Slade part: 2

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  "Hey Bats, how are ya?"

  There was no warmth or happiness when he said that. Only tense anger and wishing he could just leave.

  "What are you doing here?" Batman asked again, no room for jokes. Red Hood bristled and sighed.

  "Nightwing has been comprised. I need access to his files in his guest room he has here, now please get out of my way or leave," he growled.

  "What?!" Red Hood and Red Robin looked to see Robin standing right next to Batman.

  Ah shoot, great now Monster Mayhem knows, Red Hood thought tiredly. Batman went even tenser if possible.

  "Do you know who took him?" he asked, still stoic but Red Hood knew deep down he was spooked a bit. Dick was his first son, Dick was always the favorite.

  "You're not gonna like this Batsy, but it was Slade." Red Hood didn't miss the way Robin tensed and his bat glare intensified.

  "We have to save him!" Robin shouted to Batman who raised a hand to silence him.

  "We are. But we are doing this my way." Batman stated and Red Hood and Red Robin could see Robin curl his lip in anger but stayed quiet.

  "Okay, can we stop this and can I just get to Nightwings spare room or do you want to stand here and make small talk while he's stuck with his worst enemy?" Red Hood snapped.

  Everything was silent once again and Red Robin grabbed Red Hood by the foreman. "It's this way, hurry." he ushered.

  Batman decided to tell Alfred and to start getting him to work. Red Hood just knew that the butler would take the news very hard. He felt worry nip at him but pushed it aside.

  If he was going to work he needed a clear head. Red Robin quickly opened the door and they rushed in with Robin on their heels.

  "What are we looking for?" he demanded. "Files. Dickie said he had files on Slade. Come on where would Dick hide it?" Red Hood grumbled.

  The three of them practically ripped the room apart but without making a mess. Because they were trained like that.

  After fifteen minutes Red Hood growled and punched the wall and cracking it.

  "Where is it?!" he shouted in frustration. Red Robin stood thinking until a lightbulb went off.

  "Think the unthinkable! Dick said that one time to me! Okay soo..." Red Robin practically started to jump in excitement and anticipation.

  Red Hood and Robin immediately started to think and search again.

  Red Hood then saw something that caught his eye. It was the desk but it was the knob on the left drawer that looked funny.

  It was the only one that was painted a slightly lighter shade of brown and looked neater than the other knob on the other drawer.

  "Dick you sly, sneaky, clever idiot!" Red Hood quickly ran over and slowly and carefully started to undo it.

  "What are you doing?" Robin asked. "Dick said to think the unthinkable, and well actually I wasn't thinking but looking but anyway, this knob is lighter and neater than the others and guess what, it's metal, not wood." Red Hood grinned.

  Red Robin and Robin shared a look and grinned. "Got it! Let's go!" Red Hood stood and clutched the knob which turned out to be a hard drive and ran out of the door.

  They ran out and saw the Justice League members already there. "When the heck did you guys get here?" Red Hood asked, well, more like demanded.

  Flash faced him and said, "Batman called us all in and we rushed here when we heard Nightwing has been taken." Red Hood grinned even though he was wearing his helmet.

  Flash was the only one he tolerated besides Roy who too was there. "Well I found the files Nightwing told me about. They're all about Slade," Red Hood explained.

  He handed it over to Batman and watched as he did his thing. Then the computer screen was flooded with files.

  M'gaan lifted her hands and covered her mouth in shock. Roy widened his eyes. Everyone was horrified for what Nightwing did for them. The countless hours and mental pain he pushed through... For them.

  "I'm scanning through to find any secret hideouts Deathstroke must've had in Gotham." Batman explained.

  In five minutes they had five possible locations for intel. The team that went to scope out the places were Batman, Red Hood, Red Robin, Robin, and Connor. They decided to take the Bio ship.

                          *  *  *  *

  They found a hard drive hidden very, very, very, very carefully in the fifth hideout.

  And when they watched it... It was just a torture tape of Nightwing being held captive of Slade trying to wring out information and how Nightwing never breaking.

  So, after they finished watching and Batman having Flash scan for any clues since he couldn't stand watching his first son's torture, Red Hood calmly started to walk away.

  He calmly ignored Red Robin calling for him. He calmly ignored Batman.

  He calmly walked to his motorcycle. He calmly sped out and into the night.

  He calmly sped all the way to Blüdhaven. He calmly slowed down.

  He calmly parked it. He calmly snuck into Dick's apartment. He calmly shut the window.

  He calmly set up a device that would silence any noise he made. He removed his helmet and threw it across the room.

  Then he let out a ear shattering wail. He let out the river of emotions that built up inside him.

  He punched the coffee table and broke it in half. He didn't realize tears were streaming down his face.

  He grabbed one part of the table and slammed it into the wall.









  The table was completely broken and shattered. Jason fell down against the wall and buried his face into his hands.

  He sobbed into his hands and cried his heart out.

  All he wanted was his brother.

  But he couldn't have him.

  Because he was taken by his worst enemy.

  And it was his fault.

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