105 | Kiss x Kiss

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Author Note

Hey guys! I hope you all are doing okay and keeping safe! ❤️ I decided to release six chapters, and I hope you guys enjoy them! Wattpad's being very glitchy today, and I pulled an all-nighter so sorry for any grammatical errors or issues. Also, The Fiction Awards 2020 ( @thefictionawards ) nominations are open. If you're enjoying the story, please consider nominating BOTK :) I also did an interview with Hurricane Reviews ( @HurricaneBC )! Feel free to read if you want to learn more about me and BOTK. https://www.wattpad.com/868077145-hurricane-reviews-kozmokookiedxd-battle-of-the


JOOKIE. His smoldering violet irises watched me like a ravenous hunter looking for his next soft-bellied meal as we sat on the floor together, the tension thick like cold honey.

Thick smears of darkening blood caked the bottom half of his face like a dripping bandana, covering every inch of his ivory skin. Soft red droplets teetered on his chin, dropping onto his tattered shirt. His usual glossy hair was sticking up like a PMSing porcupine, going in every direction except down.

He looked like shit. Like horror movie victim shit. Like he fought horny hillbillies and lost shit. She really fucked him up. How the hell was I going to fix this? Could I even fix this?

I kept trying to think of something to say, but nothing seemed appropriate. So, I just clamped my lips shut, trying not to make the situation worse. Pleasantries were Betinia's forte.

What I really wanted to do was flip his ass off and laugh in his face, spit and all, and say, "I whooped your ass. You got your ass beat — by me. I win. You suck. Go choke on a dick. Byyye."

PLEASE. PLEASE. PLEASE don't say that. Apologize to him. Apologize?! After what he did to us? He deser — do you want Rucker to die? No, of course not. Then you have two options. Apologize. Or... suck his dick. WHAT!? He might be able to help us get some leniency from the producers/creators. So... Suck. His. Dick. Men will usually do anything after that. Or you could just try apologizing to him. How are those my only two choices?! Those are two extremes. There has to be a middle ground here. Sadly, there's not. If you choose the first option though, just warn me when you're about to do it, so I can disappear. I really don't — I'M NOT SUCKING JOOKIE'S DICK! He's looking at you like he wants you to do it, anyway.

I DON'T CARE IF HE WANTS ME TO DO IT. Then, I don't know what to do. Try apologizing and see how that goes. Will an apology even work? We just embarrassed him in front of all those viewers. Not to mention the creators. We also embarrassed ourselves too. You were talking out loud sometimes when you were talking to her. Shit, really? Tell me you're joking. Uh no, I'm not. People literally saw us talking and answering ourselves.  Everyone's going to think we're fucking crazy, and they're going to kick us out of the group —

"Betinia, answer me," Rucker hollered, bringing me out of my conversation. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," I said, hearing the urgency in his voice. "I'm okay."

"Thank god," Rucker said on a sigh. "You just dropped to the floor and stopped talking. I thought they did something to you."

My heart twitched, vicious shame coursing through my veins. Again, he was making sure I was okay when he should've been worried about himself. I didn't deserve him. He was doing so much for me still, and here I was being a selfish bitch, not wanting to at least apologize.

Or suck a dick. I'm starting to get the feeling that you want me to do it. Hmmm. Seriously? I'd rather do Chi in a pit of motor-oil covered in frosted flakes before even touching him. You didn't have to be that specific. 

I glanced at Jookie, weighing my options. Our eyes locked on each other, the atmosphere instantly becoming warmer. Jookie didn't look mad at me, more... aroused. I think.

Guess you're going with option one? Shut it.

"You sure you're alright?" Rucker asked. "You sound different."

"Yeah, everything's fine," I said talking to Rucker but looking at Jookie. "I'm just trying to fix the situation by apolo--..." My lips refused to cooperate. "Ap-ap-apolo..."

You can do this. Do it for Rucker.

Closing my eyes, I blurted out, "I'm s-sorry. Please just hurt me and not Rucker."

A minute ticked by, and Jookie burst out laughing, voice ringing like he ate a thousand demented windchimes. 

Huh? Is that good? I don't know. He laughs and giggles about everything.

Peeling my eyes open slowly, I peeked up at him. Eyes dark and on me, Jookie swiped his red-tipped fingers through his hair, spreading the liquid along his ashy strands. A wide grin lit up his bloody moonlight skin, reminding me of a coked-up Cheshire cat.

"Uh does that mean you're not gonna hurt me?" A flirty, sweet smile clutched my mouth, hoping it would give me brownie points. 


The smile slipped from my face faster than a hooker on a trucker. "Huh?"

"Oh, I'm gonna hurt you." Jookie licked his lips, cocking his head. "And you're gonna fucking love it."

Within a blink, he lurched off the floor in one fluid motion and tackled me. We crashed to the floor, tiny bolts of pain shuffling up my spine. He landed on top, straddling my legs.

I shivered when the tip of his tongue trailed up my left leg as he crawled up my body on all fours. At the top of my thigh, Jookie bit down hard. I flinched and squeaked, not expecting it.

He snickered into my flesh. "You like that?"

"Fuck you," I said, thinking of disgusting boils on an old man's balls, so his touch wouldn't affect me. Balls. Think of hairy, saggy balls. Big hairy balls.

Jookie continued moving up my body until we were eye to eye. A burning silence filled the air between us, as petite beads of red leaked from his face onto my mine, dribbling on my cheeks and forehead.

A smug smile hugged his face, as he rested on top of me like a lazy kitty. Just the pressure of his flesh against mine made my core twitch like a bunny's nose. His gaze sharpened, and my eyes jerked to the ceiling, trying to ignore the delectably cruel sensations spiraling in my pelvis.

"Think of old man tittes," I said to myself. "Wrinkly old—"

His wet fingers gripped my chin, forcing me to stare into his sultry depths. "Your eyes were different before," he whispered, his breathe like a light feather on my face. "Black and cold."

"And now?" I whispered back, my heartbeat taking over all my senses.

"Dark and warm," he murmured, eyes searching my face, blood still dripping on me. "I like these more. You're my little peach again."

His soft tone surprised me, and when I went to respond, the words dissolved on my tongue like melted ice cream because his mouth attacked mine like a starving wolf craving flesh. Those luscious lips of his devoured mine within seconds, stealing my breath like a greedy thief in castle while creating a fiery aura in my chest.

The heavy aroma of liquid gore and minty sweat whirled in my nostrils, as his tongue teased and nuzzled my bottom lip, inviting me on a deliciously wicked journey that promised only dark, sinful rewards.

A guttural moan escaped my throat when my mouth consumed that invitation like a gluttonous fiend, accepting it without hesitation. His tongue entered me without mercy, tasting of sweet metallic cinnamon and scorched clouds. It was an intoxicating flavor that made everything hazy, and I clutched onto his hard body to stay grounded.

He groaned at my touch and dug his fingers into my hair, bringing me closer. The air between us thickened as our bodies and mouths twisted to a dark melody that only we could understand. I got lost in the delightful sensations, my mind twirling in the corrupt darkness of our movements like a devil ballerina.

And really don't want to suck his dick? You're ruining it. I thought you didn't like him? Hmmm? I don't. I'm just letting him do it to—... save Rucker, of course. It's better than sucking his dick. So, all this is for Rucker? Yeah, so butt out. I'm so judging you right now. Fine. I'm attracted to him, but I fucking hate his guts. Happy now? I'm glad you can finally admit that. I like how you're being all judgy with me when you kissed Khan. And you moaned too. I did not. So, Khan's kiss was bad? No, it was phenomenal actually. 

Jookie pulled back from our kiss, bringing me out of my conversation. Our eyes were stuck on each other, both panting like hungry dogs.

My lips felt numb and bruised, and I hated that I liked the feeling — that I liked the kiss. And from the way his eyes glistened at me, I knew that he knew that I liked it. Fuck.

Jookie chuckled, licking his lips. "You—"

"Betinia," The robotic voice said over the loudspeakers, shattering the moment.

I instantly tensed up and went on guard.

"You have broken the same rule twice," the robotic voice said in a joyous tone.

Hearing the happiness in their voice made the butterflies in my stomach turn to razor blades. A nauseous feeling began to work its way into my throat. They were going to kill Rucker.

"Even though our viewers loved it, you still harmed our host," the robotic voice said. "And for that Rucker—"

"She didn't harm me," Jookie said, cutting them off, still looking down at me.

I flinched, staring into his unreadable eyes. Huh?

"What do you mean she didn't harm you?" the robotic voice barked out, static stinging the air. "She cut you —you're bleeding."

Jookie tucked his head back and cackled. "A little blood don't hurt nobody," he said, and then licked his blood off my cheek.

The robotic voice huffed through the speakers. "Still, there are rules—"

"You didn't give two shits about rules when she was cutting me," Jookie said, rolling his eyes. "Where were the guards? Where was my protection?"

"Your contract states that we have the right to not interfere in a high-ratings event," the robotic voice said matter-a-factly. "We would have gotten to you before anything devastating happened. That has nothing to do with this—"

Jookie let out an irritated sigh. "My contract says I have the right to punish any contestant who attacks me, and you can't interfere."

"And we have the right to punish any contestant who breaks our rules," the robotic voice shot back.

"Yes, she broke your rule about harming Demo and Gmie, which is the reason why we're in this fucking room," Jookie said, nostrils flaring. "And playing this stupid ass game." He stared down at me like I was a shiny new toy he still wanted to play with. "But article three, section fifty-five of my contract says, that you will punish anyone who harms me. But if I want to, I have the right to punish them instead and you can't interfere. So, you have no grounds here. You can't punish her again. So, shut the fuck up and go back to watching like a good little bitch."

Holy shit, your kissing skills must be amazing because he just saved our asses. That means they have to continue the game as normal and let us save Rucker. Yeah, I got that, but didn't you hear the other part of it? Jookie gets to fucking punish us. Nah, ah. You're his little peach. You're the one who's going to have to deep throat. I really really hate you sometimes.

"Jookie," The robotic voice said in pure rage, squeaky static covering every syllable. "I will not stand for this. She will receive consequences for her actions." 


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