chapter one . fucking map

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𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐖𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐃𝐄𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐄 a feeling? The feelings you feel but can you touch them?, kiss them even? Thoughts that swirled around everyone's mind. Especially Siobhan Bordino, she often never slept or it was minimal. Her mind was always racing with questions or scenarios, she felt like a vampire who hadn't slept for eons. Her eyes would tell you that, dark sunset pink shaded lines underneath her grey eyes.

Siobhan didn't sleep or it was minimal but somehow managed to have enough energy that was that of a thousand jumping bunnies. She was beautiful of course, a few flaws because who doesn't have those right? Siobhan had the odd acne spot here and there, her skin wasn't flawless and glassy like most girls you read about.

her hair wasn't in a messy bun and minimal makeup, Siobhan was wide awake with her left breast hanging out of her vest, tangled up duvet at the end of her bed due to her procrastination of wether she was hot or cold. Drool on her pillow and some in her hair, leftover eyeliner that was smudged all over her eyes to make her look like a panda. Her blonde hair looked like she had been electrocuted twice.

Her phone clock read 5:30 AM in a bright white glare, she stared at her phone for a solid minute. She was too full of energy to sleep yet too tired to think about getting out of bed, all different emotions all of which she couldn't understand. From a young age Siobhan was never 'normal' always up and down, jumpy.

By the time she decided to go back to sleep it had only been an hour since she saw the time on her phone, hearing the sound of her mother calling her from downstairs made her groan at the Irish tones of her mum Melanie.

"SIOBHAN ALICE BORDINO! wake your arse up I haven't stood at this bloody oven making your breakfast for nothin!" Melanie shouted as Siobhan groaned. 

"Mother do you seriously have to make the entire country of Australia listen to your Irish tones?!" She then felt someone pulling at her ankles. "FUCK OFF VINCE!"

Vince who was Siobhan's older brother, laughed. "Come on shiv at least act like you're asleep" which caused her to throw a pillow at him. "Go away before I throw a brick at you vince" her brother laughed, "Oooo we are touchy this morning sis" Siobhan then sat up as she gave her brother a death stare. "Five seconds before your ass is grass"

Siobhan then heard her phone ring and it was Dusty. The most wanted guy in school, only Siobhan's interest in the guy was the physical things. "Hey, bit early for you to be calling me like this" she laughed. "Oh come on Shiv you're not gonna dismiss me are ya? Hey I just wanted to say that the other night was amazing.. you down to do it again?" He asked her.

"Wow Dusty we do it once at a party and now you're after more? In the words of regina george, why you so obsessed with me?" Vince then laughed in the background.

"No! You and Dusty?! Not my sister and emo prince eric wait till I tell spider" Siobhan glared as she yelled. "Fuck off Ellen!" Dusty heard the altercation over the phone and laughed.

"See ya at school Vincey! So what say we hook up again? Come on shiv it was good wasn't it? Look I'll let you decide eh? You know where to find me" he hung up as Siobhan gagged a little. "Ick ick ick" causing her brother to laugh.

"Shiv! You're not seriously sucking off Dust head? He's a walking red flag like he's hot but so probo" vince said as he stole some of his sister's eyeliner. "Vince, at least you could do is sharpen it before you steal my eyeliner, or buy your own" vince left her room as Siobhan sat on her bed in a daydream. She had her towel in one hand as she was sat on her bed with her legs opened. Siobhan then went into the shower where she was pretending to be an actress who accepted an Oscar. 

"First of all I'd like to thank Taylor Swift for giving me such a THAT GIRL era with the press, I really am honoured to be on reputation tv on a vault track... I'd like to thank Ryan gosling for being so fine I'd happily bite your ass babe that goes for Eminem too.  Thank you to my hairstylist for my making me look like Marilyn Monroe if she had a baby with princess Diana, two queens that should be here tonight." She pretended to wipe a tear as she then continued her fake speech.

"I'd like to personally diss Spencer White, local crackhead with no teeth yeah he needs all the rehabilitation he can get brah is so cooked, not the vibe. I now thank chandler bing for being my spirit animal and may Dylan O'Brien know that he is the sexiest white boy I've ever laid eyes on since Chad Michael Murray in freaky Friday, also Harry styles thanks but no thanks. I love you Hollywood and GOODNIGHT! Oh and boycott eshays because yuck but all except my bestie Ca$h" She bowed as she then laughed at herself as she washed her hair.


Siobhan finally decided to get dressed after thirty minutes of scrolling through her phone on her bed half naked in a towel and her hair was wet. Siobhan got dressed into a baggy shirt, denim jeans that were ripped a little, white doc marten boots and her mums old leather jacket. "Yes I am giving homeless rockstar" she said to herself before she put on her sunglasses that she painted "CUNT" in white paint on the lenses.

With the CU on the left lense and the NT on the right lense. She had already done her makeup which was very heavy with brown eyeshadow, eyeliner and lipstick that was a little smudged underneath her bottom lip. Siobhan ran downstairs after talking her bag and car keys from her dresser in her bedroom.

"So she's alive at last!" Her mother greeted her as her dad laughed. "I love the sunnies shiv" Siobhan gave her mum a kiss on the cheek as she then tapped her dad on the shoulder as she took a piece of bacon and ate it with her hand causing her brother to gag. "You're such a slob Siobhan" in response Siobhan slapped his arm muttering at him in greek. "vlákas" causing her mother to roll her eyes.

"Christ almighty, anyway you two BEST behaviour this term I don't want a repeat of the whole spray painting a dick on the maths teachers car, remember the whole do as I say and not as I do thing?" Melanie told her kids as Siobhan sniggered.

"Mum Mr cunt knuckles aka harris deserved it! He called me inadequate because I made a maths joke I mean it's not my fault seven ate nine" she laughed as her brother joined in on the laughing. "Shiv that's such a dad joke ya gronk"

Shoving her brother she took her car keys as she got up from the table after sipping some orange juice. "Fine, you can walk to school cunt" she gestured to her brother as he rolled his eyes.


Siobhan pulled up at school in her car which was previously her dads car from 1994 but it still ran very good it just stalled a few times, she had picked up her best friend Ca$h on the way and she did make Vince walk. However she had become weirdly protective over Ca$h of late, if the events of the festival were anything to go by she knew she owed him big time.

"Oi, shiv. I know you and Chook had a bad break up but I just wanna say, thanks for sticking up for me" he told her once they walked down the yard together as Siobhan smiled at her best friend. "Hey, it was the least I could do.. I'm sorry Chook hit you" the two continued walking together laughing and joking like they always did.

Siobhan caught sight of a new boy, he seemed lost and she thought it would be appropriate to approach him. "Hey, you good?" She asked the boy with a smile. The black haired boy smiled at her as he nodded, "yeah I was looking for head office. Can you help me?" He asked her but before she could answer a girl started shouting.

"OI! THERE'S A FULLY GACKED SEX MAP IN THE OLD STAIRWELL! CALLED THE INCEST MAP!" She shouted causing Siobhan to freeze. She knew exactly what this was.


Kayleigh speaks!

Finally got this book to a place where I can quite literally get it done hopefully before tomorrow because SEASON TWO IS UPON US 🤭🤭🤭 but enjoy bitches! 😘😘

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