Rick and Morty vs. Superman Clones

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Interlude: Rick and Morty have fought a very crazy variety of foes for a long time including themselves sometimes but in this Battle Match they will be fighting Superman Knockoffs.

Rick and Morty

Rick and Morty, the universe hoping duo

Superman Clones

(A/N): "Please note that I will be using the Superman Clones from previous battles and I'll be power scaling new ones here. Here are the Following new Superman Clones.


Blast, the Class S Rank 1 Hero


Plutonian, the Irredeemable fallen hero that has gone insane


Rick and Morty


Backstory: Long time ago there was a humble scientist who is a family man named Rick Sanchez and he was working on a device that can make Portal Travel possible but come up short until one day he met someone which is himself to be exact. He suggested that the life with Portal  Travel makes him a god and the Ricks of the infinite universes but Rick decides to stay with his family. His wife Diane and his daughter Beth were going have ice cream with him until Rick Prime killed them both. After that tragic event he soon invent Portal Travel and leave his reality to find Rick Prime and kill him. He went all over the multiverse searching for Rick Prime and he made some friends along the way, fought the federation, and then he look through the multiverse looking for Rick Prime killing off other Ricks along the way. He soon give up on vengeance and soon he made the Citadel and then went into Rick Prime's universe just to kill him but he was reunited with his own daughter Beth and he then meets his son in law Jerry, his Granddaughter Summer, and his grandson Morty Smith. Rick and Morty along with the Smith Family then go on crazy adventures on a weekly basis.


-Name: Rick Sanchez

-Age: 70s

-Dimension: C-137

-The Rickest Rick

-Faveorite phrase: WUBA LUBA DUB-DUB!

-Nemesis: Mr. Nimbus

-Mortal Enemy: Rick Prime

-Family: Beth(daughter), Jerry(Son in law), Summer(Granddaughter), Morty(Grandson), Naruto(Great Grandson)

-Founded the Citadel


-Name: Morty Smith

-Age: 14

-Dimension: Prime

-Favorite Phrase: Ah Jeez

-Crush: Jessica

-Hasn't been in high school for weeks

-Almost got raped by a jelly bean guy

-The Mortiest Morty

-Made an incest baby with his sister

-Was gonna make a heist movie on Netflix but Rick stole his enthusiasm to do it

-In a Pringles Ad, Morty was a robot that makes new Pringles combo flavors

-Destroyed his own reality by making a love potion to get a chance with Jessica


-Portal Gun: A gun that rips a hole in space-time, allowing travel to any point in any universe. Opening a portal inside another being rips them in two.

-Futuristic Guns: Rick has been shown using several futuristic guns. Some just do damage to a target, others easily perforate targets with the energy they shoot, and others reduce targets to ashes. In the comics, he has been shown having a gun with a set of options in it, that one being able to stun targets, but Rick has been shown carrying up to 2 guns with him.

-Freeze Ray: Completely freezes organic targets, turning them into incredibly fragile icy statues. Since the effects can be undone, this is used in the rare case of nonviolent neutralization. It comes in taser and gun form

-Particle Watch: A wristwatch that fires a concentrated particle beam. It destroys the target on a subatomic level.

-Phoenix Project: Previously developed and destroyed by Rick as a cloning process in which he could transfer his consciousness to younger bodies the Phoenix Project of other Ricks in the multiverse is still present, reviving Rick C-137 in the following fashion; Upon death, Rick's consciousness will be unwillingly downloaded by the Phoenix Project of a seemingly random alternative Rick on another universe, quickly creating a clone of Rick C-137 and thus bringing him back to live. The form of the clone can vary depending on the physiology of the Ricks in which Rick C-137 is being revived. Rick is recreated naked and thus without his equipment, but also in the basement of his alternative house from other reality, meaning that he can request help from the Rick of that universe or simply use his resourcefulness to get what needs, being able to come back to his universe without losing abundant amounts of time. Every occasion Rick dies will trigger the Phoenix Project to function, each time in a different reality and with Rick being willing to kill himself to get home faster.

>Note: It's not specified how many universes there are with the cloning technology to recreate him. However, there are infinite universes with infinite Ricks, many of them having major similarities in their past and Rick himself has repeatedly shown having access to all of those realities with a variety of his gadgets; This could mean that Rick can revive himself infinite times, but this is by no means confirmed as we are don't know if the same of everything exists in infinite amounts across the multiverse (as opposed to that being the case with specific things & beings), we also know that Rick C-137 claimed to be "the Rick-est Rick" & destroyed his version of the Phoenix Project. Still, the implication given with Rick dying and reviving over and over again indicates that this process can keep happening a generous amount of time

-Forcefield: As of The Rickchurian Mortydate Rick had an invisible forcefield that reflected bullets from 9 different angles back into the aggressors, killing them.

-Instant Death: Coming from another unnamed gadget in The Rickchurian Mortydate, touching Rick made a person die instantly without making any sound. All of which was even highlighted by other characters.

-Labcoat: A labcoat equipped with many gadgets, on its own having a bomb to sef-destruct and Rick being able to command it to ripoff by restricting and strangling a target.

-Cybernetics: A previous body he used had complex cybernetic augmentations with unexplored use for combat. Had a device in his lab coat that could replace his amputated arm, stopping the bleeding from it. In his current body, Rick's right arm can turn robotic, he uses it to magnetically catch a hammer being thrown at him.

-Laser: Shown having a laser that activates from his wrist and casually cuts through glass.

-Intangibility: Rick manually phase through someone while walking, accelerating his speed while doing so.

-Info analysis: Rick knew, and later visually showed to others how 9 people had a clear shot on him with his technology. Rick is also shown having a device that could analyze his surroundings and formulate several trajectories in which a small branch ended up in the place in which it was

-Time Freeze: Freezes time on a universal scale. Due to technology stolen from the 4th dimension, Rick can do this with the press of a button.

-Curse Remover: A device which can remove magical properties from a wide variety of different things. Since it can remove certain effects while leaving others intact, Rick used this device to turn cursed objects into completely beneficial ones (i.e. turning a pair of boxing gloves which would cause the wearer to be stuck reliving a single fight for all eternity into a pair of time traveling mittens).

-Dream Inceptors: A small device which, when implanted into the ear of an unconscious sentient being, allows the user to travel into the being's dreams, potentially implanting new thoughts and influencing the behavior of the target once they wake up.

-Anti-Matter Gun: A pistol that shoots anti-matter. Capable of even killing trans-dimensional higher beings immune to traditional matter and energy based attacks.

-Concentrated Dark Matter: A method used for traveling faster than anyone else in the universe; similar chemical reactions cause massive explosions. A handful of the components mixed incorrectly resulted in an explosion as large as Jupiter.

-Love Potions/Diseases: Created a virus that made whoever it was used on fall in love with Morty (Except those genetically related to him), but due to it being flu season, the substance piggybacked on the flu and began to spread; he created two others to counter that. The first turned everyone on the planet into praying mantis monsters, while the second turned everyone into Cronenberg monsters.

-Size Shifting: Able to affect people and objects, either making them tiny enough to fit inside someone or making them grow to the size of a continent.

-Meeseeks Button: Summons a bunch of immortal creatures that will perform one task before dying. Become more insane the longer they exist due to hours seeming like an eternity, to them. Meeseeks are completely unable to die until their task is completed, and giving them a task which is seemingly impossible to complete will eventually result in the summoned Meeseeks resorting to the most drastic measures to complete the task by technicality.

-Death Crystals: Upon touching one of them and while keep doing that, the crystal/s make their users see visions of how they are going to die, by it with the same result repeated many times or many alternatives ways within diverse circumstances. The actions of the user can constantly change how they die upon seeing their future, which Rick has used in combat to know when he dies by his enemies and when he dies by unrelated circumstances, the latter meaning that he survives/defeats his current enemies.

-Anti-booby suit: A suit that protects Rick from general traps from old temples, making him casually walk through them. It's rather simple as it doesn't have much aside from high durability

-Adhesive Gel: While having stolen Rick's technology, Morty had an adhesive liquid to stuck a bully into a wall.

-Poop machine: Done via a small machine that creates poop and an unpleasant fragrance.

-Giant Rick: It belongs to the giant robot Rick controls, which has his form and unexplored mobility and capacities.

-Time Travel: A power most disliked by Rick. He was forced to use it to deal with other beings time traveling to attack him and his family, Rick time traveled to mess with the history of said beings, making them all disappear in the present.

-Piss Master Armor: Self Explanatory

-Basically anything and everything

-Morty can turn into a car

Feats(Speed and Power):

-Made a universe busting toaster

-Has a list of realities that he doesn't like that he will nuke later

-Vat of Acid Feats

-Made a Vat of Fake Sun

-Dodged gunfire and satellite lasers

-Outsmarted the Zigerions

-Can turn a Black Hole into a Sun

-Can break the fourth wall

-Turned himself into a Pickle and made a suit and weapons out of coach roaches and rats and killed off an entire Russian Agency and fought Jaguar to a stand still

-Toxic Rick discovered a new element and made electricity in the Detoxifier canister

-Made a True Level Shelf

Stats(Intelligence, Speed, and Power):


-Nuking a Universe

-This a universe level feat obviously

-Satellite Laser Feat


>Rick dodged a laser that came from space in 2 seconds

>Satellites are typically 22369.363 miles up from the Earth, that's 40264853 mph or Mach 52896 which is Sub relativistic

-Supernova Scaling


>In the Vindicators episode of Rick and Morty, Rick has all the tools he needed to kill all the Vindicators including Supernova

>The fallen cosmic heroine Supernova was able to conceive a baby that is half of a collapsing star which is 68 Tenatons that's Small Star Level

-Vat of Acid feat


>In the Vat of Acid Episode, this version Rick merged all the times Morty used the remote Rick made and then Rick merged all the times Morty used the remote into one singular universe

>This is a Low Multiverse to Multiversal feat

Final Verdict(Power)(Rick): Multiverse Level

Final Verdict(Power) (Morty): Wall Level

Final Verdict(Speed)(Rick): Sub relativistic in reaction time, MFTL+ with Concentrated Dark Matter

Final Verdict(Speed)(Morty): Sub relativistic


-Rick's cybernetics have limitations. His durability and speed are not superhuman without assistance from his additional gadgets.

-He is a glass cannon. Whatever can kill a normal human, can also kill him.

-A defective Portal Gun can disintegrate the user.

-Rick cannot see where he teleports to through his Portal Gun. If Rick were to unintentionally go to a dangerous dimension, like the Blender Dimension, he would be easily killed.

-His best feats are accomplished through preparation

-Despite being a genius, Rick has severe mental issues and various forms of insanity, making him very eccentric and idiosyncratic.

>Highly anti-social. His reckless behavior and cynical personality have made even his own family despise him.

>His knowledge of the infinite multiverse has made Rick unmotivated and suicidal; as he considers his actions irrelevant and insignificant since whatever he has or could have done has already been done somewhere in the multiverse.

>Extreme alcoholic.

>Almost always stressed out.

>Frequently drooling or covered in his own vomit.

>Very egotistical and prefers to fool around at first.

>Prone to manic and nonsensical angry ranting.

*Addicted to McDonald's Mulan Szechuan sauce.

>Appears to have a pirate phobia.

>Violently paranoid; especially since he has experience with shape-shifting or mind-washing aliens.

>His relationship with the parasitic Hive-Mind Unity tends to bring out the worst in him.

-Made A LOT of enemies across the multiverse along with having a vast criminal record that includes various accounts of assault, murder, terrorism, burglary, cable piracy, child abuse, DUI, genocide, human cloning, illegal arms dealing, identity thief (technically), kidnapping, slavery, smuggling, time-bending, and torture. He is mentioned to have apparently broken 1000 laws a day.

>Created a Love-Potion for Morty that went viral and infected all of C-137 Earth's residents but himself and the Smith family. Rick, at Morty's instance, made things worse by turning the infected into giant praying mantis mutants and then into Cronenberg monsters. Ultimately, Rick's only solution was to ditch his native universe and take over the life of another Rick who averted the crisis in his universe and died soon after.

>Ruined a Simpsons Couch-Gag and indirectly killed the Simpson family: Stealing items from the family household, freezing Ned Flanders, and giving Morty a contaminated vial that led to the Simpsons being reconstituted as mutant Rick-hybrids.

-Despite his intelligence, Rick has been arrested multiple times.

-Despite his defenses, he has been overpowered on a few occasions, and was once even drugged because of it.

-On some occasions, he was only saved by sheer luck.

>After being in a violent space battle, he admitted he only survived by luck.

>Was captured by Concerto and admitted to Morty that they had no way out and they were going to die; is saved by Jaguar.

-Morty has stated 40% of the neutrino bombs are prone to not working.

-Couldn't find a way to restore himself without the Toxic versions of him and Morty.

-Despite killing several trained guards when he turned himself into a pickle, he clearly struggled against a freedom fighter that was armed with a regular gun.

-Couldn't stop a random telekinesis from choking him to death.

-Has been kidnapped by Pringles before

-Lost to Zeus in a battle


-Isn't very smart.

-Kind of a coward.

-Sometimes goes against Rick's plans which can sometimes cause problems.




Backstory: For many years, the Heroes Association have heroes coming out of the wood work like Tornado of Terror, King, Demon Cyborg, Atomic Samurai, and even the Caped Baldy himself Saitama. But there's one hero that is so mysterious that he basically is a complete mystery to the Class S heroes, the one who is on top of all of them is none other than Blast himself.


-Real Name: Unknown

-Family: Blue(Son)

-Age: 30s

-The only solution for God Level Threats

-Class S Rank 1

-Tatsumaki looks up to him

-Was the most powerful hero in the Heroes Association until Saitama showed up

-Was a mystery for a while for what he's capable of


-Superhuman Physique

-Gravitational Powers


-Laser Eyes

-Portal Creation

-Radiation Immunity

-Esper Powers


-Gravity Knuckle

-Dimension Cannon


Feats(Strength and Durability):

-Fubuki stated that he can defeat all of the Class S heroes all at once

-Harmed Awakened Garou

-Held the clash between Saitama and Garou's Serious Punch^2

-His psychic power dominates everyone else's including Tatsumaki

-The only one who fights God Level Monsters


-Casually blitzed Flashy Flash

-Percieved the serious punches from Saitama and Garou

-Kept pace with Awakened Garou

Stats(Strength and Durability):

-Holding back the Serious Punch^2

>Last time on Battle Match, the Serious Punch^2 has a force of 7 Yottafoe which is Galaxy Level

>This is his full limit since he held it back for a limited time

Final Verdict: Galaxy Level


-Scaling to Garou

>Blast was able to keep and evenly pace with Garou who scales to Saitama who was able to jump around on Io

>That's 12,404,456,000,000,000,000 mph or 18497547800x the speed of light

Final Verdict: MFTL+




Backstory: Maybe years ago, a race of beings known as the Eleos discovered planet Earth. They sent a probe to the planet to study human emotions. Then the probe went a bit close to a mentally unbalanced woman who seeks redemption after killing her child. The probe then turn into a child and the woman tried to murder that child but can't cause he has superpowers and then she killed herself. The young kid went to foster care and named himself Dan Anderson and he moved into many foster families but never really stayed with just one cause they're afraid of his powers until a man name Bill Hartigan adopted him and started training him on his powers to be come a superhero named Plutonian and he was named Dan Hartigan. Both Bill and his wife died in a car crash after he told Dan she had cancer and he suspects the accident was suicide. Dan soon became the hero that is Plutonian. Things were going great for him ever since he's got a great team of heroes named the Paradigm and a girlfriend name Alana Petal. He soon confessed to his girlfriend about his secret Identity and what he didn't expect that she blabbed his secret to the whole world out of anger and told everyone. Unable to cope with criticism levied against him by various people including Dr. Seabrook—who criticizes him for withholding seized alien technology—Plutonian provides Seabrook with a sample of the technology. The technology proves fatal and unleashes a virus that kills hundreds of children before it is stopped. Plutonian attempts to conceal his involvement, but his mistake combined with his increasing resentment of humanity culminates when his sidekick Samsara is informed of Plutonian's involvement by Seabrook's colleagues. The Plutonian snaps, lobotomizes Samsara, and destroys his home of Sky City, killing 3.5 million people in thirty minutes. Plutonian maintains an obsession with Bette after their affair: crafting art in her image, dressing his captive sex-slave Encanta in her clothes, and forcing a couple to have sex; the man resembling Plutonian and the woman dressed like Bette.


-Alias: Plutonian, Dan Anderson, Dan Hartigan, and Tony

-Species: Eleo

-Basically he went nuts

-Had an affair with Bette Noire

-Former Team: Paradigm

-Lived a shitty life

-Will get his own movie soon by Netflix

-Planned on destroying all of humanity

-Went from superhero to supervillain

Powers and Abilities:

-Superhuman Strength - One of The Plutonian's most impressive feats was in the final issue of the series when he essentially carried a small black hole in the palm of his hands, though he was clearly struggling doing so.

-Superhuman Speed - The fastest speed The Plutonian is ever seen travelling at was the time he outraced live radio waves travelling at 186,000MPH (299,337KPH).

-Heat Vision - With this super concentrated heat, The Plutonian can melt seemingly anything he stares at, even being able to erase specific memories within brains.

-Freeze Breath - Much like his heat vision, The Plutonian can freeze just about anything he breathes on.

-X-Ray Vision - The Plutonian can see through just about anything, no matter how thick a wall or any other surface may be.

-Near Invulnerability - The only times The Plutonian is ever actually harmed is when someone is using magic or has nearly the same amount of strength as he does, which few do.

-Flight - Much like most superheroes, The Plutonian can fly with ease.

-Enhanced Senses - The Plutonian can hear whispers from the other side of planet Earth and is perfectly able to hear in outer space. He can even hear when someone is lying by listening to their heartbeats.

-High Intelligence - Although not nearly as brilliant on the levels as Qubit or Modeus, The Plutonian is still far more intelligent than the average person on Earth. He was able to figure out that Modeus was inhabiting Samsara's body after his death simply by paying attention to the way he talked when compared to his sidekick.

-Manipulation Mastery - Tony once managed to take out almost his entire former rogues gallery in one fell swoop when he handed them all each a button which he claimed could have killed him, only for them to immediately press the buttons before he had to chance to tell them he was merely testing them, and the buttons activated explosives in the cave of a former member of The Paradigm.

-Master of Disguise - Tony was able to fool his former girlfriend Alana into believing there was no way her co-worker was The Plutonian until he intentionally revealed himself.

-Low level Reality Warping - After evolving to a higher being due to being around his birth parents, The Plutonian becomes almost a god-like being able to give himself new superpowers just by focusing on it. Some of the powers he has given himself are the following:

>Intangibility - He is able to turn intangible to avoid energy beams and projectiles.

>Probability Manipulation - He created an atomic bomb sized explosion with a snap of his fingers. He was also able to stop the moon from moving by touching it.

>Magnetikinesis - He was able to pull metals out of the Earth with ease.

>Matter Manipulation - He is able to disintegrate anything as well as transmute objects, such as turning sand into glass.

>Telekinesis - He can manipulate objects with his mind.

>Memory Manipulation - Plutonian is capable of seeing peoples memories as well as being able to erase specific memories from a person's mind.

>Gravity Manipulation - He is capable of negating gravity.

Feats(Strength and Durability):

-Killed someone who can split the planet

-Once aware of his powers, Modeus has to drain energy from stars just to fight him

-Stopped the moon's rotation

-Carried something as dense as a neutron star

-Destroyed 3 cities 


-Outraced Picosecond radio signal in 1/3 of a second

-React in Picoseconds and followed a radio signal

-Almost ran two miles instantly as a child 

Stats(Strength and Durability):

-Killing a guy who can split the Earth

>In order to split the Earth, it would require 1.2 Zettatons of force which is Small Planet Level

-Tanking hits powered by stars

>Plutonian tanked blows that are powered by stars which makes him at best Large Star Level

Final Verdict: Large Star Level


-Outracing a radio signal

>In order to do this feat, he must be moving at speeds of 4893969219756622000 mph or 7297896242x the speed of light

Final Verdict: MFTL+


-Magic Users - The Plutonian has almost been killed with magic by Modeus on numerous occasions and seems to be able to do little against it other than trying to escape.

-Magic Items - The Nahru Visna once made a candle intended to weaken Tony enough to kill him so that they can take over Sky City and Qubit later fashions it into a bullet so could later teleport it inside of Tony's heart to force him into saving Earth.

-Mental Instability - At first, The Plutonian was entirely unaware that his powers stem from his mind and if he had simply focused enough, he'd have the powers of an unstoppable god. Thankfully, he only ever realized this shortly before his demise.

-Fighting Inexperience - Due to usually being the strongest person on Earth at any given time, The Plutonian never really learned any fighting styles since there was no need, since he could just throw himself at his enemies haphazardly. Therefore, people on his level or stronger than him with actual fighting abilities can beat him with relative ease.

-Extreme Gravity - When Tony was sent to an interplanetary insane asylum within a star for his crimes, the alien guards used the gravity of the star to hold him down. Modeus has also nearly killed Tony while using Bette's powers to their fullest extent in her body while raping him. Later on, Tony greatly struggled to hold a miniature black hole in his hands, which could have been used to kill him if it was bigger.




Here we see a portal open in the Smith Residence and we see Rick and Morty come out of it with tons of ice cream and they see the entire Smith Family.

Rick: "Hey everyone we brought back ice cream."

Morty: "Yeah we-we have Rocky Road, chocolate chip, Mint chip, strawberry, coffee, caramel."

Rick: "We have a bunch of toppings like the chocolate sauce that turns into a hard shell, gummy bears, gummy worms, and-"*sees that they're afraid of something*"Wh-what's with you assholes?"

Jerry then points to a direction behind Rick and Morty as they turn to see Homelander drinking a hot cup of joe.

Homelander: "Howdy neighbor, coffee? It's warm."

Morty: "Rick it's Homelander! The guy from The Boys."

Rick: "I can see that Morty."*to Homelander*"What the fuck are you doing here?"

Homelander: "What? I just came here to talk to you two. You see guys, Homelander is more than just a hero. I know it's cynical to say this but Homelander is a brand. And it's important to me that the brand means something and if I'm just playing second fiddle to a Drunk old man and his cowardly grandson. What's really the point?"*to the Smith Family*"What do you think, Summer?"

Summer: *doesn't respond out of fear**While hugging Beth and Jerry in fear*

Homelander: "Oh she's just shy."*turns to Rick and Morty with red glowing eyes*"So do we have an agreement? Get the fuck out of my country."

Rick: "Alright."

Morty: "Wait seriously? You're not gonna fight this guy?"

Rick: *Talks to Morty telepathically*"Play along Morty."*to Homelander**Outloud*"Before we leave, wanna shakes hands first?"

Homelander: "No thanks."

Rick: "Well think of it this way, you have Compound V in your veins right?"

Homelander: "Yes?"

Rick: "And you know how Stormfront has been around since World War 2 and hasn't aged a day?"

Homelander: "Yes?"

Rick: "Which means you are immortal yourself and you have all the time in the world to do whatever you want, especially shaking my hand."

Homelander: "Huh, good point."

When Homelander shakes Rick's hand he instantly dies as the entire Smith Family were shocked to see Vought's strongest hero die so easily.

Summer: "What the hell was that!?!"

Rick: "Death."

Beth: "What kind?"

Rick: "Instant."

Jerry: "There was no sound, he just died!"

Morty: "Rick, is Vought after us now?"

Rick: "No Morty, Superman Clones are after us and by us I mean you and me Morty."

Summer: "What about us?"

Rick: "You don't matter to them, someone is sending these guys to kill us."

Morty: "Is a bad guy after us Rick?"

Rick: "Worse, a power scaler."

Summer: "You mean those nerds on the internet who figure out how powerful fictional characters are and they pit them against each other in a fight to the death?"

Rick: "Yep."*scans Homelander's brain*"Huh, this is a composite Homelander, he has memories of both the TV show and the original comics. Whoever power scaled the others must not be bias about anything."

Beth: "So if knock off Supermen are after you and Morty what makes us?"

Morty: "Well you know, you're basically bystanders that get caught in the crossfire."

Rick: "Making you 3 more expendable than a box full of Jerrys combined. The power scalers really don't give a shit on who dies in the fight as long as the main fighters are still fighting until one of them is the winner. For your safety I'm sending you guys as far away form the fight as possible."

Rick then makes a portal under Jerry, Beth, and Summer and they fall into it.

Morty: "Wh-wha-what should do, Rick!?! There will be clones of Superman that will kick our asses!"

Rick: "Morty!"*slaps Morty*"Shut the fuck up and listen!"

Morty: "Al-alright I-i-i-i-i-i'm listening Rick."

Rick: "Okay Morty, there are tons of Superman Clones out there but the Power Scaler who measured their powers will be after us. We need to know exactly what we're dealing with. For now we need to set up the defenses."

Rick then activates the house's defenses and we see both Rick and Morty head to the garage and we see Rick put out a death crystal.

Morty: "Is that a death crystal?"

Rick: "It is Morty. While I'm using this, make a list of Superman Clones that are going to kill us."

Morty: "Alright."*grabs a notepad and pencil*"Okay I'm ready."

Rick: "We know Homelander was gonna kill us, we saw that coming. Then there's Omni-man, Metro Man, Tighten, Gladiator, The Sentry, Hyperion, Blue Marvel, wait what the fuck Wordgirl, Shazam, Saitama, Marvelous Man, Miss Power, Captain Hero, John Hancock, Saitama, Blast, All Might, Utopian, Ikaris-"

Morty: "Movie or comic book?"

Rick: "Movie Ikaris Morty, Brightburn, Will Stronghold, and Plutonian."

Morty: "That's all of them?"

Rick: "That's right Morty, that's all of them."*puts the crystal on the table and makes a list of things and press the button the meeseeks box*

We then see a Mr. Meeseeks appeared in the room.

Mr. Meeseeks: "Hi I'm Mr. Meeseeks look at me."

Rick: "Mr. Meeseeks."*gives the list to Mr. Meeseeks*"Get all of these items on this list."*hands Mr. Meeseeks his portal gun*"Use this to get the stuff."

Mr. Meeseeks: "Yes sirree."

Mr. Meeseeks then make a portal and then head into it and then the next second another portal appears and we see Mr. Meeseeks bring in a lot of stuff and disappear.

Morty: "Um Rick, what's all of this stuff?"*sees the corpse of Black Adam*"Is that Black Adam's body!?!"

Rick: "All of this stuff will help us beat those Superman Clones."*looks out the window and sees them*"Oh boy."

Morty: "What is it Rick?"

Rick: "They're here Morty."*gives Morty the Meeseeks box*"Make an army of Meeseeks Morty and send them out there to keep them busy."

Morty: "Al-al-alright Rick!"

We then see Morty go outside and then he makes an army of Mr. Meeseeks.

Mr. Meeseeks 1: "Hi we're all Mr. Meeseeks!"

Morty: "Kill the Superman Clones!"

All Mr. Meeseeks: "Can do!"

We then see all the Mr. Meeseeks go outside of the shield and fight off the Superman Clones as we see Plutonian phase through the shield and Morty sees him.

Morty: "Oh fuck! Oh shit!"*runs inside*"Riiiiiiiiick!"

Morty closes the door as we see Plutonian burst into the room and he sees that the whole living room has candles made out of Nahru Visna wax as Rick walks into the room.

Rick: "Recognize these?"

Plutonian: *realizes*"Nahru Visna."

Rick: "That's right you little bitch, as long these candles are lit up, you are fucked."

Rick then fires a laser at Plutonian's head and kills him and Morty sees it happen.

Morty: "Holy shit Rick! Y-you-you killed him!"

Rick: "Alright that makes two."*hears the barrier destroyed*"God damn who broke the barrier!"*looks at a tablet and sees Saitama*"Fuck! It was Saitama!"*to Morty*"Alright Morty-"*gives Morty a yellow jacket suit*"Shrink down and get up into his ass!"

Morty: "Wait what!? Why!?!"

Rick: "Have you heard of the Thanus theory?"

Morty: "Right, i-i-i-if Ant-man was in Avengers Infinity War he would go up Thanos' ass and kill him from the inside by blowing him up."

Rick: "Morty don't resize back to your normal size, I've seen Film Theory debunk that and you will die if you do so. Use the blue pym particle disc to kill him, Morty, go for his heart Morty."

Morty: "A-a-a-a-a-re you sure it will work Rick?"

Rick: "Trust me Morty, it will work. Kevin Feige made a whole episode of What if to prove that the Thanus Theory is possible by making Yellow Jacket kill off the Avengers before they even became the Avengers."

Morty: "Okay Rick, w-w-w-wait, what about you?"*sees Rick hold up a syringe of Temp V*"Is that Temp V?"

Rick: "That's right Morty, it's my version of the drug. I will get powers without my brain getting holes like swiss cheese. Unlike Butcher, I made this version last for an hour."

Morty then put on the Yellow Jack suit as we see both Saitama and Omni-Man burst into the room as Rick quickly inject himself with Temp V and get all of the Powers of Superman and shoot lasers out of his eyes at Omni-man and then he tackles Rick and they ended up in China crashing through the Great Wall of China and then Rick pushed Omni-Man off of himself and then he repairs the damage done to the Great Wall.

Rick: "Hell yeah just like in the Christopher Reeves Superman Movies!"

Omni-man then tackles Rick and then beats him up as we see Rick trade blows with Omni-Man.

Rick: *while fighting*"I know what it's like to be a piece of shit dad you asshole!"

Omni-man: *while fighting*"You don't know anything!"

Rick: *while fighting*"You beat up your own son to a pulp and I cloned my daughter and I don't which is which!"*headbutts Omni-Man*"DO THE FUCKING MATH!!!"

Meanwhile with Morty, we see him flying through Saitama's body and then he sees his heart and then he throws a blue throwing disc at it and then quickly escape Saitama's body through his nose as we then see Saitama expand and explode into a million pieces as we see Morty resize himself and then see Rick and Omni-man burst into the room while fighting each other until the Temp V wear off and Omni-man knock him off of himself.

Omni-man: "You're a dead man!"

Rick: "Actually, you are!"

Rick then bite onto his own tooth and it creates a sound wave that hurts Omni-Man's ears to the point where they burst with blood coming out of them and then he was killed by the sound wave and Rick spits out that tooth.

Morty: "Wh-what do we do with the bodies?"

Rick: "Make Reanimen. House turn Homelander and Omni-man into Reanimen."

House: "You got it babe."

We then see the house turning Omni-man and Homelander into Reanimen as we see Rick put a belt on Morty's plants.

Morty: "Wh-what's with the belt Rick??"

Rick: "This belt has all of Black Adam's powers in it, just say Shazam and you will have them."

Morty: "Alright! SHAZAM!"

Then a lightning bolt hit Morty and then he got a yellow suit like Shazam's and it has a lightning bolt on the chest.

Morty: *sees his reflection on a mirror*"Jesus christ I am jacked, I have cum gutters!"

Rick: "Ugh gross Morty!"

Morty: "That's what people call them!"

Rick: "Yeah gross people i-"*sees Utopian and Ikaris burst into the room*"Oh shit Morty!"

We then see Morty fire a lightning bolt at Uptopian and Ikaris as we the Reanimen of Omni-man and Homelander get deployed and attack the other Superman clones tearing through Will Stronghold and Wordgirl as Rick then see Brightburn burst into the house and sees Rick. Rick then quickly makes a portal and heads into it and escapes Brightburn as we see another portal open and he is holding a knife made out of the same material as Brightburn's ship and then falls on Brightburn and stabs him to death. Rick then sees All Might burst into the room and Rick presses a button that a series of cameras with Eraserhead's eyes in it and the quirk was active in the cameras and they were looking at All Might.

Rick: "Can't use your powers when the guy that has the power to turn off other people's powers is looking through those cameras. Which means I can do this!"

We then see Rick fire a particle beam and kill All Might. Meanwhile with Morty, we see him beating up Utopian and Ikaris and he was really kicking their asses and we see Morty rip off Utopian's head and then choke Ikaris while screaming in fury and then charge into the other Superman clones. We then see Rick get up and he then opens a portal as we see Rognarrs coming out of it and we see Majestia, John Hancock, and Captain Hero get torn to shreds by them. Rick then turns the Erasure Cameras at Blast and then fires a laser at his forehead as Morty then lands on the ground.

Morty: "Um Rick? Why did the cameras work on Blast?"

Rick: "His powers are genetic, I've seen the webcomic and his son Blue inherited his powers."*sees Gladiator*"Gladiator is vulnerable against magic! Go Morty!"

We then see Morty fly up to Gladiator and kick his ass as we see Rick make a portal and we see the Hail Mary come out of it and attack the other Superman Clones. We see Morty stomp his foot on Gladiator's head so hard that he shattered his skull and then he punched into Hyperion's stomach and ripped out his guts, killing both of them. Rick fires a Neatronium beam at Blue Marvel and leaves a big gaping hole in his chest and he falls down to the ground as a corpse and Rick sees Morty fighting Shazam and the Hail Mary killing Miss Power, Tighten, and Metro Man. Rick then sees Marvelous Man land on the ground and he looks at him.

Rick: "How's it going Marvelous Man. Can't believe people's propaganda about the Pride flag really killed you."

Marvelous Man: "What?"

Rick: "By the way pal, eat Caltronite bitch!"

Rick then presses a button as we see a gatling gun fire multiple Godkiller bullets at Marvelous Man and kill him. Rick sees Morty choke Shazam to death and tosses his corpse on the ground.

Morty: "Is that all of them?"

Rick: "No Morty, we got the Sentry to deal with."

Rick and Morty sees the Sentry and he has already killed the Hail Mary, the Reanimen, and the Rognarrs and they see most of the neighborhood destroyed.

Morty: "Um Rick, wh-wh-what's the plan?"

Rick: "Two words Marvel Zombies, there's only one thing that can match his power."

Rick then make a portal as we see a Zombie Hulk come out of it and sees The Sentry. We then see the two fight each other as Rick and Morty then get into the spaceship and fly away to get some distance. Sometime later, we see Rick and Morty come back and then they see The Sentry now a zombie thanks to Hulk.

Morty: "Rick! They're both zombies now! W-w-w-w-w-we're gonna have a Zombie Apocalypse!"

Rick: "Don't worry Morty, I got this covered. I made the same nanobots from Marvel Zombies Returns and all I have to do is this!"

Rick then use his mind to control the nanobots and they eat away both Zombie Hulk and Zombie Sentry at the same time.

Morty: "Holy shit that would've been a disaster. So....are we gonna bring Mom, dad, and Summer back to Earth now, wherever they are? So they can help us clean all of the bodies and damage and stuff up."

Rick: "Eh let's get some lunch first."

We later see Rick and Morty at a Shawarma joint eating lunch.

Rick: "Morty the fight is over, you can change back now."

Morty: "No way I want to impress Jessica."

Rick: "You do realize Black Adam's powers are a magical equivalent to steroids."

Morty: "Well I basically earned this body."

Rick: "I just gave you a belt to access Black Adam's powers, you didn't earn anything."

Morty: "Fine. Shazam."*changes back and takes the belt off*"Are you happy now?"

Rick: "Of course I am, not because you took off the belt but because we were in a vs battle Morty and we'll make a comeback Morty cause there are guys out there who will be a good fight for us. These Superman clones are just a stepping stone, we'll be fighting monsters, supervillains, and heroes from all sorts of media: Video games, movies, tv shows, comic books, everything in between. And they will fight us, Rick and Morty! It's us against the world of fiction, that's right Rick and Morty will be back! Or we'll just be cameos in a fight, like Stan Lee in Marvel Movies! Alright Rick and Morty!"





Rick and Morty:

+Has knowledge on how to beat them

+Can make weapons to catch them by surprise

+The Meeseeks can overwhelm the Superman Clones and give Rick and Morty some time to come up with a plan

+Rick can get around Homelander's super hearing with telepathy

+Rick is willing to break the rules of Battle Match due to his 4th wall awareness

+Rick will equip Morty with powers of Shazam or a variant of Temp V to fight the Superman clones

+They're the Rickest Rick and the Mortyest Morty

Superman Clones:

-No team work

-Have exploitable weaknesses 

-Rick and Morty will use ways to kill a lot of them

-Will be overwhelmed by the Mr. Meeseeks army

-Rick and Morty have taken down much more powerful beings than the Superman Clones

-Despite having more powers than them they can make up for it by getting superpowers themselves

Next: Kevin vs. All For One





-The Boys had a Rick and Morty style episode

-Rick and Omni-man are bad dads

-Morty and Homelander like to jerk off

-Rick and most of the Superman Clones abuse their powers

-Rick and Saitama had experience with time travel

Math and Chapter:

-I power scaled Rick's arsenal and compared him to other powerful characters like Supernova

-I just want to see if Rick and Morty can beat all the Superman Clones that were in this book

-I used the Episode of Rewind Rumble to set an example of how powerful Rick is

Participated Franchises:

-One Punch Man


-The Boys TV Show

-Jupiter's Legacy


-My Hero Academia

-Marvel Cinematic Universe


-Guardians of Justice


-Sky High


-Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir

-DC Comics

-Marvel Comics

-Drawn Together

-Rick and Morty

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