One-shot 7

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  This chapter is dedicated to ILuvChoc0LAte


  "Watch it Hood!" Nightwing yelled as he tackled his brother to the ground before he got shot. "Thanks, but you do know my suit is bullet proof..right?" Red Hood joked and Nightwing huffed a laugh as he knocked out a bad guy. "Ha ha. Not my fault if I worry." Nightwing grumbled and Red Hood laughed at his back. 

  "Pay attention. I don't like this." Batman growled as he kicked a bad guy out. They were currently next to the docks in Gotham looking for a bad guy who called him...Gun Man.


  "Ahh don't worry Bats! Did someone forget to take their daily dose anti-grumpy juice?" Red Hood teased and Nightwing started laughing his head off as he flipped over to the two. "Very funny but we need to keep a look out. I got a funny feeling." Batman said but couldn't help the smile that came over his face. He missed having Jason and having him joke around was nice. "I can-AH!" Nightwing was tackled into the ocean with Gun Man keeping him down.

  "NIGHTWING!" Red Hood screamed and dove in.


  Nightwing was struggling against the arms around him and felt like his lungs were on fire. He couldn't breathe but he couldn't panic.

  Nightwing was trying to fight the man who dragged him down until he felt another set of hands helping and Nightwing just knew it was Red Hood. Nightwing felt Red Hood forcefully pry away the hands from Nightwing so could get away.

  Nightwing was starting to blank out. He couldn't breathe. He felt arms around him and someone pulling him up and then he blacked out.


  Red Hood pulled Nightwing out of the oceana nd Batman helped them up. "Where's Gun Man?" Batman asked and that was when Gun Man made the wrong choice to pop out of the ocean.

  Batman lunged at him and while he was turning into Daddybats and beating the guy up, Red Hood was trying to help Nightwing.

  "Come on you little piece of crap. Wake up!" Red Hood growled and panicked when Nightwing started couching up the water and passed out. "Bats! We need to leave!" Red Hood yelled and all of a sudden Batman was next to him. "Get him in the Batmobile, A can help him." Batman said and Red Hood scooped up his brother and got in the Batmobile with a worried Daddybat.


  They were able to help Dick when they got back to the Batcave and Jason was sitting on his medical bed holding him protectively. It shook him so he stayed with Dick even though Alfred wanted him to rest but Jason couldn't leave his brother, he was scared if was dream so he wanted to stay there and watch Dick and it helped.

  Bruce walked in after putting Tim and Damian to bed which took forever cause they were worried about Dick but eventually they listened when Bruce promised them they could see him first thing tomorrow.

  Bruce saw Jason stroking Dick's hair like he was eight and saw Dick muttering in his sleep like he was having a nightmare but Jason got him to sleep again. Bruce was shaking with worry still when he saw Dick get pulled under and all he wanted to do was just stay there and hold him.

  Jason saw Bruce and held Dick closer. Bruce went to place a hand on Dick's knee until Jason pulled Dick closer but carefully where he wouldn't wake him. "Jason I need to see him." Bruce said tiredly and Jason glared at him. Bruce went to try again until Jason actually hissed at him.

  Bruce widened his eyes and Jason looked like some overly-protective, psychotic, mother hen of a brother.

  "Jason I need to see him, please." Bruce tried and when he went to reach out Jason hissed-again- and growled and went to claw at Bruce's hand reaching towards Dick. Bruce pulled his hand away before Jason could get him and threw his hands in the air. "Fine! But I get to see him tomorrow with the others!" Bruce said and walked away.

  Jason heard laughter coming from Dick who was failing at trying to keep himself quiet. Jason sighed and said, "You can let it out." Dick started laughing like crazy and Jason started laughing also. "I can't believe you did that!" Dick wheezed out and Jason flushed embarrassed.

  "Awww, is the big bad Jason embarrassed?" Dick teased and laughed at how Jason started shrinking into himself. "And you say I'M the mother hen!" Dick teased and Jason smirked and said, "Need I remind you the night the time where Damian broke his leg?"

  Dick stopped laughing.

  "Awww is the birdie wirdie embarrassed?" Jason teased and Dick smacked him upside the head. "No! I was just a worried brother who worried about his younger brother who broke his leg." Dick tried to defend himself but it was a loosing fight. "A big brother who stayed by younger brother the whole time hovering around saying 'Are you okay?' and 'Don't do that!' and 'Damian don't strangle Tim while your healing!' and also giving Monster Mayhem piggy back rides so he wouldn't hurt himself and also scolding him when he doesn't eat his foods and doesn't rest...that's totally not what big brothers do and that's not even ten percent of how bad you are." Jason said.

 Dick glared and said, "Well now I get to blackmail you for this moment! I recorded everything with this!" Dick pulled out a recorder and grinned cheekily. Jason glared.

  "Your gonna regret that Dickie Bird!" Jason went to lunge at Dick but the older man easily dodged and rolled away. "Try and catch meeee!" Dick yelled as he ran around the Batcave with Jason shaking a fist at him and threatening to hang him upside down for a week.

  Alfred was watching everything where they didn't know he was there.

  Alfred chuckled as he watched his two grandsons run around like they used to. He remembered seeing one time Jason on the medical bed as Robin and a worried Nightwing right next to him. Alfred laughed as he watched Dick flip over Jason and taunting him.

  Master Dick will be alright...until he gets caught by Master Bruce that is. Alfred thought and walked away.

  They will be alright..........

   That was until Bruce both saw them.


  I hope you all like it cause I wanted to do something special and also it reminded me of chapter I did from Star Wars Ezra's Blind.


  Sorry if I don't update Ezra's Blind its cause I don't feel good but I'mma trying and I have two ideas from two people who suggested it and I will reveal who when I update!

   Lava you!

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