Alastor vs. Sans

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Interlude: When people put a smile on their face it means they are happy sometimes but sometimes their real feelings are protected with this smile especially when a smile can intimidate or scare people like these two who just appeared overnight.


Alastor, The Radio Demon


Sans the Skeleton of Snowdin




Backstory: In the Underground there are numerous monsters from King Asgore, a spider merchant name Muffet, the creatures of the True Lab called Amalgams, to the celebrity fashionista TV star who is also a robot named Mettaton, to even the captain of the royal guard herself Undyne. But in the town of Snowdin there were two skeletons one is the naive goofball wannabe member of the Royal Guard named Papyrus and his lazy bones of a brother Sans the Skeleton.


-Name: Sans.

-Age: Unknown, likely older than Papyrus (confirmed in deltarune to just have a younger brother who is most likely papyrus).

-Occupation: sentry/comedian.

-Lazy to a fault.

-Cares a lot for his brother, Papyrus.

-Experienced, unregistered prankster.


-Has a left glowing blue eye

Powers and Abilities:

-Soul Manipulation 

>Is able to manipulate souls. The soul manipulation he has (same one as Papyrus) can shift the opponent's SOUL to Blue, allowing Sans to move the victim's SOUL (and also their physical body), usually flinging them around, or changing the gravity so that they're forced to the wall rather than to the ground. Attacks using this method bypass normal durability, as they target the SOUL itself. A drawback of using this ability a bit too much is that it tires him further. With it, he can

>His attacks target the SOUL directly. However, because SOULs are the culmination of one's being, he damages foes even on the physical level, not just the spiritual.

>Since he is a monster, Sans' body is mostly made of magic that is attuned to his own soul


>Meta-awareness on multiple levels; knowingly twisted game mechanics and educated regarding the "timeline anomaly" (the player).


>Telekinetically-manipulated bones. Can be used both offensively and defensively

>Can also create blue bones which can be bigger and faster than normal bones, but can be avoided if you stay still as they pass.


>Drops all invincibility frames to zero. (Would only work within the constraints of a turn-based RPG battle, though it could possibly work against an ability similar to invincibility frames such as which is basically invincibility frames translated out of gameplay)

>Ignores conventional durability.

>"Poisons" the opponent's soul with KR (KARMA).

>Getting hit by any attack for even one frame will not only inflict the one damage but also increase KARMA by some amount (depending on the attack)

>Whenever KARMA is above zero, it will eventually drain back down to zero in increments of one, with each drain decreasing the player's HP by one.

>Getting hit by multiple attacks in a row will cause increases in KARMA to stack up. KARMA cannot exceed 40 and also cannot cause the player's HP to fall below one. The more KARMA damage is built up, the faster it will drain itself and the player's HP with it.

>Items that increase INV, the Torn Notebook, and Cloudy Glasses, will grant small fractions of INV during the Sans battle, with both items together increasing INV from zero to one-third (allowing the player to obtain a single frame of INV every three frames, such that Sans's attacks can hit 'only' up to 23 times per second instead of 30). Uniquely, they will also reduce the rate at which KARMA drains.

>This ability was able to give a fully-genocidal Frisk immense trouble in battle.

>Despite common belief, it DOES NOT drain an enemy's HP based on how many sins they've committed or by how many people they've killed.

-Gaster Blaster

>Floating beam-shooting skulls that can be summoned in different sizes and mass quantities.


>Sans can teleport himself and others to different areas instantly

*Possibly related to stopping time; he may just stop time and walk to his desired location

-Game-Changing Jump-cut

>Throws player off guard in mid-attack

>Switches between his attacks randomly

-4th Wall of Hell

>His bones root into the menu, forcing the player to make quick decisions

>Works only in an RPG battle with menus

-Pre-Special Attack ()

>Large path of bones.

>Rapid jump-cuts.

>Ring of Gaster Blasters (about 200 total)

>Slamming of SOUL against a wall (only able to reduce Chara's HP to 1, however).

-Sparing Sans

>If Frisk/Chara (who at that point in the Genocide Route, can exterminate huge groups of monsters, and had defeated Undyne the Undying) spares him in the fight, he fools the player with an undodgeable attack shown as a cage of bones that deals a massive amount of damage (in-game, it will always kill the player).

>"get dunked on"

>Once again, this is an ability that would only work this way in an RPG.

-Special Attack

>Sans does absolutely nothing.

>Locks the opponent in place so neither of them is able to do anything. He was prepared to use this to pressure the player into quitting and going another route.

>Teleports Frisk/Chara to the center if they draw too close to the "FIGHT" button with the flash of his eye.

>Only able to enforce it while awake.

>However, he can dodge if you attack him while he is sleeping (should be noted that Possessed Frisk attacked him while he was talking after he dodged).

>This attack would most likely entirely not work outside of the constraints of a turn-based RPG battle, which Death Battles have never been officially set in. However, Sans' ability to teleport Frisk/Chara back to a specific point with the flash of his eye isn't as illegitimate for a normal fight.

Feats(Strength and Durability):

-Fought Flowey numerous times

-Killed Frisk/Chara 11x

-Survived being electrocuted by Flowey's vines

-Survived long enough to talk and even walk after getting hit for 99999 damage

-Scales to most characters in the game


-Can dodge attacks from Frisk/Chara and Flowey

Stats(Strength and Durability):

-Power of Undertale

>According to Leopald, Chara can wipe out the world with a force of 183 to 647 petatons which is multi-continental 

-Scaling to other characters

>A character named Knight Knight can use a Moon, Meteor shower, and a sun and it's solar flares and prominences

>With only the Meteor Shower which can produce up to 100 meteors, assuming each of these meteors have a kinetic energy of 100 teratons

>100 x 100 = 10 petatons which is Multi-Continent Level

>As for the Sun and Moon, a single prominence and solar flare can go from 100 gigatons to 10 petatons each. Which means Knight Knight can exert a force of 30 exatons to 164 tenatons which is Moon to Star Level

>And since Sans has taken an attack that can one shot him by Chara and this is after fighting Undyne both base and Undying form. The multiplier of her Undying form has been estimated to be a 236x multiplier

>164 x 236 = 2 foe which is Large Star Level

>Since Sans has fought against Chara at the height of their power 11x it would be 22 foe at Large Star Level

>Final Verdict: Large Star Level


-Speed scaling

>Through out the game there were many instances where Frisk/Chara has dodged sound, electricity and lightning bolts and even light

>Sans can has light speed attack speed with his Gasterblasters

>And he can scale to to the rest of the top tiers like Mettaton who can shoot lightning, Ashore and Tortiel who can shoot fire,  and as for Knight Knight

>Knight Knight with the meteor shower she can attack at speeds of Mach 210 and it takes a several seconds to move around the moon and the sun

>Which is Mach 5105 to 2.3x the speed of light which is Massively Hypersonic+ to FTL speeds

>This is consistent with the speed of solar flares and prominences at Mach .8 to Mach 5877 which is Subsonic to Massively Hypersonic+

Final Verdict: FTL


-Can't be bothered to fight, due to understanding the power of the SAVE file, and the futility of trying. That changes only when you methodically murder EVERY MONSTER YOU POSSIBLY CAN. Not even the death of his brother can get him to muster more than a few contemptuous words. However, when he IS serious (fought Chara since he knew what would happen if he didn't stop them), he's more than a force to be reckoned with.

-Despite being one of the strongest monsters in the underground, he suffers from realistic fatigue and shows signs of tiring out in the later stretches of his boss fight.

-A slight tendency to overestimate his prowess, letting his guard down to mock Chara, immediately resulting in a fatal blow.

-Puzzle Trap: Junior Jumble (though thinks crossword would've been a better idea)




Backstory: In the realm that is Hell, the Princess of this realm wanted to save all the human souls who were damned by redeeming them so that they can go to Heaven instead of them getting genocided on a daily basis. The demons laughed at Charlie and the angels call it impossible. So desperate for someone to help Charlie, she tried to call her mother but instead getting her help. She got the help of an Overlord named Alastor the Radio Demon. Many years ago, Alastor manifested out of nowhere and seemingly overnight and he has toppled over many overlords when he first arrived and rivaling Hell's greatest evils in sheer power, power that has never been wielded by mortal soul in years. Alastor broadcasts the screams of his victims on every radio in Hell to strike fear in the hearts of his enemies and everyone else. And he always dressed himself with a smile on his face and a microphone cane on his side.


-Name: Alastor, also known as "The Radio Demon".\

-Age: Biologically 30s-40s, chronologically 90+

-Was a radio host and serial killer in the living world.

-Lived in the early 20th century and died in 1933.


-One of the many overlords in Hell.

-Has unknown and mostly cryptic goals.

Powers and Abilities:

-Nigh-deathless Immortality

>Demons like him can't die unless their soul is erased.

-Radio broadcasting


-High Intelligence

>He's the kind of character that keeps a lot of what he can do under wraps because he likes being unpredictable. As a result, he will feign the inability to do something he can actually do at first.

-Demon Magic

>He can create glyphs that can passively warp reality.

>Eldritch Powers

>Tentacle Manifestation



>Shadow Manipulation

>Portal Creation



>Spatial Manipulation


>Cthulhu summoning

>Voodoo magic

>Radio manipulation

>Technology manipulation

>Reality warping


>Ghost summoning (possibly)

>Bone manipulation (possibly)

>Soul manipulation

-Demon Transformation- Alastor transforms into his true demonic self, taller, thinner and bigger horns making him even more powerful and menacing

Feats(Strength and Durability):

-Stronger than Vox

-Upon arriving in Hell, he possessed raw power of which no mortal soul has seen before. 

>Even rivaling Hell's greatest evils like Stolas

-Stronger than Imps, Robo-Fizz, most of the Hazbin Crew, and other demons

-Fought Adam to a stand still

-Described to be an all powerful overlord

-One of the few demons who possess magic


-Dodged beams of light from Adam

-Scales to Stolas

-Upscales the Imp Crew and other demons

Stats(Strength and Durability):

-Lower Demon Stats

>From the bottom of the food chain, there are Imps like the Imp crew can survive an explosion that is 3 tons of energy which is Large Building Level

>Alastor also scales above Sinners like Sir Pentious who can tank the explosion of his blimp being destroyed which is 1.03 kilotons and Adam blew up Sir Pentious' blimp very casually which is 45 kilotons which is Town Level

-Overlord Scaling

>Vox is able to cause a black out across Pentagram City which given recent numbers can produce 83 kilotons every second

>Using the work schedule of a CEO of 151,200,000 seconds

>83 x 151,200,000 = 151,200,000 kilotons  or 13 teratons which is Country level

-Goetia scaling

>Stolas was able to split apart clouds and spin them around which is 924 Megatons which is Mountain Level and it's consistent when Adam destroyed the Hazbin Hotel plus the cliff it resides on which is 376 megatons which is also at Mountain Level and it's even calculated to 8 gigatons

>But we can go even further with Stolas being able to bust a star which is 2 foe which is Dwarf Star level and since Stolas did this casually should be around Large Star Level

>Because both in real life and in the show, Stolas is connected to astronomy

-Angel Scaling

>According to the first episode of Hazbin Hotel, the Angels of Heaven expanded the universe which is 3 Tenaexafoe

>According to Christian Myth, there are 100,000,000 angels

>3,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 / 100,000,000 = 30,000,000,000,000,002,120,283,904,895,640,175,378,432 foe or 30 tenagigafoe which is Multi-Galaxy Level

>However, Adam is way stronger than Alastor so Alastor doesn't scale to this

Final Verdict: Large Star Level


-Lessor Demon Scaling

>Imps are often bullet timers and they're comparable to Robo Fizzoroli who can move at speeds of Mach 9 to Mach 27 which is Hypersonic to High Hypersonic 

-Goetia scaling

>Back to the Stolas Lullaby feat, Stolas can move at speeds of 1599379055.565 mph or 2.4x the speed of light

Final Verdict: FTL


-Demons like him can be killed by angels and weapons associated with them.

-He can only die if his soul is erased.

-Has a strange ethical code against following or chasing people to kill them.

-Although he likes seeing children suffer, he doesn't like to grievously kill them.

>He will discipline or scare them if they annoy him, however.

-Prone to fits of rage when things don't go his way or when he is not perceived in the way he wants to be.

-Was nearly killed by Adam and had to retreat.

-According to Vivienne herself, Alastor isn't the strongest demon in Hell, as he was stated to be inferior to Stolas.




Here we see Alastor taking a stroll in Snowdin and he comes across Sans and Papyrus and he sees Papyrus setting up a human trap for oncoming humans while Sans was sitting on the ground eating ketchup.

Papyrus: "This would be a lot faster if you help me Sans!"

Sans: "I'm on my union mandated break."

Papyrus: "WHAT UNION?! You're just lazy! Fine, I'll work on this trap by myself again!"

We then see Papyrus leave the area in a fit of anger as we see Alastor talk to Sans.

Alastor: "Why hello there my skeletal fellow, what seems to be going on here?"

Sans: "Oh my brother Papyrus is just setting up traps for when humans come by here. He wants to become one of the Royal Guards."

Alastor: "Seems prime picking for a deal, I can make it happen if he shakes a Sinner's hand."

We then see a Gaster Blaster appear right in front of Alastor and he turns to Sans.

Sans: "Listen pal, if you lay a finger on my brother."*eye's glowing blue*"You're gonna have a bad time."

Alastor: "Well then."*demonic voice*"We're playing that game are we?"

We then see Alastor unleash black tendrils at Sans and we see Sans dodge them and then managed to throw some bones at Alastor and we see some of the bones hit Alastor in the leg and it hurt him a lot as we see more bones hitting Alastor as well and we see Alastor put up a shield and we see Gaster Blasters appear around Alastor.

Alastor: *waves his finger*"Ah, ah, ah."

Alastor teleports out of the way of the blasters and we see Alastor end up surrounded by blue bones and we see and when Alastor moves around he feels the pain from those movements.

Alastor: "Very clever my boney friend."

Sans: "Guess I have a bone to pick with you."

Alastor: "Haha! That is quite funny my boney friend."

Sans: "Yeah I get that a lot."

We then see Alastor teleport out of the bones and we see Alastor grab Sans with his tendrils and we see Sans teleport out of Alastor's grip and then he summons multiple Gaster Blasters and fire multiple of them at Alastor as we see Alastor dodge them and then snaps his fingers and summon portals and eldritch monsters and multiple shadows to fight against Sans as we see Sans clear them out with his Gaster Blasters and Bones. And then Sans jump cuts on Alastor and then broke his cane with one of his bones.

Alastor: "What just happened?"*sees his cane is broken*"Fuck!"

We then see 200 gaster blasters around Alastor and he sees Sans.

Sans: "Get dunked on."

All of the Gaster Blasters fired all at once and then we see Alastor's soul get destroyed.






+Karma is the best way to hurt and weaken Alastor

+Can actually break the 4th wall

+His Blue Bones can make things tricky for Alastor to move around

+Can use telekinesis on Alastor

>Since souls can be manipulated

+While despite what it is said about the battles in Undertale aiming for the soul, it's actually monsters aiming for the soul while Frisk/Chara avoids the attacks by moving their body

>Since the only way to kill demons from Imps to even The Devil himself is to erase their souls which is something Sans is capable of

-Can break Alastor's cane


=Sans is lazy while Alastor is arrogant

-Less varied amount of powers





+Has more powers




=Sans is lazy while Alastor is arrogant

-Sans' abilities can aim for Alastor's soul

-While he is aware of the 4th wall, he didn't actually break it as much

-Can be grabbed by telekinesis

-His arrogance

-Sans can break his staff very easily

Next:  Kai vs. Death





-Both of them have never ending smiles

-Both of them likes jokes

-both of them live under humanity

-Both of them have magic powers

Math and Chapter:

-I made Sans a lot stronger than everyone thinks because Leopald said that the battles in Undertale are in real time battles

-I want this fight to happen

Participated Franchises:


-Hazbin Hotel

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