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8 years after Angie Rose's death. Wild-West near Gweedore.

"It all happened in the blink of an eye didnt it like. World War three that is. Madmen theoretically make mad decisions. Ya see." young Ash Rose said, Angie's kid brother who is now grown up, he is 16 can you believe and a soldier in the Resistance. Tall and lanky not a pretty bugger but he might just be a late bloomer. "There are thirty-two counties, in Ireland, like. The group known as the Shams are taking over man. But the government are fighting back. and of course, there is the Resistance." 

"We are for the Resistance right?" My own daughter Lucile Rose is growing up before my very own eyes. She is perfect in every way. cute snub nose like her mother and Lovely black hair, not thick but not silky either. She fronts a cheeky grin at all times. She is like her mother always a step ahead.

"Quite right," Ash points at her.  "The wild McHonda clan are a group of traveling men....did you know that?" 

"And women?"Lucile correctly guessed. "Yes, girl power, feminism has gripped the nation as has P.C rules. It sucks. Angie, I mean, your mother would have been wholly pissed of."

"Dumb John McHonda would beat chu to a pulp just for having your long pretty hair." Little Lucile gasped as Ash pulled a face of deformity and what some might seem demeaning and petty.  

"Stop scaring her Ash," I intervene. "You'll give her nightmares man." I think my 9-year-old daughter has heard enough of the McHonda's. "come here. Lu," I say and she gets up and sits on the sofa.  "Ireland is a neutral country. Do you know what that means?" 

"Well," she pus on her best thinking face. "For now we're neutral," my witty daughter announces and I must admit she is right as she kindly pays me a winsome smile.

"I'm telling you, Kash, we are in the E.U. Arent we. Their army is threatening to enter. Be fucking carnage."

"Where are you hearing that language?" I ask. Dear reader, I try to bring the younglings upright.

"Yeah, I didn't-"

"Na ya didnt," I say we stare daggers at one another, ya know what I mean like. He knows better than to fuck with me. Last time I forced him to put his index finger in his ear. He hated that immensely.

Clinton comes on through and says "we have some travelers Kash." The three of us are on high alert. It really could be anyone. A pillaging party of McHonda's. Wild criminals, shams, mad hatters and fellow lone wolf."

"Ash come with me and take Lu with you." 

"Jes."s Clinton stops me.

"She is too young at 9 nine Kash," Ash says from behind me.  

"I know her age," I saw with a hint of fury. "She has to see others be them good or bad." I'm the boss, captain of the Resistance. What I say goes. get what I mean like ya know."

A rather bewildering look is shared. "Are they bad people Kash?" My daughter curls up. I see the fear in her peppers for the first time ever.

"That is what we are going to find out."

Guess Who

"Clinton," I say. 

"Yeah," Clinton answers in a dopey manner, eyes glazed, jellow for knees, he wants to calve. He is stoned and carrying. I smell weed a bud, yep, I have keen sense of smell. But I'm not gonna pull a man up on it. Ya know, what I mean, like.

"Does Mondale know about our travelers?" I ask now listening keenly. 

"He does Kash He requests your presence."

"Better not keep him waiting then," I say."Come on all of you out and into the van."

"We left the tent. and drove to the border. There are not many vehicles on the road no one can buy electric cars yet.   

"What kind of people are we meeting Kash?" My innocent daughter asks me. I look at Ash and he shakes his head. 

"we'll be fine," I say already seeing what would happen in advance.

When we got to a checkpoint we were startled at what we saw. Mondale is there looking down on everyone barking out the orders. "Fears all we know," he chants. 

"Neil," I say, "enough with that."

"Why are they on the floor kneeling?" My gentle-hearted daughter points out. "They look scared."

"Why indeed," I answer.

"Cant be too careful," Mondale says looking rather dopey. Mondale is like crazy now likes cocaine in the evening with a Jack on the rocks. 

"What are our words?" I say to my fellow Resistance members. "regarding foreign strangers?"

"Innocent until proven guilty," is the chant.  

"Innocent until proven guilty," Jesse mumbled. He still did not have a good look at the travelers. Jesse looked at his men all in black, that is our color, the color of the downtrodden. The travelers remain in the dark too. I go to look at them. Freakers shine a light on them. 

 Kayleigh. Do my peepers deceive me?

"Take the gags of them what are we savages?" the two Mason wannabees react like. 

"Kayleigh," I say.

She blurts out. "They have em Kash! They have Harold!"

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