Rick and Morty vs. Discord

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Interlude: When it comes to powerful gods who basically does whatever they please either through magic or through technology, these two will always come to mind.

Rick and Morty

Rick and Morty the universe hopping duo who killed off Superman clones


Discord, the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony from Equestria from My Little Pony




Backstory: In the Magical land of Equestria is a place of ponies, Kirins, Buffalos, Griffons, Dragons, Changelings, and more though out the land of Equestria. But out of all of them there is a creature called the Draconequus and that one Draconequus is the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony known as Discord. Discord was one of the villains of Equestria, so powerful that not even Alicorn princesses can beat them and the only way to beat him was the elements of harmony and turned him into stone for 1000 years until one day he was freed only to be stopped by Twilight Sparkle and her friends and then reformed by kind pegasus pony named Fluttershy and he used his magic as a force of good and became one of Equestria's most powerful protectors and then started having tea parties with Fluttershy, play Ogres & Oubliettes with Spike and Big Mac, going to the Galloping Gala, saving Equestria from Chrysalis, King Sombra, and Tirek, and causing some mischief around the land of ponies cause let's face it he's the Spirit of Chaos after all.


-Name Discord

-Age: 252 million years old(Stated to have friends in the era of dinosaurs)

-Species: Draconequus

-Religion: Jewish

-Alias: Grogar

-Responsible of 3 G1 villain returns

-Doesn't use contractions in his vocabulary

-His 1# Pegasister: Ilovekimpossiblealot

>That's the name of her Ponified self and channel

-The actor who portrays him used to play the role of Q from Star Trek

Powers and Abilities:


-Chaos manipulation



-Reality-Warping (his most notable ability)


-High-level intellect

-Voice changing


-Hybrid physiology

-Reality restoration



-Probability alteration/Logic manipulation


-Hypnotic magic


-Fourth wall awareness






-Appendage generation

-Anatomical liberation

-Object possession


-Matter ingestion

-Portal creation

-Disease generation


-Smoke generation

-Color alteration

-Thought manifestation

-Enhanced strength

-Enhanced durability

-Enhanced hearing

-Weather magic

-Animal manipulation

-Daytime manipulation

-Gravity manipulation

-Time travel

-Bubble imprisonment

-Prehensile tail

-Cartoon physics/Toon Force

-Magic imbalance detection




-Energy blasts


-Mastery of trickery and manipulation

-Resistance to law, casuality and probability manipulation

-Grogar powers:

>Fear Empowerment




*Monster Creation





*Energy Blasts

Feats(Strength and Durability):

-Defeated Celestia and Luna without breaking a sweat

>Sun in Equestia is the same size as our sun and so the same would be said about Equatria's moon and our moon

-Way more powerful than King Sombra, Shining Armor, Pony of Shadows, The Dazzlings, Tirek in his 3rd form, Cozy glow, Storm King, and Queen Chrysalis

-More powerful than the 5 Alicorn Princesses

-Stated to have the power to warp the cosmos and reality no problem

-Casually uprooted a tree

-Can move the sun and moon

-A small bit of his magic was enough to get Tirek to his second form

-Scales to the Elements of Harmony, Daybreaker, Pony of Shadows, and Nightmare Moon

-Stronger than the Mane 6, Pillars of Equestria of old, New Mane 6, Mean 6, Humane 7, and the Mane 5(G5 MLP era comic)

-Survived a blast from Starlight Glimmer


-Outsped Princess Luna

-Faster than Unicorn Magic

-Nonchantly reacted to the Elements of Harmony

-Faster than Rainbow dash

-Faster than the 5 alicorns, Storm King, Mane 6, Pillars of Equestria of old, New Mane 6, Mean 6, and the Mane 5(G5 MLP era comic)

-Discord went to the Horsehead Nebula and back in 30 days

Stats(Strength and Durability):

-MLP is dang powerful

>Princess Celestia is able to perform this feat on her own on a daily basis which is Solar System

>Since that there are 5 alicorns along with characters who can match and surpass the power of Celestia and Discord can beat the Alicorns and King Sombra, along with others

>4.1 x 5 x 6 x 9 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 5 x 7 = 50,213,520 Kilofoe or 50 Gigafoe which is Solar System Level

>There are other Alicorn related feats though then just that

>The Pony of Shadows is a Unicorn turned evil alicorn and according to this:

>And it's been stated that Nightmare moon is considers a challenge to the Pony of shadows, this should scale to Discord

>11.2 x 5 x 6 x 9 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 5 x 7 = 137,168,640 Zettafoe or 137.2 Ninafoe which is Multi-Galaxy Level

>Luna can do this with the moon

>157 x 5 x 6 x 9 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 5 x 7 = 1,922,810,400 yottatons or 1922 tenatons which is Large Star Level

>But the biggest feat for an alicorn is this:


>Doing a beam struggle against the Elements of Harmony and how powerful are the elements?

>Well let's look no further than Equestria Girls: Friendship Games. Specifically the moment Sci-Twi becomes Midnight Sparkle.


>According to Sci-Twi in Mirror Magic, she stated: Overpowered by a magic I couldn't control and created a rift between two worlds, almost destroying both of them in the process.

>Sci-Twi was just using the Element of Magic at the time and there are confirmed 3 universes in the MLP Multiverse which is the Human Universe, Pony Universe, and Discord's Realm.

>But there are other timelines thanks to Starlight Glimmer

>Starlight made 7 universes:






>Let's also take the amount of ponies required for Tirek to reach to a state that he's able to take Discord's power

>Through out Tirek's debut episode he has absorb power from 70 ponies before absorbing Discord's power. Taking alicorns, villains, and power boosts to a count.

>3 x 5 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 9 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 5 x 7 x 70 x 70 x 70 = 441,082,910,000,000 universes

Final Verdict: Multiverse Level by 441,082,910,000,000 universes


-Storm King Scaling

>Storm King can keep his eye on the sun while playing with it

>Which means he can react to things moving 15,019,429,000,000 Mph or 22397x the speed of light

>15,019,429,000,000 x 5 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 9 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 5 x 7 x 70 x 70 x 70 = 2,208,271,100,000,000,065,792,901,120 mph or 3,292,978,100,000,000,000x the speed of light

-Monthly trip to the Horsehead Nebula

>The Nebula from the comics Discord described is a real thing and it's 1500 lightyears away

>So he crosses 3000 lightyears in 30 days, that's 24494698897346 mph or 36527x the speed of light

>24494698897346 x 5 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 9 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 5 x 7 x 70 x 70 x 70 = 3,601,397,699,999,999,803,965,571,072 mph or 5,370,411,100,000,000,000x the speed of light

-Speed is Magic

>Which means unicorn magic can move at speeds of 2,389,000,000 mph or 4x the speed the light

>2,389,000,000 x 5 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 9 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 5 x 7 x 70 x 70 x 70 = 351,249,019,999,999,980,732,416 mph or 523,783,210,000,000x the speed of light

Final Verdict: MFTL in reaction, movement, and magic speeds


-If he isn't around anything chaotic or feels normal rather than strange, he will fade out of existence, preventing him from using his own powers.

-Vulnerable to other magical characters or attacks.

>Had been turned to stone twice by the Elements of Harmony

>Had his powers drained by Tirek

-Tends to be overconfident and sometimes greedy.

-Sometimes suffers from Plot Induced Stupidity (PIS) where he doesn't teleport out of the way when being attacked or when his plans fail, or even defending himself.

-Generally avoids combat, limiting his combat experience.

-Not very smart.


Rick and Morty


Backstory: Long time ago there was a humble scientist who is a family man named Rick Sanchez and he was working on a device that can make Portal Travel possible but come up short until one day he met someone which is himself to be exact. He suggested that the life with Portal Travel makes him a god and the Ricks of the infinite universes but Rick decides to stay with his family. His wife Diane and his daughter Beth were going have ice cream with him until Rick Prime killed them both. After that tragic event he soon invent Portal Travel and leave his reality to find Rick Prime and kill him. He went all over the multiverse searching for Rick Prime and he made some friends along the way, fought the federation, and then he look through the multiverse looking for Rick Prime killing off other Ricks along the way. He soon give up on vengeance and soon he made the Citadel and then went into Rick Prime's universe just to kill him but he was reunited with his own daughter Beth and he then meets his son in law Jerry, his Granddaughter Summer, and his grandson Morty Smith. Rick and Morty along with the Smith Family then go on crazy adventures on a weekly basis.


-Name: Rick Sanchez

-Age: 70s

-Dimension: C-137

-The Rickest Rick

-Faveorite phrase: WUBA LUBA DUB-DUB!

-Nemesis: Mr. Nimbus

-Mortal Enemy: Rick Prime

-Family: Beth(daughter), Jerry(Son in law), Summer(Granddaughter), Morty(Grandson), Naruto(Great Grandson)

-Founded the Citadel


-Name: Morty Smith

-Age: 14

-Dimension: Prime

-Favorite Phrase: Ah Jeez

-Crush: Jessica

-Hasn't been in high school for weeks

-Almost got raped by a jelly bean guy

-The Mortiest Morty

-Made an incest baby with his sister

-Was gonna make a heist movie on Netflix but Rick stole his enthusiasm to do it

-In a Pringles Ad, Morty was a robot that makes new Pringles combo flavors

-Destroyed his own reality by making a love potion to get a chance with Jessica


-Portal Gun: A gun that rips a hole in space-time, allowing travel to any point in any universe. Opening a portal inside another being rips them in two.

-Futuristic Guns: Rick has been shown using several futuristic guns. Some just do damage to a target, others easily perforate targets with the energy they shoot, and others reduce targets to ashes. In the comics, he has been shown having a gun with a set of options in it, that one being able to stun targets, but Rick has been shown carrying up to 2 guns with him.

-Freeze Ray: Completely freezes organic targets, turning them into incredibly fragile icy statues. Since the effects can be undone, this is used in the rare case of nonviolent neutralization. It comes in taser and gun form

-Particle Watch: A wristwatch that fires a concentrated particle beam. It destroys the target on a subatomic level.

-Phoenix Project: Previously developed and destroyed by Rick as a cloning process in which he could transfer his consciousness to younger bodies the Phoenix Project of other Ricks in the multiverse is still present, reviving Rick C-137 in the following fashion; Upon death, Rick's consciousness will be unwillingly downloaded by the Phoenix Project of a seemingly random alternative Rick on another universe, quickly creating a clone of Rick C-137 and thus bringing him back to live. The form of the clone can vary depending on the physiology of the Ricks in which Rick C-137 is being revived. Rick is recreated naked and thus without his equipment, but also in the basement of his alternative house from other reality, meaning that he can request help from the Rick of that universe or simply use his resourcefulness to get what needs, being able to come back to his universe without losing abundant amounts of time. Every occasion Rick dies will trigger the Phoenix Project to function, each time in a different reality and with Rick being willing to kill himself to get home faster.

>Note: It's not specified how many universes there are with the cloning technology to recreate him. However, there are infinite universes with infinite Ricks, many of them having major similarities in their past and Rick himself has repeatedly shown having access to all of those realities with a variety of his gadgets; This could mean that Rick can revive himself infinite times, but this is by no means confirmed as we are don't know if the same of everything exists in infinite amounts across the multiverse (as opposed to that being the case with specific things & beings), we also know that Rick C-137 claimed to be "the Rick-est Rick" & destroyed his version of the Phoenix Project. Still, the implication given with Rick dying and reviving over and over again indicates that this process can keep happening a generous amount of time

-Forcefield: As of The Rickchurian Mortydate Rick had an invisible forcefield that reflected bullets from 9 different angles back into the aggressors, killing them.

-Instant Death: Coming from another unnamed gadget in The Rickchurian Mortydate, touching Rick made a person die instantly without making any sound. All of which was even highlighted by other characters.

-Labcoat: A labcoat equipped with many gadgets, on its own having a bomb to sef-destruct and Rick being able to command it to ripoff by restricting and strangling a target.

-Cybernetics: A previous body he used had complex cybernetic augmentations with unexplored use for combat. Had a device in his lab coat that could replace his amputated arm, stopping the bleeding from it. In his current body, Rick's right arm can turn robotic, he uses it to magnetically catch a hammer being thrown at him.

-Laser: Shown having a laser that activates from his wrist and casually cuts through glass.

-Intangibility: Rick manually phase through someone while walking, accelerating his speed while doing so.

-Info analysis: Rick knew, and later visually showed to others how 9 people had a clear shot on him with his technology. Rick is also shown having a device that could analyze his surroundings and formulate several trajectories in which a small branch ended up in the place in which it was

-Time Freeze: Freezes time on a universal scale. Due to technology stolen from the 4th dimension, Rick can do this with the press of a button.

-Curse Remover: A device which can remove magical properties from a wide variety of different things. Since it can remove certain effects while leaving others intact, Rick used this device to turn cursed objects into completely beneficial ones (i.e. turning a pair of boxing gloves which would cause the wearer to be stuck reliving a single fight for all eternity into a pair of time traveling mittens).

-Dream Inceptors: A small device which, when implanted into the ear of an unconscious sentient being, allows the user to travel into the being's dreams, potentially implanting new thoughts and influencing the behavior of the target once they wake up.

-Anti-Matter Gun: A pistol that shoots anti-matter. Capable of even killing trans-dimensional higher beings immune to traditional matter and energy based attacks.

-Concentrated Dark Matter: A method used for traveling faster than anyone else in the universe; similar chemical reactions cause massive explosions. A handful of the components mixed incorrectly resulted in an explosion as large as Jupiter.

-Love Potions/Diseases: Created a virus that made whoever it was used on fall in love with Morty (Except those genetically related to him), but due to it being flu season, the substance piggybacked on the flu and began to spread; he created two others to counter that. The first turned everyone on the planet into praying mantis monsters, while the second turned everyone into Cronenberg monsters.

-Size Shifting: Able to affect people and objects, either making them tiny enough to fit inside someone or making them grow to the size of a continent.

-Meeseeks Button: Summons a bunch of immortal creatures that will perform one task before dying. Become more insane the longer they exist due to hours seeming like an eternity, to them. Meeseeks are completely unable to die until their task is completed, and giving them a task which is seemingly impossible to complete will eventually result in the summoned Meeseeks resorting to the most drastic measures to complete the task by technicality.

-Death Crystals: Upon touching one of them and while keep doing that, the crystal/s make their users see visions of how they are going to die, by it with the same result repeated many times or many alternatives ways within diverse circumstances. The actions of the user can constantly change how they die upon seeing their future, which Rick has used in combat to know when he dies by his enemies and when he dies by unrelated circumstances, the latter meaning that he survives/defeats his current enemies.

-Anti-booby suit: A suit that protects Rick from general traps from old temples, making him casually walk through them. It's rather simple as it doesn't have much aside from high durability

-Adhesive Gel: While having stolen Rick's technology, Morty had an adhesive liquid to stuck a bully into a wall.

-Poop machine: Done via a small machine that creates poop and an unpleasant fragrance.

-Giant Rick: It belongs to the giant robot Rick controls, which has his form and unexplored mobility and capacities.

-Time Travel: A power most disliked by Rick. He was forced to use it to deal with other beings time traveling to attack him and his family, Rick time traveled to mess with the history of said beings, making them all disappear in the present.

-Piss Master Armor: Self Explanatory

-Basically anything and everything

-Morty can turn into a car

Feats(Speed and Power):

-Made a universe busting toaster

-Has a list of realities that he doesn't like that he will nuke later

-Vat of Acid Feats

-Made a Vat of Fake Sun

-Dodged gunfire and satellite lasers

-Outsmarted the Zigerions

-Can turn a Black Hole into a Sun

-Can break the fourth wall

-Turned himself into a Pickle and made a suit and weapons out of coach roaches and rats and killed off an entire Russian Agency and fought Jaguar to a stand still

-Toxic Rick discovered a new element and made electricity in the Detoxifier canister

-Made a True Level Shelf

Stats(Intelligence, Speed, and Power):

-Nuking a Universe

-This a universe level feat obviously

-Satellite Laser Feat


>Rick dodged a laser that came from space in 2 seconds

>Satellites are typically 22369.363 miles up from the Earth, that's 40264853 mph or Mach 52896 which is Sub relativistic

-Supernova Scaling


>In the Vindicators episode of Rick and Morty, Rick has all the tools he needed to kill all the Vindicators including Supernova

>The fallen cosmic heroine Supernova was able to conceive a baby that is half of a collapsing star which is 68 Tenatons that's Small Star Level

-Vat of Acid feat


>In the Vat of Acid Episode, this version Rick merged all the times Morty used the remote Rick made and then Rick merged all the times Morty used the remote into one singular universe

>This is a Low Multiverse to Multiversal feat

Final Verdict(Power)(Rick): Multiverse Level

Final Verdict(Power) (Morty): Wall Level

Final Verdict(Speed)(Rick): Sub relativistic in reaction time, MFTL+ with Concentrated Dark Matter

Final Verdict(Speed)(Morty): Sub relativistic


-Rick's cybernetics have limitations. His durability and speed are not superhuman without assistance from his additional gadgets.

-He is a glass cannon. Whatever can kill a normal human, can also kill him.

-A defective Portal Gun can disintegrate the user.

-Rick cannot see where he teleports to through his Portal Gun. If Rick were to unintentionally go to a dangerous dimension, like the Blender Dimension, he would be easily killed.

-His best feats are accomplished through preparation

-Despite being a genius, Rick has severe mental issues and various forms of insanity, making him very eccentric and idiosyncratic.

>Highly anti-social. His reckless behavior and cynical personality have made even his own family despise him.

>His knowledge of the infinite multiverse has made Rick unmotivated and suicidal; as he considers his actions irrelevant and insignificant since whatever he has or could have done has already been done somewhere in the multiverse.

>Extreme alcoholic.

>Almost always stressed out.

>Frequently drooling or covered in his own vomit.

>Very egotistical and prefers to fool around at first.

>Prone to manic and nonsensical angry ranting.

*Addicted to McDonald's Mulan Szechuan sauce.

>Appears to have a pirate phobia.

>Violently paranoid; especially since he has experience with shape-shifting or mind-washing aliens.

>His relationship with the parasitic Hive-Mind Unity tends to bring out the worst in him.

-Made A LOT of enemies across the multiverse along with having a vast criminal record that includes various accounts of assault, murder, terrorism, burglary, cable piracy, child abuse, DUI, genocide, human cloning, illegal arms dealing, identity thief (technically), kidnapping, slavery, smuggling, time-bending, and torture. He is mentioned to have apparently broken 1000 laws a day.

>Created a Love-Potion for Morty that went viral and infected all of C-137 Earth's residents but himself and the Smith family. Rick, at Morty's instance, made things worse by turning the infected into giant praying mantis mutants and then into Cronenberg monsters. Ultimately, Rick's only solution was to ditch his native universe and take over the life of another Rick who averted the crisis in his universe and died soon after.

>Ruined a Simpsons Couch-Gag and indirectly killed the Simpson family: Stealing items from the family household, freezing Ned Flanders, and giving Morty a contaminated vial that led to the Simpsons being reconstituted as mutant Rick-hybrids.

-Despite his intelligence, Rick has been arrested multiple times.

-Despite his defenses, he has been overpowered on a few occasions, and was once even drugged because of it.

-On some occasions, he was only saved by sheer luck.

>After being in a violent space battle, he admitted he only survived by luck.

>Was captured by Concerto and admitted to Morty that they had no way out and they were going to die; is saved by Jaguar.

-Morty has stated 40% of the neutrino bombs are prone to not working.

-Couldn't find a way to restore himself without the Toxic versions of him and Morty.

-Despite killing several trained guards when he turned himself into a pickle, he clearly struggled against a freedom fighter that was armed with a regular gun.

-Couldn't stop a random telekinesis from choking him to death.

-Has been kidnapped by Pringles before

-Lost to Zeus in a battle


-Isn't very smart.

-Kind of a coward.

-Sometimes goes against Rick's plans which can sometimes cause problems.




Here we see Morty watching My Little Pony on Interdimensional Cable and watching some of the show as we see Rick come into the room and sees him watching My Little Pony.

Rick: "Morty if you're secretly a brony you could just tell me."

Morty: "Don't tell Summer about this or mom."

Rick: "What's the point of telling them, the show used to be for little girls and now grown men who eat cheetos, collect toys, read gross fanfiction, and even go to conventions involving My Little Pony."

Morty: "Alright I get it. Hey Rick, do I have a chance with Sunset Shimmer?"

Rick: "She used to be the student of Princess Celestia so that makes her somewhat of a noble which means you can't date her cause she's literally better than you."

Morty: "Aw jeez...."

Morty then head to the kitchen and it's a 5 star restaurant for flying pigs.

Morty: "Um Rick?"

Rick: *offscreen*"What?"

Morty: "Did you turn our kitchen into a 5 star resort restaurant?"

Rick: *comes in*"Why the fuck would I-?"*sees the restaurant*"What the?"*heads to a computer*"Isolate anomaly from the source!"

We then see the computer burst in confetti and shoot chocolate milk in Rick's face.

Rick: "What the fuck!?!"

We then see a portal tear open into reality and we see Discord burst into the room.

Discord: *stretches for a bit*"Now I know how the Dazzlings felt when they were here."*stretches his back and use his magic to turn the fridge into a bunch of legos*

Morty: "What the fuck!?! You turned our fridge into a bunch of legos!"

Discord: "I'm just stretching okay, when you are a creature of chaos making portals between worlds puts a lot of strain on you, also I don't get out of Equestria much."

Rick then fires a laser at Discord as he splits his head in half to dodge the beam and puts it back together.

Rick: "Morty run!"

We then see Rick and Morty make a run for it for the exit until they see the door moving away in a long hallway.

Rick: "Jesus Christ the long hallway thing!"

Morty: "Rick, we need to get out of here!"

We then see Rick make a portal and they jump into it and then we see them go into it. Meanwhile in a universe where pizza eats humans like pizza.

Pizza dude: "Yeah I like to order one large person with extra people."

Pizza guy: "White people, no, no, no, black people and hispanic on half."

We then see Rick and Morty come out of a portal and then they go into another portal. Then they're in a reality where everything is the same but the people are gender swapped and Rick and Morty see their gender swapped selves.

Morty: "Is it weird to have a boner for a gender swap version of yourself?"

Rick: "Yeah but don't fuck them. We have one incest baby already."

Rita: "We do not want to go through that again."

Mary: "Aw jeez. Don't remind me."

Rita: "My grandson Spencer was the one who jerked off, not Mary."

Rick: "Eh I expected that. Come on Morty."

We then see Rick and Morty go through another portal and they end up back to their reality.

Morty: "How do we kill this guy?"

Rick: "Morty, what do you remember from that show?"

Morty: "Well he's not much of a fighter and he's weak to the Elements of Harmony and being normal would kill him."

Rick: "Alright we can't make him normal and the elements of harmony are destroyed."

Morty: "Wait a second, the Equestria Girls! They have those geodes that work like the elements of harmony."

Rick: "That's right, thank god there's a spin off."

Morty: "Rick look."

Rick then sees their whole reality become a capital of chaos.

Rick: "Holy shit..."

Morty: "It's pandemonium here! What do we do?!"

Rick: "A call back Morty."

We then see Rick and Morty put on their purge suits and they fly into the air and they see Discord and then they charge into him as they then break into other universes like in Dr. Strange the Multiverse of Madness. They broke into a universe where it's a silent film, a universe where Goku defeated Superman, a universe where the Choco Taco still exist, a universe where Caboose is president, a universe where all the women in the universe is pregnant with Tucker's child, a universe where Grif and Kaikana are married, a universe where Grif and Simmons are married, a universe where food eat people, a universe where April Fools lasts for a month and run by Luan Loud, a universe where being a horror movie slasher is a job, a universe where he whole world is underwater and everyone are mermaids, a universe where dinosaurs live in the modern era and using modern technology like cars and computers, a universe where Clifford the big red dog is a cat and not a dog, a universe where there's world peace, a universe where there are monster quesadillas, a universe where Sci-Twi cloned herself just to have actual friends cause she never went to the Friendship games, a universe where Fluttershy moved out of the city and into the forest with no connection to modern society and tend to the animals as their caretaker, a universe where Donut is the leader of red team, a universe where Church didn't die, a universe where Caboose is on Red team, a universe where Super Sentai and Power Rangers crossed over, a universe where there are Gay Nazi Dinosaurs, a universe where SCP-3288 ruled the world, a universe where When Day Breaks happened, a universe where the events of SCP-5000 happened, a universe where women ruled the Earth and the men are house husbands, a universe where Nintendo made a portable VR headset, a universe where babies ruled the Earth, a universe where Miss Lead and Connie TinuityError are married, a universe where the men are small and the women are gigantic, a universe where women are sex toys and breeders, a universe where Scarlet Witch and Vision are just friends, a universe where the earth is ruled by Gay Nazi Alien Dinosaurs, a universe where amazons from Theymscria migrated to the World of Man, a universe where there are futanari nazis, and then Rick sees a whole universe populated by people who look and act exactly like Jerry and Rick scream in terror in slow motion. They then went through a universe where everyone on Earth are women, a universe where incest marriage has deem declared mandatory and Rick sees Summer and Morty getting married, a universe where Beth is a human doctor and Jerry is her nurse, a finally then ended up int he Equestria Girls universe where we see Rick beat up Discord.

Rick: "Morty! Get their necklaces!!!"

Morty: "Okay Rick!"*can't move his feet and looks down and sees his feet are glued to the ground*"Shit!"

Discord: "Not so fast!"

Rick: "As Ultron said, I'm my own best back up!"

Rick then becomes really uncertain and splits the timeline and then both Ricks beat up Discord. The Ricks then become uncertain and then continue to beat up Discord.

Rick 10000: "Morty forget the suit and get the geodes!"

We then see Morty get out of his suit and runs off and head somewhere in the city. Later in the city, we see Morty going all over the city looking for the Geodes and he sees Fluttershy passing around pamphlets.

Morty: "Um hi excuse me."

Fluttershy: "Oh hello, would you like to help me with the animal shelter?"

Morty: "Actually I'm here to borrow your necklace, long story but I promise to give it back."

Fluttershy: "But I need it to talk to the animals."

Morty: "Just give it to me now, my grandpa really needs my help!"

Morty then grabs the geode from Fluttershy and she was heartbroken that it happened.

Fluttershy: "That is so mean!"*cries in sadness*

We later see Morty running to Rarity's house and he knocks on the door and Rarity answers.

Rarity: "Oh my, what are you doing here?"

Morty: "Rarity, look I need your geode! I'll give it back later!"

Rarity: "But-"

Rarity was cut off when Morty ripped Rarity's geode form her outfit and Morty see the fabric that came with it.

Morty: "Aw jeez...."

Rarity: "My outfit......MY OUTFIT!!!!!!"

Rarity's outburst broke every window on the city block as she stares at Morty with pure anger and rage.

Morty: "Oh fuck!"

Rarity: *sees Morty running away*"GET BACK HERE YOU BRUTE!!!!"

Later, we see Morty at Applejack's house and he sees Applejack competing against Rainbow Dash again only this time which one of them makes the most apple cider.

Morty: "Hey you two, I need your geodes!"*sees that they're not wearing them and see them on the bench*"Um, sorry!"

R. Dash: *sees Morty take their geodes and ruins away*"Hey!"

Applejack: "Get back here you geode snatching rustler!"

We see Morty running away and we see Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity chasing him. We then see Pinkie pop out of Morty's shirt as he screams in surprise.

Pinkie: *hands morty her geode*"Here, you can use mine and then you can give it back, bye!"

Pinkie then grabs onto a tree branch and then launches herself into the air and then she dives down until she slows down her speed of descent and lands softly on the ground. We see Sunset playing Super Smash Brothers Ultimate on the switch and we see Morty tackle her and he takes her geode and runs off.

Morty: "Sorry I'll give it back!"

Sunset: "HEY!!!!"

We then see Morty bump into Sci-Twi and then he grabs her geode as well.

Morty: "Sorry! I'll give it back!"

Sci-Twi: *sees Morty run away*"Hey!! Give it back!"

While Morty is running away, we see him get away from the Humane 7 by hiding in a bush. Morty then get out of the bush and starts heading back to Rick until he notices butterflies following him as the moment reminded him of the squirrels.

Morty: "Oh fuck!! oh shit!"

Butterfly: *in Discord's voice*"How dare you make Fluttershy cry!!!?!!?"

Morty: "Oh god Rick!"

The butterflies leave and then Morty sees the Humane 7 and they see him.

Rarity: "There he is!!!!"

Morty then starts running and screaming away from the Humane 7. Later, we see a bunch of Ricks beating up Discord and then we see Morty come in and throw the geodes to Rick as he gets tackled by the Humane 7 and gets beaten up to a pulp. Then Rick becomes certain again and catches the geodes and then he forms an Infinity Gauntlet-like glove to use the power of the Geodes.

Rick: "I am Rick Sanchez you bitch!"

Rick then snaps his fingers and then we see Discord turn into dust just like Thanos in Endgame. Rick turns to see Morty getting his ass kicked by the Humane 7 as he screams in pain.

Rick: "Oh man that is awesome! Be proud Morty, getting beaten up by the Humane 7 is the second greatest thing to happen to a brony, 1st greatest is fucking them."

We then see the camera zoom out and then we see Rick and Morty doing Morty's Mind Blowers as we see the Humane 7, Rick, and Morty in the room and Morty saw that memory.

Morty: "Man I was such a huge dick to you girls."

Applejack: "It's alright."

Sunset: "After a clear explanation from your grandfather we understand why you did it."

Morty: "Thanks girls."

Rick: "Now that's out of the way, let's who wants to watch interdimensional cable!?!"

Morty: "Fuck yeah I'm in!"

Sunset: "We're in too."

Later, we see Rick and Morty along with the humane 7 watching TV as we see Omni-man and Invincible come into the room and watch TV with them.

Rick: "Hey Nolan."

Omni-man: "Hey, whatcha watching?"

Rick: "Jerry bombing a presidential campaign."

Invincible: "Oh I wanna gonna see this."

We then see everyone in the room laughing as we see Jerry walk into the room and see what they're watching.

Jerry: "Oh fuck you guys!"





Rick and Morty:

+Superior stats

>Rick can split up time just by being uncertain of himself which makes him able to overpower Discord


+Actual combat experience

+Rick and Morty can go to a universe where there's a weapon that can kill Discord

-No magic



-Little combat experience

-Rick and Morty can overpower him just by being uncertain


-Will underestimate Rick's abilities just like he did in the past

Next: Rick and Morty vs. SCP Foundation





-Both of them are gods of their own worlds

-Both of them are powerful beings with lots of enemies

Math and Chapter:

-To be honest I just like these characters

-I re-used the same research for both characters

-The reason why Rick and Morty are winning is because that they can use references and meta commentary to save their lives which helped them in the past

-Rick has a lot of tools and weapons to counter beings with meta based powers, which also include Retcons if given the chance

Participated Franchises:

-Rick and Morty

-My Little Pony

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