Shelly HCs

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I know I already have a part where I talk about my Shelly hcs, but just for the sake of having things be in the same format, I'm making another one 👍

- Shelly Salvus Beach!!

- Considered an honorary rock person since she's a seashell, and seashells are made of minerals which also make up rocks 👍

- She's actually well-known with the rock people around the BOTO area since a rock person helped her during the final race. Sometimes she hangs out with her rock people friends :D

- Doesn't really understand why Baguette insists they have a rivalry, but kinda just goes along with it.

- Has entertained the idea of a music group with Hot Dog, named 'Better Tomorrow' in honor of their first collab :)

- Became friends with Pear while teaching Pear to be Getting her to be a better person 👍

- Can hold her breath for 15 minutes

- Intolerant of extreme temperatures; she'll shut down if she gets too cold and faint if she's too hot/dehydrated, so she usually has a flask of warm or cool water on her.

- Sweats seawater!

- Can curl up if she needs to hide for any reason; usually if she's frightened/threatened or embarrassed. It's seashell culture to spend time curled up when mourning/in grief. Happens automatically if she gets too cold bc curling up preserves body heat.

- Eventually goes to college majoring in object biology B)

- Rock-paper-scissors CHAMPION (among the BOTO cast).

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