- Chapter Six -

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Bendy POV { :00000 into the brain of my husband :D }

Its been a couple days since we stole Norman's cord and made a mess of his stuff. Aaand since Nugget set her head on my shoulder. Yeah okay, I like her. No need to make a big deal out of it. 

I mean, what's not to like about her? She's sweet, funny, and cute. Yes, she can be a bit of an idiot, but that makes her even better. 

I looked in the mirror and straightened her bow tie. "Do you think its too much?" I turned to Boris who sat behind me.

Boris raised an eyebrow. "You're wearing a suit, Bendy. There's literally no where you could go."

"Well yeah I know I just-"

"If she likes you, which lets be honest, she probably does, she won't care what you're wearing."

"You're right." I sighed. "I just don't want to seem to pushy about it-"

"To pushy about what?" Nugget popped her head through the doorway.

"Wh-" I stared at her. 

She looked up at me and I watched her face go red as she walked in. "Y-you're wearing a suit.... Wh-why are you wearing a suit-"

I opened my mouth to say something, but Boris interrupted. "He wants to know if you'd like to have diner with him."

"BORIS-" I blushed a bit.

"You're welcome." He went back to reading his book.

Nugget's face was a tomato. "I mean- I don't have any plans- but if you're busy-"

"No- I'm not busy-"

"If he was busy, it wouldn't make any sense for him to want to go out with you." Boris explained, not looking up from his book.

"Okay let's go before Boris ruins my entire mood." I sighed and walked with Nugget out of the safe house.

"Soooooooo- I've never been on one of these before-"

"A date you mean?"


"That's surprising."

"How is that surprising?"

"Well, you're funny, you're sweet, you're pretty."

"You're pretty- MHM WHAT-"

I laughed. "I'm pretty huh~"

"NOPE FORGET I SAID ANYTHING-" She covered her face with her hair, but I could tell that her face was already red.

- - -

"Right in here, m'lady." I opened the door for her. 

Nugget blushed and walked in. "Don't-"

"Okay then, Nugsie~" I walked in after her, smirking.

I watched as her face went from a small blush to a full blown garden of tomatoes. "NOOOPE-" She sat down at the table I had set up. 

"Aww you're cute when you blush~" I sat down across from her, holding back laughter.

She buried her face in her sweater. "No I'm not-" She mumbled.

I chuckled. "Agree to disagree."

She looked back up at me. "Anyways-"


"I guess I never really asked this but, why'd you come here in the first place?"

"Well Mark and I-"

"Wait- Mark? As in Mark Drew?"

Nugget nodded. "Yeah, we're friends."

I inhaled. "How in the hell are you friends with him?"

"Well, when I was in 7th grade he had walked up to me and asked what I was drawing. I wasn't used to having people come up to me, so I just sorta sat there for a second. He asked if he could see it and I showed to him. He thought it looked really good. We talked for a while and got along fast. His dad- well he wasn't doing so great. When we were in high school, 10th grade, I believe, his dad got arrested. Mark changed a bit after that.... he kept comparing me to Hannah, and the only other thing he talked about was this studio. After high school we became roommates and decided we would get this place up and running again. So we come here, he's all excited, and so am I, but then- then we ran into Hannah. The girl of his dreams. And I felt like I had been hit with a rock. A really heavy rock. It hurt like hell. I felt left out. I was just a replacement for him. Sometimes I wonder how far he would have gone...." Nugget finished and looked up at me. "Oh I'm sorry- I didn't mean to tell you my entire story-"

"No its fine, I like to listen." I smiled and took her hand. She blushed again. 

"I uh- didn't feel like I could be myself around him. Like my entire self. I didn't want to be left behind. So I took up the role of acting smart and sweet, when really I just wanted to be myself. Then I met you. You are so funny and welcoming- it was strange at first, not going to lie, but- I do really feel like I can be myself and just- I can't explain it-"

"Nobody can stop you from being you, but yourself. You don't know how people react until you actually be yourself and show them how amazing you are. And if they can't accept that, then screw them. Just forget about them and remember that there are people out there who love you for being yourself."

She sat their and stared at me for a moment, before leaping over the table and hugging me. I hugged her back. "It's okay Nugsie. I'm here."

also the floof at the end killed me- }

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