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It was a somewhat hectic day. Harley was attending to multiple of her therapy patients. She took as many breaks as she could. Yes dealing with so many backstories and people was stressing, but she found it rewarding that she was helping them mentally and they were op ending up.

She was closing up and she only looked out the window to see rain falling down. "Great!" "I didn't even bring an umbrella!" There's was a knock on the door and she grabbed a gun warily.

She opened the door cursing and aiming the gun when a shout interrupted her. "Damn it Harley!" "It's Bruce!"

She was so confused, but she let him in anyway. The almighty Bruce Wayne looked so fragile and tired....

While she brewed tea for him, he began explaining.

"So basically you feel like you're a shifty father and useless hero!" "You are, but that doesn't mean you can't change!"

Bruce winced at her blunt remarks.

Harley placed her hand on him and whispered gently.

"Listen Bruce, you and I have been friends forever and I hate seeing you like this"

Harley had long since recorded their conversation. Usually she was to keep the conversation between her and her patient secret, but she sent the recording to Bruce's children and texted them that she'd be at their home with him.

She continued. "Just tell them how you feel and make a effort that counts" "That's more than enough to show them you care"

Bruce looked up at her. "You're right, but it's easier said than done!"

"Yep, but I and Alfred and your children are here for you!" Harley said, hugging him. She wiped his tears with a chuckle. "Now deep breaths like we practiced"

Bruce obeyed and found himself gradually calming down. "Thanks so much!" "For not abandoning me and fir helping me!"

"You're welcome!" a tired Harley said with a smile.

"Can we stay like this for a bit longer?" He asked.

Harley said ok and just like that they were in each other's arms listening to songs on the radio.

When Harley decided it was time to leave, she hoisted a sleeping Bruce Wayne unto her back, grabbed her stuff and headed for the Wayne mansion.

When she arrived, she was met by an alert Alfred who helped her with drying Bruce and hoisting him into bed. Harley cooked soup for everyone with Alfred's help and they all ate.

It was late in the night, so she stayed over.

Soon came morning. Harley cooked breakfast and ate, before Keating for a walk. Upon arriving she saw Bruce having a serious conversation with his kids. She knew it was about the recording she sent them.

A sobbing Bruce hugged them and Harley felt satisfied. She quietly packed her stuff and was about to leave when Bruce's voice stopped her.

"I'm guessing you're the one that sent them a recording about our talk?"

Harley nodded nervously. Damian ram toward her and hugged her leg. "Thankyou pretty lady!" "Thanks to you, Dad is paying more attention to us now!"

Harley bent over and ruffled his hair. Damien was originally cold and upset due to negligence, while his brothers got used to it and more or less didn't care. But now they a seemed happy.

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