Tagged by @AlphaKratt!

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Thanks for tagging me, Alpha! (I'm it now! Everybody run, no bases! >:D)

Here's some fun stuff you didn't even need to know about me! Come one, come all! Waste multiple minutes of your life reading this! Buy a free button! *throws buttons* (And before you ask, yes, I totally understand the concept of buying stuff. Just... buy a free button. I'll write up a receipt for $0 and you'll be good to go!)

Favorite thing to write? Fanfiction! Fluff! Friendship! The Three F's of Fquality Fcontent! XD I like adventure, fantasy, and sci-fi too, but my favorite thing to write is probably honest, sweet relationships between characters. Not usually anything thought of as teenagery romance, but mostly super cute fluffy friendship. You know, two people slowly drawing closer to each other until they realize that they'd make really great slightly-more-than-BFF partners in life. Also, platonic friendship, worldbuilding, and adventure/fantasy settings!

Worst thing to write? I'm not sure! Probably something I've never read, like horror. And stuff with explicit language or content, for sure. As for the things I do write about, I tend to have trouble with anything that requires an intense, long plotline strung nicely together. (AKA stories in general. 😝) Hence, why I wrote almost solely oneshots! I should change that.

Best book you've ever written? None of them? XD I'd leave it up to the super-cool readers I somehow have as to which one was actually the best, but I liked Forever and A Mile, A Chat with a Mouse (from Of Dictionaries), and Expect the Exceptional! Oh, I liked how Blob Counting from Inkwell came out, too. Actually, I'm proud of them all! Even when I probably shouldn't be; most of them aren't that great. XD

Inspiration? All the amazing writers I've looked up to over the years, as well as my favorite books! I remember the first day I really figured out that I could put my IDEAS in WRITING and make a REAL STORY and have it be COOL and made by ME... that was pretty awesome. Also, KicsterAsh (the ultimate inspiration to a fan!), and fantastic fanfiction writers like lilwoodb, BrightnessWings19, platonic, Otempora16, skimmingthesurface, Night N. Gail, and... like... a lot of others who I'm completely forgetting at the moment! Sorry. xD

How long have you been writing? Since 2012, I believe? I started out writing Ice Age fanfiction (don't ask), then Wild Kratts, then WordGirl! (Definitely never My Little Pony. Nope. Did not try to write a Doctor Whooves fanfic at all. Perish the thought.) I may have written some before that, but to my recollection, I used to really dislike writing even though I LOVED reading. I've always loved coming up with original characters, though!

Future career in writing? Well, as much as I love to write, I don't have the skill right now to make a living off of it. I might if I practiced rigorously for the foreseeable future, but... that sounds hard! xD Ideally, I'd write indefinitely as a very enjoyable hobby, and maybe try my hand at a novel someday.

Favorite Wattpad book that isn't yours? That's a tough one! For fanfiction, JonathanEllison's Odd Squad Civil War and BrightnessWings19's Gravity Rises series are two that I'm really excited about right now. For original stories, I liked... well... all the ones in my reading list, though I loved them for different reasons! (See a couple chapters ago!)

What got you into Wattpad? A long time ago, in a house far, far away, I remember trying to read a fanfic on here while on a web browser—and Wattpad wouldn't let me read the whole thing unless I made an account. So, guess what I did? Got somewhat annoyed and purposefully boycotted Wattpad for several years, of course! Oh, the irony. Eventually, I had extra storage space and was hunting for a FanFiction.net app, but found the Wattpad app instead and decided to download it. I wasn't sure how to use it at first (or why there were 0 good fanfics for my fandoms at the time), but I figured it out and have enjoyed it ever since!

First book I ever wrote? Well, my first story was an Ice Age fanfic in a really weird, descriptive script format. My twelve-year-old self was very proud of it, and I still have it, buried somewhere deep within the depths of my iOS 6 notes... (Uh-oh, now I'm going to have to find it again. Maybe I'll post it for laughs?) My first attempted original story was about two alien kids who crash-landed on a really boring planet (aka Earth), and my first story posted here was When Mindswaps Go Awry, a oneshot for WordGirl!

A line you overuse? I don't know about specific lines, but I do know I use 'suddenly', 'quickly', but', and—horror of horrors—'double-checked' way too much. (...Don't worry, I'm realizing that one use of 'double-checked' is already way too much. Thank you Lilya, for pointing out my tendency to use that terrible phrase. XD)

Favorite Character Names: Of my original characters? Hm, maybe Patch, Alis, Otter, Passion, Mariana, Obsidian, Averell, Fenn, and Talissa! If we just mean in general, then creative/mildly unusual names like Steven Boxleitner, Rhyme, Octavia, Wirt, Dipper, Ferb, Melissa, and Milo. (Strangely enough, those are also some of my favorite characters. Hmm. I'm beginning to suspect that I'm a little bit biased.)

Ever wrote smut? Please take a moment to imagine the word 'nope' on your screen. Now imagine it in all caps. Then picture about twenty of them, end-to-end, in a successive line of NOPENOPENOPENOPENOPENOPE

I don't write that kind of thing, guys. Please hold me to that.

Gay ships: NOPENOPENOPE—oh wait, next question. Still nope! I respect all my friends no matter their choices, but I don't feel comfortable with that type of thing. Besides, when God says no, I can... *puts on sunglasses* ...go with the no! *pulls out a Bible that has one of those nerdy carrier-handle cases and flips it open* Didn't exactly end very well for Sodom and Gomorrah, either...

OTP? Wait, I have to pick one? Um... Otis and Olympia (Odd Squad), Milo and Melissa (Milo Murphy's Law), Rhyme and Reason (WordGirl), Chris and Aviva (Wild Kratts), Wirt and Sara (Over the Garden Wall), Phineas and Isabella (Phineas and Ferb), Steven and Connie (Steven Universe), fem!Frodo and Sam (Lord of the Rings), Wendy and Dipper (Gravity Falls), Mabel and Gideon Northwest (Gravity Falls Gravity Rises AU), Peaches and Louis (Ice Age), Dr. Drakken and Shego (Kim Possible), Marinette and Chat Noir (Miraculous: The Adventures of Ladybug and Chat Noir), Tardar Sauce and Oskar the Blind Cat (social media cats, silly I know), Peep and Chirp (Peep and The Big Wide World), Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich (My Little Pony), Ruff and maybe Blossom (Fetch! with Ruff Ruffman), Star and Marco (Star vs. the Forces of Evil), Mary and Bert (Mary Poppins), and some of my old Webkinz with each other.
There, I picked one! ...For like, every fandom I've ever had! XD

Do you write from experience? I definitely feel more confident when I write from experience! However, I have never been part of a kids-only government agency, had superpowers, been trapped in a storm drain, or been to outer space, so I usually settle for the next best thing and do some research. 😎

Foreshadowing? I haven't written any stories that would require much foreshadowing yet, but I try to put a little bit in my oneshots on occasion. Doesn't always work, but still fun to do! It's a great element of storytelling.

Imagination or Fanfiction? Both! I use my imagination to come up with fanfiction, and fanfiction to spark my imagination! It's an infinite cyclical timeline of symbiotically-related inspiration! *throws glitter*

(And yeah, that's not the most well-worded question. If it meant do I like original fiction or fanfiction better, then... still both! Though I tend to read a lot more fanfiction.)

Ever want to enter the Wattys? Yes! ...When I have a book worth entering! Someday I'd like to write a few original stories and enter whichever one came out the best. A girl can dream!

Most read book? Hmm... For actual books, looks like it's A Dip in the Inkwell: Odd Squad Oneshots, at 3.03k reads! *happy sniffle* Aw, I'm so proud of it... it seriously needs updated... I should get to work with one of my LITERAL 90 DRAFTS for it... but yeah... haha... help it's hard to finish stuff...

IRL friends or internet friends? I don't have a lot of IRL friends who I can see regularly (we moved recently), but both kinds are great! Although it is usually easier to find people with similar hobbies and interests on the internet, I've noticed. Plus, it's way easier to talk to people when you don't have to constantly juggle looking nice, speaking well, not having a potential two-minute pause between responses so you can reply the best you can, and all that other scary stuff. Social interaction, right? *shuddering noise*


Well, I think that's all for this set of questions! I hereby tag... saras369, Kamula7, and ThiaHolimon, because I don't think they've been tagged in this yet. (No worries, no need to do it if you don't want to! And on the flip side, if anyone I didn't tag wants to do it, consider yourself tagged! Go get 'em, tigers! ...Well; writers! Wrigers? Never mind. That didn't work.)

Thanks for reading! Catch ya on the rebound!

(No, but can we bring back all the cool 80s slang? I've been doing unnecessary research for an O'Donahue chapter and IT'S GREAT. Why use modern phrases when you can say something like, THAT'S ABOVE MY PAY GRADE, OWL, BUT WITH THAT KINDA HEAVY SUGAR YOU MIGHT WANNA TAKE A FIRE EXTINGUISHER? I mean really?? It's fantastic)

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