BeyClub + SwordFlames Meeting Chara

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(I'm truly sorry for the wait, I did NOT forget, I promise.

Hope you enjoy!)


Chara: Hey, where is everybody?

Valt: *whispers* GUYS HURRY UP!!

*mumbling behind door*

*wakiya complains , rantaro laughing*

*occasional singing from ken*

Valt: *bursts down door* SORRY WE'RE LATE!

Chara: *smiles* It's okay!

Valt: *stands* I'm Valt, nice to meet you! *holds out hand*

Chara: *shakes it frantically* I'm Chara!

Rantaro: Jeez, you're as loud as Valt.

Valt: *dramatic gasp* i'M nOT lOuD

Rantaro: *sighs* Anyways, you must be Chara. I'm Rantaro, but you can call me Honcho if you'd like.

Chara: *nudges Valt* What's with his cape?

Valt: He thinks he's Batman or something, he never said anything.

Rantaro: *triggered* IT'S NOT A CAPE!

Chara: Yet I'm the loud one.

Rantaro: nskchdueowpam

Ken: *with Keru* Hiya girly! *with Besu* This is Ken, he thinks you're cute!

Also Ken: *blushes and hides his puppets behind his back*



Diago: Hey.

Chara: *pouts* Why are you so sad?

Diago: I'm not sad.

Chara: *forces Diago to smile with her fingers* But you're not smiling!

Diago: I don't need to.

Chara: *bear hugs him* It's okay to be sad, emo man!

Diago: *shakes his head* Every time..

Wakiya: *laughing at Diago*

Diago: You know, Wakiya doesn't have any friends.

Chara: *le gasp*

Wakiya: What?! I do!!

Diago: He has yet to find a girlfriend, also.

Chara: *le double gasp*

Wakiya: Why would I need one?!

Diago: He also has no life.

Chara: *le triple gasp*

Wakiya: What have you done?!


Wakiya: *tries to escape by climbing a tree*


Wakiya: *screeches*

Shu: Um, hi?

Chara: *calms down and stops chasing Wakiya* Hi, I'm Chara!

Shu: It's a pleasure to meet you, Chara, I'm Shu. *smiles warmly*

Chara: You must be the the girl magnet, no?

Shu: Well, not really a girl magnet, so much as a ladies man, you could say.

Chara: Bet you can't do it to me!

Shu: I could, but I would have to go around the world to do it.

Chara: Wha-

Shu: *walks around Chara*

Chara: Why'd you walk around me?

Shu: Because you're my whole world.

Chara: *faints*

SwordFlames: wth

Xander: What did you do?!

Shu: My moves..they were to smooth..

Chara: *recovers* Woah.

Xander: Are you okay?

Chara: Yeah.. *still blushing*

Xander: My name is Xander, I could take you to my grandfather's infirmary if you'd like.

Chara: N-no no, I'm good! I'm Chara, by the way.

Xander: *laughs* You're really strong to survive Shu's charms, aren't you?

Chara: Hey, he's got most of the BeyBlade characters in a ship with him.

Xander: True.

Yugo: Hmph! I could attract girls too...

Chara: You must be Yugo!

Yugo: Yeah, what's it to you?

Chara: I've seen Kawaii fanart of you!



Yugo: I aM A nINjA *buffs up* aND dON't YOu FOrGeT iT

Ukyo: Don't mind him, he's just rioting. I'm Ukyo, the shadow walker.

Chara: So what you like..walk in the shadows?

Ukyo: Pretty much.

Chara: Explain.

Ukyo: Well, um.. you see, I hide in the dark-

Chara: With that neon mop of hair?

Ukyo: -______________-

Quon: *dying of laughter*

Ukyo: Hey, at least that's a way cooler than skateboarding, Quon!

Quon: Oh yeah? At least I can escape if someone sees me.

Chara: He has a point.

Ukyo: LeAvE mEh aLOne

Hope you liked it (I stayed awake an hour extra wth I'm so tired)

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