15 | Fresh & Clean

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I MADE IT BACK TO MY room in one piece, still looking for blind spots along the way. My mind kept getting distracted because of Jookie. His words about me having another enemy haunted me.

Who was it? Gmie, yeah. She hated my guts. But I didn't do anything to anyone else. I did win the first challenge though, and like Gmie, others could hate me because of that fact too. I was competition. I needed to be more careful.

A groan slipped from my lips when I flopped onto my bedroom floor. A bed. I needed one.

Going to my iPad, I shuffled through the cameras, trying to find Jookie. I wanted to see what he was up to now. I never found him, but I did find everyone else.

Fee cleaned and cooked in the kitchen. Sebastian, Aries, Tiran and even Khan chilled in the billiard room. Demo and Gmie munched on food in the hallway. It looked like it was mostly Gmie talking. Layla lounged in the same corner I left her in, staring down at her hands. Yaz was nowhere, meaning she must be in her bedroom. Chi-Lynn and Rucker were fucking in the bathroom — wait, what?

My finger slid left, trying to bring the camera footage back so I could confirm what I saw. Yeah, I was right. Chi and Rucker splashed around in a Jacuzzi filled with white bubbles, her ass bouncing on top of him while kissing each other.

Lewd comments filtered in under the footage, coming in at an alarming rate. I closed the app, letting them have their privacy.

They were having sex already? We just met each other, and we were in a competition. It must be that "live life to the fullest" mentality. We could die at any second — tomorrow in Rucker's case, so why not do what you wanted?

But still, everyone chummed around and was friendly with each other. Was it all an act? Or was I the paranoid one? A part of my mind just couldn't forget that everyone had a past here — a murderous one. But killers could be kind. But kindness was also the best way to gain someone's trust so that you could betray them later.

Yaz, Layla, Fee and I must seem like outliers compared to the rest of the group.

A knock sounded at my door, and I paused. "Yes?" I said, not opening the door. I needed to get a peephole.

"It's Sebastian."

He was harmless. Probably. He's been nothing but nice to me, but was it all an act? Maybe. Maybe not. Either way, he probably wouldn't attack me during daylight hours.

I opened the door, and he stood there, holding a bag full of stuff.

"I know you didn't want to request anything, so I did it for you," he said before smiling. "I didn't know your size, so I just got you some sweatpants and t-shirts with some basic toiletries."

Technically, I didn't request it, so I could use it. Everything was a gift. "Thank you!" I said, tone happy until realization kicked it. It must've shown on my face.

"Don't worry about the shower," he said, giving me the bag before patting my shoulder. "The cameras take some getting used too. But don't look at them or the comments, and it might make it easier for you."

I nodded, hoping he was right because I really needed a shower. BO was going to become a problem soon if it hadn't already. "I hope. Thanks again."

"No problem," he said, shrugging. "Plus with Chi and Rucker going at it, this is probably the best time to shower." He laughed and waved before leaving.

He was right. Who wanted to see a girl shower when they could watch full-blown sex?

That thought still didn't stop me from hesitating, but the desire to be clean won out. Looking through the bag, it held everything — soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, a comb, a brush, mousse, several pairs of shirts and sweatpants, socks, washcloths, loofas, towels and several pairs of frilly bras and panties.

Sticky heat warmed my cheeks as I stared down at the undergarments. Thin and sexy. A part of me felt like Jookie might've had a hand in picking these out.

Scalding liquid sluiced down my body when I stepped into the shower. It felt amazing. Clearing my mind of all thoughts, water and soap were the only things I thought about as I scrubbed myself for a while.

But since I got my best ideas in the shower, I let my mind float to the Bottom Doe Three.

Chi-Lynn was a seductress who was used to getting what she wanted. A southern belle with money who enjoyed nice things. She didn't mind getting her hands dirty, and I was positive that she was lying about having a kid, which meant two things. She was a liar and a good one at that. No visible lying signs graced her face when she talked, but my gut told me something was off.

Tiran was an intelligent med student. Timid. He said he was a drug dealer, but he felt too fidgety to be a drug dealer. I'd never buy from him. Plus, what about that picture in his room? He freaked out when he saw the image of the girl passed out.

Maybe he sold her drugs and she overdosed? But could you overdose on caffeine pills? Something rubbed me the wrong way there.

Rucker was sort of an open book. Honest and upfront about his shit and he didn't mind killing, but that didn't mean he was a child killer. Some killers do have morals.

I needed to look into those tattoos. The way he stroked and stared at them made it seem like they meant something to him. Something personal.

I needed to examine those booties again.

It took me a moment to realize that I've been in the shower for like two hours. Jumping out and drying off, I hated that I didn't have any lotion, but I didn't complain. The sweatpants fit baggy. He must've gone up a few sizes because of my big butt, but the medium t-shirts fit just right.

Tying the end of the shirt in a side knot above my belly button, I spent the next half hour combing my hair and moussing it. My usual routine was more than mousse, but it was better than nothing. Once I was done, I let it hang down my back to dry.

The new socks felt comfy in my boots as I walked down the corridor to the common room, but I stopped when I spotted Layla. She hunkered down near a wall, whispering to it and nodding before whispering again.

"Layla?" I whispered, but she was so absorbed into her whispering that she didn't hear me. A few seconds later, she began to laugh and smile while still talking to the wall.

Ah, I'm going to leave her alone. She clearly still needs time to cope with her new situation and surroundings. At least she's not crying anymore. I moved along to the common room where the boys were currently playing videos games. Four pairs of eyes slid my way, taking in my clean appearance.

It felt awkward and sort of embarrassing because I must've looked like a hot ass mess before.

Khan's liquid brown eyes felt the most intense, and we locked eyes for a split second before Sebastian stepped up.

"You feel better?" Sebastian asked with a smile.

I smiled back. "Yes. Thank you so much for the stuff."

"Up for a game?" he asked, nodding toward the group.

"Maybe later, I need to look at these clues again," I said.

"All work and no play," he teased me, before playing with a damp curl.

I laughed, crossing my fingers. "I promise. Later."

He flashed me a grin before going back to the group, and I walked over to the glass table.

The clues were still there. The knitted booties felt soft in my hands. Nothing special about them though. Just ordinary booties. Until I felt the inside. Thick paint brushed my finger. Using my iPad light, I peered inside each bootie, seeing Chinese symbols in both of them, similar to the ones on Rucker's arm.

I took a picture for later before moving on to Chi-Lynn's clue — the number sequence. I couldn't understand it, so I moved onto Tiran's caffeine pills, taking more pictures. Then I decided to just take pictures of all the clues.

The one clue that caught me off guard was Gmie's Harvard letter. I opened it. It said she was wait-listed, but a spot had opened up. So, she didn't get in right away.

She lied earlier when she told us that it was her acceptance letter. Technically, it was an acceptance letter, but she bragged about early acceptance. If she lied so easily about that, then what else was she lying about?


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