Darkest Knight vs. SCP-3812

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Interlude: Space, Time, Reality they're more than just a linear path. It's a prism of endless possibility where a single choice can branch out into different realities. But what happens if people obtain the power to control and manipulate reality to their whims to make worlds and rule them or destroy them?

The Darkest Knight

The Darkest Knight, the creator and ruler of the Last 52


SCP-3812, A Voice Behind Me




Backstory: The year was 1996 a man named Sam Howell died. Shortly after his death he came back to life and raised from his grave and disappeared. He then went on a rampage using his already increasing power to harm people and the world and then get some mental problems until eventually ascending higher than SCP-001 The Database who are the creators of the SCP Foundation and became the most powerful being in the SCP Multiverse. The twisted mind of his is figuring out if he wants to destroy everything or just leave it as it is.


-Real Name: Sam Howell

-Designation: SCP-3812

-Object Class: Keter

-Made SCP-239

-One of the most powerful reality benders ever

-Above the Authors

-Has mental problems

-Still deciding on what to do on the narrative

Powers and Abilities:

-Reality Bending Powers

-Narrative control

-Conceptual Erasure


-Space Time Control

Feats(Strength and Durability):

-Destroyed an unknown SCP and made SCP-239

-It is hypothesized that a being such as SCP-3812 could potentially provoke a "PK-Class "All-In-One" Existential Pandaemonium Event", which would consist in all lower narratives being collapsed into a single "meta space-time", resulting in their parts becoming interwinned in such an incomprehensible way that the boundaries between all lower realities would cease to exist completely.

-Above the Database


-Ascended into higher narratives

-Above The Database

Stats(Strength and Durability):

-Destroying the Unknown SCP and creating SCP-239

>Through out SCP Foundation Lore, SCP-239 was able to warp the entire Earth which is planet level and she is powerful enough to overpower SCP-343 who can do the same as well and was was given drug enhancements just to keep up with her

>SCP-239 was from the remnants of the unknown SCP and since she was an 8 year old girl upon creation and since her full potential is Universe Level+ so that means the SCP that 3812 destroyed must be stronger than her, I estimate around Multiverse Level+

-"PK-Class "All-In-One" Existential Pandaemonium Event", which would consist in all lower narratives being collapsed into a single "meta space-time", resulting in their parts becoming interwinned in such an incomprehensible way that the boundaries between all lower realities would cease to exist completely.

>Which is an Outerverse Level statement.

-Database Scaling

>The Authors themselves are anomalies that created the SCP Multiverse and they exist as a whole in the Alpha Layer which is above the Foundation's reality and other realities as well. And they see it as a narrative to them and 3812 can ascend past them so a High Outerverse Level.

Final Verdict: High Outerverse Level


-Ascension to higher narratives

>Each narrative level transcends the notion of times of the lower narratives, including all of their temporal dimensions, so that mean the speed is Irrelevant

-Scaling to The Database

>Since 3812 was on a higher speed than 001, so pretty much Irrelevant

Final Verdict: Irrelevent


-Suffers from various severe mental problems, possibly due to "overexposure to narrative"

-seems to possess a split personality.

-Additionally, it is unable to accurately perceive the world, and is forced to alter reality to diminish the discrepancy between how it perceives something, and the way that something is in actuality


Darkest Knight


Backstory: After the failure of his plan at the hands of the Justice League. There is one solution he must come up with, a brain transplant that is placed in the body of a Batman with the powers of Dr. Manhattan with the twisted mind of the Batman Who Laughs. This results in the creation of a powerful deity known as the Darkest Knight. As the crafty bastard he was, he overthrow Perpetua, sealed her away, and then created a multiverse called the Last 52


-Name: Bruce Wayne, who else

-Has the powers of Dr. Manhattan

-Rules over the Dark Multiverse and the Last 52 Multiverse

-Basically the big bad of the Metal comics

-Basically a fusion of Batman, Joker, and Dr. Manhattan

Powers and Abilities:

-Dr. Manhattan Powers






>Quantum manipulation

>Reality warping

>Time manipulation


>Supernatural abilities

>Energy manipulation

>Exists beyond time

>Absorbed Crisis Energy

Feats(Strength and Durability):

-Depowered and defeated Perpetua

-Fought Golden Wonder Woman

-Stronger than the Hands

-Scales to Doctor Manhattan


-In his fight with Golden Wonder Woman automatically moved them through time

-Scales to Doctor Manhattan

Stats(Strength and Durability):

-Scaling to Dr. Manhattan

>Since Dr. Manhattan has been described by Mister Mxyzptlk to be stronger than he is and he's a 5th dimensional imp which is High Complex Multiverse Level

>And The Darkest Knight is stronger than Dr. Manhattan

>And one time Dr. Manhattan killed of Reverse Flash and we know how powerful each member of the flash family is.

-Scaling to the Hands

>We know that one of the hands specifically Perpetua is already powerful enough to live in th 6th dimension which is higher than any plane of existence with the exception of the Source Wall

>There are 7 known hands and with the Crisis Energy from the Crisis of infinite Earths he's stronger than all of them, which is Outerverse level

Final Verdict: Outerverse Level


-Scaling to Doctor Manhattan

>Doctor Manhattan was able unleash attacks not even guys like Barry Allen can't react in time and we know how fast he is

>Which is MFTL+ to immeasurable speeds

-His own speed feat

>In his battle against Golden Wonder Woman, he was able to automatically move through time which is immeasurable speeds so that would make it his fastest speed since he's at his strongest at the time

Final Verdict: Immeasurable speeds


-Despite his massive power, Crisis Energy on which he thrives is not an unlimited power source, its overuse can deplete these energies and needs to be recharged by the psychic energies of people forgetting the past and history in favor of the immediate moment of the rise of evil.Destabilizing his power supply (Earth-0) would prevent him to tap anymore power from it, limiting his power.

-Like the Joker, he suffered from insanity, which eliminates all facets of his personality that made him a good person, leaving only madness and bloodlust while transforming his personality into like that of the Joker. This however has shown little if any effect in being a barrier for his cunning and well-schemed plans.




Here we see Freelancer and the others getting ready to watch the battle between two godlike fusions at the Watchtower

Velma: "Hey Freelancer, how is SCP-3812 a fusion?"

Freelancer: "Well he was born as Sam Howell the human until he died and then came back with Ben on his side and fusions tend to have multiple personalities. So that got me to draw the conclusion that SCP-3812 is a fusion."

Discord: "Makes sense to me."

Rick: "Yeah it started out with one guy and now it's two guys into one so it makes sense to make. Isn't that what fusion is?"

Freelancer: "I mean I supposed so."

Deadpool: "I can't believe you invited Batgirl here again."

Freelancer: "She's about to see one of her idols beat a guy to a pulp and she's here to watch."

Batgirl: "Yep."

Discord: "Make sense to me."

Freelancer: "Anyways, let's get this started. Whisp one battle between the Darkest Knight and SCP-3812 please."

Whisp: "As you wish."

Whisp then use her magic to summon the Darkest Knight as he holds the Earth in his hand as we see SCP-3812 sensing the presence of the Darkest Knight.

SCP-3812: *as Sam*"That's not good."*as Ben*"Then let's do something about it."

We then see SCP-3812 then attack the Darkest Knight as we see the Darkest knight divide himself and attack SCP-3812 and they both fight each other. Darkest Knight then summons his forces from the Last 52 and Dark Multiverses and makes them attack SCP-3812 as we see SCP-3812 use his power to destroy them.

Darkest Knight: "You may have destroyed my children but you cannot destroy me."

We see both Darkest Knight and SCP-3812 fight each other as we see the whole universe distort and go in shambles as we see the Darkest Knight unleash punches that start shattering walls of reality and then we see SCP-3812 punch back as his fists did the same and then we see SCP-3812 destroyed the Darkest Knight's right arm.

Darkest Knight: *regrows his arm*"Nice move for a freakshow! Ahhahahah! Let's see if you can match my power!?"

The Darkest Knight and SCP-3812 then battled each other as reality itself falls apart and then we see both of them battle each other across all of time. We then see them warp reality and then we see SCP-3812 punch into Darkest Knight's body and then make it shatter into a million pieces as we hear the Darkest Knight's laughter echoed across reality. Back to Freelancer and the others they were pretty shocked to see that.

Freelancer: "That was fun, what do you think?"

Freelancer then see the others frozen in terror and fear from the battle that they have witnessed.

Freelancer: "Eh, I'm sure they like it."






+His power will grow limitlessly


+Stronger and faster

+Can handle anyone from the Dark Multiverse and the Last 52 Multiverse

-Split personalities will be distracting

-Combat training

-Has only fought against other SCPs

Darkest Knight:

+Combat training

+Can use the split personalities as a way to attack while he's vulnerable

-Limited power


-Lessor experience

-SCP-3812 can rise higher power than the Darkest Knight

Next: Predalien vs. Tarkatan Xenomorph





-Both of them got their powers when they both died from their lives as humans

-Both of them obtained reality warping powers upon their resurrection

-Both of them are fusions that have god like power

Math and Chapter:

-I want to see how this fight would go down

Participated Franchises:

-DC Comics

-SCP Foundation

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