Omni-Man vs. Captain Hero

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Interlude: Superman is a righteous hero who fights for truth, justice, and the American way. However some knockoffs of Superman don't really live up to the title of Superman or match the morals of the Man of Steel. Either they become a big dork or a warrior that only knows violence


Omni-Man, the strongest hero/conqueror of Earth.

Captain Hero

Captain Hero, the Lamest Hero ever




Backstory: Thousands of years ago on the planet of Viltrum, the viltrumites took of all of their combined strength to make themselves a strong empire. In order to make themselves stronger they have to kill off all of the weak links in their society. By the time the process is done, the population was cut in half but from the ashes was the most powerful empire in the galaxy. The only way to make sure that they're the strongest empire there is, conquer the galaxy. There some people who gave into the Empire's might and some did not, but they conquered them anyways. They conquered 1000 worlds so far until they had a problem, a problem in numbers. They were spread out too thin to conquer worlds so they come up with a solution so crazy that it might just work. Sending one of their own to planets in order to weakened them, one of these soldiers is Nolan and he was sent to planet Earth and he started his mission by becoming the hero known as Omni-Man, the husband of Debbie Grayson, and father of Mark Grayson. All things were fine and dandy until one day Mark got his powers and Omni-Man shows his true colors.


-Real Name: Nolan Grayson

-Family: Debbie(Wife), Mark(Son)

-Species: Viltrumite

-Version: TV Show/Comic Book

-Age: 2,000

-Conquered Planet Count: 1000

-Think Thanos minus the gauntlet and genuine love for his family at least before the season finale

-Has conquered the internet with his "Think, Mark! Think!" Meme

-DanCo made a video about him being the victor against the Avengers from the MCU even though he has 1 season under his belt

-Looks like Jay Jonah Jameson

Powers and Abilities:

-Superhuman Strength: As a Viltrumite he is able to easily bench press 400 Tons and is strong enough to carry cruise ships which can weigh well over 100,000 tons.

-Superhuman Speed: Omni-Man can easily fly at speeds as fast as lightning as well as near the speed of light. He is also capable of crossing interstellar distances at Massively FTL+ speeds.

-Superhuman Durability: Omni-Man has near-invulnerability allowing him to shrug off gunshots and even planetary explosions

-Inexhaustible Stamina: Able to cross interstellar distances in a single breath and can continue fighting with minimal rest and heavy injuries

-Longevity: Stated that the older Viltrumites get, the slower they'll age. Nolan himself is more than 1,000 years old.


-Telepathy: Has alien technology in his ear that allows him to hear and transmit other people's thoughts

-Experienced Hand-To-Hand Combatant: Has spent more than a thousand years conquering planets as well as fighting aliens with diverse techniques, powers and abilities

-Air Manipulation: Omni-Man is capable of creating shockwaves with a clap of his hands

-Regeneration: Viltrumites are able to heal from deep and life threatening injuries

-Reactive Evolution: Viltrumite DNA can aggressively repair itself for several different situations, such as reproduction with other species or long term survival.

-Resistance to Extreme Temperatures: Viltrumites have Smart Atoms that release energy that allows survival in extreme conditions; such as space and even the surface of the sun

-Resistance to Cosmic Radiation: Can travel for weeks through space without suffering any ill effects

-Resistance to Earthly Diseases: Viltrumite cells are completely immune to Earth illnesses

Feats(Strength and Durability):

-Killed off the Guardians of the Globe

-Wiped out the Flaxan race

-Tanked 2 laser blasts from a satellite only to get a bloody nose

-Fought a group of stealth soldiers, 3 Reanimen, The Immortal, and the Hail Mary

-Threw a baseball fast enough that it circled around the Earth in 20 seconds

-Tanked hits from upgraded Reanimen

-Killed The Immortal twice

-Bashed around Invincible and almost killed him

-Tossed an Asteroid the size of Texas

-Held up a giant piece of rock the size of a mountain with one hand

-Fought against Allen the Alien

-Tanked gunfire like it's nothing

-Destroyed Viltrum

-Knocked out Mean Supreme

-Scales to Invincible

-Tanked hits from Thragg


-Reacted to Red Rush's speed

-Faster than Invincible

-Casually caught a Baseball that went all around the world in 20 seconds

-Fast enough to destroy all of the Flaxon civilization all over the planet

-Fast enough to ignite the air around him

-Can do interstellar travels

-Went from Egypt to Mount Everest in a few minutes

-Scales to Mean Supreme

Stats(Strength and Durability):

-Destroying Viltrum

>I know I've done this in the past but I want to remake this calc again

>Okay we got the gravity of Viltrum which is 1.25x that of Earth now I know that I bring up Life Noggin

>Just like last time: 8x the mass = 2x the gravity

>So 8x = 1.25. X = 6.4x the mass of Earth

>GBE = 3 x 12.3 x 38,220,799,999,999,998,657,822,720^2 / 5 x 40774400 = 439,585,630,000,000,009,450,690,189,374,331,062,753,384,912,201,543,961,280,512 joules or 4.4 petafoe which is Multi-Solar System level

>I know this feat id done by 3 people but since the planet ring around Viltrum is made out of dead viltrumites and they tanked the blast head on so Omni-man can scale to this.

-Omni-man vs. Flaxxans

>Omni-man flew fast enough to decimate a lot of the flaxxen world with his own body alone which is worth 6 exatons which is Multi-continent Level which is consistent with 

-Texas Sized Meteor

>According to Death Battle, Omni-man's feat with the meteor the size of Texas has been stated to have enough power to destroyed the moon 2x over, the GBE of the moon is 30 exatons so that would mean that Omni-man withstand a force of 60 exatons which is Moon Level

-Crossover Feats and Scaling

>Omni-man fought against Mean Supreme and he easily defeated Supreme who can sew together black holes and play kickball with a star

>Sewing up the largest Black Hole requires a force of 53.3 Terafoe Which is Multi-Solar System level

-Scaling to Invincible

>A variant Invincible has fought and killed Base Spawn, who at his most powerful can kill Malbogia which according to this

>Who by the way can do this:

>Which is consistent since Invincible killed off Dinosaurus who can one shot Omnipotus in his second appearance who can reshape the whole universe. And Omniman scales to his son Invincible.

Final Verdict: Universe+ Level


-Trip to the Virgo Cluster

>It took 1 week for Omni-man to fly to the Virgo Super Cluster that's 65 million light years away from Earth which requires a speed of 2274507754753533700 mph or 3391750305.33x the speed of light

-Scaling to Mean Supreme and Base Spawn

>Mean Supreme went around the universe in half of a decade which is 12,484,377,603,482,257,981,440 mph or  18,616,728,000,000x the speed of light

>And scaling to Spawn who scales to Angela who can scale to other angels who can step back 1000 lightyears, stepping back requires 5 seconds, that would be 6.3 billion times faster than light and Angela can solo entire armies of angels and since a variant of Invincible killed 


-Strong blows to the heart or brain can overtax his healing factor

-Damaging his inner ears with sound waves can disrupt his equilibrium for his flight, cause pain, and can even kill him

-The Scourge Virus can kill Viltrumites

-The Klaxus Plant will poison and weaken the species

-High amounts of heat can destroy viltrumites overtime through prolonged exposure

-A viltrumite's behavior is based the environment they're in

-Has been conflicted with the love of his family and the loyalty of his people


Captain Hero


Backstory: Many years ago on the planet Zebulan when the Senator Jeb Hero and his wife discover they're gonna become parents. Expert of the field of medical research have discovered that their children will become the lamest heroes ever. Out of shame they went to Mexicon and performed an abortion as the children was launched into space and the pod was into the sun until it changed course and crashed landed on the lamest planet ever which is Planet Earth. Leslie Hero, yes that's his real name, he grew up with a bad childhood and doing some bad choices being tortured by his future self. Many years later he soon founded the League of Heroes and became team leader and became one of Earth's mightiest heroes. He soon end up living in a house to star a reality TV Show called Drawn Together under the name Captain Hero.


-Name: Leslie Hero

-Age: 13.7 billion years old

-Species: Zebulanian

-Orientation: Pansexual

-Founder of the League of Heroes

-Friends: Clara, Toot, Woldoor, Xandir, Ling-Ling, Foxxy, and Spanky

-Much worse than Homelander and Omni-Man combined

-Has gotten his sister pregnant twice

-Has tortured himself in the past...litterally


-Superhuman Physique

-Vestigial Arms

-X-Ray Vision

-Heat Vision



-Energy beams

-Healing Factor

-4th wall awareness

-Toon Force

-Broadway Force

Equipment and Weapons:


-Steroid shots

>Gives him a 40x multiplier since he could have went over the recommended dose

-Machine gun

-Assualt rifle

-Halo's needler

-Drum Gun



-And many more weapons

Feats(Strength and Durability):

-Threw Zebulon into the sun

-Harmed himself

-Can scale to his inbred son

-Tanked the Big Bang offscreen

-Survived an Asteroid that is roughly the size of a planet


-Went from Earth to Zebulon in a short amount of time

-Did the Time Travel Speed Feat that Donerverse Superman did and went to the time before the Big Bang happened

-Flew around Zebulon several times

-Flew to space in a second

Stats(Strength and Durability):

-Destroying Zebulon

>In order for Captain Hero to throw the planet into the sun, he has to overcome its Gravity Binding Energy first. But we don't know the exact size of Zebulon, but we can use Krypton as a stand in which is 1000x more mass and 36x more gravity than Earth.

>3 x 353.052 x 5,971,999,999,999,999,519,701,860,352^2 / 5 x 6378100000 = 48,185,997,000,000,002,570,992,883,237,527,386,220,634,398,410,528,783,064,992,994,820,096 joules or 480 Zettafoe

>480 x 40 = 19200 Zettafoe or 19.2 Yottafoe

-A giant meteor almost the size of Earth

>Since the meteor is big enough the same size as our moon, let's compare it to the moon which is 73,481,964,000,000,000,131,072 kg. I mean it has to be since it's big enough to be Earth's moon.

>Which means that if Captain hero was doing his job, he would have withstand a force of 1101526955564053539250 tons which converted to 1.1 Zettatons which is Small Planet Level

>1.1 x 40 =  44 zettatons which is Small Planet Level

-Scaling to his Inbred son

>In the episode Unrestrainable Trainable, Captain Hero's inbred son tanked a nuclear explosion

>One soldier stated that the bomb that shaped like a bear is their most powerful bomb

>Captain She-ro, who is Captain Hero's sister, stated that the kid is about to destroy the world

>That would mean it the bomb has a payload of 647 petatons of force which is Multi-Continent Level

>647 x 40 =25880 petatons or 26 exatons

-Tanking the Big Bang

>This is a self explanatory Universe Level feat and with the multiplier 40 universes

Final Verdict: Universe+ Level


-Flying around Zebulon

>Using the distance before which is 12,742,786,000 meters x 5 = 47,508,000,775 MPH or 71x the speed of light

-Flying to Zebulon

>Using Krypton as a base, it took 15 seconds for Captain Hero to get to Zebulon from Earth, that's 57016470.6096x the speed of light or 38235245190800830 MPH

-Time travel speed feat

>The Earth is 7,917.5 miles wide and it took 47 seconds for Captain Hero to go back in time to the point where the Big Bang never happened

>It takes 37200 years to travel one lightyear and if we divide that with the age of the universe that would be: 368280 light years

>That would be 165831154497151530000 MPH or 247,287,734,114x the speed of light.

-Flying to space in a second

>It took a second for Hero to get to space so that would mean Hero was moving at 22320000 MPH or Mach 29321(Sub relativistic)

Final Verdict: 247287734114x the speed of light


-Complete idiot

-Always takes things too far


-He has a serious addiction to sex.

-Tends to be reckless, which is mostly due to his frat-boy attitude and narcissism

-After Drawn Together got cancelled, he can be killed off permanently

-Eraser Grenades can kill him




Here we see Omni-man flying back home and by the time he arrives he sees half of it destroyed and he sees Captain Hero passed out on the ground and he grabs his head and dunk it in water to wake him up.

Captain Hero: "What? What happened, I passed out and-"

Omni-man: "Destroyed my house."

Captain Hero: "That was a wild night of partying if you ask me."

We then see Omni-man throw Captain Hero to a wall and then looks at him with a stern look in his eye.

Captain Hero: "Can we talk about this?"

Omni-man: "You break my house, I break you."

We then see beat up Captain Hero a bit until we see Captain Hero knock back Omniman with his heat vision and then tackle him into space as we see Omni-man knock him back with a punch as we see Captain Hero fly around the Moon and then use the fight trail as a rope to throw the moon at Omni-man as we see it crash into Omni-man as we see him burst out of the moon and destroyed it in the process as we see him punch him multiple times.

Omni-man: *punched Captain Hero in the face*"This reminds of the time I killed that joke of a hero who wears a United States flag as a cape. At least you hit harder than him, can you even throw a punch right?"*dodged a punch and then punched Captain Hero in the face hard enough to give him a nose bleed*"Not bad."

We then see Omni-man then knock Captain Hero over and then send him flying down as we see Captain Hero used Toon Force to pull out an air horn and pressed a button to make a sound powerful enough to damage Omni-man's inner ears and stun him but not strong enough to disrupt his equilibrium. We then see Captain hero tackle Omni-Man to the Earth and crash into the White House. By the time Captain Hero got up he was feeling terrified of the power and speed Omni-man is capable of and he was about to fly off until he heard Omni-man's voice.

Omni-man: "What's the matter? Are you afraid of me?"

Out of fear we see Captain Hero pull out all of his weapons and then fired all of them at Omni-man as none of them actually work on him as we see Omni-man grab all of Captain Hero's weapons and then crush them into a metal ball.

Omni-man: "Seriously? Do you think those would work?"

We then see Omni-man karate chop Captain hero's head before he had time to react and we see his body collapse onto the ground.

Omni-man: "Good riddance."

We then see Omni-man fly off back to Chicago leaving the corpse of Captain Hero.







>Even if I scaled Omni-man to the Big Bang which is universe level, it wouldn't matter since Omni-man scales to Invincible who killed off guys who can bust universes



+Pretty much a hardened soldier from a warrior culture

+Captain Hero's weapons are basically earth weapons

>The only weapon that can hurt or even kill Viltrumites is the Space Racer's gun

-No options of long range

>Viltrumites prefer to fight up close and personal and they're basically flying bricks

-Captain Hero's toon force and Broadway force might give him trouble

Captain Hero:

+Has options for long range attack

+More weapons than Omni-man


-His weapons are Earth weapons

>Earth guns don't do shit on Viltrumites


-Basically a wimpy dork compared to Omni-man

-Never fought anyone on his level

-Even with the power boost from Steroids, he's not as powerful as Omni-man

Next: Koopa vs. Goomba





-They're knock offs of Superman

-Both of them have alien sons

-Both of them destroyed their planets

-Both of them dealt with world ending meteors

>Even though Captain Hero didn't do anything about it

Math and Chapter:

-I redone the calculations for their feats because I feel like they need to do a redo

-I feel like this is a sequel to the Death Battle episode titled: Omni-man vs. Homelander

-This is something that needs to happen

Participated Franchises:


-Drawn Together

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