110 | JoJo

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Hey guys! Hope everyone's doing okay and keeping safe!
These chapters totaled over 10k words, which was a lot to edit at once, so I apologize for any errors or anything. And after these, I think I'll be going back to a chapter a week :) hope you guys enjoy them! Also thank you to everyone who voted for BOTK in the Reader's Choice Awards! We won, guys! Thank you so much for your support 🖤🤍


GRAY. That tepid color painted my eyes and injected itself into my flesh, completely morphing me into nothingness. Tiny pockets of air twirled underneath me and pushed me upwards, making me airborne with no explanation except that I wasn't alive or on earth.

It didn't feel like hell, but it wasn't heaven either. Purgatory? Or maybe it was nothing at all. I didn't care. I relaxed, waiting for sleep to take me forever, waiting for an endless cycle of silvery bittersweet lullabies to consume my existence.

But a stinging cramp burst across my forehead, the tiny flecks of agony crawling across my skull like wild fleas, feasting on my brain. I choked at the sudden invasion, watching my false fantasy shatter before me.

Gasping, the pain shoved me down into the swirling gray as piercing screams blasted my ears on the way down. The world crumbled before me like chipped paint in a rainstorm, each piece peeling away like old scabs.

Bright colors returned in hazy hues, battling with the gloomy gray until my vision returned me to the nightmare I tried to escape, an earsplitting buzzing sound humming in my ears.

"You're not dyin' here — get off!" Rucker slammed his head into my forehead, giving me the same pain that tore me away from that gray place. "Go!" He did it again in quick succession, harder this time.

The sharp pain licked my skin like a tongue on ice, making me squeal as the impact tossed my body to the left, moving me out of the way of the incoming blade.

I grunted and held onto the side of the chair, thin lines of blood pouring down my thighs from my ass wound.
"N-no. L-let me come with you." Why didn't he just let me stay there? Why couldn't we go together? Be free together?

"It's not your time. It's mine," he said, a single tear falling down his cheek before he crashed his knee into my rib at the perfect angle. I gasped, instinctively clutching my side, which made me tumble from the chair.

I tried to hold on, to stay with him because I knew I'd lose him if I let go, and I didn't know if I could live in a world without him. A world without Rucker seemed so dark and lonely. My brain couldn't handle that depressing world.

But my wet fingers slipped on the metal handle, securing my failure. I plopped into the icy water, my right cheek blazing like I got spanked by a sadistic jellyfish.

"Stop it — just accept this," Rucker yelled at me when I tried to climb back up. He clamped his chained hands on either side of the chair, bracing himself for the incoming saw that was spewing water all over him.

The saw was merely inches away, and my hand went over my eyes as I sobbed into my fingers, trying to deal with the reality of losing him. My chest burned like the sting of a million giant hornets, waiting for the blood and brains of my brother to cover me like darkness.

But it never happened.

Instead, the loud buzzing of the saw stopped, and that annoying robotic voice on the loudspeaker screamed, "There's been a change of events."

What? I slowly lowered my hands and looked around through my misty eyes. The incoming saw literally stopped a centimeter away from Rucker's snickerdoodles. If he breathed wrong, he could cut his sack.

Rucker sighed, body sagging back. "Fuck," he whispered, closing his eyes. "Will y'all please stop fucking with me already? If you're gonna kill me, just fucking do it."

"I agree." Jookie popped his head through the broken glass window. Most of the water flowed through already, so he stood there, untouched. "What's going on?"

The cement wall furthest from me slide to the left, revealing a dark hidden entrance. A figure emerged through the dimness, a deep shadow highlighting their pale skin.

Rucker picked his head up, chains dangling. "Why the hell's oatmeal cookie here?"

"What?" I whispered, watching Sebastian stroll into the room with a lazy stride.

His loose gray sweatpants teetered on his hips with every step, the tips of a spiky black tattoo peeking out of his waistband like an itazura coin bank. A hostile look marred his face, as those dusky blue eyes of his leered into mine with such intensity that a rash of goosebumps covered me like a fuzzy blanket.

Rucker's lips formed into a thin line. "Why's he here?"

I crawled to my shaky legs, using the edge of the chair to stand. "I-I don't know." Whatever the reason, it couldn't be good. His expression wasn't a pleasant one, and he still hadn't uttered a word.

He just continued walking further into the room, his bare feet sloshing through the frigid water like it was nothing. It wasn't until he got close that I saw the marks. Multiple white scars speckled his toned, sculpted chest. Every blemish resembled tiny x's or odd-shaped swirls, reminding me of a connect the dots game.

Uh, what? Did he always have scars? And a tattoo? Are we dead and this is our hell? Is Satan gonna make an appearance and bitch slap me with his dick? I remember some scars. Khan patched him up one time and said he had some on his arms. But now that I think about it, he's always had a shirt on. Even at the pool party. And I guess we wouldn't have seen the tattoo because it looks like it's on his... pelvis? Or dick.

Something's different about him now. I can't put my finger on why. Wait. What if he's in on all of this? What if he's the spy and been against us this whole time? I.... don't know. What happened to "he's innocent" and "don't judge him?" I'm sorry if I try to see the positives in people, okay? I don't like to jump to conclusions. Well, what the hell's this then? I don't know.

Jookie tapped on his ear repeatedly like he was texting. "Why's he here? What the fuck's going on?" His voice came out harsh and angry.

"He made a deal," the robotic voice said over the loudspeakers. It was very staticky, but I heard the smugness in every syllable.

"A deal?" Jookie asked in a confused tone, his anger waning for a moment.

Rucker clenched his fingers into a fist. "If lamb balls over there sold us out somehow... — I knew his sweet tarty ass couldn't be trusted."

"He did know what we were doing at all times," I murmured, as I thought of the weeks we spent together in the base. Sebastian could've easily been playing both sides. He had been acting weird. Plus, he was overly adamant about us not killing Gmie and Demo. What if that was all just a façade?

Thick dots of black rage formed in my gut, slowly circling through my body like sludge water in a gutter.

Don't trip yet. We don't know the whole story yet. Why else would he be here, Bet? Do you see anyone else? You're telling me that Yaz and Khan wouldn't have come with him? Why's he here alone, acting shady as fuck. I know, but just wait for him to explain before you go off.

"We gave Gmie a deal, so why not Sebastian?" The robotic voice became eerily cheery.

Jookie blew out an irritated breath. "Is this how you're trying to get back at me? Because you couldn't punish her again? You're wasting my precious spa time for this bullshit?" He pushed at the broken window, and the remaining pieces crashed onto the watery ground near me. Stepping over the small hurdle to get into the room with us, his nostrils flared when his shoes touched the wet ground. "Uh, I really don't get paid enough for this shit. I need a new job."

"This isn't just about you — ratings are the highest they've ever been," the robotic voice said in a happy tone. "Why kill Rucker now when we can keep this going? Why not add in another game?"

Another one? Did they have a game for everything? I was so fucking exhausted. My emotions have already wrung me dry, and my body was literally on the verge of collapsing. The only thing keeping me conscious was the occasional burst of adrenaline. I didn't think I could take much more.

This is good, Tini! Seb's deal must involve saving us somehow! Or he wants to kill Rucker himself.

I leaned down, putting my head on Rucker's wet shoulder to hold myself up so I could defend him if need be. My eyes shifted to Sebastian. He didn't look like he was here to save us. I honestly didn't know what to expect from him.

First off, he still hadn't said anything. Not a word. Just stomped in like he owned the place. If you were coming to save someone, wouldn't you act excited to see them? Not scowl like someone put herpes in your coffee.

"Seriously?" Jookie sucked his teeth, shaking his head. "This is fucking tiring already, and it needs to end. I'm done. Don't be a sore loser because you didn't get your way this time."

"I always get my fucking way," the robotic voice snapped, all cheeriness gone. "People who go against me get punished. You know this. We're playing another game. If Sebastian wins, they live. If he loses, they all die."

See? Still doesn't mean he ain't acting weird. I sighed, feeling a relief go through me. I was happy I was wrong, but my gut told me something still wasn't right.

"I need another drink and a face mask. This stress and atmosphere is fucking with my pores." Jookie rubbed his temples. "Dare I ask what game we are playing now?"

Once those words left Jookie's lips, a disturbing grin carved the bottom half of Sebastian's face, sending wicked twitches up my neck. His eyes darkened to violent pits, as his cheeks hardened in place. There was no sweetness and nice there.

Arching his neck at a weird angle, Sebastian pulled a large, glistening hunting knife from behind his back. "The game's called, how many ways can I delicately fuck Jookie with this knife before he squeaks like an itty-bitty kitty." Beaming, Sebastian twirled the knife in his hand like it was second nature. "I'm aiming for a high score of four, so don't let me down."

Sebastian charged at Jookie, slicing the air in quick ribbons. Jookie didn't react fast enough, and the blade caught his arm. He tumbled back into the wall, small droplets of blood sheeting his white chest.

"Too slow, JoJo," Sebastian said, tossing his knife in the air and catching it. "You gotta be quicker than that kitten." His voice sounded sing-songy yet menacing at the same time.

Jookie wiped his face, eyes narrowing to slits. "You got lucky." He flicked his wrist, a rainbow knife appearing in his palm. "It won't happen again."

"I don't know, JoJo," Sebastian said, rotating his shoulder. "You've been getting kind of delicate lately."

"Ha, you're gonna talk to me about being delicate?" The same guy who cried about not fitting in with his team." Jookie pouted, rubbing his eye. "Boo Hoo. Booo Hooo. You're so pathetic—"

Sebastian dove forward with his feet, planting himself onto Jookie's chest before flipping in the air and landing on his feet. Jookie hissed, a thin line of red leaking from his chin.

"I'm already at two, Jojo," Sebastian said, shaking his head. "I think you're losing your touch, or maybe you're all talk? That hair dye of yours sink a little too deep, hmm?"

Jookie frowned, using his wrist to clean the stickiness from his chin. "Enough," he grounded out, eyes slitting. He sprinted forward with his arm extended, blade out. He swung up at a sharp angle, trying to damn near take Sebastian's head off.

Sebastian dropped to his knees to avoid the deadly blow and followed up with his own, cutting across the back of Jookie's calf. Jookie grunted and buckled into a spin to avoid Sebastian's second attack before jumping back and facing him again, face hardening.

Uh, what is going on? Seb's kicking ass. When the hell did he learn to flip like that? Seb's always been amazing. Your dimwitted brains just couldn't appreciate him then.

Betinia and I paused for a moment, trying to comprehend what the hell we just heard.

HOW IN THE HELL ARE YOU BACK! We buried you. I slipped out when Tini had her emotional breakdown earlier. Tini... What! Don't blame me. I thought Rucker was gonna die, and I freaked. You can't blame me. Blame that robotic voiced cunt. You're going back. Now.

Calm your boring tits, Betty Boop. I'm not out out. Just a part of me was able to sneak out. I can't take over. Good. I want — Your voice is making my nipples bleed and stopping me from enjoying Seb work. He's kicking that simpleton's ass like it's nothing. He's amazing, isn't he?

Oh god, you like Seb? He's better than the idiotic giggle queen over there.

"How come he didn't do this shit when he was fighting me?" Rucker murmured, watching Seb double-back flip to avoid Jookie's attack.

"Was he holding back?" I asked, watching the fight.

"Maybe." Rucker snorted, chains rumbling. "I must really be in hell if I'm rooting for gouda over there to win."

"Wait, that means...." I said, trailing off.

Either Jookie dies or us. Because he saved us earlier. Whoever that robotic voice is, they don't like him very much. Good, he's garbage. Trash. Scum. Must I go on? He'll never be the man that my darling Seb is. Darling? Is this the same girl who almost killed Jookie? What? I'm not mean all the time. Not everyone poops rainbows and licks ass all the time. Sorry for being a nice person. There's a difference between being nice and licking balls, Betty Boop. Know the difference.

Ignoring them both, I went back to watching the fight playing out in front of me. I couldn't imagine Jookie dead, but he fucked me over so much. But he saved me too. The reason he was in trouble now was because he saved me. But I didn't want Rucker to die or me. Survival for me and mine came before anyone else.

Sorry, Jookie.

"You gotta keep up, Jojo," Sebastian said, flipping to his feet in one fluid motion. "Come on, you're boring me already."

Jookie dived forward, and Seb spun out of the way before the knife could penetrate him. He followed up with his own attack, the tip of his blade sliding across Jookie's back.

Letting out a short breath, Jookie hobbled back, blood dripping down his pants.

"JoJo, you're disappointing me," Seb said, shaking his head as Jookie charged forward again, and their knives connected in a piercing clank. "You're embarrassing yourself. Betinia kicked your ass, and now me? That badass reputation of yours is tanking by the second."

"Embarrassing myself?" Jookie smiled. "You haven't even kissed the girl you're risking your life for. You're the joke." Jookie cackled in his face as he pushed Seb back. "She tastes really good too."

Sebastian glowered at him, fingers clenching around his knife handle. Jookie licked his lips in a challenge, wiggling his eyebrows. Seb bolted forward in one quick swoop, acting like he was going to go for Jookie's neck, which made Jookie raise his arm in defense.

But Seb juked him and swung his blade toward Jookie's stomach instead. It was a nice clean sweep, powdery crimson splattering the water and the walls.

"How's that taste?" Sebastian asked, swinging the knife in his hand like a yoyo.

Jookie caressed his bleeding stomach, bringing his red-tipped fingers to his mouth. "Delicious. Just like her lips."

Seb didn't like that response. A savage emotion graced his already hard face, becoming crueler by the second. It was so fierce that the hair at the nape of my neck bristled like an electric current went through me.

This just got so much worse.


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