Mechagodzilla Battle Royale

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Interlude: When people want to get rid of Godzilla and wipe him off of the face of the planet all you have to do is to build a robot version of him called MechaGodzilla

Note: For this battle, I'll be using movie versions of Mechagodzilla and feats and scaling from other media


Mechagodzilla, the Cosmic Monster from the Showa Era


Super Mechagodzilla, the mechanical beast of the Heisei Era


Kiryu, the Mecha-G that is made by the skeleton of the original Godzilla


Mechagodzilla, the Last Hope against Godzilla


Mechagodzilla, the Ultimate Destroyer from the Monsterverse

Mecha-godzilla(Ready Player One)

Mecha-Godzilla from Ready Player One, the beast that fought against many icons of fiction


Cyber-Godzilla, the Godzilla rebuilt from alien technology

Note: For this battle, I'll be using movie versions of Mechagodzilla and feats and scaling from other media




Backstory: Since the nuclear age at the year 1954, Godzilla has raided Japan and brought devastation to all the people of the country. That is until a man was brave enough to use the Oxygen Destroyer to destroy Godzilla and reduce him to a skeleton. Japan made a monster fighting force to combat giant monster, but when a new Godzilla came to town things get bad for  Japan. They call upon experts in many fields of science to build a mech to beat Godzilla, this Mech was called Kiryu. A mechanical creation that uses the very DNA of the first Godzilla.


-Height: 60 m | 197 ft

-Age: 2 million years old based on skeletal age

-Weight: 36,000 tons | 39,683 US tons

-Creator: Anti-Megalosaurus Force

-Nickname: Kiryu

>Meaning "Machine Dragon"

-ID: Multipurpose Fight System Type-3

-Controlled via DNA computers

-Built around Godzilla's bones

-Battery life: 2 hours

-Supported by White Heron aircraft


-Two Type-90 Maser Cannons

-Triple Hyper Maser Cannon

-Twin Laser Cannons

-Wrist-Mounted Blades (Can conduct electricity)

-Spiral Claw

-Type-0 and 4 Railguns


-Back Unit

-Rocket Boosters

-Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers (Each contains six rockets & eight heat-seeking missiles. The launchers can themselves be fired off from the shoulders once emptied as a last resort)

-Absolute Zero Cannon: Kiryu's most devastating weapon is the Absolute Zero Cannon. Stored in its chest behind a trio of folding panels, the Absolute Zero Cannon fires a ball of energy that flash-freezes its target to Absolute Zero, thereby causing it to disintegrate under the weight of its own mass at the atomic level. Forty percent of Kiryu's power is devoted to using this weapon.

-Tyrant form


-Full Name: Lt. Akane Yashiro

-Height: 165cm | 5'5"

-Weight: 45 kg | 99 lbs

-Part of JXSDF Anti-Megalosaurus Force

-Former Maser Cannon operator

-AC-3 White Heron

>Max flight speed: 930 km/hr | 578 mph

>Duel pulsating cannons

>Microwave energy transmitters

Feats(Strength and Durability):

-Tanked his own Absolute Zero Cannon

-Fought Godzilla

-Weakened SpaceGodzilla with the Absolute Zero Cannon

-Scales to Monster X, Gigan, Hedorah, King Ghidorah, Kumunga, Godzilla

-Defeated Destroyah


-Dodged Godzilla's Atomic Breath

-Scales to other characters

Stats(Strength and Durability):


>The Tyrant form from the Pipesworks games is a 3x multiplier and gets a 300x multiplier in the Super Robot Wars

-Absolute Zero Cannon Power

>The firepower from the Absolute Zero Cannon destroyed several buildings which is 109244844646271520 tons or 109 petatons

>109 x 3 x 300 = 98100 petatons or 98 exatons which is Moon Level

-Scaling to other Kaiju

>Monster X stalemated a version of Godzilla that destroyed his meteor form which is 17.4 petatons

>17.4 x 3 x 300 = 16 exatons which is Multi continent level

>Hedorah, Gigan, and Showa Ghidorah are comparable to Showa Godzilla in terms of power which is scaled to 127.86 Tenatons which is Small Star Level, now while that maybe impressive but since Showa Ghidorah is likely to scaled to the Car Compactor which is a weapon designed to kill the Zone Fighter

>According to this:

>Which is 26.63 Kilofoe

>26.63 x 3 x 300 = 23967 kilofoe or  24 Megafoe which is Solar System Level

>Now as for Destroyah, he's the strongest opponent Heisei Godzilla has ever fought and let's go over the numbers:

>Starting from 26.63 Kilofoe

>27 x 200 x 10,000 x 2 x 6 x 8 = 5,184,000,000 kilofoe or 5.2 gigafoe which is Solar System Level

>5.2 x 3 x 300 = 4680 gigafoe or 5 Terafoe which is Solar System Level

-Pipeworks feats

>SpaceGodzilla is able to make White Holes which is 6 Foe

>6 x 3 x 300 = 5400 foe or 5.4 kilofoe which is Solar System Level

-SuperRobot Wars

>In Super Robot Wars, there is a planet level feat that is at 59.44 zettatons

>59.44 x 1500 x 6000 x 300 x 3 = 481,464,000,000 zettatons or 482 tenatons which is Star Level

Final Verdict: Solar System Level


-Pipeworks feats

>Godzilla can shoot down UFOs that can move at speeds of 179123x the speed of light

>This is consistent since Moguera can fly at FTL+ speeds and Godzillas blitzes a UFO, Kiryu is capable of doing the same speeds

-Speed of Gorath

>Godzilla can hit Gorath with his Atomic Breath and the meteor was moving at speeds 65% relative to the speed which is Relativistic


-Whenever Godzilla roars in pain or is defeated, Kiryu's "Godzilla side" takes over (Can also be a bad thing in certain situations)

-Akane must be around Kiryu to check his status

-It has a limited charge and can only be in action for two hours

>This means Kiryu needs to use its flight capabilities sparingly and must be transported by two AC-3 White Herons

>Absolute Zero Cannon drains 40% of Kiryu's energy

>This problem is averted in Tokyo SOS however, as Kiryu no longer has a battery life, allowing him to stay active for as long as he is needed

-Its transmitter can be knocked out of commission

-It is very slow and bulky when equipped with his weaponry

-When preparing the Absolute Cannon it can leave itself open to surprise attacks

-While more agile than its predecessors, it isn't as durable as the Mechagodzilla from the Heisei era, as a blast from Godzilla's Atomic Ray was able to briefly put it out of commission, twice




Backstory: The year was 1968, the French was testing nuclear weapons when an iguana ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time. Soon this harmless reptile has been transformed into the beast known as Godzilla. This monster destroyed a lot of New York and laid a bunch of eggs. His offspring got killed and the military shoot Godzilla down. Sometime later, space aliens want to use Godzilla's corpse to turn him into a deadly weapon called Cyber-Godzilla.


-Name: Cyber Godzilla

-Creator: Tachyons

-Age: 30 years old

-The American Godzilla before Monsterverse Godzilla

-Was the corpse of the Tristar Godzilla

-Genetic Father of Godzilla Junior

-Was built from Tachyon Technology

Powers and Arsenal:

-Superhuman Physique

-Power Breath

-Atomic Breath



-High Jumping


-Dorsal Missiles

-Chest Mounted Reflector

Feats(Strength and Durability):

-Scales to his son


-Scales to his son

Stats(Strength and Durability):

-Scaling to his Son

>When Godzilla Junior fought the Sub-Zero manta, their Atomic Breath and Ice Breath clashed which means both of them emits a force of 39 Gigatons per second which is Island Level and Cyber Godzilla scale to him

Final Verdict: Island Level


-Scaling to his son

>His official running speed is 300 mph which is Subsonic

>And he can dodge a missile at point blank range which is 1,034 m/s or  2313 mph or Mach 3 which is Supersonic

Final Verdict: Supersonic


-Has been knocked onto his back by his son from his atomic breath

-His cybernetics are not that durable

-Has been killed by conventional weapons before




Backstory: Eons ago there was giant monsters called Titans who have the power to reshape the world and the biggest and strongest of them all were the Alpha Titans such as Kong, Mothra, and Godzilla but there is one from the stars called Ghidorah who wants to use the titans to reshape the world to the way he wanted. Godzilla took that beast down and years later Godzilla is fighting Ghidorah and he destroyed him but not all of the 3 headed monster. One of his skulls was intact and was implemented into a mechanized alpha titan called MechaGodzilla as a way for humanity to regain their status as the dominant species of Earth.


-Name: Mechagodzilla

-Age: A couple of years old

-Pilot: Ren Serizawa

-Creators: Apex Cybernetics

-Alias: MechaGodzilla, Ultimate Destroyer, Silver King of the Monsters, Robo-Godzilla, Humanity's Greatest Weapon, Godzilla's Doppelgänger, Reincarnation of the Devil, Godzilla's Superior, Apex Mechagodzilla, The Hidden One (by Godzilla)

-Connected to King Ghidorah's neural networks

-Powered by energy from the Hollow Earth

-Built to wipe out all Titans

-Can laugh somehow


-Advanced Strength

-Advanced Durability

-Advanced Speed

-Advanced Agility and Reflexes

-Advanced Stamina

-Advanced Combatant

-Hollow Earth-Based Energy


-Proton Scream

-Missile Launchers

-Tail Drill

-Buzzsaw Claws


-Dorsal Plates


-Jaw Grinders

-Emergency Self-Destruction

Feats(Strength and Durability):

-Effortlessly slaughtered a Skullcrawler that was larger than the Skull Devil, while only at 40% of it's power output

-Built to kill and replace Godzilla, other than being an upgraded version of him

-Easily held It's own against both Godzilla and Kong, and was only defeated when malfunctioned, though both Titans were admittedly exhausted from fighting each other and were only at half strength.

-Beat the living crap out of Godzilla and almost killed him if not for Kong's intervention

-Supported Kong's weight on his shoulders

-It's claws could cut through Godzilla's thick hide

-Missiles could harm Godzilla

-It's Proton Scream overpowered Godzilla's Atomic Breath in a beam clash; Godzilla had previously drilled a hole into the Hollow Earth with that same Atomic Breath

>Also left a nasty burn mark on Godzilla's chest, who shrugged off nukes like it was nothing

-Took hits by Godzilla and Kong

-Unharmed by Kong's uncharged axe

-Shrugged off being smashed through a building

-Despite losing three limbs and taking a slash to the chest, Mechagodzilla was still capable of trying to fight back, charging a Proton Scream until it was decapitated

-Blasted it's way out from within Victoria Peak


-Matched Godzilla's Atomic Breath speed

Stats(Strength and Durability):

-Reviving Godzilla with a bomb

>In order for Godzilla to get revived after taking a really nasty hit from the oxygen destroyer which is 8 Teratons which is Country Level

-Scaling to Godzilla

>Godzilla unleashed 184 to 526 gigatons of force making a tunnel from the surface to Hollow Earth which is Large Island Level

-Scaling to Ghidorah

>Since Godzilla fought Ghidorah and Mechagodzilla was made from Ghidorah's remains, this puts him at Multi-Continent Level

>Since Ghidorah made storms that cover entire continents just by flying

Final Verdict: Multi-Continent Level


-Atomic Breath Scaling

>Godzilla's atomic breath can go all the way to Hollow Earth in 3 minutes which is this:

>And since Kong is fast enough to block the Atomic Breath and Mechagodzilla can match it's speed with his Proton Scream

Final Verdict: High Hypersonic


-Requires a substantial amount of power to operate at full capacity and is shown to burn through energy rather quickly

-Can be badly damaged by Godzilla's atomic breath

-Vulnerable to EMPs

-Alcohol poured onto Mechagodzilla's control panel resulted in it seizing up during combat, allowing Kong and Godzilla to gain the upper hand

-Reliance on Ghidorah's skull allowed the remnants of the alien's consciousness to assume complete control of the mecha

-Destroyed by Kong's axe


MechaGodzilla(Ready Player 1)


Backstory: The Oasis is basically the best video game world that ever existed and it is so awesome that people all over the world wished it was real. Characters from all sorts of fiction are all in one place and it's not just a simple game on a console, it's a whole universe filled with planets, stars, galaxies the works. There is Iron Giant, Ultraman, Millennium Falcon, and more. And one of these characters is a mech controlled by a guy who wants to monetized the fuck out of the Oasis is Mechagodzilla.


-Name: Mechagodzilla

-Pilot: Nolan Sorrento

-Appeared in the movie Ready Player One

-Fought against the Gundam and the Iron Giant

-Way different from the books than the Movie

-It's based on Kiryu in the books


-Breath attack

-Finger Missiles

-Superhuman Physique

Feats(Strength and Durability):

-Overpowered and damaged the Iron Giant

-Fought on par with the RX-78-2 Gundam


-Scales to the RX-78-2 Gundam and Iron Giant

Stats(Strength and Durability):

-Scaling to Iron Giant

>The Iron Giant tanked a warhead that has a yield of 9 megatons which is city level and his pieces were intact

>And Mechagodzilla was able to damage Iron Giant severely

-Scaling to RX-78-2 Gundam

>The Gundam at least according to Death Battle, tanked 151 megatons of force which is Mountain Level

Final Verdict: Mountain Level


-Scaling to Iron Giant

>The Iron Giant was able to intercept the bomb which is Mach 167.569, Massively Hypersonic

-Scaling to Gundam

>According to Death Battle, the Gundam can move at speeds of Mach 25 which is High Hypersonic

Final Verdict: Massively Hypersonic


-It's missile targeting system can be interrupted if someone is attacking it

-Not the strongest weapon in Nolan's arsenal

-Eyes are breakable and a small enough explosive can destroy it's head




Backstory: The year was 2030, the beginning of giant monsters rampaging the world and humanity was fucked. By 2048 humanity made a full on retreat alongside some aliens who want to conquer the planet cause they don't stand a chance against the King of the Monsters. 20,000 years later, humanity then go against Godzilla again and they destroyed a smaller Godzilla and they realized they fought the wrong one. So that went off to find Mechagodzilla, a solution to Godzilla and it was destroyed many years ago and now it's a giant city and continues on the fight against Godzilla.


-Name: Mechagodzilla City

-Age: 20030 years old

-Last hope of Mankind

-Creator: Bilusaludo and Humans

-Material: Nanometal


-Computer and A.I.: Mechagodzilla is equipped with a sophisticated Bilusaludo quantum computer and artificial intelligence (A.I.) is advanced enough to make its own decisions and form its own strategies, even while following orders given to it.

-Convergent Neutron Cannon: Mechagodzilla is armed with a Convergent Neutron Cannon. It allows Mechagodzilla to engage Godzilla from a distance of more than 5 kilometers, preventing Godzilla from having the opportunity to attack or counterattack and allowing Mechagodzilla to approach Godzilla safely.

-Blade Launcher: Mechagodzilla has a Blade Launcher installed on its back. An electromagnetic catapult in Mechagodzilla's back launches the blades, which are then guided through the air toward their target, over a distance of up to 3 kilometers.

-Hyper Lance: Mechagodzilla is equipped with a supersonic Hyper Lance, a piercing weapon generated by high-speed elongation of its forearms followed by hardening of the metal through rapid particle compression. After penetrating a target, the lance injects it with Nanometal particles which proceed to eat away at its insides.

-Plasma Booster: Mechagodzilla is equipped with a Plasma Booster which grants it the ability to fly.

-Tail Blow: Mechagodzilla possesses a cutting attack called the Tail Blow, performed by swinging its tail in a whip-like motion. This attack would cut through and pulverize the target with an electrical shock.

-Nanometal Particle Diffusing-Type Thermal Energy Buffer Layer: Godzilla Earth's Atomic Breath is deflected by Mechagodzilla City's Nanometal Particle Diffusing-Type Thermal Energy Buffer Layer. Mechagodzilla can spread Nanometal particles over a radius of 300 meters in order to defend itself from energy-based attacks. This ability is retained by Mechagodzilla City and used to defend the city from Godzilla Earth's Atomic Breath.

-Laminated Heat-Resistant Armored Plate: Mechagodzilla was conceptualized as deforming its chest armor to form the Armored Plate immediately after approaching a 5-kilometer proximity to Godzilla. Mechagodzilla City also has the ability to form a heat-resistant armored plate around its structures, though it was unable to complete it.

-Nanometal: As the limiter on its Nanometal had been disabled, and as such, the metal was able to replicate and even evolve and become more sophisticated. Mechagodzilla City can use its Nanometal for a variety of purposes. It can expand, assimilate hostile creatures such as Srvum, it can generate camouflage clouds, has a chamber with liquid Nanometal in order to trap Godzilla. Mechagodzilla City's Nanometal can assimilate intelligent lifeforms so they too become one with the City, such as was the case with the Bilusaludo.

-Railguns: Mechagodzilla City opens fire on Godzilla Earth with its railguns. Strong enough to destroy Godzilla Earth's dorsal plates when his Asymmetrically Permeable Shield is not up.

-EMP Harpoons: Mechagodzilla City can fire EMP Harpoons, which are capable of penetrating Godzilla Earth's hide and injecting him with critical amounts of electromagnetic energy.

-Vultures: Mechagodzilla City has the capacity to convert Powered Suits into more powerful models called Vultures. As long as Vultures remain in the vicinity of Mechagodzilla City, they have access to unlimited energy. Mechagodzilla City can control the Vultures' Nanometal and forcibly fuse its pilots with the machines.

Feats(Strength and Durability):

-Comparable to Godzilla Earth

-Fought Godzilla Earth


-Can catch Servum with nanometal

Stats(Strength and Durability):

-Scales to Godzilla Earth

>Back in his day, he was built to be able to kill Godzilla back in his younger years and then he fought Godzilla 20,000 years later

>So assuming that it's made to handle Godzilla's full power it would be 3 petatons for the normal atomic breath and 76 ninatons for the Spiral Particle Beam and that's just Filius

>Godzilla Earth can output 643 petatons for the normal breath and 20 tenatons for the Spiral Particle beam

>Which is Multi-continent Level to Small Star Level

Final Verdict: Small Star Level


-Catching Servum

>Servum are able to fly as fast as hove bikes which is capable of dodging Fillies' beam attack which is near the speed of light

Final Verdict: Realtivistic+


-Can't tank Godzilla Earth's blasts

-If the head is destroyed than all the nanometal would be useless




Backstory: After a close study of Godzilla on Earth, the Black Hole Planet 3 Aliens constructed a robot that resembles Godzilla. This was the creation of Mechagodzilla and they would use this weapon as a tool for the takeover of Earth. Mechagodzilla first appeared from Mount Fuji disguised as Godzilla and rampaged through the countryside. Anguirus emerged from underground and suddenly attacked it, but was brutally beaten, even having his jaw broken. Mechagodzilla then moved on to Tokyo, where it was intercepted by the real Godzilla. After a brief skirmish, Mechagodzilla shed its disguise and revealed the full extent of its weaponry. Mechagodzilla blasted Godzilla with its finger missiles and fired its laser vision at Godzilla. Godzilla countered with his atomic breath, causing the beams to lock and explode, severely damaging Mechagodzilla and badly wounding Godzilla. Mechagodzilla was called back to the Black Hole Planet 3 Aliens' base in Okinawa to be repaired. The aliens captured a human scientist, Hideto Miyajima, and forced him to repair Mechagodzilla in exchange for his daughter's life. After Mechagodzilla was completed, it was unleashed once again and sent to destroy King Caesar, an ancient guardian monster of Okinawa. Mechagodzilla dominated the battle, but before it could defeat King Caesar, Godzilla appeared once again, seeking a rematch. Godzilla and King Caesar then joined forces against Mechagodzilla and eventually forced the mechanical monster to attempt to retreat. Godzilla called upon his newfound magnetic powers to pull Mechagodzilla toward him. Godzilla held Mechagodzilla still while King Caesar repeatedly attacked it, then twisted the machine's head off. Mechagodzilla's body then exploded along with the aliens' base, ending the invasion. Mechagodzilla was rebuilt by the Black Hole Planet 3 Aliens in Terror of Mechagodzilla in another attempt to take over the Earth. Its wreckage was recovered in the waters off Okinawa, and the machine was rebuilt in an underground base in the Japanese countryside. This time, the aliens recruited the help of a deranged Earthling scientist, Shinzo Mafune, for their invasion. Mafune helped the aliens to improve Mechagodzilla, and also offered them the assistance of the monster Titanosaurus, which he controlled. The aliens installed the control device for Mechagodzilla inside of Mafune's cybernetically-modified daughter, Katsura, because Mafune said that Mechagodzilla required living brain tissue to be perfect. To show off Mechagodzilla's upgraded weaponry, Mechagodzilla was deployed in Tokyo, with Titanosaurus providing backup. Unleashing wave after wave of his eye beams, Mechagodzilla set large areas of the city on fire, and his finger missiles now had the capability to explode with such force as to throw buildings and vehicles into the air. Titanosaurus also wreaked havoc by creating gale-force winds with his tail that demolished structures with little effort. Titanosaurus was suddenly attacked and fell to the ground. Revealing himself from behind a curtain of smoke, Godzilla arrived to challenge the monsters but was outmatched. While Titanosaurus battled Godzilla head-on, Mechagodzilla blasted his organic counterpart with various weapons. Titanosaurus kicked Godzilla into a ditch, while Mechagodzilla buried him with his missiles. The humans intervened and distracted Titanosaurus with a sonic wave oscillator, allowing Godzilla to take on Mechagodzilla one-on-one. Godzilla removed Mechagodzilla's head once again, but this time the mechanical monster had a small "brain" placed in its neck, allowing it to continue to operate without its head and fire a powerful concentrated laser. However, Katsura Mafune committed suicide to stop Mechagodzilla, and the machine shut down. Godzilla seized the opportunity and threw Mechagodzilla into a ravine, then destroyed his mechanical doppelganger for good with a blast of his atomic breath. The ravine then collapsed on top of Mechagodzilla's ruins, preventing the aliens from retrieving and rebuilding Mechagodzilla again.


-Built by Black Hole Planet 3 Aliens

-Height: 164 feet | 50 meters

-Weight: 40,000 tons

-Alternate Identities: The Bionic Monster, The Cosmic Monster, Mechagodzilla 1

-The Original Mechagodzilla


-Eye lasers

>Can rotate his head to attack enemies 180 degrees behind him; while still fighting opponents directly in front of Mechagodzilla.

-Can fire missiles from fingers, toes, knees, feet, and throat

-Can create a force field by rotating its head at a tremendous speed

>This field can stop even the atomic breath and Godzilla's punched

>In the video games, this field can reflect long ranged beams back at the user


-Can fire an electric current from chest

-Able to fire a concentrated beam when head is removed (MK II variation only)

-Fake Godzilla Disguise

Feats(Strength and Durability):

-Defeated Anguirus; breaking his jaw

>Strong enough to lift the 30,000-ton Anguirus by his tail

-Initially defeated and nearly killed Godzilla

-Overpowers King Caesar

-Able to hold his own against Godzilla and King Caesar at the same time

-Dodged his own eye beam reflected back at him by King Caesar

-Chest ray can cut a mountain in half

-Tanked a hit from Godzilla's Atomic Breath

-It's All Out Assault is powerful enough to set Godzilla on fire

-Scales to the Pipeworks monsters

Stats(Strength and Durability):


>Mechagodzilla 2 = 5x

>Black Variant: 10x

>Tyrant Form: 3x

>Scaling: 10x and 10x

-Showa Era Scaling

>Mechagodzilla's most powerful upgrade Mechagodzilla 2 is 3 foe

>3 x 10 x 3 = 90 foe which is Solar System Level

Final Verdict: Solar System Level


-Mechagodzilla speed

>Scaling to Gigan and King Ghidorah, they can fly at speeds of 326.86c to 640,700,000c which is MFTL+

Final Verdict: MFTL+


-Relatively slow when on-foot.

-While a capable melee fighter, it prefers to attack from a distance

-With the second model, it can be overpowered in hand to hand combat

-Its disguise can be easily destroyed

-A beam clash with Godzilla damaged its Cybaneck, rendering it inoperable and needed to be repaired

-Was destroyed when Godzilla tore it's head off, except for the second model

-With the second model it is controlled by the cyborg; Katsura, meaning if she is destroyed then Mechagodzilla will be vulnerable 




Backstory: Mechagodzilla was created by the United Nations Godzilla Countermeasures Center and controlled by its military branch G-Force, using Futurian technology scavenged from the remains of Mecha-King Ghidorah. The mech would first see action when Godzilla appeared in Japan and began heading to the city of Kyoto. Initially, it had an advantage against its organic counterpart, but Godzilla released a shockwave of energy which short-circuited Mechagodzilla's systems, rendering it defenseless as Godzilla knocked it over before leaving the scene. After several weeks of repairs, Mechagodzilla was sent out again, this time to destroy Fire Rodan, who had taken a canister holding Azuza Gojo and an infant Godzillasaurus. Mechagodzilla quickly defeated Fire Rodan, however, Godzilla arose from the ocean to challenge the robot again. Mechagodzilla easily overpowered Godzilla once more, and after combining with Garuda, almost killed the Monster King by destroying his second brain. However, while down, Fire Rodan was not quite dead and with the last of his strength revived Godzilla with his own life force. This brought Godzilla back and empowered him with an all-new Spiral Fire Ray. With his new breath weapon, Godzilla turned the tide of battle against Mechagodzilla, the energy radiating from him melting the robot's armor plating and after taking several subsequent atomic blasts, Mechagodzilla was destroyed for good, although its operating team miraculously survived.


-Built from Mecha-King Ghidorah

-Height: 394 feet (120 meters)

-Weight: 150,000 tons, 150,482 tons (Super)

-Alternate Identity: MechaGodzilla 2, Super Mechagodzilla


-Mega Buster Ray

-Diamond Coating Super Heat Shield NT-1

-Can fire lasers from eyes

-Plasma Grenade that fires energy absorbed by the Super Heat Shield

-Flight of up to Mach 1

-Can switch to "G-Crusher"

-Paralysis missiles

-Can join with Garuda to become Super MechaGodzilla

Feats(Strength and Durability):

-Killed Godzilla and Rodan

-Strong enough to rip off Godzilla's dorsal spine

-Stalemated Godzilla's Hyper Uranium Heat Ray with its Mega Buster

-Defeated Hedorah alongside Godzilla

-Assisted Godzilla in defeating SpaceGodzilla

-Shocked both Godzilla and King Ghidorah into submission with its Shock Anchors

-Was able to endure several hits from Godzilla's Hyper Uranium Heat Ray before being destroyed


-Can fly at speeds of Mach 1 and 2

-Scales to the Pipesworks feats

Stats(Strength and Durability):


>Tyrant form = 3 

>Heisei Era multipliers: 200x, 10,000x, 2x

-Showa Scaling

>Using the 27 Foe from the Showa Era

>27 x 200 x 10,000 x 2 x 3 =324,000,000 foe or 324 megafoe which is Solar System Level


-Scaling to SpaceGodzilla

>Scaling to Space Godzilla, he is fast enough to fly speeds 18,992,999,483.7 C to 218,989,284,047 C

>Which is MFTL+

Final Verdict: MFTL+


-It is the Mighty Glacier compared to its fellow MechaGodzillas

-Prefers to attack from a distance

-Weak in hand-to-hand combat

>Was easily overpowered by Godzilla when he closed the distance

>Lost one of it's eyes to Rodan when he surprise-attacked him

-Was short-circuited when Godzilla redirected the current from its Shock Anchor

-Since it was made from Mecha-King Ghidorah's 23rd Century technology, it also inherited its programming causing its pilots to lose control of the Mech as it tries to kill both Godzilla and Baby Godzilla (GvMG2 Manga)

-Its Diamond Coated Armor can be melted by intense heat, leaving it defenseless

-A rebuilt Mechagodzilla was easily destroyed by M.O.G.U.E.R.A. (Manga)




Note: I will be using nicknames for the Mechagodzillas to avoid confusion. Here the Nicknames:

Kiryu = Kiryu

Mechagodzilla(Showa) = Showa

Mechagodzilla(Heisei) = Heisei

Mechagodzilla(Reiwa) =Reiwa

Cyber-Godzilla = Cyber

Mechagodizlla(MonsterVerse) = Apex

Mechagodzilla(Ready Player 1) = RP1

Here we see Apex bursting out of the mountain and going on a rampager and sees Showa in disguise and decided to attack with a Proton Scream as the disguise has been destroyed and reveal Showa's true form as we see Kiryu, RP1, Cyber, Reiwa, and Heisei deployed in the area and they see Apex and Showa. We see Akane flying by in her jet and she sees the other Mechagodzillas.

Akane: "Kiryu, prepare for battle! Now!"

We then see the Mechagodzillas fight each other and we see Cyber fighting RP1 and we see RP1 fire his breath attack on Cyber as we see Cyber dig underground and then pull RP1 into the ground to make him stuck there as we see Cyber get out from underground and then he turns his attention to Apex and then shoot his atomic breath at Apex as Apex then fired missiles at Cyber as he makes a run for it. We then see RP1 get out of the ground and then he fired finger missiles at Apex to get his attention as we see RP1 fired his Breath Weapon at Apex as we see Apex fired his Proton Scream at the breath attack as they clash against each other and then we see the Proton Scream overpowered RP1's breath attack as we see RP1's head gets destroyed instantly. We see Cyber jump onto Apex's arm as we see Apex grab with it's mouth and then we see Cyber's lower half in it as we see Apex finish off Cyber with a Proton Scream which resulted in Cyber being incinerated. Meanwhile we see Kiryu and Showa fighting each other while we see Heisei fire a laser cannon at Reiwa's head and slice it off as we see the laser beam hit Akane's jet.

Akane: "Kiryu it's all up to you now!"

As soon as Akane's jet hit the ground we see Kiryu shut down and we see Showa roar and Kiryu heard it and the ghost of Godzilla took control of Kiryu and then Kiryu starts fighting Showa and then fired Maser cannons and then fired all weapons at both Apex and Heisei. We see Reiwa form Mechagodzilla City in a matter of seconds.

Note: I know that it took 20,000 years for the construction of Mechagodzilla city but keep in mind this is a simulation.

We then see Heisei grab Showa from behind and then tear it's head off like in the movie as we see Heisei fire Mega buster ray into Showa's body and destroy him. We then see Apex fired it's Proton Scream into the city and tanked the railgun blasts from Reiwa's city as we see Apex burst through the city and located Reiwa's head and then fired a Proton Scream at it and destroyed it making the nanometal inoperable. We then see Apex burst out of the Mechagodzilla City and then sees Kiryu and Heisei and then charge at Kiryu with its booster rockets and tackle Kiryu and then we see Heisei flyinto the air thanks to Garuda. Apex was about to unleash the Proton Scream and do the Kiss of Death, we see Kiryu fired the Absolute Zero Cannon at not just Apex but also Heisei and turned them into ice statues and then Kiryu roared and they both shattered to pieces as we see Kriyu get up and roar in victory.









+Absolute Zero Cannon can one shot Mechagodzilla City and destroy Reiwa's head and break through Heist's diamond coating



+Has two different pilots

-Size to most of the Mecha

-Apex and Showa are better melee fighters


-Cyber can burrow underground


+No blind spot via 360 degree turning head

+Has built in flight capabilities

+Stronger than most mechas

+Better melee fighter than most of the mechas


-Size to most Mecha




+Stronger and much more durable than Showa

+Diamond coating can tank Cyber and RP1's attacks

+More durable than Kiryu


-Size to most of the mechas

-Hand to hand combat





+Proton Scream has better range in comparison to Monsterverse Godzilla

+Battery life

-Kiryu's Maser Cannons might Short circuit Apex's mechanics



-Booster rockets are only for close quarters combat not conventional flight




-Smallest of the bunch

-In the original novel, Kiryu fought a wider array of opponents than the in the movie including Ultraman who is a universe buster, making the gap in power between Kiryu and the other Mechagodzillas even wider




+Stronger and smarter than RP1

+Can burrow underground


-2nd weakest of the bunch




+Melee weapons

+healing factor

-Head is a weak spot and due to Apex's Alpha Titan mind set he would go for the head

-Size in intended design



-Can't tank the Absolute Zero Cannon

Next: Kratos vs. Spawn





-All of them are Mechagodzillas

Math and Chapter:

-I used feats and scaling from all over their universes

Participating Franchises:

-Godzilla(Showa, Heisei, Anime, Kiryu Saga, and Tristar)

-Ready Player One

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