Loki (MCU) vs. Homelander

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Interlude: When it comes to family these two have a lot of their family members and is willing to kill their family members when they don't support him when they're the person they don't expect them to be, adopted or otherwise.


Loki, the Crowned Prince of Asgard and Jotunheim and God of Mischief


Homelander, leader of The Seven and Earth's mightiest hero brought to you by Vought




Backstory: Vought has created many superheroes in their lifetime, The Deep the savior of the many seas, A-Train the fastest man alive, Starlight the bright light in the darkness, Black Noir the crusader of the night. But the most powerful hero from their laboratories is a true American patriot, Homelander! Unlike most heroes, he was raised in a lab and he was desperate to have a mother figure in his life, accidentally killing nurses, forced to watch things related to America, and life into isolation. His childhood is pretty rough, but one day that all ends when he first joined the superhero team known as the Seven. During his career, he has done a of not so heroic things like raping a woman and a million of other things.


-Name: John(maybe)

-Age: Late 30s

-Version: TV Show

-Got his powers from a chemical called Compound V

-Raised in a laboratory

-The biggest asshole in the The Boys Universe

-Love Interest: Stormfront

-Family: Ryan Butcher(Son), Becca Butcher(Ex-Wife), Stormfront(Girlfriend), Jonah(Father figure)

-Team: The Seven

-Role: Leader

-If he wasn't a bad guy he would be the greatest American hero


-Superhuman Strength

-Superhuman Durability

-Superhuman Speed

-Superhuman Stamina

-Superhuman Hearing

-Superhuman Smell

-Heat Vision

-X-Ray Vision

-Telescopic Vision

-Microscopic Vision


-Superhuman Voice

Feats(Strength and Durability):

(TV Feats)

-Stronger than any Supe(Queen Maeve, A-Train, Black Noir, Stormfront, Ryan, Starlight, Lamplighter, and more)

-Downed an Airplane with a football

-Threw a baseball from New York to Boston

-Threw a baseball into orbit

-Discombobulated Blindspot

-Survived a pointblank explosion of a chemical plant

-Threw a man into the air so high that he destroyed a car

-Survived Madelyn's bomb vest

-Implied he can lift a 747 plane if he was standing on a solid surface

-Was stated that there isn't a weapon on Earth they haven't thrown at him and they all failed

-One shot the Supes with Shit Powers

(Comic Feats)

-Tossed a jet around with one arm

-Stronger than Crimson Countess

-One Shot Queen Maeve

-One shot a heavily armored villain

-Stronger than 1940s Supes

-Held up bridges

-Tougher than The Deep


(TV Feats)

-Faster than Passenger Jets and F-16s

-Should be faster than A-Train and Shockwave

-Flew at high speeds looking for Translucent

-Broke the sound barrier as a child

-Saved Billy Butcher and a baby from the explosion from Madelyn's bomb vest

-Flew from the US to Syria

(Comic Feats)

-Comparable to A-Train

-Flew from New York to Washington DC in 20 minutes

Stats(Strength and Durability):

-Throwing a baseball into orbit would require 4 tons of force

-Surviving a chemical plant exploding in his face

>Dark Carioca suggested the use of a smokestack for reference while pixel scaling, as it would be more accurate, so here we go. We will be using the same pixel scaling for Homelander's arm as a distance from the blast, but everything else is different.

>The average smoke stack is 275 meters tall. Here we have our smokestack and the explosion:

>The smoke stack is 11/16ths of an inch or 66 pixels. Plugging these numbers into the angsize version, 275 * 273/[66*2*tan(70deg/2)] = 812.259179 meters. The explosion is 10/16ths of an inch or 60 pixels. Now we're using the size equation, but now with 60 pixels (The explosion's size) instead of 66.

>275 * 273/[66*2*tan(70deg/2)] = 812.259179 meters. The explosion covers about the whole screen, so we'll use this as our blast radius as well.

>Using the explosive yeild equation, 812.259179^3*((27136*1.37895+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2 = 43069.457229 tons of tnt.

>Then we use I = P/A, or I = 43069.457229 / (4π((0.87354731707 )^2)).

>This means I = 4491.45100244 tons of tnt. Then we take 4491.45100244 and multiply it by 0.68 (The average Crossectional Area of a human) to get 3054.18668166 tons of tnt or 3.054 kilotons of tnt or 3.1 Kilotons(Small Town Level)

>Work Cited: https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Cryo123/Homelander_Survives_a_Massive_Explosion

-Combined stats of multiple Supers


>For this one I'm gonna stack their stats together since Homelander is stronger than them

>Black Noir:

>Pickup truck length = 4.88 m (61 px)

>Explosion Diameter = 21.52 m (269 px)

>Explosion Radius = 10.76 m

>W = R^3*((27136*P+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2

>W is yield in tons of tnt, R is radius in meters, and P is pressure of the shockwave in bars, the standard overpressure is 20 psi or 1.37895 bars.

>10.76^3*((27136*1.37895+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2 = 0.10 Tons of TNT (Small Building level)

>Work Cited: https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:TheRustyOne/The_Boys:_Shockwaves

Van length = 4.55(156 px)

Shockwave Radius = 35.2333333333 m (1208 px)

Volume= 183210.26676079 m^3

This expanded in a half sphere so I need to cut the volume in half.

Volume = 183210.26676079/2 = 91605.1333804 m^3

Density of Air = 1.225 kg/m^3

Weight = 91605.1333804 x 1.225 = 112216.288391 kg

The shockwave traveled that distance in 36 frames, the video runs at 30 fps.

Timeframe = 36/30 = 1.2 seconds

Speed = 35.2333333333/1.2 = 29.3611111111 seconds

Kinetic Energy = 0.5x112216.288391x29.3611111111^2 = 48369419.7486 Joules, 0.01 Tons of TNT (Small Building level)

>Queen Maeve: 6379419 joules

>A-Train: 437874 joules

>The Deep: 917567 joules

>Black Noir: 418400000 joules

>Starlight: 41840000 joules

>I added all the results and came up with 467974860 joules or 0.112 tons(Building Level)

-747 plane weight: 220.1 tons(Multi-City Block)

-Destroying a car by chucking a guy into the air requires 3000 Newtons or 674.43 pounds

-A-Train and Shockwave broke concrete roadblocks at the same time which is 175 lbs or combine both of them, 350 ibs of force

-A-Train can pull four train cars which is 67 tons for just one of them, 4 of them makes 268 tons(Multi-City Block Level)

-Madelyn's Statement: There isn't a weapon on Earth they haven't thrown at him, they all failed. If this state includes nuclear bombs that means he can tank Tsar Bomba which is 58 megatons, but since he's a murderous psychopath who can explode at any moment so the OG design for Tsar Bomba would be usable which means it's 101.5 megatons(Mountain Level)

-Comic book power scaling


>In the comics, the statement is consistent with comic book Homelander cause they have a remote Hydrogen bomb strapped to him at all times as a failsafe

>Crimson Countess is able to melt tanks with a kinetic energy of 20 tons which is City Block Level

>The Deep from the Comics can tank from a collision with a passenger jet

Final Verdict: Mountain Level


(TV Scaling)

-He was traveling at Mach 1.5 looking for Translucent (Supersonic)

-Escaped an explosion with a baby and Butcher, Mach 5 (Hypersonic)

-Is faster than A-Train who can move up to 1000 mph or mach 1.3 (Supersonic)

-Faster than A-Train and Shockwave = 1595 MPH = Mach 2.1 (Supersonic)

-Faster than a passenger jet and a F-16 = 1920 Mph or Mach 2.5

-Went from USA to Syria in a short time span(estimated 5 minutes) = 80124 MPH = Mach 105.2(Massively Hypersonic)

(Comic Scaling)

-Scaling to A-Train

>A-Train is fast enough to move at speeds of Mach 3

-Great Wide Wonder scaling

>Queen Maeve stated that the guy flying around can fly at speeds of Mach 1.5 to Mach 2 in a matter of seconds

-From New York to Washington DC

>It took Homelander 20 minutes to get to New York to Washington DC ins 20 minutes, that's 715 mph or SubSonic+

Final Verdict: Massively Hypersonic


-Can't see through Zinc

-His god-complex makes him megalomaniacal, egotistical, narcissistic, and short-tempered

-Sensitive super hearing makes him vulnerable to loud noises

-Can't take full advantage of his strength if his feet aren't touching the ground

-Never been in a fight cause he's too powerful

>Some of his his fights got himself killed or nearly got himself killed

>Examples: Soldier Boy(TV Show) and Black Noir(Comics)




Backstory: Centuries ago, in the realm of the gods called Asgard there was its king the All Father Odin Borson and his daughter Hela Odinsdottir the Goddess of Death, Princess of Asgard, and Executioner of the All Father. Both her and Odin then go on a conquest for the 9 Realms, by the time it's done Hela wanted to conquer more realms and planets but Odin has seen the damage done to the 9 realms and soon he banished Hela for victories that are now war crimes. The frost giants of Jotunheim then soon attack Midgard aka Earth to find a new world to call their own and soon Odin and his warriors then battle the Frost Giants and soon Asgard prevailed. When the battle is over the Asgardians soon took the Casket of Ancient Winters and Odin brought home and adopted a child of Laufey named Loki. Odin and Frigga raised both Loki and Thor to be respected Crowned Princes of Asgard and Gods of Thunder and Mischief. However over the years Odin often favors Thor over Loki which led to him to discover that he's a Frost Giant and not an Asgardian which led to him nearly destroying his Birth Realm Jotunheim and leading an army of Chintari to Earth.


-Name: Loki Laufeyson

-Age: 1499

-Variant: L1130

-Species: Frost Giant

-Sexual Orientation: Genderfluid

-Has been pruned most often

-Had a redemption arc in the movies and his own TV Show

-Caused the events of What If?

-Big Bad of Phase 1 of the MCU

-The only way for him to actually conquer Earth no problem is that the Avengers were murdered

-His bond with Thor is so strong that even if he wasn't adopted by Odin they're still brothers like frat bros

-While he has been revived in the MCU, he's unable to be reunited with Thor

Powers and Abilities:

-Frost Giant Physiology: Since Loki had been enchanted to look like an Asgardian, Loki's Frost Giant features only come out when he was in contact with Frost Giant magic, such as when he utilizes the Casket of Ancient Winters or when he was inflicted with the Frost Giants' touch.

-Cold Immunity: Due to his Frost Giant physiology, Loki is immune to the otherwise damaging touch of Frost Giants. In fact, both a Frost Giant's touch and him either touching or even using the Casket of Ancient Winters, would reveal his true form as a Frost Giant.

-Sorcery: Loki learned how to wield magic while growing up in Asgard, thanks to his adoptive mother Frigga. He eventually became a highly skilled and formidable sorcerer, with it being his main asset in battle.

-Illusion Manipulation: Loki can generate hazy green, holographic images with a wave of his hand, which he has used to create illusions. He was particularly noted to fool enemies who try to attack him with an illusion of himself. Thor was noted to fall for this ability numerous times. Loki even made multiple illusory images of himself appear simultaneously during his first duel with Thor before the latter blasted them away with lightning. Loki could also alter his attire, voice, and physical aspects in order to resemble another person. He used this power to change his clothing from his usual armor, to a human suit, and to his battle armor. He was also capable of imitating Thor, Captain America, Odin, and an anonymous Asgardian guard. He could also use his power to alter the appearance of Thor (making him look like Lady Sif or without a hand) and of his cell in the Asgardian Dungeons. However, Loki most notably conjured up the extremely convincing illusion of him seemingly dying from a wound inflicted by Kurse.

-Hypnosis: Loki can subtly influence the minds of others, such as when he manipulated Erik Selvig into researching the Tesseract.

-Invisibility: Loki was able to render himself and others unseen to whomever he wants. Instead of letting light waves pass through himself, it was simply a trick of the mind. He was able to use his magic to mask his presence from even Heimdall himself while he was in Jotunheim, and used the same ability to sneak several Frost Giants into Asgard without Heimdall's detection. He also presumably used this ability to hide from S.H.I.E.L.D. agents when he briefly visited Thor and attempted to lift Mjølnir himself. Also, he appeared as a reflection mirror without being present in a room, while no one noticed him, as he even spoke allowed and neither Erik Selvig nor Nick Fury heard him. In fact, he used this particular instance to influence Selvig to work on the Tesseract.

-Telekinesis: Loki was able to mentally move objects with his mind, akin to generating immense concussive force, which appeared as a blast of mystical, hazy green aura similar to the holographic aura generated when he creates illusions. During Loki, Thor, Sif, and the Warriors Three's skirmish with the Frost Giants, Loki utilized his green telekinesis aura to launch throwing blades at their foes, with one projectile having enough force to shatter an ice shield of a Frost Giant. Upon hearing about Frigga's death, Loki, in a fury, unleashed a seismic blast of his mystical aura, which blasted everything around the cell through the air, with it crashing into the walls of his cell at great speed. It also shook the cell violently, causing the light in it to flicker, much like an electromagnetic pulse.

-Trickery: As the God of Lies and Deceit, Loki is able to trick and manipulate his enemies into doing what he wants. However, he was tricked and outsmarted by Black Widow.

-Arcane Lore: Loki possesses a great skill in wielding mystical artifacts and arcane lore, notably Gungnir, the Casket of Ancient Winters, and the Tesseract. Loki uses his knowledge primarily to conjure illusions and manipulate others to do his will. He has demonstrated the ability to cause the Casket of Ancient Winters to seemingly disappear into thin air, although it is not immediately clear if this was entirely Loki's doing or, in some way, bound to an inherent property of the item. He also claims to know of secret pathways between worlds that even Heimdall himself is unaware of, which allow Loki to travel without using more common transportation methods (such as the Bifrost). As ruler of Asgard, he also gained control of the Destroyer for a time.

-Enchantment: Loki can enchant victims by making physical contact and then grab hold of their mind, forcing them to fight on her behalf or obey her whims.


-Various Daggers

-Kid Loki's Sword


-Chintari Sceptor

-Casket of Ancient Winters


-Makeshift Weapons




>Double Pickaxe

>Ball and Chain


Feats(Strength and Durability):

-Tanked the explosion of the Bifrost bridge

-Stabbed Thor

-Fought evenly with Hela, Valkyrie, and Thor

-Overpowered Captain America

-Tanked a Repulsor blast from Iron Man

-Survived a beating from the Hulk

-Tanked an explosion from Hawkeye

-The Chintari Scepter has the Mind Stone

-Took a beating from Sif in the past

-Scales to Thor


-Caught an arrow with one hand from Hawkeye

-Scales to Captain America, Thor, Hulk, and Hela

-Matched Valkyrie in a fight

Stats(Strength and Durability):

-Loki is stronger than you think

>Last time on Battle Match, I scaled Thor to be 1.3 Zettafoe or Multi-Solar System Level

>I know what you're thinking, Loki can't be scaled that high that doesn't make sense. Well it does make since remember how Odin and Laufey fought each other. Odin maybe All Father but he's not invincible, how do you think he got that eyepatch?

>If Laufey can beat up Odin that means Loki can do the same to Thor

>He did stated that he had no idea he was incredibly powerful when he witnessed Classic Loki's power

-Stabbing Thor

>In the 2102 movie Avengers, Loki fought Thor and stabbed him


>Thor at the time was 10x stronger than Captain Marvel who's stated that her punches is 10x the explosive yield of nuclear bombs since an alternate universe Thor defeated his Captain Marvel

>Last time on Battle Match, I used the 102 megatons from the Real Life nukes and 121 gigatons

>102 x 10 x 10 = 10200 megatons or 10.2 gigatons

>121 x 10 x 10 = 12100 gigatons or 12 teratons

-Power of the Casket

>The Casket of Ancient Winters was the weapon that would bring a new Ice Age, but the question is how powerful is the casket, the Casket itself was used to attempt to destroy Jotunheim over time which is 6 hours which requires a force of 2 exatons which is Multi-Continent Level and the Ancient Casket of Winters is definitely comparable to the Bifrost

-Power of the Scepter

>Since the Mind Stone is encased in the Scepter and there are numerous statements about other Infinity Stones being able to destroy planets, the Power Stone has been calculated to unleash a force of 17 Yottatons

Final Verdict: Multi-Solar System Level, Multi-Continent to Large Planet Level in weapons


-Scaling to Thor again

>Last time on Battle Match, Mighty Thor was able to do 2 laps around the Earth at speeds of 1158769x the speed of light

>A variant of Thor fought Captain Marvel, who can fly at speeds of 154506x to 175327400.4x the speed of light

>And Loki's reaction speed is often the same with Thor since they used to bash each other skulls most of the time

>Just because he runs fast doesn't mean he can react fast as well

Final Verdict: Superhuman in running speed, MFTL+ in reaction speed


-Can be impulsive and arrogant

-Initially fueled by his jealousy for Thor, but later becomes highly protective of him and is willing to sacrifice himself to protect Thor and his allies.

-His Tempad can lose power through over use

-Has been tricked before by Thor and Black Widow




Here we see Homelander flying around minding his own business until we see a Bifrost beam come out of the sky and he heads to the Mojave desert to check it out. BY the time he got there he sees Loki and then he lands on the ground to confront him.

Homelander: "Hey buddy, what brings you here? You seem lost."

Loki: *laughs a bit*"You'll do your best to kneel before a god."

Homelander: "Funny, I was about to say the same thing to you."

Loki: "Do you not know who I am? I am Loki, Crowned Prince of Asgard and God of Mischief."

Homelander: "I am Homelander, and I'm the one hero America needs."

Loki: "That's not a choice of words to describe you, you're more monster than hero."

Homelander: "What are you talking about?"

Loki: "I heard stories of Vought's most powerful beast, an unhinged monster that is their most powerful creation. Once it has its freedom, it will spell doom for Midgard."

When Homelander heard what Loki described him he soon clench his fist and his eyes glows red out of anger.

Homelander: "Get the fuck out of my country."

Loki: "Well that's no way to treat royalty."

Homelander then shoots his heat vision at Loki until it's revealed that was an illusion of him. We then see a hazy green aura surrounding Homelander forming an illusion around him. Homelander tried to use his Super Hearing and X-Ray vision to locate Loki but to no avail.

Homelander: "Where are you!?!"

Homelander screams at the top of his lungs causing his super scream to spread out in the area as nothing happened to Loki.

Homelander: "Where are you!?!"

Homelander then hears the echoes of Loki's voice around him.

Loki: *echoing around him*"I've seen champions who are more noble than you, stronger than you, more worthy than you."

We then see illusions of certain members of the Seven and other supes Homelander has done wrong such as Black Noir, Queen Maeve, Starlight, A-Train, The Deep, Lamplighter, Blindspot, Translucent, Supersonic, Blue Hawk, and Soldier Boy.

Loki: *echoing around Homelander*"First there was Black Noir, he was your closest and most loyal friend out of your own team and you killed him because he was following orders. He kept secrets from you because he was following orders. When A-Train's brother was paralyzed by a man who got away with injuring a group of people in a building he turned to you for help and you did nothing. Which brought the death of Blue Hawk. You discombobulated Blindspot. You murdered Supersonic, who was your newest member of the team."

Homelander: "He was teaming up with Starlight to take me down."

Loki: *echoing around Homelander*"Do you even wonder why your fellow teammates such as Starlight and Queen Maeve turned against you? Because you're even worse than your father Soldier Boy. You may be his flesh and blood but you are nothing like him, he wanted to raise you himself but Vought took away his chance to do that which is why he still wanted to kill you even after knowing you are his son. As for The Deep, you kicked him out of the team."

Homelander: "That's because he raped Starlight."

Loki: *echoing around Homelander*"Really? Do you ever wonder why he did that? You treated The Deep and Lamplighter as weak links since their powers work with existing fire and water. Lamplighter betrayed you because he wanted to be a real hero by ending Vought as a whole but ever since you decided to remove his statue, you made him kill himself."

Homelander then gets enraged and then he fires his heat vision at the Supes he has wronged. We then see Loki appear behind him as Homelander then charge at Loki and when he hits him it was another illusion of Loki. The more Homelander attacks Loki the more illusions of him appear and at the same time the real Loki attacks Homelander.

Homelander: *while attacking the illusions*"Where are you!?!"*gets hit the face*"Show yourself!"

Hoemlander then flies into the air as we see a giant illusion of Loki that is 500x the size of the Seven Tower appear in the sky over Homelander as he was then frozen by ice and the ice broke apart and he fell to the ground and the fall broke him out of the ice. All the illusions of Loki then laugh at Homelander in unison as they all look down on him.

Homelander: "You're nothing but a coward! If you really think you're stronger than me!?! Then come on out and face me!"

Lokis: "What a fascinating idea, a brute made by man against a real god."

The all the illusions of Loki then disappear as the real Loki was in front of Homelander as he then charges at Loki as he then casually dodging and blocking Homelander's punches as he then tried to use his heat vision to attack Loki as he then jumps over Homelander to dodge the beam and land behind him. Hoemlander then tackles Loki to the ground and tries to choke him to death but Loki grabs Homelander's hands and then quickly stabs him with one of his daggers and pushes him away and then he pulls the dagger out of himself and sees that he's bleeding which horrifies him.

Loki: "If it bleeds, it can be killed."

Homelander: "Why..........why!?!?!"

Loki: "Everything about heroes from your point of view is a falsehood. Allow me to show you what real heroes do. Starting with the Avengers."

Loki then uses the Tempad to create a Time Cell for Homelander and throw him into it. Homelander was in New York and he was at the Stark Tower and he saw the Avengers ready for the Battle of New York and he saw them fighting the Chintari. He sees what true heroes can do and he watches the Battle of New York play out multiple times until he was pulled out of the Time Cell and he sees illusions of Captain America and the Avengers standing around him along with other heroes like Vision, Spider-Man, Black Panther and other heroes who joined the Avengers.

Homelander: "I see now.......the heroes you know........they are noble and righteous........as for me.....I AM A DISGRACE AS A HERO!!! I'm a murderer.........a joke.......I'm no hero.......just some dumbass on a fucking lunch box!!!!"

We then see Loki get rid of the illusions and look down at Homelander.

Loki: "Don't you see it now Homelander? It's the unspoken truth of your kind to crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom hobbles you and diminishes your life's joy. You were made to be ruled, I have come to help you fulfill-"*smiles like a maniac*"-your destiny."

We then see Loki hold up the Chitauri Scepter and use it to control Homelander's mind. Several months later, all the heroes ever made by Vought were under Loki's command and his generals were Homelander and Soldier Boy as we see Loki sitting on a throne as a sign that Midgard aka Earth is under his control.







+Can react faster

+Training and experience

+Even if I downplay Loki to just Phase 1 era stats he would still win


+His magic and illusions can trick Homelander's senses

+Faced foes stronger than himself before like Thor and Hela

+Pro at Psychological warfare

+Has ways to take control of Homelander


-Homelander can fly


+Can fly


-Loki can react to his speed no problem

-Loki's magic and arsenal can hold Homelander down with the Casket of Ancient Winters and mind control him with the Chitari scepter

-Tempad allows Loki to trap Homelander in an endless time loop

-Loki can mind control Homelander without the scepter

-His senses can be tricked

-He maybe devious but he's no God of Mischief

Next: Archie Sonic vs. Xeno Goku





-Both of them have evil biological dads such as Laufey and Soldier Boy

-Both of them are liars

-Both of them want power for themselves

-Both of them hated their fathers like Odin and Soldier Boy

-Both of them fought superheroes like the Avengers and some members of the Seven

Math and Chapter:

-I thought that Loki would have be similar in power to Thor since their dads have bashed skulls with each other

-I went for the psychological warfare battle rather than a physical one and have Loki mind control Homelander to have a powerful general on his side

Participating Franchises:


-The Boys

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