The Meta vs. Black Noir

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When it comes to being part of a twisted way of being an experiment for a corporation or a military project there are times when the experiments went horribly wrong or amazingly right and created something that went right. And there are those who uses their powers to hunt down and kill anyone in the way of an organization's plans.

The Meta

The Meta, the most dangerous Freelancer formally known as Agent Maine from Project Freelancer

Black Noir

Black Noir the stealthy martial artist of the The Seven


The Meta


Backstory: Agent Maine was one of the soldiers of Project Freelancer, a super soldier project with a mission so secret not even they knew what it was. Maine was one of the top tier Freelancers alongside other freelancers like Carolina, Texas, Washington, Wyoming, and New York. Everything changed one day when Agent Carolina was given Sigma, the AI fragment representing Creativity and Ambition and after a mission Maine was injured in battle and was mute after that mission and Carolina gave the AI fragment to Maine. Sigma then brainwashed Maine and turned him into the Meta and then he goes around collecting AI Fragments in a mission to achieve Metastability which is a point in an AI's life to become human.


-Former Name: Agent Maine

-Former Team: Project Freelancer

-AI: Sigma, Beta, Eta, Iota, Gamma, Omega, Theta, Delta

-Rank: 7

-Armor: CQB and EVA

-The Muscle of the group

-Got killed by the Reds and Blues

-One of the most powerful Freelancers

-Got beaten by Agent Carolina in Death Battle

-Is like Tex but he's like 8 of her


-Type 25 Grenade Launcher

>AKA Brute Shot

>Holds up to 18 grenades

-M66 Magnum Pistol

>Holds up to 8 rounds

>Range: 125 feet

-M374 Hephaestus Combat Suit

-Battle Rifle

Armor Enhancements

-Active Camouflage

-Adaptive Camouflage


-Domed Energy Shield

-Enhanced Motion Tracker


-Super Strength

-Temporal Distortion

-Voice Manipulator

Feats(Strength and Durability):

-Scales to other Freelancers

-Tossed around warthogs

-Tanked 9 bullets from a Magnum pistol

-Stronger than Carolina

-One shot the Demoman Insurectionist

-Knocked out Caboose

-Tanked a speeding truck

-Tanked 10 trip mines


-Scales to other Freelancers and AIs

-Dodged gunfire

Stats(Strength and Durability):

-Magnum attack power

>According to this:

>The Destructive Power is 3444000 joules or 0.0008 tons and the Piercing Power is 13.1 tons combing both results the Magnum can unleash the force of 13.101 tons(City Block Level)

>We know for a fact that 9 bullets from the same gun was able to make him mute, we can use that as a multiplier, which is 118 tons(Multi-City Block Level) just to make him a mute

-Texas sized scaling

>According to this:

-Tex is able to lift up 80.42 Tons without her strength boost enhancement, which is consistent since the average Scorpion Tank is 73 tons. Since Church describe The Meta to be 8 of Tex and since the Meta needed outside help to fight Tex before obtaining the Strength Boost, I'd say this statement is fact. With the multiplier of 8, that would mean the Strength Boost can allow him to lift 643.4 tons

-Scaling to Caboose

>Since the Meta was able to knock out Caboose I could scale him to the Meta. Caboose was able to overpower Tex Clones in an angered state

>Since Caboose was able to take out an army of Tex Clones, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that Caboose can take out 100 of those Tex Clones. And again they don't have the strength boost enhancement, which means he should be 800x stronger than Tex without her Strength Boost.

-Insurrection soldier feats

>an Insurrectionist survives a MAC Round being shot directly at him as well as the explosion right after. In the image, the entire explosion is 1920 px long and the soldier on the side is 74 px. The soldiers are about the same height as Carolina who's 1.7526 m.

>1.7526/74=0.02368378378 m/px

>1920*0.02368378378=45.4728648576 m

>Using the overpressure method (W=R^3*((27136*P+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2, where W is the yield in tons of TNT, R is the radius in meters, and P is the shockwave pressure in bars, where we generally use 1.37895 bars or 20 psi of pressure), we get the following:


>W=0.9446098655 tons (Building level)

>With the multiplier, that would mean he can punch with a force of 756 tons(Multi-City Block Level)

-10 trip mine explosion

The average Anti vehicle mine is 1010.301 joules and he tanked 10 of them without a single scratch without the aid of AIs so that means he can tank 10.103 Kilojoules of force, with the multiplier that would be 101.01 Kilojoules(Wall Level)

-Domed Energy Shield Durability

>Carolina was able to use the Domed Energy Shield to block the destruction that destroyed Armonia, I'm gonna make an estimate of 100 megatons of force

-Warthog related feats

>The average weight of a Warthog vehicle is 3.31 tons, so with the multiplier that means he can lift up 2648 tons

>According to this:

>The meta can tank hits from a speeding Warthog which is 0.05 tons before he got the Strength Boost, with the multiplier that would be 40 tons of force(Small Building Level)

Final Verdict: Multi-City Block Level, with the DES City Level


-Ai perception of time

>The SMG in the scene is based around the Halo SMG just with a suppressor attached. The canonical length of the SMG is .556 m. The black line represents the actual length of the SMG at 861 px. The redline represents the distance the bullet would travel at 688 px.

>.556/861=0.00064576074 m/px

>688*0.00064576074=0.44428338912 m

>According to the Bungie site, the SMG has a muzzle velocity of 427 m/s. 0.44428338912/427=0.00104047632 seconds for the bullet to cross that distance in real time. The video is recorded at 25 fps and it takes 90 frames for the bullet to travel that distance. Meaning it took about 90/25=3.6 seconds from Epsilon's perspective.


>Average human reaction time is between .2 and .13 seconds, giving us an average of 0.165 seconds.

>0.165/3459.9538027=0.00004768849 seconds (High Hypersonic+)

-Freelancer Scaling

>According to this:

>Tex can outrun a heat seeking missile which is 200 m/s or 447.4 MPH(Subsonic+)

>Characters like Felix have shown that he can dodge bullets and The Meta dodge shotgun blasts point blank range

Final Verdict: Subsonic in movement speed, High Hypersonic+ in combat and reaction speed


-Too big and slow

-Lost to the reds and blues

-Damage his suit can result to him drowning

-Limited energy supply

-AIs brainwashed him


Black Noir


Backstory: Before there was the Seven, there was the heroic team known as Payback and Black Noir was one of these heroes. These heroes were the superhero team of Vought during the 1980s. In 1984, the Payback team was sent to Nicaragua to aid the U.S. government in Operation Charly as an attempt to implement Super in the military, but due to Payback getting full of themselves and lack of training, the team was attacked leaving Black Noir scared and reduced to a mute. Years later he eventually became a member of the Superhero team known as The Seven alongside his teammates The Deep, Queen Maeve, Lamplighter, A-Train, Translucent, and Homelander and eventually Starlight, Stormfront, and Supersonic.


-Real Name: Earving

-Age: Unknown

-Version: Black Noir

-Former Team: Payback

-Current Team: The Seven

-Was the Number 1 hero before Homelander

-Like to draw

-Only talks with a notepad

-Basically their best hand to hand fighter

-Has a nut allergy

Powers and Abilities:

-Superhuman Physique

-Healing Factor

-Superhuman Senses and Reflexes

-Pain Suppression

-Martial Arts skils

-Knife Mastery



-Twin Combat Knives

-Throwing Knives

-Folding Knives

-Gas Grenades

-Tactical Armor

Feats(Strength and Durability):

-Tanked an explosion from Naqib and killed him afterward

-Scales to Starlight, Stormfront, A-Train, and Queen Maeve

-Beat Kimiko to near death

-Broke a woman's neck

-Broke through pillars

-Tanked the chemical plant explosion


-Dodged Homelander's Heat Vision

-Stated to be faster than a car

Stats(Strength and Durability):

-Naqib Scaling

>Pickup truck length = 4.88 m (61 px)

>Explosion Diameter = 21.52 m (269 px)

>Explosion Radius = 10.76 m

>W = R^3*((27136*P+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2

>W is yield in tons of tnt, R is radius in meters, and P is pressure of the shockwave in bars, the standard overpressure is 20 psi or 1.37895 bars.

>10.76^3*((27136*1.37895+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2 ih= 0.10 Tons of TNT (Small Building level)

>Work Cited:

-Supe Scaling


>Starlight can punch hard enough to break bricks with 675 pounds or 918 Joules(Street Level) as a workout

>She held up a 2000 Buick LeSabre from the back end with one hand, which is 2 tons

>Tanking a shockwave

Van length = 4.55(156 px)

Shockwave Radius = 35.2333333333 m (1208 px)

Volume= 183210.26676079 m^3

This expanded in a half sphere so I need to cut the volume in half.

Volume = 183210.26676079/2 = 91605.1333804 m^3

Density of Air = 1.225 kg/m^3

Weight = 91605.1333804 x 1.225 = 112216.288391 kg

The shockwave traveled that distance in 36 frames, the video runs at 30 fps.

Timeframe = 36/30 = 1.2 seconds

Speed = 35.2333333333/1.2 = 29.3611111111 seconds

Kinetic Energy = 0.5x112216.288391x29.3611111111^2 = 48369419.7486 Joules, 0.01 Tons of TNT (Small Building level)


>For Kimiko she was strong enough to break A-Train's leg and Black Noir was able to beat her up to the point where she looks like she's dead that means Black Noir is stronger and tougher than A Train and his durability feat was killing Robin by accident in a amped state which is 437874 joules or 438 Kilojoules which is Wall Level and if we use a 2x multiplier for them, that would be 876 Kilojoules which is still wall level

>Queen Maeve

>Queen Maeve was able to cut through an armored truck with just her body which is 6379419 joules or 0.002 tons. Why am I scaling Noir to Maeve when they never fought cause she used his nut allergy to her advantage cause to her it's easier to take him down that way and since Black Noir can scale to Queen Maeve, Kimiko, Starlight, A-Train, and Stormfront which is a 5x multiplier which is .01 tons(Small Building Level)

-Surviving a chemical plant exploding in his face

>Dark Carioca suggested the use of a smokestack for reference while pixel scaling, as it would be more accurate, so here we go. We will be using the same pixel scaling for Homelander's arm as a distance from the blast, but everything else is different.

>The average smoke stack is 275 meters tall. Here we have our smokestack and the explosion:

>The smoke stack is 11/16ths of an inch or 66 pixels. Plugging these numbers into the angsize version, 275 * 273/[66*2*tan(70deg/2)] = 812.259179 meters. The explosion is 10/16ths of an inch or 60 pixels. Now we're using the size equation, but now with 60 pixels (The explosion's size) instead of 66.

>275 * 273/[66*2*tan(70deg/2)] = 812.259179 meters. The explosion covers about the whole screen, so we'll use this as our blast radius as well.

>Using the explosive yeild equation, 812.259179^3*((27136*1.37895+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2 = 43069.457229 tons of tnt.

>Then we use I = P/A, or I = 43069.457229 / (4π((0.87354731707 )^2)).

>This means I = 4491.45100244 tons of tnt. Then we take 4491.45100244 and multiply it by 0.68 (The average Crossectional Area of a human) to get 3054.18668166 tons of tnt or 3.054 kilotons of tnt or 3.1 Kilotons(Small Town Level)

>And Black Noir was there to survive the blast alongside Homelander

-Black Noir was able to casually snap a person's neck which would require 1000 ibs of force or 1.4 kilojoules

Final Verdict: Small Building to Town Level


-It's been stated that Black Noir is faster than a car, the fastest car in the world can go at speeds of 763 mph(Transonic)

-Dodging Homelander's laser eyes

>Speed of lasers are 299,792,458 metres per second or 670,616,629.4 MPH which is 1.000025x the speed of light and he can react to the lasers before they were fired

Final Verdict: Transonic in movement speed, FTL in reaction speed


-Has a nut allergy and can be fatal if he doesn't have an epipen

-Has limits on how much punishment he can take, even for his healing factor

-Can be overpowered by stronger Super




Here we see Black Noir making a drawing on the table in the Seven Tower and we see The Meta come into the room and see Black Noir as the AI fragments appear around Meta.

Beta: "Do it!"

Sigma: "Kill!"

Eta and Iota: "Take him out!"

Gamma: "Slay him!"

Theta: "Destroy him!"

Delta: "Wipe him out!"

Omega: "Kill him!"

The Meta then pulls out his Brute Shot and starts firing at Blck Noir as he dodges the shots and then throws knives at the Meta and he uses the Brute Shot to block it. And then Black Noir then knocks the Brute Shot out of his hands and they both fight each other trading blows with each other. We then see The Meta turn on the active camouflage and turn invisible as Black Noir tries to find Meta and the Meta starts punching Black Noir as he then roundhouse kicks Meta and knocks him out of the building and Meta grabs the brute shot and turns visible again. He then fall onto a military truck and crushed with his weight as when the Meta got up he was surrounded by Vought soldiers and when the soldiers started firing on the Meta he used the Domed Energy Shield to block the bullets and then the Meta then kill off the soldiers by the time Black Noir arrived and he fights off The Meta as they fight each other with blow for blow. We then see the Meta and grab Black Noir by the neck and throw him into the wall and Blakc Noir was shot at by the Meta's Brute Shot and he then got up and tackled the Meta as the Meta then kicked Noir off of him as Noir used his gas bombs to cover him as we see The Meta used his Enhanced Motion Tracker and sees Black Noir. The Meta then throws the Brute Shot at Black Noir and hit him in the back and Black Noir was knocked down and Blakc Noir get the weapon off of his back and then charge at full speed at The Meta as we see time stopping around the Meta due to the Temporal Distortion and we see The Meta punched Black Noir so hard that he was launched into a flag pole and he got impaled and the Meta grabbed Noir and put him onto the ground as Noir struggles to move and The Meta grab his Brute Shot and used the blade on it to slice off Black Noir's head off. Sometime later, we see Homelander and Queen Maeve looking at the body of Black Noir and his head.

Queen Maeve: "Our teammates are dropping like flies, who could've done this."

Homelander: "Whoever did it."*eyes glowing red*"Needs to be put down."





The Meta:




+His equipment counters Black Noir's stealth

+Temporal Distortion can counter Black Noir's speed and reflexes

+Superior training

+Much better defense


Black Noir:



-Can't get around temporal distortion

-Stealth options are countered by The Meta's equipment

-Knives can't pierce through Meta's armor

-His combat training is countered by Freelancer Training

Next: SCP-3812 vs. SCP-682





-Both of them are stealth masters

-Both of them are from shady organizations that gave them their powers which is Project Freelancer and Vought

-Scariest mutes in their worlds

-Happen to be bested by people lessor than them in the form of The Boys and the Reds and Blues

-Both have injuries that made them mute

Math and Chapter:

-I found this match up to make sense in my head

-I have to make some estimates for both of them

-I like Red vs. Blue and I like the Boys

-The fight only have the AIs talking and not the combatants

Participated Franchises:

-Red vs. Blue

-The Boys TV Show

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