Mega Man X vs. Robot(invincible)

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Interlude: When it comes to facing powerful foes from the past or from space the answer always comes from a robot with tons of gadgets and tech and then they cause more problems than they solve sometimes. Like these two.

Mega Man X

Mega Man X, the Mega Man of the far future

Robot, the genius that went from hero to villain


Mega Man X


Backstory: Many years ago the great Dr. Light created the successor to the original Mega Man known as Mega Man X and he was built with free will and he was put to sleep for 100 years and he did tests on his morality for years and he was soon waken up by a man named Dr. Cain and he soon made more copies of Mega Man X called Reploids and he became a Maverick Hunter and soon fight the forces of evil robots known as Mavericks under the leadership of Sigma. His work for the planet Earth has not stop there he soon lived for so long in his life he soon became a Cyber Elf and a Biometal in the Zero and ZX games.


-Real name: X

-Age: Over 200 years

-Species: Reploid, Cyber Elf, and Biometal

-Created by Dr. Thomas Light

-Eventually became a Cyber Elf & a Biometal

-"Father" of all Reploids

-Wields the Mother Elf


-Superhuman Physique

-Highly durable

>Composed of lightweight Titanium-X alloy

>Reactive super-flexible armored skeleton reduces 93% of damage

-Superior vision and hearing

-Powered by solar energy and micro-fusion fuel

-High jumping capability

-Dash ability



-Time Stop immunity



>Shotgun Ice, Sonic Slicer, Magnet Mine, Crystal Hunter, Spinning Blade, Parasitic Bomb, Magma Blade, Circle Blaze, Explosion, Thunder Dancer


>Rolling Shield, Spin Wheel, Acid Burst, Triad Thunder, Ground Hunter, Goo Shaver, Ground Fire/Melt Creeper, Moving Wheel


>Fire Wave, Aiming Laser, Firefly Laser, Splash Laser


>Homing Torpedo, Parasitic Bomb, Sniper Missile, Wind Cutter, Shadow Runner


>Sonic Slicer, Frost Tower, Tri-Thunder, Spike Ball/Ground Dash, Meteor Rain, Metal Anchor, Ray Arrow, Shining Ray, Green Spinner


>Rolling Shield, Boomerang Cutter, Bubble Splash, Silk Shot, Frost Shield, Frost Tower, Crescent Shot, Yammar Option, Guard Shell, Gaea Shield, Crystal Wall, Drift Diamond


>Chameleon Sting, Storm Tornado, Strike Chain, Speed Burner, Tornado Fang, Magnet Mine/Gravity Well, Lightning Web, Soul Body, Dark Hold, Squeeze Bomb, Volt Tornado

-Street Fighter

>Hadoken, Shoryuken/Rising Fire


>Mega Buster Mark 17

*At least three times more powerful than Mega Man's Buster

>X's primary weapon

>Charge shot

>Allows him to charge special weapons

>Can be used with either arm or duel-wielded


-Mother Elf


-Light Armor (X1)

>Head: Breaks through certain blocks above via head butting

>Body: Halves Damage

>Foot: Allow to Dash

>Arm: Gives the ability to charge one more stage on top of the first 2 charge stages, transforms the Buster shot into a swirling, multi-hitting, directional storm of energized buster shots

-Giga Armor (X2)

>Head: Can use Item Tracer, which can locate secret passageways and items

>Body: Halves damage and allows use of Giga Crush (real powerful screen attack) after enough damage is taken

>Foot: Allows to dash horizontally in the air

>Arm: Can charge up one more stage yet again, this time the Buster shot becomes one regular full charge shot, before firing another shot that is shrouded by the swirling blue energized buster shots, which is more powerful

-Max Armor/Golden Armor (X3)

Note: Only one chip is allowed for this armor, unless the Golden Armor is used, which has all 4 chips.

>Head: Show mini-map of the stage

*Chip: If standing still, energy is recovered at a slow rate

>Body: Halves damage, generates a blue force field around X protecting against either that attack or the next attack(someone clear this up), by 25% (62.5 total damage reduced) the force fields disperses after the next hit or for 5 seconds.

*Chip: The blue field becomes red and reduces by 50 more percent (75% total damage reduced), this time, the shield only disperses when 5 seconds is up, no matter how many time's X is hit.

-Foot: Allows Variable Air Dash, allowing X to Air Dash straight up too

>Chip: Allows two Air Dashes in mid air instead of one

-Arm: Allow up to 2 more charge stages. At the 4th, X can use the Cross-Charge Shot: Simply put, separately the first shot X fires is two single green and orange shots swirling around each other, the next is a stronger version of X's fully charged shot from before the upgrade. The Cross-Charge Shot is when the 2nd is fired directly after the first, breaking it apart to curve back to X, then following the 2nd shot covering a wide area

>Chip: Allows access to Hyper Charge: which as long as it has weapon energy (it's a separate weapon), allows the charge shots mentioned beforehand as many times as X wants WITHOUT charging.

-Force Armor (X4)

>Head: More weapon capacity, allows infinite uncharged special weapons

>Body: Allows use of the Nova Strike, though this must be charged up like the Giga Crush

>Foot: Allows an Air Dash and hovering for limited time, X can move while hovering, but the time will be reduced even more than before

>Arm: There are two types of Arm Parts (Though in battles X may get both)

*Stock Charge Shot: Allows storing of 4 charge shots, but they will have a smaller and blue appearance afterward

*Plasma Charge Shot: Charges up to deliver a massive piercing shot, if one is struck by it, a plasma orb will appear where they are standing, dealing continuous damage

-Falcon Armor (X5)

>Lightweight Armor focused on mobility

>Head: Reduces special weapon cost

>Body: Reduces damage and allows Giga Crush

>Foot: Allows invulnerable flight (except from OHKOs, cannot attack in this state), and an Air Dash

>Arm: Allows Spear Charge Shot: A small fast moving shot that pieces through ANY surface (behaves like Mega Man's buster shot in the Classic Era)

>CANNOT charge special weapons

-Gaea Armor (X5)

>Heavy armor that scarifies mobility and special weapons for more offense and defense capabilities, used especially for careful exploring purposes

>Reduces Damage (Probably by a lot)

>Charge Shot becomes the powerful Gaea Shot, with Virus Buster (?) and Shot Eraser (Cancels other's projectiles) properties

>Uses a close range but really powerful Giga Crash.

>Surrounded by a green field while dashing, pushing back blocks with a "V" on them

>Immunity to Spikes

>Immense grabbing strength, allowing X to cling on walls.

-Shadow Armor (X6)

>Almost the same as the Gaea Armor, but now X's Buster fires shuriken that behave like the Crescent Shot, he also obtains a ninja like Dash

>No more defense or offense boost, nor pushing V-Blocks

-Blade Armor (X6)

-Adapted for Z-Saber combat, which is this time been adapted into X's Buster and not a separate sword

>Houses an Air Dash that is not only very quick, but it covers a looong distance and when used, X can freeze mid-air (indefinitely if wanted), in case he wants to delay his Air Dash. He can now Air Dash down as well.

-Glide Armor (X7)

>Head: Attracts energy and life items from a far distance

>Body: Halves damage and allows Giga Crash

>Foot: Allows a much slower decent

>Arm: After firing a Charge Shot, X fires 3 smaller homing shots as well

-Icarus Armor (X8)

>Focused on Attack Power and Aerial advantages

>Has access to a X2 like Giga Crash, but the gauge charges without the need of taking damage

-Hermes Armor (X8)

>Focused on Movement Speed and Mobility

>Allows X-Drive, enhancing X's mobility, it's own weapon, when empty on energy, refills itself over time

-Neutral Armor (X8)

>Allows mixture of any of the previous armors in X8, though X will likely be able to use ALL of these armors.

-Ultimate Armor

>Reduces damage by 50%

>Unlimited special weapon ammo


>Unlimited Nova Strikes

Feats(Strength and Durability):

-Can shoot blackholes or even become black holes

-Beat General, who stopped a planet-destroying beam

-Scales to Zero and Axl

-Erased the Sigma Virus

-Defeated Lumine, Zero, and Omega

-Superior to Rock aka the Original Mega Man

-Stored up energy that can destroy all of Japan with just his buster and not his full body


-Dodged lasers from Optic Sunflower

-Faster than Rock

-Scales to Zero and Axl

-Mother Elf globally wiped out the Sigma Virus

Stats(Strength and Durability): 

-Surpassing Mega Man Classic

>X is superior to the original Mega Man in every way, which means he scales above him

>In Mega Man 5, Rock was able to hold up the Wily Tower, that's around 5.2 kilotons of force and weighing around 60,000 tons

>His Black hole Bomb has a force of 2.43 yottatons which is Planet Level

>Classic Mega Man scales to Sunstar, who capable to shake the Wily Star and suicide bomb the thing as well which is both 36 Zettatons and 27.2 tenatons which is Small Planet to Small Star Level

-Mega Man X feats

>Now onto feats for X, he defeated the General and he tanked a laser worth 57 Zettatons which is planet level

>As for the power of the Squeeze Bomb, Gravity Well, and the Magnet Mine, they have a force of 3 Yottatons to 10 Ninatons, 18 Yottatons, and 14.4 yottatons to 19 tenatons which is Large Planet to Small Star Level

>X scales to Lumine and Master Albert, who can unleash a force of 1.1 Kilofoe of energy which is Solar System Level and they performed similar feats

Final Verdict: Solar System Level


-Zero and Axl scaling

>X, scaling to his comrades Zero and Axl, can move at speeds of 3,084,760,000,000,000 mph or 4,600,000x the speed of light

-Scaling to Duo

>Duo flew from Jupiter to Earth in 30 seconds in the opening cutscene of Mega Man 8. 

>The distance between Earth and Jupiter is 433,060,000 miles and he has to be going at speeds of 51,967,200,000 mph or 78x the speed of light

>This is very consistent considering that in the Game Boy Game Mega Man V, Mega Man Classic and Rush flew from Earth to the Outer Solar System to fight the next four Star Droids which is Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto and their stages take place on the exact planets they're named after

>The distance between Pluto and Earth is 3291900000 miles and the trip was 5 seconds, that's a trip of 2370168000000 mph or 3535x the speed of light

>And Mega Man Classic battled people like Quick Man who stated to be the fastest Robot Master around even moving at speeds faster than light

>And X is faster than all of that

-Mother Elf Speed

>The Mother Elf can attack at speeds of 334421975662133100 mph or 498690688x the speed of light

Final Verdict: MFTL+



>Once led to him retiring

-Occasionally saved by Zero and others

-Armors are short-lived

>Either misplaced or destroyed in battles with Sigma




Backstory: Many years ago, there was a kid who has a severe deformity with great intelligence and he was gifted in the field of science and use this intellect to become a superhero named Robot and founded a team of heroes called the Teen Team until one day a certain red and white powerful assassin killed off the Guardians of the Globe he was tasked to be the new leader of the Guardians of the Globe. He soon clone himself with the genetics of a fellow hero named Rex Splode with the help of the Mauler Twins. Then after so many adventures he soon grew more evil and extreme in his methods and he soon planed on taking over the world until he became trapped inside of a jar and became the advisor of the Immortal.


-Name: Rudolph Conners

-Alias: Rex, Rudy, Robot

-Age: 1000 chronologically, 30s biologically

-Basically the Iron Man of the Invincible Universe

-Used the cloned body of Rex Splode

-A super genius

-Former Leader of the Guardians of the Globe and Teen Team

-Once ruled the Flaxans for 1000 years

-Lives as a brain in a jar as the advisor to the Immortal


-Implant that controls all of his suits

-Standard equipment

>Laser weapons

>Enhanced Physique

>Sonic Weapons

*Designed for Viltrumites and 

>Melee weapons


>Extending Arms

>And more

>Remote control receiver for his powers

Feats(Strength and Durability):

-Has weapons to take on Viltrumites

-His armor can harm Thragg

-Blew up a Flaxen mech

-Killed off multiple Invincible Reanimen that are comparable to Invincible

-Killed off Hybrid Viltrumites

-Drawn blood from Invincible

-Scales to Thragg, Omni-Man, and Invincible


-Scales to a speedster that is comparable to Viltrumites

-Scales to Immortal, Bulletproof, Invincible, Thragg, and Omni-man

-Stopped blows from Invincible

-Scales to viltrumies

Stats(Strength and Durability):

-Viltrumite Scaling

>Most of Robot's drones are built to fight Viltrumites so that means I should scale them to Invincible, Thragg, and Omni-Man

>Invincible from an alternate universe killed Base Spawn, which is 136.11 foe

>Using the Invincible Reanimen, Rognarrs, Allen the Alien's power boost, Battle Beast, and Invincible's power boost from Atom Eve

>136.11 x 6 x 11 x 4 x 11 x 11 = 4,347,898 foe or 4.4 Megafoe which is Solar System Level

>Omni-Man, Invincible, and Thaeddus destroyed Planet Viltrum

>Since Viltrum has a gravity that is 1.25x stronger than Earth

>The mass of Planet Viltrum would be 6.4x bigger than Earth

>5,973,599,999,999,999,505,072,128 x 6.4 = 38,231,040,000,000,000,268,435,456 kg

>3,958.8 miles x 6.4 = 25,338 miles

>3 x 12.3 x 38,231,040,000,000,000,268,435,456^2 / 5 x 25,338 = 

>273,313,400,000,000,008,693,821,043,171,105,873,749,836,243,164,800,745,472 joules or 3 terafoe which is solar system level

>3 x 6 x 11 x 4 x 11 x 11 = 95,832 terafoe or 96 petafoe which is Multi-Solar System Level

-Robot Feats and Scaling

>Robot destroyed the mech which is Small Building Level or .01 tons

>Robot scales to Immortal and Bulletproof who tanked a meteor which is 22 gigatons which is Island Level

Final Verdict: Multi-Solar System Level


-Omni-Man Speed Scaling

>Omni-Man went to the Virgo Cluster which is 65 million light years away in less than a week. I'm gonna say 3 days cause they said less than a week. Which is 5,307,184,761,091,580,000 MPH which is 7,914,084,046x the speed of light. Massively FTL+

>5,307,184,761,091,580,000 x 6 x 11 x 4 x 11 x 11 = 252,807,500,000,000x the speed of light or 169,532,710,000,000,000,589,824 mph

-Base Spawn Speed Scaling

>Spawn scales to Angela who like to throw people to the nearest stars, specifically the Alpha Centauri Star which is 4.367 light years away and it would take 10 seconds for a human to throw 

>Which is 9,242,065,447,318,848 mph or 13781786x the speed of light

>9,242,065,447,318,848 x 6 x 11 x 4 x 11 x 11 = 295,228,540,000,000,016,384 mph or 440245362362x the speed of light

>Since she stated to tell people to step back 1000 light years, since people step backward in 5 seconds, that would be around 4,232,683,969,461,346,300 mph or 6,311,786,414x the speed the light

>4,232,683,969,461,346,300 x 6 x 11 x 4 x 11 x 11 = 201,623,710,000,000x the speed of light or 135,208,859,999,999,992,266,752 mph

>And an Invincible from an alternate universe killed Base Spawn

-Mean Supreme Scaling

>Mean Supreme was able to fly around the universe for half of a decade, which is 5 year. The exact diameter of our universe is 93.016 billion light years across

>47 x 10^9 x 3 x 10^23 / 5 = 2,819,999,999,999,999,996,401,946,982,350,848 mph or 4,205,189,400,000,000,182,714,368x the speed of light

>2,819,999,999,999,999,996,401,946,982,350,848 x 6 x 11 x 4 x 11 x 11 = 90,082,080,000,000,000,604,486,813,278,888,001,536 mph or 134,330,569,999,999,994,757,283,577,856x the speed of light

>Since Omni-Man fought Mean Supreme and knocked him out cold, he scales to him

Final Verdict: MFTL+


-Has so many drones on his side

-Years of ruling over the Flaxans has lead to him to a path of villainy

-While scales to viltrumites, he's much weaker and slower than them

-Will do anything to benefit humanity, even become a brain in a jar

-His drones are disposable




Here we see Robot working on his drones as we see X burst into the room and turn to Robot.

Robot: "I see you are here to stop me, X. Dr. Light programmed you to follow the 3 laws of robotics."

X: "Actually, I was given free will and I'm here to stop you, Rex."

We then see Robot send out numerous drones as we see fires numerous blasts from his X-Buster at the drones and destroy most of them and then he uses the Homing Torpedoes to destroy most of the drones. He then pull out the Z-Saber and slices apart multiple Drones and we see Robot take cover from the battle.

Robot: "You can't fight them all off, you should give up."

Robot then put on one of the drones and then fires a chest laser at X as we see him fire Sonic Slicers to slice multiple drones as we see a lot of Drones grab and tackle X as we see him charge up his Squeeze Bomb and becomes a blackhole himself and destroy multiple drones all at once as we see X use the Dark Hold to stop time and then slice them all up with his Z-Saber and when time was unfrozen all the drones were destroyed as we see Super Armor and Titannium-Volcanic Armor drones fly in as we see X uses the Volt Tornado at the drones as we see X turn to Robot.

X: "Surrender now Robot and give up, you're outmatched."

Robot: "Not a chance."

We then see the drones beat up X as we see them electrocuting X along with a powerful energy beam from all of them. We see X completely damaged from the blast as we see Robot fired a beam powerful enough to blow X into a bunch of pieces and reduced to his core.

Robot: "I told you to surrender when you had the chance."

We then see X regenerate from his Core and then he put on his Ultimate Armor and unleashes the Nova Strike at Robot's drones as he was surprised by this.

Robot: "What!? Impossible!"

X: "Nothing possible for the future!"

Robot then unleash an entire swarm of drones at X as we see him make two X-Busters and then unleash the power of the Mother Elf to reprogram and control Robot's drones to turn against Robot himself.

Robot: "What is this!?!"

X: "Meet the Mother Elf!"

We then see X fires a charged shot from both of his X-Busters at the same time and blow up Robot's human body, killing him in the process. X then copies Robot's weapons called the Robot Laser and Drone Army.

X: "Good riddance to him."

We then see X teleport off to another mission as we see the drones then gain free will thanks to the Mother Elf.





Mega Man X:

+Can take control of Robot's drones with the Mother Elf


>Can regenerate from his Core

>He will be back to his full strength after regenerating completely and got a second wind while Robot's resources would be depleted

+Mother Elf is much more effective in controlling robot than Robot's implant

+Has experience in dealing with deceivers thanks to his battles with Sigma

+Greater amount of weapons

+Can stop time

+Make blackholes

+Ultimate Armor makes X strong enough to wield the Infinity Stones properly so that makes him more powerful than Robot





+Strength at least against Base X



-Limited resources

>After X gets fully regenerated from his Core, he can regain his full strength while Robot will have his resources exhausted

-Doesn't have anything that can counter blackholes or time stops

-Will lose control of his drones due to the Mother Elf's power

-Over relies on his drones to fight his battles and when X gets to him, there's no stopping X

-Can't tank any hits without his drones

Next: Saitama vs. Invincible





-Both of them are wise and powerful fighters

-Both off them have tech that controls robots: Robot's Implant and X's Mother Elf

-Both of them have been around for years and Super Old

-Fought a large variety of foes

-Have weapons that can counter their enemies

Math and Chapter:

-I made multipliers for Robot through numerous foes and power boosts

-I didn't come up anything with X though

-I came up with this fight myself, though I originally had Comic Book Iron Man fight Robot

Participated Franchises:

-Mega Man


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