillow when someone knocked on the door. He groaned, rolled off of the bed, thumped onto the floor, laid there for a moment then stood up and opened the door. Olivia stood there with a smile "lunch is ready, if you want some" then she walked off down the hallway.

Jesse went into the bathroom and grabbed the toothbrush and toothpaste. He was still a bit confused on how to use it since he never used them at the lab, he shivered, shook his head and brushed his teeth.

Jesse exited the bathroom a few minutes later and went down the hall to the kitchen/living room area. He entered the living room and saw Petra on the couch eating a piece of stake and watching tv. He walked past her, behind the couch and into the kitchen. On the counter was a plate of stake and some carrots on the side all wrapped up to keep warm.

He picked it up and sat down at the kitchen table behind the couch and started to eat the stake. Once he was done eating he put his plate in the sink and stood there for a moment, not knowing what to do. Suddenly he heard footsteps coming from one of the hallways, an old man with a black beard and hair walked in the room.

"Petra, do you know where Lukas is?" Ivor asked "probably in his room writing as always" she waved him off, not once taking her gaze off of the tv. Ivor rolled his eyes and walked off to find Lukas. Jesse walked over to the couch and sat down on the opposite side of where Petra sat. He watched the tv, but his mind was elsewhere.

"Please don't hurt me!"

"I won't do it"

"Gha! St-op..... it.... it hurts"

"Worthless piece of trash!"

Jesse shook his head to clear the horrible memory. There was a knock on the door, Petra got up with a groan of annoyance and opened the front door. Jesse listened to the conversation "What do you need?" Petra asked "Hi, have you seen this person? He's my brother you see, he ran away from home when our parents got a divorce" a male voice spoke "yeah I've seen him, he's inside actually" Petra replied.

Petra walked into the living room a boy about 17 followed behind her. Jesse's heart seemed to stop, 'Oh No' he thought.

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