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LOOK WHAT WE HAVE HERE! *MM WHATCHA SAY remix plays at full volume in the background*

(Edit, as of posting this: The following content was written before I realized that the synopses for these episodes have, in fact, recently been released. Also, these episodes will start airing tomorrow! IN FAIRNESS THE DESCRIPTIONS ARE REALLY HARD TO FIND. MY TV PROVIDER DOESN'T USE THEM FOR SOME REASON. TIS STRANGE.)

In all honesty, these are kind of weird titles. ("Love Togboggan"? Is it misspelled on purpose? Is "Fungus Among Us" really a half-hour episode? Also, what?) But I'm SUPER excited to see what they're about!

The descriptions haven't been released yet, and so far, we only know three basic plots for upcoming episodes: Milo and company tour a robot factory and have to stop a rogue AI, the class goes on a trip in the school's yacht and becomes shipwrecked on a deserted island, and apparently at least some of the adults are little kids at some point. (Sabrina Carpenter, Melissa's voice actress, posted a picture from the recording booth of a scene where Melissa is sitting in the library with little-kid versions of her dad, Milo's dad, Zack's mom and Mrs. Murawski.)

The titles' plots are up for speculation, so following the idea of annamaetion on tumblr, I'm going to do just that!

(Also, anything titled The Island of Lost Dakotas has to be good. At least it'd better be. XD)

(This was supposed to be a tumblr post, but it's way more fun to post things here. [edit: also, I'm late!] If it's short and formatted a little weirdly, that may be why!)


- Star Struck (9/25)

Something to do with Orton Mahlson and the cast of Dr. Zone, perhaps? (Sara's friends in the fan club find out that she's talked to Orton and met real time travelers? That might boost her status in the group a little...) Or it could always be the return of something Lumberzacks-related, or a new celebrity character that one or more of the characters really likes.

- Disaster of My Dreams (9/25)

Milo has dreams of the disaster that's going to occur that day? (Or maybe someone messes up the time stream, and the only way Milo remembers what was /supposed/ to happen that day is through déjà vu in his dreams?) Maybe Milo just has bad dreams that tend to come true and his friends try to make him feel better? (The phrase "of my dreams" usually refers to something someone's always hoped for, too, so that could play into it.)

- A Clockwork Origin (9/26)

Hey, Milo and Dakota didn't have that whole unnecessary conversation about Professor Time and his name change for nothing! That's definitely going to come up again. Maybe this episode is about Professor Time (or whatever his original name was) and the origin of future time travel? Or maybe we'll see how Milo got to be in the 1960s Dr. Zone pilot? Does that clock that Dakota gave Milo come into play?

- Perchance to Sleepwalk (9/26)

Somehow, just somehow, I get the feeling that Milo's going to do some sleepwalking. He's also probably going to be followed around by his worried, tired, 99% done friends who're trying to keep anything too crazy from happening to him. (There's always the option of Milo being better at avoiding Murphy's Law while asleep than his worried friends are as they follow him, too, which could be pretty funny.)

- Some Like it Yacht (9/27)

The episode with the S.S. Indulgence and their deserted island adventure! (I love how they're making practically every little gag a part of the season's overarching plot; that's so cool.) I believe Vincent Martella posted a screenshot of Bradley—in what looked like a lifevest—peering into a room full of cupcakes, too, which might be a part of it. Hopefully everybody learns to work together and grow even closer after this? And they make another "sponge and a starfish" joke? Please?

- Backward to School Night (9/27)

Agreeing with annamaetion on this one—Backward to School Night sure sounds like where the the-adults-are-kids screenshot came from. Is it time travel? Did Martin, Richard, Eileen, and Mrs. Murawski all really know each other when they were little? Was it those government agents? Did Doofenshmirtz turn them into kids? The world may never know...

- World Without Milo (9/28)

First of all, I LOVE A-WORLD-WITHOUT SCENARIOS! WHOO! Secondly, does Milo get removed from existence? A "World Without" usually implies that it's about what life would be like if he was never there. Maybe the time agency has erased Milo by stopping him from being born, and we get to see what the other characters' lives would be like if they'd never met him? (Personally, I'd love to see that, because it would give a huge insight on what the other characters would, quote unquote, "really" be like in a regular world where they weren't influenced by Milo's adventures and optimism. I secretly love insights like that on a character's character. XD) Or maybe it's those government guys with their pesky disintegrator ray again...

- The Race (9/28)

I'm literally riding on annamaetion's coattails here, but I'd agree with her idea that this is the episode that iTunes described about the robot factory tour and the rogue AI!

- Love Togboggan (9/29)

Oh gosh, if there's one thing I love to do, it's come up with plausible explanations for what look like episode errors. (I've got lilac-kat to thank for that! She's fantastic at it! ;D) I already started writing an unnecessarily bittersweet and shippy oneshot based on this. XD Milo and friends go tobogganing, and some element of shipping is involved? My idea was that it was a Valentine's-y winter ride and the sign for it got misspelled, but it's kind of a weird title, so it's hard to say.

- The Island of Lost Dakotas (9/29)

Your guess is as good as mine, but WHOO! I think Dakota has a more complex backstory than we know... maybe he's tried to fix/alter something in the timeline so many times that he amassed a bunch of future/past selves from each time his mission failed? They all live on an island? Even better, they all live on that deserted island that Milo and company were shipwrecked on? (Which is ALSO the island Phineas and friends were stranded on in Swiss Family Phineas? C'MON THAT'D BE GREAT) Whatever happens, this sounds pretty cool!

- Fungus Among Us (9/30)

(Did you hear about the mushroom who went to the party? He was a fun-gi.) I'm not really sure if I can form a good theory about this from information in the episodes we currently have, but maybe it's like... a Pistachion-esque fungus species? Maybe there's a fungus that effects the pistachio trees and that's why they went extinct? A fungus is in the future which infects any pistachio plants from the past that are brought there via time-traveling? Mr. Block sent Cavendish and Dakota on an impossible mission since the future is biologically toxic to pistachio trees? There's so mushroom for interpretation here.

(Sorry to spore you to death, but it was the yeast I could do to break the mold with these rotten puns.)


Do you guys have guesses or theories? Or what you'd like to see happen in the show? *whips out a suggestions box* LET'S HEAR IT!

(Edit from after I wrote all that:  Okay, so the episode descriptions have been released! I just missed them. They're really vague, but here they are, courtesy of someone on Reddit!)

It doesn't clear up a whole lot, but WHOO, canon descriptions! (Is Tobias Toopanen a name pun I'm not getting? Too Biased To Pan In? ?? I guess whatever it is, it's still better than Phineas and Ferb's Don Adaded and Gordon Gutsofanemu... Though it still doesn't compare to WordGirl's Dr. Proctormoctor.)

Milo sleepwalking is going to be great, looks like Elliot's gonna get some character development (so he's behind the world without Milo! Somehow. Also, he's going to be a pretty busy hall monitor), the parents become children and we have no idea why, Sara is getting a love interest?? WHO ARE THEY THEY BETTER BE GOOD, and I betcha we're gonna know more about these episode notes in Fungus Among Us:

(If you can read it, it says normal, completely non-suspicious things like 'build machine', '60s', and 'evil Orton sends spy drones, gets intel'.)

Looks like somebody's not what they seeem! (Though it also says 'If you can read this, you're too close to your TV', so... there's a small possibility they're messing with us. But hopefully that's just a joke in the episode?)

Also, there's apparently a Halloween special airing on October 7 called 'Milo's Halloween Scream-A-Torium'. As a non-celebrator of anything that usually occurs on October 31, I'm not sure if I'll be watching it, but I guess I can hope it'll be a silly horror-cliche spoof like Night of the Living Pharmacists was? ("We should totally split up." "I'm going to go check on an obscure noise in the kitchen." "I'm going to back away slowly into a darkened room." "I'm going to hide in the bathroom where it's safe.")

But anyways, I'm pretty excited for the 25th tomorrow! Do you guys have any thoughts or hopes for the upcoming episodes?

If not, and you clicked on this chapter and don't really know what I'm talking about because you've never seen the show, please watch this rap song about overworking yourself for the sake of awesomeness.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

It's called We're Gonna Do It Again, and it's the creators of Phineas and Ferb rapping about making Milo happen! It's where the screenshot of the 'evil Orton' board is from—meaning apparently, Dan and Swampy have been revealing spoilers since before the first episode even aired. They posted this video over a year ago. ...Wow. Go Dan and Swampy.

And since you're still here, have some Missing Milo/future Milo episode-related tweets!

The Phineas and Ferb crossover might get unofficially started in the new episodes this month! From these tweets, it sounds like it has a lot to do with the whole 60s/Dr. Zone/time-traveling thing... (Would any characters from PnF be kids in the sixties? Did Phineas and the gang do any time traveling then? So many questions??)

Season's ending this month! Wow... seems like just a year ago I was watching a high-pitched, watermarked Kisscartoon version of Going the Extra Milo on YouTube for the very first time, before it even aired on TV. Ah, memories... This is the first fandom I've ever been in since the very beginning, and I'm super excited about where it's going!

(I remember panicking when I abruptly found out that Phineas and Ferb would be ending, then being mildly hopeful about some new show Dan and Swampy were planning called "Mikey Murphy's Law". Mikey became Milo, the show finally aired even after I forgot about it several times, and voila! I had a new fandom, which I hope will live up to the cheerfully clever niceness of its predecessor!)

(Also, YES. SOMEONE ADDRESSED THE BASEMENT. It seems like no one's talking about it, but we need to, or else I'm going to have to post the really long blog post I wrote about my cliché ship theory for why the show is hopefully not gonna sink my ship. I'll post that puppy, guys, I'm warning ya!)

(This may lack context or relation to Milo, but it was on Joshua Pruett's Twitter, and I'm putting it here and no one can stop me)

And that, friends, is yet another reason why animation sounds like a cool job to be in. #AlligatorsNeedStorylinesToo

Also, I don't have a picture of it, but the Season 2 finale of Milo has evidently finished being written! These guys are way ahead of their viewers. It's so not fair. XD

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