Chorus Villain Battle Royale

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Interlude: When it comes to Red vs. Blue, they have a lot of villains over the years like the first one on the block Omally, the monster created by Project Freelancer known as The Meta, to freelancers like Wyoming, CT, South Dakota, and even Project Freelancer's director himself and other people like the blues and reds, Chromes, or even Viper team. But there are 3 villains that stand out as mercenaries hired to wipe out the people of the planet known as Chorus.


Felix, the Mercenary from the New Republic hired to kill them


Locus, the mercenary of the Federal Army of Chorus hired to kill them


Sharkface, the Insurrectionist soldier turn vengeful psychopath bent on killing all from Project Freelancer




Backstory: The Human Covenant War has brought many deaths of man and alien alike. Lives were lost, cities abandoned, soldiers everywhere, life pretty much sucks for both sides. Especially to someone like Issac Gates and his partner Samuel Ortez. By the time the war is over, they haven't got back into civilian life exactly, so they live their lives as mercenaries under the codenames Felix and Locus. Their skills alone have brought the attention of the CEO of Charron Industries named Malcom Hargrove and he hired them to do one job, genocide a planet name Chrous. The people on the planet were already at war when they arrived so it was their job to keep the war going until both the New Republic and the Federal Army of Chorus were both each other. However the plan is moving so slow and Malcom's solution to that is to get a group of idiots and 2 freelancers involve into the war, the plan worked until Tucker, Caboose, Simmons, and Grif then infiltrated the base of the Federal Army and found the rest of their squad and Agent Washington himself. And the war between Charron and Chorus has begun. 


-Name: Issac Gates

-Codename: Felix

-Assigned army: New Republic

-Age: Probably late 30s

-Ultimate rival of Tucker

-Fans called him Felix McScouty

-Loves monologuing

-The only man who is a bigger asshole than Church


-Very good actor and manipulator

-Adept Knife Fighter and Thrower

-Skilled hand-to-hand combatant

-Adept Marksmen

-Adept Swordsmen


-UNSC Combat Knives

>Felix's go-to melee weapon(s) before he attained the "Great Key"

>Sharp enough to pierce titanium and nanolaminate

>Perfectly balanced as a throwing weapon

-M395 Designated Marksman Rifle

>Felix's ranged weapon

>Maximum range of 950 meters

-M6H Personal Defense Weapon System

>Felix's side-arm

>Effective at long ranges, but it's preferable to be used at mid to close-range

-M363 Remote Projectile Detonator

>Fires a single magnetically latched grenade that can stick to pretty much anything and detonated at a safe distance

>Felix can sneak the grenade onto an individual during a fight

-The Great Key

>An ancient alien device that serves as both a key and a sword (based off an energy sword)

>Became Felix's after Doyle sacrificed himself

>Can cut through nearly anything

-Teleportation cubes

-Hardlight Shield

>Result of reverse engineered alien tech

>Can block gunfire and physical attacks

>Felix can incorporate it during combat


Feats(Strength and Durability):

-Overpowered Carolina and Washington on some occasions

-Took down numerous thugs

-Tanked a rocket from a rocket launcher at pointblank range

-The Hardlight Shield can tank the explosion from the crash landing of the Tartarus

-Can throw a knife hard enough to pierce through a helmet

-The Great Key can pierce through any form of armor


-Dodged gunfire at point blank range

-Can keep up with Carolina and Washington

-Threw a knife at a man fast enough before he had time to fire his weapon

-Can deploy his shielded fast enough to block machine gun fire

Stats(Strength and Durability):

-Rocket Launcher Durability

>One rocket from a Rocket Launcher can unleash a force of 0.01 tons from the Halo games but the rocket launcher explosions can result in people in Red vs. Blue to be sent flying into the air like Tucker back in the Blood Gulch Chronicles in the air, launching a human into the air requires a force of 5 tons which is Large Building Level which by the way Felix can scale above this feat since Tucker was in complete pain while Felix tanked the same rocket point blank and got up like it was nothing.

-Railgun Durability

>Agent Washington and Sarge were able to withstand a blast from a Railgun from Locus and Surge's Railgun can one shot a marine with a force of 13 tons which is City Block Level

-Hardlight Shield Durability

>In Season 13, Felix used his shield to protect himself and Locus from the explosion that destroyed both the Tartarus and the Purge. Which has been labeled as Multi-City Block Level which is in the range between 100 tons to 1 kiloton

Final Verdict: Multi-City Block


-Random Speed Feats

>Felix can scale above sim troopers like Sarge who can dodge a Railgun shot from Surge which in the Halo Lore, can fire a round at speeds of 33554.044 mph or Mach 44 which is High Hypersonic, this is consistent with him being able to dodge bullets

>And he should be comparable to Carolina when she fought against Phase and Zero when she was past her prime, those guys fought a monster that can shoot lasers which is FTL which again is consistent considering Sister can pilot a ship moving at Relativistic speeds

Final Verdict: FTL


-Extremely cocky and arrogant

-Insistence to taunt his opponents instead of immediately killing them

-Lacks any regard for human suffering

-Bit insane

-Is a bit of a coward, always depending on Locus to assist him

-Was overwhelmed and killed by the Reds and Blues




Backstory: Project Freelancer has been battling aliens and the Insurrection for a long time and each enemy they take down, they comeback stronger and badder. On one heist in retrieving the Sarcophagus, Carolina and Washington fought against a big guy with a flamethrower that Carolina beat by throwing a Gravity Hammer at him and literally drop a building on him. Some time later along with some physical therapy, he was on a prison transport that was recently capture by Locus and Felix and he was recruited by them to exterminate the people of Chorus and so he can kill off Agents Washington and Carolina for killing his friends and ruining his life.


-Real Name: Unknown

-Hates: Project Freelancer

-Likes: Washington and Carolina's heads on a platter

-Occupation(s): Space Pirate, Prisoner (formerly), Insurrectionist (formerly)

-Affiliation(s): Charon Industries

-Seriously. What the fuck is with this guy?



-Flamethrower gauntlets

-Assault Rifle

-Hardlight Shield

-Grappling Hook



-Near unbreakable armor

Feats(Strength and Durability):

-Tanked a Gravity Hammer to the face

-Beat up Carolina so bad that she needed a healing unit

-His grenades caused an avalanche

-Got hit by a train door thrown at him

-Fought Carolina enough to break through concrete road

-Tanked bullets and a Banshee being thrown at him


-Sidestepped out of the way of a Fuel Rod Cannon shot

-Scales to Carolina

-Casually blocked a shot from a battle rifle with his hardlight shield

Stats(Strength and Durability):

-Getting hit in the face by a Gravity Hammer

>The Gravity Hammer from Halo is strong enough to take down Hunters who can withstand 286 tons of force which is Multi-City Block Level

-Scaling to Carolina

>Carolina is pretty strong, a lot stronger than Agent Washington who again tanked a 13 ton slug from a Railgun and Sharkface beat her up so much that she needed a healing unit which is City Block Level

Final Verdict: Multi-City Block level


-Fuel Rod Cannon, is it light speed?

>Officially the Cannon fires rounds at speeds of 72 m/s or 161 mph, but it uses plasma which can move at speeds of 5,000,000 mph or Mach 6568 which is Massively Hypersonic. So it's not really light speed but then again Sarge dodged a Railgun slug which is High Hypersonic, Sister can pilot a ship moving at Relativistic speeds, and Carolina past her prime can fight Phase and Zero who can dodge lasers

Final Verdict: FTL


-Obsession in winning might make him fight blindly

-Ironically killed by Agent Washington and General Kimball after boasting he won't stop fighting them unless he's dead (which he is now)

-Can't use flamethrowers in a fast moving platform with plenty of wind

-Defeated by Carolina in a rematch




Backstory: Samuel Ortez was a soldier and a partner alongside Issac Gates during the war and they worked together since then. Soon after the war was over, they had a hard time getting back into normal civilian lives and they did some bounty hunting and mercenary work under the codenames Locus and Felix until they were hired by Malcom Hargrove to bring genocide to Chorus by making the inhabitants fight each other to the point they have killed each other over nothing.


-Real Name: Samuel Ortez

-Height: Unknown

-Weight: Unknown

-Age: Unknown

-So badass, that he gets eaten by a shark and then starts riding it into battle


-SRS99-S5 AM Sniper Rifle: A semi-automatic sniper-rifle capable of going through energy shields and high-density armor. Locus shows exceptional marksmanship with it, able to shoot a grenade mid-air with it.

-Railgun: A weapon/accelerator that fires high explosive rounds at incredible speeds. The Railgun was used by Locus to severely injure/incapacitate both Sarge and Washington  when it used at long ranges. It is most likely more lethal at shorter ranges.

-M45D Tactical Shotgun: A 5-shell pump-action shotgun that fires 8-gauge magnum shells that can kill a Spartan in one shot at close range.

-M6H2: A semi-automatic 12-round magnum pistol capable of shooting through solid concrete with ease and still be lethal.

-SAW: A 72-round light machine gun typically used for heavy engagements. This is Locus's preferred weapon.

-Sticky Detonator: A type of grenade launcher that is in the form of a unique pistol. The detonator fires C-4 grenades that attach to the first thing it comes into contact with and has short timer for the grenade.

-Incineration Cannon: A shoulder-fired cannon that fires five streams of explosive particles in a tight spread which release in four different directions upon detonation. The explosive particles then detonate again individually, increasing the effective radius of the initial explosion. This can be used to destroy tanks. It can fire two rapid shots or charged into one devastating blast.

-Type-1 Energy Sword: A two pronged plasma sword that was initially constructed to be a key to unlock temples and can also block bullets. The sword is special due to the fact that only one person is able to use it. Anyone else that tries to use the sword other than Locus, the blade will go back into the hilt.

-Cloak: An armor enhancement that turns the wearer invisible although the wearer uncloaks if they choose to fire their weapon while using the cloak.

-Grav Boots: An armor enhancement that allows the user to release their own form of artificial gravity to the soles of their boots in order to keep balance and attach to surfaces.

Feats(Strength and Durability):

-Knocked out Washington 

-Fought against both Washington and Carolina

-Got eaten by a shark and somehow rode it into battle

-Scales to Carolina and Washington


-Scales to Carolina and Washington

-Shot a grenade with his sniper rifle

-Dodged point blank Magnum shots

Stats(Strength and Durability):

-Shark scaling

>Assuming the shark Locus is on is a Great White, it would have the bite force of 4000 psi or 2 tons of force which is Large Building Level

Final Verdict: Multi-City Block Level


He pretty much scales to Washington and Carolina.

Final Verdict: FTL


-Suffers from PTSD

-Has yet to show any proficiency in his newly acquired energy sword.

-Has been outsmarted by evenly matched opponents.

-His new moral code dictates that he doesn't kill, even when he has a clear shot at someone




Here we see Locus, Felix, and Sharkface having a conversation about their next move against the army on Chorus until Felix decides on something.

Felix: "You know, I had it with this psycho, he hadn't killed those freelancers yet and we all want them dead like yesterday."

Sharkface: "I had her on the run."

Felix: *sarcastically*"Oh you have her on the run, wow that is so amazing."*serious*"You should've killed her, you asshole!"

Locus: "Enough!"

Felix: "No! This time he dies!"

We then see Felix pull out his DMR and he fires it at Sharkface as he then pull up his Hardlight Shield as the defected bullets come at Locus and he manages to dodge them. We then see Felix and Sharkface fight each other with Assault Rifle and DMR as they shoot their own weapons out of their hands as they both resort to hand to hand as we see Locus try to break the fight up.

Locus: "Enough, both of you!"

Felix: "Get out of my way you asshole!"

We then see Felix knockback Locus with a kick and then we see Sharkface tackle Felix. Locus then gets angry and then he uses his active camouflage to blend in with the environment. We see Felix and Sharkface continue to fight each other and Felix is having a hard time fighting Sharkface.

Felix: "You're pissing me off!"

We then see Sharkface shoot fire at Felix with his flamethrower gauntlets as we see Felix dodge the fire and then he grab his DMR and start shooting at Sharkface as we see a sniper round shot Felix's rifle out of his hands and he turns to see Locus coming out of the shadows with a sniper rifle. Felix then picks up the Assualt Rifle and then fires it at Locus as he then takes cover and then we see Felix pull out throwing knives and then throw them at Sharkface as he then take the hits from them and he sees that the knives destroyed his gauntlets and then he took of his gauntlets and then he charge at Felix and they both fight each other in hand to hand combat.

Sharkface: "You can't beat me!"

We then see Felix pull out his Great Key and then stabs Sharkface in the chest and then pull it out and Sharkface was on the ground.

Felix: "Say goodbye to avenging your friends asshole!"

We then see Felix decapitate Sharkface's head off of his body and then his helmet was rolling around near a rock. Felix was about to put away the sword as he then heard Locus' voice.

Locus: *from all around Felix*"Hargrove told me that you might be a liability, and he was right. You don't know when to shut that mouth of yours Felix."

Felix: "What are you gonna do you psycho? Kill me?"

Locus: *appears behind Felix*"That's the plan."

We then see Locus and Felix fight each other and both of them are exchanging blows to each other. Locus has a magnum on his person and when he tries to fire it he sees there was a sticky bomb on it and then he throws it at Felix and then it explodes while Felix didn't get hit by the blast and then he tries slashing Locus but he keeps dodging it. We then see Locus disappear into the shadows as Felix looks around in anger.

Felix: *angrily looks around*"You think you're smart, Locus?! You think you're better than me?! Well you're not! You're a pathetic, stupid, loser!"

We then see a powerful blast of energy coming at Felix from behind and before he had time to react it hit him and killed him in one shot. We then see Locus come out of the shadows holding an Incineration Cannon.

Locus: "No, you are."






+Smarter and more professional

+Always go for the kill

+Has been working with Felix long enough to know how he fights

+His incineration cannon can one shot both Sharkface and Felix

>Even without the Incineration cannon, he still wins

+Can blend in the shadows long enough for either Sharkface and Felix to wear each other out or one of them dies

=Teleportation grenades and stats

-Hasn't showed any sword fighting or knife throwing skills


+Great Key can pierce through anything no problem

+Fought with Locus long enough to know how he fights

=Teleportation grenades and stats

-Is afraid of Locus

-He taunts his foes and doesn't go in for the kill right away


-Can lose the Great Key to Locus since Locus can kill Felix

-Incineration Cannon beats Sticky Detonator

>Also again if the Incineration Cannon is not available to Locus, he is skilled enough to use the Sticky Detonator against Felix

-Can't turn off Hardlight Shield when there's a Sticky bomb on it

>Which led to Felix's death in the first place

-The Hardlight Shield only blocks what's in front of Felix


+A challenge for Locus and Felix to take down due to his physicality

+Locus can use Sharkface's obsession as a means to win like how Carolina used it before

-No teleportation grenades

-Conventional weapons have put him down before

-Has no defense against the Incineration cannon

>Cause again Sticky Detonator can force Sharkface to put it up on one side and  Locus can just fire a Incineration cannon round at Sharkface

-No defense against the Great Key

-He's pretty much fucked

Next: Goku vs. Superman





-They are villains of the Chorus Trilogy of Red Vs Blue

-They fought the same freelancers before

-The are from the same show

Math and Chapter:

-I just like Felix get beaten up

-I used stats from the weapons of Halo and made my own stats for the weapons they have

-I like Red vs. Blue

Participated Franchises:

-Red vs. Blue

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