Chapter 6- Losing Control

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(Warning- Blood, Death)

Jesse waited in the middle of town, he sat on a fountain the water trickling down behind him. Suddenly a high pitched whistling boomed threw the air, no one heard it except for Jesse who fell on his knees on the ground. His head throbbed with pain as he growled. His eyes changed to a blood red color.

He had transformed into his wolf form. The brown wolf growled and sniffed the air, then ran fast and in a blur a window was broken, a scream was heard, then silence.

Blood splattered the ground where the corpse laid, the man's throat ripped open as blood leaked out from the wound. More screams were heard then silenced by the wolf as it continued to slaughter the town.

People ran out of the town, men tried to fight back but were killed, woman and children ran some were killed some escaped. Blood covered the wolf as it's hungry eyes looked around for anything else to kill, but the town was empty and abandoned. Once more a high pitched whistle sounded threw the air, the wolf collapsed in pain and exhaustion.

Before the sun rose Jay tugged on a long rope that tied five people hands together, who were blindfolded and gaged. Jay entered the blood filled town "yuck" he muttered as he stepped over puddles of blood and dead citizens on the ground. Jay stopped and kicked Jesse who was unconscious on the ground. He was caked in blood, his hair all messy and ragged. "Get up we got to go" Jay growled.

Jesse got up slowly and gazed around him "How did this happen!?" He asked, not remembering what happened the night before. The sun started to rise turning the sky orange, "you did it, now come on!" Jay pulled him up from the ground and shoved him forward to exit the town.

Jesse never remembers anything that happens in his wolf form when its a forced transformation. When he transforms himself willingly he remembers every detail that happened, but he has only done that once.

Jesse stumbled and glared at Jay as he walked passed, Jesse reluctantly followed behind the kidnapped Order of the Stone.

Once they reached the forest Jesse cleaned the blood off of him in a near by lake and came back over to Jay who was impatiently waiting. Jay told the group to gather in a circle and he shoved them into place. He told them to hang onto his hand and then they teleported.

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