Discord vs. Chuck(Supernatural)

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Interlude: When it comes to people with immense power they use that power for the benefit of themselves and screw around the heroes and villains of the story, they basically either make wholesome mischief or ruin the lives of other people.


Discord, the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony from Equestria from My Little Pony


Chuck Shurley aka God, the literal writer of the Supernatural Multiverse and mortal enemy to the Winchesters




Backstory: In the beginning there were 4 Primordial beings: The Darkness aka Amara, The Shadow, Death, and The Light aka God. The Darkness is nothing and wants nothing in existence, Death reaps the souls of the Light and the Darkness, the Shadow slumbers and guards The Empty, and finally the Light aka God who wanted to create his own world. Just like the Bible, he brought light to the universe but Amara doesn't like it and tried to destroy everything he made. His solution create a bunch of beings called Archangels such as Micheal, Lucifer, Raphael, and Gabriel to fight and contain Amara using a lock and key, to be specific the Mark of Cain and the spell removing the mark in the Book of the damned. Then everything in the Bible happens like the Garden of Eden, Cain killing his bro, the flood, everything. Later into the 21st century, God then disguised himself as a normal man named Chuck Shurley and control everything behind the scenes  such as the deaths of all the loved ones of Sam and Dean Winchester, Pagan God activity, Ghost attacks, monsters, fairies, demons, angels pretty much everything that is thrown at Sam and Dean cause those two are his favorite. All of this is going along nicely as planned until one day a Nephilim named Jack Kline was born from the grace of Lucifer and a human named Kelly Kline and this brought fear to Chuck and he has to do everything in his power to get rid of him because Nephilims will grow so powerful that they one day surpass Chuck. The solution is to make up a story and make the Nephilims abominations of nature to the eyes of all of heaven. Over the years Chuck was God, a Prophet, a writer, and an author and all of the things he has done made the world and lives of everyone suck.


-Name: Chuck Shurley

-Age: Older then the Universe and Time

-Writer of the book called Supernatural

-Siblings: Amara

-Rathsbone's Anthesis

-Basically the Final Boss of Supernatural

-Created the whole multiverse of Supernatural

-Basically the biggest jerk ever

Powers and Abilities:

-Primordial Entity Physiology

-Reality Warping

-Law Manipulation





-Molecular Construction and Destruction


-Mind Manipulation

-Plot Manipulation

-Basically anything and everything

Feats(Strength and Durability):

-Far Stronger than the Archangels and God Castiel

-Destroyed the Supernatural Multiverse except the prime universe

-Tanked a bullet from the Equalizer

-Caused a Ghostpocalypse in a weakened state

-Wrote Season 1 to 14 of Supernatural

-Created the Supernatural Multiverse

-Stronger and tougher than the Shadow

-Equal to Amara


-Stated to be everywhere and nowhere, to the edge of the universe and beyond

-Can scale to the Archangels, Jack, Amara, Death, and God Castiel in reaction speed

Stats(Strength and Durability):

-Creating and destroying the Supernatural Multiverse

>There are 12 known universes and more within months of time before he sets his sights on the Prime Universe and he created all of them though it took time to destroy them due to some complexity.

>This might include TV Land which is comprised of 300 different realities

>And Realms like Heaven, Hell, Earth, Purgatory, The Empty, and Avalon

>12 x 300 x 6 x 50,000 x 4 x 7 x 10 x 2 = 604,800,000,000 universes

>This is considered a Low Multiverse feat

-Tanking a shot form the Equalizer

>The Equalizer is a weapon that can kill anything, even its maker, God. A shoulder shot severely weakened Chuck and left him in a weakened state, to the point where he can be trapped by the same spell that trapped Amara also a Low Multiverse feat

-Scaling to the Shadow


>The Shadow tanked an explosion called a Metaphysical Supernova meant for him and Amara and was severely injured and weak in the process

>The Shadow has proven to be more powerful than Billie who is the new Horseman of Death and scales to the Horseman of Death before her which is Universe Level

>And Chuck is stronger than both of them

Final Verdict: Low Multiverse Level


-Being everywhere and nowhere, to the edge of the universe and beyond

>According to this statement, he is considered Nigh-Omnipresent though beings like angels and demons and Chuck as well use teleportation as a means of movement

-Scaling to the Archangels, Primordial Entities, and Jack

>In this video, Castiel searched an entire city for Gabriel's horn in seconds.


>Base Castiel in a full powered state as a seraph can move at speeds of Mach 911 or 693450.251 mph


>In this moment, Castiel managed to briefly banish Raphael from Heaven with the power of 50,000 human souls which is a 50,000x multiplier. However Castiel can't fight the archangel in direct combat. While this boost enhanced his power I will apply it with his speed.

>Since Cas himself managed to do this feat to the 3rd strongest Archangel the same result will happen to the 4th strongest Archangel Gabriel who was able to make TV Land, which was stated to be a parallel universe and to house the realities of over three hundred TV shows.


>Since it's 300 worlds within one world, I'll use the 300 as a multiplier

>Lucifer stated that with Jack's grace he will unravel the universe in 7 to 10 days and since Jack restored his full power as a nephilim after the defeat of Alt. Micheal he has grown so powerful that he can break out of a prison made for Archangels meaning Jack is 10x more powerful than all 4 Archangels even Lucifer when he had Jack's grace which is a 7x multiplier

693450.251 x 50,000 x 300 x 4 x 7 x 10 x 2 = 5,824,982,100,000,000 mph or 8686224.43x the speed of light

Final Verdict: 8686224.43x the speed of light in reaction and combat speeds, via teleportation Nigh-Omnipresent


-Needs outside help to beat Amara

-Needs Amara to willingly fuse with him to get a power boast


-Can be weakened and or killed by the Equalizer(A weapon he made himself)

-Can be trapped in a prison like Amara

-If he dies then Amara dies too

-Can lose his powers by beings stronger than him, reducing him to a human where he possess human weaknesses

-Has fell into a trap made by Sam and Dean

-Destroying the entire Supernatural Multiverse took months to destroy




Backstory: In the Magical land of Equestria is a place of ponies, Kirins, Buffalos, Griffons, Dragons, Changelings, and more though out the land of Equestria. But out of all of them there is a creature called the Draconequus and that one Draconequus is the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony known as Discord. Discord was one of the villains of Equestria, so powerful that not even Alicorn princesses can beat them and the only way to beat him was the elements of harmony and turned him into stone for 1000 years until one day he was freed only to be stopped  by Twilight Sparkle and her friends and then reformed by kind pegasus pony named Fluttershy and he used his magic as a force of good and became one of Equestria's most powerful protectors and then started having tea parties with Fluttershy, play Ogres & Oubliettes with Spike and Big Mac, going to the Galloping Gala, saving Equestria from Chrysalis, King Sombra, and Tirek, and causing some mischief around the land of ponies cause let's face it he's the Spirit of Chaos after all.


-Name Discord

-Age: 252 million years old(Stated to have friends in the era of dinosaurs)

-Species: Draconequus

-Religion: Jewish

-Alias: Grogar

-Responsible of 3 G1 villain returns

-Doesn't use contractions in his vocabulary

-His 1# Pegasister: Ilovekimpossiblealot

>That's the name of her Ponified self and channel

-The actor who portrays him used to play the role of Q from Star Trek

Powers and Abilities:


-Chaos manipulation



-Reality-Warping (his most notable ability)


-High-level intellect

-Voice changing


-Hybrid physiology

-Reality restoration



-Probability alteration/Logic manipulation


-Hypnotic magic


-Fourth wall awareness






-Appendage generation

-Anatomical liberation

-Object possession


-Matter ingestion

-Portal creation

-Disease generation


-Smoke generation

-Color alteration

-Thought manifestation

-Enhanced strength

-Enhanced durability

-Enhanced hearing

-Weather magic

-Animal manipulation

-Daytime manipulation

-Gravity manipulation

-Time travel

-Bubble imprisonment

-Prehensile tail

-Cartoon physics/Toon Force

-Magic imbalance detection




-Energy blasts


-Mastery of trickery and manipulation

-Resistance to law, casuality and probability manipulation

-Grogar powers:

>Fear Empowerment




*Monster Creation





*Energy Blasts

Feats(Strength and Durability):

-Defeated Celestia and Luna without breaking a sweat

>Sun in Equestia is the same size as our sun and so the same would be said about Equatria's moon and our moon

-Way more powerful than King Sombra, Shining Armor, Pony of Shadows, The Dazzlings, Tirek in his 3rd form, Cozy glow, Storm King, and Queen Chrysalis

-More powerful than the 5 Alicorn Princesses

-Stated to have the power to warp the cosmos and reality no problem

-Casually uprooted a tree

-Can move the sun and moon

-A small bit of his magic was enough to get Tirek to his second form

-Scales to the Elements of Harmony, Daybreaker, Pony of Shadows, and Nightmare Moon

-Stronger than the Mane 6, Pillars of Equestria of old, New Mane 6, Mean 6, Humane 7, and the Mane 5(G5 MLP era comic)

-Survived a blast from Starlight Glimmer


-Outsped Princess Luna

-Faster than Unicorn Magic

-Nonchantly reacted to the Elements of Harmony

-Faster than Rainbow dash

-Faster than the 5 alicorns, Storm King, Mane 6, Pillars of Equestria of old, New Mane 6, Mean 6, and the Mane 5(G5 MLP era comic)

-Discord went to the Horsehead Nebula and back in 30 days

Stats(Strength and Durability):

-MLP is dang powerful

>Princess Celestia is able to perform this feat on her own on a daily basis which is Solar System

>Since that there are 5 alicorns along with characters who can match and surpass the power of Celestia and Discord can beat the Alicorns and King Sombra, along with others

>4.1 x 5 x 6 x 9 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 5 x 7 = 50,213,520 Kilofoe or 50 Gigafoe which is Solar System Level

>There are other Alicorn related feats though then just that

>The Pony of Shadows is a Unicorn turned evil alicorn and according to this:

>And it's been stated that Nightmare moon is considers a challenge to the Pony of shadows, this should scale to Discord

>11.2 x 5 x 6 x 9 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 5 x 7 = 137,168,640 Zettafoe or 137.2 Ninafoe which is Multi-Galaxy Level

>Luna can do this with the moon

>157 x 5 x 6 x 9 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 5 x 7 = 1,922,810,400 yottatons or 1922 tenatons which is Large Star Level

>But the biggest feat for an alicorn is this:


>Doing a beam struggle against the Elements of Harmony and how powerful are the elements?

>Well let's look no further than Equestria Girls: Friendship Games. Specifically the moment Sci-Twi becomes Midnight Sparkle.


>According to Sci-Twi in Mirror Magic, she stated: Overpowered by a magic I couldn't control and created a rift between two worlds, almost destroying both of them in the process.

>Sci-Twi was just using the Element of Magic at the time and there are confirmed 3 universes in the MLP Multiverse which is the Human Universe, Pony Universe, and Discord's Realm. 

>But there are other timelines thanks to Starlight Glimmer






>Starlight made 7 universes.

>Let's also take the amount of ponies required for Tirek to reach to a state that he's able to take Discord's power

>Through out Tirek's debut episode he has absorb power from 70 ponies before absorbing Discord's power. Taking alicorns, villains, and power boosts to a count.

>3 x 5 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 9 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 5 x 7 x 70 x 70 x 70 = 441,082,910,000,000 universes

Final Verdict: Multiverse Level by 441,082,910,000,000 universes


-Storm King Scaling

>Storm King can keep his eye on the sun while playing with it

>Which means he can react to things moving 15,019,429,000,000 Mph or 22397x the speed of light

>15,019,429,000,000 x 5 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 9 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 5 x 7 x 70 x 70 x 70 = 2,208,271,100,000,000,065,792,901,120 mph or 3,292,978,100,000,000,000x the speed of light

-Monthly trip to the Horsehead Nebula

>The Nebula from the comics Discord described is a real thing and it's 1500 lightyears away

>So he crosses 3000 lightyears in 30 days, that's 24494698897346 mph or 36527x the speed of light

>24494698897346 x 5 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 9 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 5 x 7 x 70 x 70 x 70 = 3,601,397,699,999,999,803,965,571,072 mph or 5,370,411,100,000,000,000x the speed of light

-Speed is Magic

>Which means unicorn magic can move at speeds of 2,389,000,000 mph or 4x the speed the light

>2,389,000,000 x 5 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 9 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 5 x 7 x 70 x 70 x 70 = 351,249,019,999,999,980,732,416 mph or 523,783,210,000,000x the speed of light

Final Verdict: MFTL in reaction, movement, and magic speeds


-If he isn't around anything chaotic or feels normal rather than strange, he will fade out of existence, preventing him from using his own powers.

-Vulnerable to other magical characters or attacks.

>Had been turned to stone twice by the Elements of Harmony

>Had his powers drained by Tirek

-Tends to be overconfident and sometimes greedy.

-Sometimes suffers from Plot Induced Stupidity (PIS) where he doesn't teleport out of the way when being attacked or when his plans fail, or even defending himself.

-Generally avoids combat, limiting his combat experience.

-Not very smart.




Here we see Discord sunbathing in Equestria under the moonlight and then he notices something and turns to the audience.

Discord: "You want moi to fight a terrible writer of a show that has enough fanserives to rival my show don't you? Well alrighty then, leave everything to me. I know just the thing for this."

Discord then gets off of the ground and gets into a taxi where he's the cab driver.

Cab Driver Discord: "Where to?"

Discord: "Lebanon, Kansas in the human world please."

We then see the taxi drive away and teleport out of Equestria. Later, at the bunker, we see Sam, Dean, and Castiel come back from a vampire case.

Dean: "Man those blood suckers were nuts."

Sam: "Next time, I'm picking the next case."

Castiel: "Uh guys."

Sam, Dean, and Castiel see how chaotic the bunker has become as we see the hunters and angel head into the bunker and see that the inside is a lot more chaotic than the outside. The napkins are glowing self folding and flying around, the books' contents are coming to life, the pictures on Dean's stash of Busty Asian Beauties have come to life like in Harry Potter, all the weapons in the bunker are protesting for their civil rights, the furniture is on the ceiling, there's even a portal that leads to alternate universes in the toilet.

Dean: "Son of a bitch!"

Sam: "Cas?"

Castiel: "I am as confused as you are."

We then see Discord teleport behind the trio and look down at them.

Discord: "Sam, Dean, and Castiel I presume."

We then see the hunters quickly turn around and point their guns at Discord and when they pull the trigger, bubbles come out of them.

Dean: "What the hell!?"

Castiel: *sees Discord using his angel blade as a toothpick and checks his pockets and see that his blade is not there*"That weapon belongs to me! It's the primary weapon of a soldier from Heaven, not a toothpick!"

Dean: "What are you here for freak!?"

Sam: "Let me guess, rule the universe?"

Discord: *tosses the angel blade to the side*"Oh I'm over that phase ages ago, thanks to my friends."*whispers to Dean*"But mostly Fluttershy."

Castiel: "Who the hell are you and what are you?"

Discord: "My name is Discord, the Spirit of Chaos! And I just make myself more at home."

???(Chuck): "Hey guys I sensed a strange form of magic and-"

Everyone then turns to Chuck who just teleported into the room and he sees the chaos in the bunker.

Chuck: "What's going on in here?"

Discord: "Oh goodie, the man of the hour. I was expecting you Chuck or should I call you God?"

Chuck: "How did you know my name?"

Discord: *holds up a copy of Supernatural*"I did some reading lately."*balance the book on Castiel's head*"It's a very good read, but you really put these two through so much pain and suffering from left to right since the beginning of their adventure just for your entertainment."

Dean: "What?"

Discord: *to the hunters and angel*"Why don't you 3 spend some quality time in Equestria?"*gives the trio lots of luggage and airport tickets to Equestria*"Tell Fluttershy I said hi."

Discord then snaps his fingers and teleports the trio elsewhere and turns back to Chuck. Discord then turns to the audience.

Discord: "Nice work on the pairing Freelancer. You really outdone yourself."*to Chuck*"Now then, let's start a friendly fight than a friendly handshake."

Discord then shakes Chuck's hand as he was then electrocuted.

Discord: "Ahaha! You fell for the oldest trick in the book!"

Chuck: "Oh yeah!"

Chuck then electrocuted Discord back as he was covered in ash.

Discord: *to the audience*"Now I know how Anakin feels."*to Chuck*"Watch out for flying boxing gloves on your way out."

Chuck: "Huh?"

We then see Chuck get hit in the face by a flying boxing glove so hard he was sent flying into youtube and Chuck went in the Raven vs. Twilight. We see Chuck crash land into the burning library and we see Discord teleport into the video.

Discord: "Honestly, Twilight was traumatized enough when her library was destroyed the first time, this just makes it worse."

Chuck then throws energy blasts at Discord as we see Discord pull out a tennis racket and back hand all of them back at Chuck and then the final one launches Chuck into the forest where Twilight and Raven are and we see Discord teleport next to Chuck.

Discord: "Don't mind us Twilight, do better at winning."*to Chuck and whispers to him*"Yeah she's not gonna win."

Discord then pull out a golf club and gets ready to hit.

Discord: "4!"

Discord then launches Chuck into another video, this time it's Ben 10 vs. Green Lantern and we see Chuck crash land into the pavement and Discord sees Ben get his arm chopped off and get squished by a boot.

Discord: "You Ben Tennyson should have won, just because he was a 10 year old in the first series doesn't mean he will always be a 10 year old. Oh the very nerve, am I right?"

Chuck then gets up and uppercuts Discord and launches him into the moon and we see Chuck use his power to throw planets at Discord and they all hit him. From the rubble we see a brick house made from the materials from the planets Chuck threw at Discord and we see him come out of the house.

Discord: "That's just great, I do need a little help."*looks at a rock*"What do you think?"

We then see a Discord with glasses appear on the rock and sees Chuck and turns to Discord.

Discord: "Do I really need that help?"

Glasses Discord: "Well of course you do, it's time to bring in the big guns."

We then see a door appear out of nowhere and we see 40 Discords come out of the doorway.

Glasses Discord: "Alright chief, what's the plan?"

OG Discord: "I got one. We should convince everyone who fought in Death Battle to take turns beating up Chuck."

Glasses Discord: "You heard the man, let's get to work."

We then see the Discords scatter across the Death Battle playlist as we see Chuck tackle the original Discord and we see the two battle each other to the point where they pretty much demolish most of the galaxy. We then see Discord and Chuck on a deserted planet where Discord is smiling.

Chuck: "Why are you so cheerful?"

Discord: "Let me tell you something, I may be the Spirit of Chaos but even I need friends. And the wise words of a close but not best friend always have the best lessons on a certain subject."

???(Twilight): "Friendship."

Chuck and Discord then see all the combatants of Death Battle standing in front of Chuck.

Twilight: "You maybe the creator of your world and have Sam and Dean end up in hopeless situations that will destroy their brotherly bond as well as the trust of others and managed to turn everyone in the worlds you created with your own hands, but in the end magic like that will always be defeated by the most powerful magic of them all the Magic of Friendship!"

We see the Death Battle combatants charge at Chuck and beat him up while Discord and his clones watch from afar. We see Chuck get wrapped in chains by Kratos and Ghost Rider as we see Chuck get beaten up by Spawn's chains as we see Thor and Heracles strike Chuck in the face with their hammer and club as we see Superman and Homelander shoot heat vision from their eyes and then we see the Reds and Blues fire their weapons at Chuck as we see The Meta and the Predator turn visible behind Chuck as they then fire the Bruteshot and plasma caster at Chuck and blow him up as we see Carolina and Samus jump into the air and kick Chuck down to the ground. We then see Chuck get up then Johnny Cage then punches Chuck in the nuts as we see Captain Falcon and Ganondorf unleash the Falcon Punch and the Warlock Punch into Chuck's face. We then see Balrog, Tj Combo, and Yang punch Chuck around in the face as we see martial artists like Chuck Norris, Segata Sanshiro, Ryu, Ken Masters, and Jin then beat up Chuck Shurley and then we see ninjas like Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Ryu Hayabussa, Strider Hiryu, Sasuke, and Hiei use their most powerful attacks on Chuck. We then see Godzilla and Gamera fire their Atomic Breath and Fire Breath to burn Chuck. When Chuck get out of the crater all of the speedsters such as A-Train, Wally West, Barry Allen, Reverse Flash, and Rainbow Dash then blitz and beat up Chuck as we then see Sonic and Shadow use homing attack to beat up Chuck. We then see Robocop and Terminator fire their weapons at Chuck as we see the Mega Men fire their most powerful weapons as we see Zero slash Chuck and we see Metal Sonic bash into Chuck as we see the robot masters, Badniks, and Mavericks attacking Chuck all at once as we see Ultron, Sigma, and Apocalypse unleash their mechanical forces and then use their technology to beat up Chuck. We then see Chuck flying off as we see he was knocked out of the sky by Wargreymon and when he fell to the ground he sees Venusaur, Blastoise, and Charizard surrounding him as Red and Tai were there.

Red: "Charizard Blastburn! Venusaur Solar Beam! Blastoise Hydro Pump!"

We then see the pokemon attack Chuck all at once as we see WarGreymon finish him off with a Terraforce. We then see Lucario and Renamon then beat up Chuck as we see Jon Talbain and Sabrewulf bite and slash Chuck as we see Jon throw him into the air and we see Raiden shoot lightning at Chuck as we see both Black Adam and Shazam grab Chuck and stick him to the sky and they both say Shazam and lightning hits him. We then see Android 18 and Captain Marvel beat up Chuck and we see Lobo use his chain to grab Cuck and throw him at All Might as we see him use a Texas Smash. We then see Deadpool, The Mask, and Pinkie Pie throw pies at Chuck and they explode upon impact. We then see a montage of Chuck getting beaten up by the death battle combatants, he got humiliated by being beaten up by Hercule and Dan Hibiki, got bitten by Alucard, Dracula, and DIO, being crushed by rocks by Mob and Tatsumaki, frozen in ice by Weiss and Mitseru, having an acid trip by Ben as Gutrot, get beat up by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Zitz, we see Chuck getting smashed by Hulk, Doomsday, and Broly, and so much more. After the beat down, we see Discord walk up to Chuck while he was down on the ground beaten up.

Discord: "Nice work everyone, you may go home."

Discord then teleports all of the combatants home as we see Discord look down at Chuck.

Discord: "How's that?"

Chuck: "Kill....me...."

Discord: "I know just the thing."

Discord then turn Chuck into stone and we see his statue on a catapult and we see two Discords one operating the catapult and the other holding a rifle.

OG Discord: "Pull!"

We then see the Discord clone launch the statue into the air as the OG Discord fired the rifle as a planet sized explosion was seen. Sometime later, we see Amara in her new home as she hears the doorbell and she answers the door and she sees Discord as a mailman.

Discord: "I got a delivery for Amara T. Darkness?"

We then see Discord hand the box to Amara as she signs her name on the paper as he then disappears. Later, in the living room, we see Amara open the box and she sees the head of Chuck in the box and she reads the note in it.

Amara: "Dear Amara, I destroyed your idiotic brother cause he used his power to entertain himself. Sincerely Discord."*stops reading*"Wow.....I'm glad that happened."

We then see a looney tunes style end credits as we see Discord pop his out of the wall.

Discord: *talks like Porky Pig*"That's all folks!"






+His magic is made specifically to defy laws of anything even the rules of Battle Match


+Breaks the fourth wall



+Can trick Chuck

+Has dealt with opponents like Chuck before

+Can make more of himself

+Can turn Chuck into stone






-Can't get help from Amara

-Can't break the fourth wall

-Can be tricked

-Can be turned to stone by Discord

-Can't really kill Discord

-Took a lot of time to destroy the Supernatural Multiverse while My Little Pony can do it faster

-The gap in power is too wide for Chuck even with Amara in his system

Next: Godzilla(Monsterverse) vs. Tohru





-Both of them are beings who use their power for their own benefits

-Both of them are the most powerful beings in their worlds

-Both of them appear occasionally in their respective shows

-Both of them are villains while Discord is a reformed villain and Chuck is an actual villain

Math and Chapter:

-I used multipliers to maximize their powers

-Since Discord is the Spirit of Chaos so I thought he would make a chaotic beat down using all of the combatants from Death Battle on Chuck

-Rathsbone was excited to see this battle happen

-This fight was in the back of my head

Participated Franchises:

-My Little Pony


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