107 | Daddy Rucker

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TWO. Two sponsors? I had two people out there that hated me that much?

Two? I couldn't think of one person that hated us that much, let alone two. I know.

Jookie pinched his cheeks, humor riding on his sparkling face. "Confused, my little peach?"

"You think?" I said, shaking my head. "Is it two different people or are they a group?"

"I'm not telling," he said on a laugh. "I'm supposed to be doing my job, right?" He turned to the camera. "Now back to Rucker and his sponsor." Jookie snapped his fingers, and a hundred-inch screen pushed out of one of the cement walls on the right.

On the screen, an older man sat a giant desk, his blocky body overpowering the office chair. Aging red hair streaked with white colored his scalp, as deep, jagged craters marred his skin. A cigar pocketed his two fingers, smoke curling out of his nostrils.  

"Hello, Rucker," the older man said, a deep Irish accent roping every word. "Never thought you'd see me, did you?" His voice dripped with disdain and smugness.

Rucker squinted his eyes, forehead wrinkling. "Uh, I'm supposed to know who you are....?"

"You killed my daughter." The unknown man crumbled the burning cigar in his hand like wet sand and guzzled down a glass of clear liquid.

"I killed a lot of people's daughters, so you gotta be more specific than that," Rucker said with a shrug.

Jookie snickered, hands clutching his naked tummy. "You know, I'm gonna miss you when you're dead. Just a little bit."

The older man turned bright red, looking like he was about to explode like a cartoon. "I'm Finn MacKenna."

Rucker looked at the ceiling, deep in thought. "Still not ringing a bell."

Finn let out a huge howl and tossed a bottle at the screen. The live feed went blurry, but he was still talking, audio still on. Most of it I couldn't understand, but I caught a few, "motherfuckers" and "let me at him" and "I'm gonna gut him" before the screen went black.

"Viewers, we're having technical difficulties at the moment, please give us a second," Jookie said into the camera.

"Do you really not remember killing his daughter?" I asked through the glass. 

"I've killed a lot of people," Rucker said without a care. "I don't remember them all. She must've not been that memorable."

The black screen flickered once and came back on with Finn panting, face still blotchy. He held up a picture of a gorgeous red-haired girl in a bikini on the beach.

"You killed her," Finn said through clenched teeth. "You killed my precious, Melina."

Rucker leaned forward, squinting at the picture. "Don't remember her. Did she have a clit piercing?"

Finn slammed the picture onto the wooden desk, a loud crack noise hitting the air. "C-clit piercing? My daughter was an innocent girl and a virgin. And you raped her."

Rucker growled. "Yo, I never raped anyone."

Finn narrowed his eyes. "Why else would she sleep with a degenerate like you?"

Rucker shrugged. "Cause she wanted my dick, why else? I was getting pussy for days on the outside. I don't need to rape some red-haired bitch to get ass, okay?"

"You son of a birch." Finn dived for the camera, and the tv flickered again. It didn't go off-line because we could still hear talking. People in the background were telling Finn to calm down. 

"Another technical difficulty," Jookie said to the camera. He held a finger to his ear. "Can we please get Finn under control? This is taking too long, and I have shit to do tonight."

The screen flicked on again, and Finn came back breathing hard again, eyes wild.

"While Finn calms down, let's show everyone Melina's Instagram," Jookie said, as another television descended from another wall, displaying pictures.

Rucker gazed at the pictures and exploded in laughter, chains ringing. "Bellie Mellie is your daughter? So you're that Finn."

"Bellie Mellie?" Finn asked in confusion.

"That's what we called her on the streets because she let this one leader smash on a Taco Bell dumpster," Rucker said, shaking his head. "That girl was freaky as shit. She could suck the letters off a stop sign."

Finn dove at the screen again like destroying it would kill Rucker, but guards held him back, plopping him back in his seat. "How dare you make up lies about my innocent, Mellie."

"Innocent? That girl used to watch snuff films for fun."

Rucker barked out a laugh. "You really didn't know her at all, did you?"

"Stop lying," Finn shouted. "You took my only light in this world away from me."

"Then you shouldn't have killed my third and his wife and children like you did. You slit the kids' throats first before killing their parents. You're the sick bastard," Rucker said, eyes dead. "So yeah, I killed her, and I enjoyed every single minute of it."

Finn looked like he was having a brain aneurysm, mouth salivating. "You—"

"You want details?" Rucker said, interrupting him. "Your daughter was far from the innocent little lamb you think she was. She thrived on chaos and blood. She grew up in it, and she loved it."

"Lies," Fin spat out, salvia dripping down his lips.

"The only thing she loved more than killing was bad boys — one's that would kill without reason. She thought fucking powerful guys would give her power," Rucker said, staring at him. "I saw her around on the streets a lot and knew of her, but I didn't know she was related to you until you killed my third over a territory dispute. So, I paid a little rat in your family for intel on you, and they told me the most important thing to you was your daughter. It surprised the fuck out of me that it was Bellie Mellie." Rucker smiled evilly. "I think it was fate really because she found me first, flirting with me and shit. She was your daughter, so she knew we were beefing, so I knew that the only reason she could be coming onto me that hard was because she planned on seducing and killing me. Probably to get props from you, so I just pretend to go along with it, leading her into my own trap."

Finn gargled, trying to reach for the screen, but guards held him back by the shoulders. 

"I knew I wanted her death to be big, and I wanted it to fucking hurt just like my third had to hurt when he watched his baby girl get her throat slit right in front of him," Rucker said. "The funny thing about the whole thing was that Mellie basically planned her own death. She invited me into your house and shooed away the security. She thought I was dumb and didn't notice the gun under her pillow, but I removed the bullets when she went to change into some lingerie." Rucker grinned like a maniac. "And you know what happened next because you saw it all live in your bedroom. I set that webcam at the perfect angle, didn't I? What was it like to watch your daughter moan and get fucked on your expensive sheets? Did you like the way she called me, 'Daddy?' I did."

"Shut up," Finn screamed, almost breaking his chair.

"You know my favorite part?" Rucker laughed. "It wasn't the orgasm even though that was good. Those gymnastics lessons you got her came in handy. But the way she gasped and cried out for you when she was bleeding to death on the floor, begging for you to come save her. That was the best part."

"Fuck this. I want him. Now. Game over," Finn roared, jumping over the desk, knocking everything over. "Give him to me."

"Sorry Finn, once you pay for a contestant to be here, you can't get him back," Jookie said with a shrug. "He's ours now. No refunds."

"I don't want my money back — I just want him," Finn hollered. "I paid you extra to talk to him today, I'll triple it if you give me an hour alone with him."

"Sorry, still no," Jookie said, looking bored.

"I paid for you to fucking break him," Finn said, spit sliding down his chin. "To make him feel what Mellie felt. And he's sitting here laughing at me. LAUGHING."

"You'll never break me." Rucker snorted. "Not like I broke your daughter at least. You wanna know her last words? Daddy...help me...please. Glorious, right? Even in the end, she was still a fake bitch. You know she killed her oldest brother, right?'

Finn paused. "What?"

"She bragged to me about it the night she died, telling me that she understood me and that we'd make a great couple," Rucker said. "She lied about a lot of shit that night, but that wasn't one of them. She thought with him gone, you'd make her the next leader. She was really pissed when you made your nephew the next successor."

Finn spat at the screen. "Lies. All lies."

Rucker shrugged, chains rattling. "I don't care if you believe me or not. I'm just telling you what she said. He was allergic to peanuts, right?'

Finn stopped moving. "How'd you know that?"

"He died from an allergic reaction, right? Well, she fed him something with peanut oil in it and hid his EpiPen," Rucker said before yawning. 

Finn fell back into his chair. "It was missing..." he murmured before shaking his head. "You're lying. You did it, didn't you? You killed my son too!" He tackled the screen, making everything go black.

"Viewers, I'm sorry for cutting this sponsor meeting short, but Finn could no longer be with us because of technical difficulties," Jookie said, clapping his hands together. "So, we'll continue on with the game now. Will Rucker survive or will he die a horrible death? Stay tuned, and keep your bets coming in."

I turned to Rucker as Jookie went to the table in the middle of the room. "So, you sent him a live feed of you fucking his daughter before slitting her throat?"

"Yes," he said, watching me like he was waiting for my reaction.

"That's so fucking badass," I said, slapping the glass. I could never think of something like that. I mean I planned out Gmie's death, but what he did to Mellie and Finn was so much better.

Rucker cracked a smile. "I—"

"Less chit-chat, and more walking," Jookie said, motioning for me to sit in my chair. "I had plans to watch the last season of game of thrones tonight and you're wasting my time."

I glowered at him and plopped down into my seat. "Why the fuck did I let you kiss me? I must really be losing it."

"I remember you kissing me back," Jookie said, leaning forward. "With lots of tongue—"

"Start the damn game," I said, cutting him off.

Jookie chuckled "Remember, one more wrong and Rucker dies. You need to get the next three right to win."

"I know. I fucking know."


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