Jack vs. Jasper

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Interlude: When it comes to big bulky military grunts these two are the best of the best with the best weapons and programing and they both start with J. They are the biggest brutes in their own respective militaries and they have the muscle to take down any foe.


Jack, the robot soldier of Russia and G-Corperation


Jasper, the Ultimate Quartz Soldier




Backstory: Thousands of years ago diamonds have set their sights on conquering the universe including Earth. In order to make gems they create places called Kindergartens where they make tons of gems. But when the Crystal Gem rebellion came around, Homeworld had to resort to making the Beta Kindergarten where there were some rejects except one Ultimate Quartz Soldier known as Jasper. She's a model of perfection, so perfect that not even Peridot can't find a single flaw and she's an expert on kindergartens. She served alongside Pink Diamond who surprise surprise is Rose Quartz and soon when the battle is over she left Earth and she thought Rose was destroyed along with the rest of the rebellion until one day when Lapis arrived to Homeworld she discovered that the crystal gems are still alive and decided to go to earth alongside Peridot and Lapis to check on the Cluster and she discovered the Rose Quartz was no more and she had to fight of what's left of her forces and then she discovered that Steven is Rose Quartz so she been terrorizing the gems ever since.


-Name: Jasper

-Age: Over 5300 years old

-Species: Gem

-Kindergarten: Beta

-Rival: Rose Quartz/Steven Universe

-Model: Post Shattering

-Had a toxic relationship with Lapis Lazuli

-Now spent most of her days training for a battle that is not gonna happen

-Trained Steven's ability to control his Pink State just to fight him

Arsenal and Powers:

-Crash Helmet Proficiency: By gathering her resolve and thirst for battle, Jasper can summon her weapon; a tangerine, crystalline helmet. The helmet acts both as a weapon and armor; a hammer-like protrusion in the front of the helmet allows her to use it to charge, slam, and headbutt her opponent, while a clear orange-tinted visor extends down, covering the upper part of her face. The sturdiness of the helmet rivals that of Garnet's gauntlets, as Jasper was shown continuously countering her attacks.

-Martial Arts: Further reflecting the similarities between herself and Amethyst, Jasper is likewise prone to mixing up her weapon-based attacks with martial arts moves, such as grappling, throwing, or simply punching her opponent. Due to the nature of her weapon, the two styles mix seamlessly and combine into a powerful, but ultimately reckless fighting style with immense collateral damage.

>Headbutting: As the name implies, Jasper shows she can headbutt without her weapon. This version, although weaker without her helmet, still has the potential to knock out a human being, as seen with Steven in "The Return".

-Comet Charge: Jasper can lunge at her foes with alarming speed and power. Evidence shows as the attack breaks through layers of a hard gemstone. While she performs this attack, a fiery aura forms around her.

-Spin Dash: Jasper can rapidly roll in a ball-like shape to attack enemies. While Amethyst was shown to have this ability as well, it seems that Jasper's version is more powerful, and is more of a threat than Amethyst's. Jasper can also use the technique to dash across a spacious room and plunge into the air.

-Gem Destabilizer: Homeworld Gems, in addition to their summonable weapon, seem to carry a personal defense weapon known as Gem Destabilizers — extremely potent, non-lethal tools used to subdue enemy Gems. Jasper is seen using this weapon on Garnet in "The Return". She attempts to use it again in "Jail Break", but Garnet pried it from her hand and broke it immediately afterward.

-Corruption: As of "Earthlings Part 2" Jasper has become corrupted after fusing with another corrupted quartz to retain her dignity. This form of Jasper makes her a lot bigger and more monstrous, as well as it makes Jasper completely lose control of herself. Corruption also seems to strip gems of some of their basic powers. They are unable to summon their weapons or use warp pads and other Gem structures, such as a door to a spaceship.

-Gem Destabilizer

-Crash Helmet


-Superhuman physique

-Pocket Reality

-Automatic adjustment of her personal gravity to different environments

Feats(Strength and Durability):

-Subdued Amethyst and Pearl

-Physically stronger than Garnet

-Tanked an explosion that destroyed the hand shaped warship without poofing

-Scales to Lapis Lazuli

-Defeated Amethyst twice

-Tanked punches from base Pink State Steven and enjoyed it

-Fought Buff Pink State Steven before she got shattered


-Caught Lapis when she tried to escape

-Scales to most of the gems

-Fought and kept up with Garnet

Stats(Strength and Durability):

-Destroying the Gem Warship

>Last time on Battle Match, I calculated Jasper's maximum output to be 204 petatons which is multi-continent level

>However that's really the case when she fought Steven in Steven Universe Future

>204 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 4 = 20 exatons which is multi-continent level

-Scaling to Lapis Lazuli

>Last time on Battle Match, I scaled her to be around 35 petatons but her most impressive feat is shouting at the crystal gems when she made the tower which is 378 exatons which is Moon Level

>Once I look at this scene here:


>I know that she's stronger than Lapis but in this context that her power alone isn't enough to defeat her foes. I know that she is stronger than Lapis cause she's called the Ultimate Quartz Soldier which makes her the Captain America of Homeworld. Captain America maybe a Super Soldier but he's one guy against a large army of aliens and robots in most MCU films and this applies to Jasper as well.

>378 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 4 = 36288 exatons or 36 Zettatons Small Plant Level

Final Verdict: Small Planet Level


-Catching Lapis Lazuli

>Last time on Battle Match, I calculated Lapis' speed to be 1,749,621,349,810,411 MPH or 2609039x the Speed of Light and 344995759117545.75 MPH or 514458x the speed of light

-Scaling to Garnet

Garnet blocked a lightning bolt which is Mach 582 or 446551 mph

Final Verdict: MFTL+


-Despite it being her planet of origin, Jasper hates Earth for being a place of weakness.

-Jasper's fighting style resorts in massive collateral damage that could be bad if the fight takes place in something like an entire spaceship in one instance.

-Extremely prideful and arrogant with utter disrespect for those under her or those she considers weak to the point of total underestimation.

-While having some honor, Jasper would quickly forsake it once forced in a situation where she would face a humiliating defeat by one she considers her inferior. In both cases, it involved fusion with a partner that leaves Jasper once their combined form is dissolved.

>The first example would be fusing with Lapis Lazuli to become Malachite, end up being imprisoned in the sea for months yet inspired to seek out Corrupted Gems.

>Fusing with the Great North Monster in a last ditch attempt to defeat Smoky Quartz, resulting in Jasper becoming a Corrupted Gem while refusing Steven's help out of hateful pride.

-Refused to be saved by Steven out of a mixture of her hatred for him, her pride, and her self pity of deserving her fate.




Backstory: In the world of Tekken there are tons of fighters across the world of Tekken but none like the Jack robots. Russia created Jack for the sole purpose of destroying targets thanks to the provided by Mishima Ziabatsu. The Jack series of bots has been continuously upgraded by a girl name Jane who has been continuously upgrading him with new gear and weapons. And was given a mission to kill the Mashimas which is pretty hard considering they are martial arts badasses


-Name: Jack Series

-Alias: Jack 1, Jack 2, Jack 3, Gun Jack, Jack 4, Jack 5, Jack 6, Jack 7, Jack 8, Jack X, Proto Jack

-Age: 4 months

-Rival: Proto Jack

-Model: Composite Model

-Jane has been upgrading him

-Took a laser for Jane


-Proto Jack

>Drill arm, Rotating hands, and jet boots

-Jack 1

>Heavy hitting strength

-Jack 2

>A chip that corrects errors and prevents making the same mistake twice

-Gun Jack/Jack 3

>Pivot Gun


-Jack 4

>Self destruct device

-Jack 5

>Made with more advance materials

-Jack 6

>Extending arms

>Rocket Powered flight

>10x stronger

-Jack X

>Missle launchers

>Electric charged punches

-Jack 7

>Can analyze and counter moves from other opponents

>Can think like a human

-Jack 8

>Has a giant gun


-Body Press: Jack will attempt to crush the opponent by simply falling on them. If he succeeds, he will use his backup motor to raise himself from the ground by his arms.

-Gigaton Punch: He spins his body instead of his left arm before finishing his opponent with a single left-handed straight punch.

-Sit Punches: He sits on the floor to give a consecutive series of punches.

-Machinegun Blast: Jack makes several punches with his left hand to finish with a strong punch with his right hand.


Feats(Strength and Durability):

-Jack 2 tanked a laser from a satellite

-Jack 3/Gun Jack tanked the same satellite that destroyed Jack 2

-Jack 6 destroyed a 6 mile asteroid that is powerful enough to be

-A bunch of Jack 4s blew up Heihachi

-Comparable to Feng Wei


-Jack 6 Flew from Earth to the asteroid in seconds

-Gun Jack reacted to the satelite laser by making a forcefield

Feats(Strength and Durability):


>Since the Jack 6 model is 10x stronger than the previous model I am gonna use a 10x multiplier for each of them as well as diving them for earlier models

-Destroying a meteor

>Last time on Battle Match, I calculated Jack 6's power to be 31.1 teratons however since the meteor that Jack 6 destroyed is the same size as the one that killed the dinosaurs it would be around 310 teratons to 14 petatons

>Note: I will use Jack X from Street Fighter X Tekken since Leopold used Jack X in his videos

>31.1 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 31100 teratons or 31.1 petatons

>310 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 310000 teratons or 310 petatons

>14 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 14000 petatons or 14 exatons

>Jack 5: 14,000 / 10 = 1400 teratons or 1.4 petatons

>Jack 4: 1400 / 10 = 140 teratons

>Jack 3: 140 / 10 = 14 teratons

>Jack 2: 14,000/10 = 1400 gigatons or 1.4 teratons

>Jack 1: 1400 / 10 = 140 gigatons

>P. Jack: 140 / 10 = 14 gigatons 

>In the Jack 1 model is Large Island Level at best

-Satellite laser feat

>In this ending:


>The satellite killed off Jack 2 and Jack 3/Gun Jack in Tekken 3 made a forcefield that protected him from the blast from the satellite


>The force of the sattelite was 79 megatons of force, however the forcefield surrounding Gun Jack saved him and Jane, not Jack himself meaning that despite being 10x stronger than Jack 2 he can't tank the hit which means the forcefield is 100x stronger than Jack himself

>79 x 100 = 7900 megatons or 8 gigatons which is Island Level

>Assuming that the forcefield is carried out to later models of Jack

>8 x 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 = 80,000,000,000 gigatons or 8 Zettatons

>And applying the multiplier to the Asteroid feat done by Jack 6

>14 x 100 x 100 x 100 = 14000000 petatons or 14 zettatons which is Small Planet Level

-Pachinko Meteor Scaling

>In the Japan exclusive Pachinko Machine based on the events of Tekken 7


>According to Leopold, Marshal Law and Paul Phoenix deflected a meteor in 1 second that is 36x bigger than the one Jack 6 destroyed which is worth 20 Zettatons

>And since Feng Wei managed to beat both Law and Paul and Jack is comparable to the guy


>20 x 3 x 10 x 10 = 6000 zettatons or 6 yottatons Large Planet Level

>As for the forcefield stats

>20 x 3 x 100 x 100 = 600000 zettatons or 600 yottatons which is Large Planet Level


-Flying to the meteor


>In this ending, Jack 6 flew from the Earth to the meteor in 13 seconds how ever the distance is not clear but considering that Jack 6 burns up upon re-entry into Earth's atmosphere and the point of burning by re-entering Earth's atmosphere is the Mesosphere which means that between Point A(Earth's surface) to Point B(Meteor) is 6,214 miles. That's 1720800 mph or Mach 2260 which is Massively Hypersonic

>1720800 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 1720800000 mph or 3x the speed of light

-Scaling to Kazuya's laser

>Last time on Battle Match, Kazuya's attack speed with his forehead laser is 67x the speed of light or 44930200000 mph and characters like Heihachi can intercept it


>And since there are mutliple instances where Jack robots fought Heihachi and other comparable characters 



>Since a dozen Jack 4 units can move fast enough to hold Heihachi down

>44930200000 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 4,493,020,000,000,000 mph or 6700000x the speed of light

-Gun Jack blocking a laser

>the distance between the laser and Gun Jack is 39999 km or 24854.226 miles and it took 2 seconds for the laser to hit Gun Jack

>That's 44737607 mph or Mach 58772 which is Sub relativistic+

>44737607 x 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 =  44,737,607,000,000,004,096 mph or 66712804951x the speed of light

Final Verdict: MFTL+


-Despite getting improved after every model, the Jack series of robots are cannon fodder compared to guys like Heihachi, Akuma, and Jin

-Self destruct move won't work on foes like Hehachi who can survive it

-Only relies on Bruteforce which leads to him being taken down by much more skilled opponents 




Here we see Jasper smashing boulders for training purposes as we see Jack fly in and see her.

Jasper: *sees Jack*"What do you want?"

Jack: "I've been sent by the G-Corporation to destroy you Jasper. Prepare to be destroyed."

Jasper: *smiles in joy*"Finally a real challenge."*summons her crash helmet*"Bring it on!"

Jack then fires missiles at Jasper and then tanks them and then she spin-dashes Jack and runs him over a few times as he then gets up and then activates his jet pack and then flies at Jasper and tackles Jasper as we see both of them holding each other back.

Jasper: "You and I aren't so different!"*punches Jack in the face*"We are strong and powerful fighters that show no mercy for those weaker than us!"

Jack then let's go out of Jasper and punch her multiple times with electrified fists with the Sit Punches move. And then use the Machine Gun Blast and launch Jasper into a tree as it falls down and then she gets up.

Jasper: "Nice moves, let's see if you can handle this!?!"

Jasper then uses her Crash Comet move and charges at Jack as he then makes a forcefield to block the attack. Jack has analyzed and copied Jasper's moves and then we see Jack deactivate his forcefield and use Jasper's moves against her as she tries to fight back but Jack keeps countering her moveset and then we see Jack punches Jasper in the face so hard that the visor on her crash helmet is broken.

Jasper: *recovers and turn to Jack*"Is that all you got!?!"

We then see Jasper charge at Jack as we see Jack unleash a Gigaton Punch and shatter her helmet in pieces. Jack then fires his Pivot Gun, numerous missiles, and then pulls out a giant cannon on his back and charges it up as Jasper remembers the moment Steven shattered her and sees Steven in Jack's place and we see Jack unleash the energy blast from the cannon as Jasper was shocked and the beam was then fired through her chest and poofed her. Jack then picks up her Gem and crushes it with his hand and then flies off. We then see a funeral for Jasper as all the gems who fought with her and against her were there paying their respects to her.









+Can use Jasper's moves against her


=The win could go to either one of them in different circumstances






=The win could go to either one of them in different circumstances

-Physical Stats


-Jack can copy her moves and use them against her

Next: SCP-106 vs. The Beldam





-Both of the are big and strong soldiers

-Both of them had some relations with a girl in the form of Lapis Lazuli and Jane

-Both of their names start with a J

-Both of them are artificial creations of powerful armies which is Russia and the Diamond Authority

Math and Chapter:

-I use the 10x multiplier from the Jack 6 robots and use it as a divider and multiplier for previous and later model

-I used multipliers from Steven to figure out Jasper's full power and not directly scale to Steven cause she's not a diamond

-I got the idea from Leopold the Brave and I want to put my spin on it

Participating Franchises:


-Steven Universe

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