37 | Leftover Human Flesh

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"YOU CAN STOP HOLDING IT NOW," I said to Jookie, moving to the side of the body, hands caked in syrupy brain fluid and runny blood. "I gotta cut the chest skin off now."

Jookie gave me an unreadable look before nodding and trekking back over to the one-sided window, arms folded.

The scalpel slipped in my hand when I gripped it again, so I wiped my soiled hands on my shirt before putting the blade near Tiran's neck. The blade impaled the pale skin, long droplets oozing down like red tears.

Slicing across his collarbone and down his side, going in a circular motion, I continued cutting downward and across his pelvis before moving back up and around to his other side to join the original cut.

Gentle streams of crimson seeped from the circular wound around his chest, dripping down his sides and shoulders and onto the metal table beneath him, forming an almost halo around him.

My chipped nails plunged into the top of the cut, sliding deep into the chest cavity, the squishy body tissue caressing me like a horny lover.

Still deep in the chest, I formed a claw-like poise with my fingers, gripping the underside and the edge of the newly detached skin at the same time, rolling it back until it completely came off the body.

The oval-shaped piece of skin hung from my fingers like a rubbery, dripping sheet, a rancid yet intoxicating aroma wafting the room.

I licked my lips, staring down into the open torso. Through my eyes, the exquisite organs and thick rib-bones sparkled like gold coins in a treasure chest.

Tiran was really thin, so there wasn't much fat on him. Tossing the flap of skin, it plopped onto the floor near Chi who whimpered, hanging onto Aries.

I laughed, grabbing the hammer and chisel again. The red-stained ribcage needed to go, so I hacked away at it, trying to crack it open so that I could get to the juicy part — the organs.

The hammer pounded down on the chisel, which was positioned on the sternum, the middle of the ribcage.

Each strike made a clunk sound, sending delectable trembles down my arms. With one powerful hit, the sternum shattered, sharp pieces mixing in with the divine organs.

Then I hammered away the rest of the smaller rib bones, every whack causing gooey plasma and chunks of matter to flicker on my face. Tiny bits clung to my eyelashes and hair, more flying around the harder I bashed the bones, fueling that succulent desire that tumbled deep within me.

Until a delightful crack pummeled my eardrums, and the rest of the bones shattered to pieces. I tossed them to the floor.

With the bone barrier gone, my fingers delved into the soft caress of his chest cavity, a sigh of happiness fluttering through me like hummingbirds landing on sweet honeysuckles. Ahh, I was such a lucky girl.

Seeing human organs up-close reminded me of a sack of various meats bobbing together in a small sticky container. I'd admit that it looked grotesque and disgusting, but it still had this stunning aura to it.

Squishy noises suffused the space around me, as my fingers worked this body, exploring the inner workings of Tiran. Fingering the slushy crevice between the slick liver and the stomach sack, it cuddled my skin like cashmere pillows.

The back of my fingers caressed the stomach, realizing that so much important stuff filled the plush place. So vital and pure.

A hoarse cackle grazed my throat as I sliced it open, watching the critical components tumble into the other organs.

Some of the stomach organs resembled the color of back petals on just budding cherry blossoms, a dark pink, with thin red veins melding into it.

Clear, sticky fluid drenched everything while yellowish fat that looked like syrupy peaches stuck to all the different organs, bringing to my mind the picture of warm, sticky peaches glued to dark wet chicken breasts.

Delving deeper into the spongy matter with my arms, it saturated me up to my elbows, bleaching my skin to a runny red hue. It felt amazing to just to play in the gloppy cavity, fingering all the organs, tissues and leftover bones chips. It was like playing in the dirt as a kid, filthy yet freeing.

Ahhh, I would never forget the feeling of being in another human, feeling their very essence around hands and in my fingernails.

Thank you, Tiran for giving me this gift. Even though you kind of deserved everything you got — still, thank you. You made a dream of mine come true.

Realizing that I was on a timed challenge, I finished my exploring and began to cut away the tissue and muscles, removing the various soppy organs — the liver, the pancreas and part of the lungs — from their places, piling them in the basin.

I saved the best for last. The heart. Once I sliced and slashed it from its place, I smiled. The heart was another favorite of mine.

Fingers wrapping around the lifeless muscle, I squeezed it in my palm, nails ramming into the supple flesh. That triggered an impulse, making dark liquid and sloppy plasma gunk out of the exposed veins and arteries at the top and sides. It oozed down the back of my fingers and splashed the floor.

The tip of my tongue swept over the sleek heart skin, delving into the fluid-filled indents, tasting the sticky fluid and blood. Tiran.

"Oh my god," Chi whispered, hugging Aries' side. "She's psychotic — seriously. She's lost it."

That made me laugh, really laugh. Have I lost it? I laughed again. Nope.

Placing the heart into the basin, I moved away from the messy chest cavity. Knowing that I was still under fifteen pounds, my goopy hands gripped the meat cleaver.

Aiming it at the upper thigh, the blade hacked at the hairless thigh, slicing the skin so easy — like a knife cutting melted butter.

A splatter of blood masked my arms and face again with every swing, and I kept hacking away, trying to get through the bone. It took several long minutes and hard hits before the bone severed in a cracking snap.

Abandoning the cleaver, I gripped the skinning knife, carving shallow vertical lines down the leg to the ankle. Blood leaked from the wounds, but not too much. Cutting a horizontal slice at the top of the vertical lines, it created an opening for me to get underneath the skin.

Tucking the blade underneath the rectangular skin flap and keeping it close to the skin tissue, I cut downward, keeping the edge of the blade as close as possible to the skin underside, trying not to damage the muscle.

It was like skinning a deer — something I saw Tim do hundreds of times.

Once the leg was completely skinned, I took the butcher knife and sliced into the thick human tissue and muscle. It bled, smearing my fingertips and wrists as I dug deep, creating huge square chunks out of the leg meat.

Certain parts, like the back of the thigh meat, actually reminded me of the redness and texture of steak while the front looked like the soft blush of pork.

Hunks of wet human muscles and tissue filled the huge basin as I skinned both thighs, stopping once I got to the pinkish white bone. Once there, I used the boning knife to get the extra meat attached to the bone.

The heel of my hand wiped my forehead as I stepped back, finished. Squishy matter and tiny pieces of leftover human flesh embedded my fingernails, sloppy crimson smudging my palms and body.

I must've looked a mess — I felt like one. But I didn't care. My eyes gazed upon the mutilated corpse of Tiran, looking at my beautiful handiwork. A smile hugged my sticky lips.

I would never forget this moment. Neither would the other contestants. Layla just sobbed, never looking up. Chi and Aries looked repulsed and Yaz just stared.

With my heavy basin in my hands, I dropped it onto the scale. Forty pounds. "I have extra meat."

Yaz ran over to me, almost slipping onto the floor. "I'll take that!"

"Why should you get it?" Chi snapped, squaring her shoulders.

Yaz stuck out her chin, looking at Chi like she was stupid. "Because she doesn't like you."

"True. I don't," I said, slamming the basin onto the island, making everyone jerk. "I don't mind sharing with you, Yaz." I liked Yaz. She was honest and funny as fuck. "But I get the brain." No one touched my angelic brain but me.

Yaz shrugged. "Hey, whatever you want."

We cleaned off the island and separated the meat into two large bundles, discarding some stuff so that it was exactly fifteen pounds each.

Aries glowered at me, stalking over to my tray of tools. "It's alright, Chi. We can get our own m-meat. We don't need some psycho bitch to get it for us."

Psycho bitch, huh?

I stalked over to him, picking up the cleaver off the table, thick skin and spongy fluid trickling from the blade. "Wow, you got balls," I said, clutching the handle tight in my hand. "You just saw me mutilate a corpse with a smile on my face, and you have the nerve to call me a psycho bitch." I giggled, letting it come out loud and high.

He jumped back, eyes widening.

"Exploring a dead body was fun," I said before letting out another giggle. "Mutilating a live person would be orgasmic for me."

He ran away.

"Pussy," I muttered, dropping the cleaver back on the metal table. Then I grabbed the chef's knife before sitting at the island, my basin of meat in front of me.

My eyes shifted to my partner rocking on the floor. I guess I would be eating for the both of us. It wasn't fair, but I didn't have time to babysit and force her.

Sighing, Yaz sat next to me, her eyes staring at her tower of sticky human meat. "Ugh, I don't think I can do this."

Taking the chef's knife in hand, the blade sliced into a piece of sloppy red thigh meat, cutting the small chunk into two. Bringing a hunk to my lips, it smelled metallic and meaty.

My fingers plunged the meat into my mouth, the soft slimy texture sliding against my tongue. It tasted like...nothing honestly. A bit metallic because of the blood, but nothing else.

I swallowed it, along with another big chunk. My body didn't like that too much, and I vomited on the kitchen floor. "Fuck."

"That bad?" Yaz asked, looking down at her pile.

"It doesn't taste horrible, but my body's just not taking it," I said, wiping my mouth. I needed to force it down.

Aries crept back over to the metal table, grabbing a knife while never taking his eyes off me. Curling up his lips, he began to cut into the chest of the corpse, grabbing all sorts of flesh and tissue, my leftovers.

Chi did nothing. Just watched and trembled. My partner continued to sob in the corner.

It took about twenty minutes for Aries to gather up the fifteen pounds, goopy blood and fluid staining his light blue hoodie.

Jookie clapped his hands. "Now that everyone has weighed in. Time to start eating, everyone. Nom Nom."

"Please," Chi begged, staring at the body parts in front of her on the counter. "Is there any way around this?"

"No," Jookie said, fixing his hat.

Chi shook her head, picking up a piece of dripping veiny fat. Pressing it to her red lips, her lips coiled before stuffing it into her mouth. It took about a nanosecond for her body to start convulsing like a full-on seizure. Then yellow vomit spurted from her mouth in thick waves, body quacking with each wave.

A rancid odor spread across the room, getting stronger by the second. When she was finished, the bile clung to her pale dress, sticking it to her skin. Sharp high-pitched whimpers left her lips as she cried, trying to unstick her dress from her body.

Yaz turned her head away. "Yuck."

Jookie shrugged. "Gotta do better than that."

Eyes red-rimmed, Chi sneered at him, coughing and spluttering.

Aries picked up a chunk and wrinkled his face. "Ugh..."

"Okay, this is boring now," Jookie said after twenty minutes of us doing nothing but staring at the meat. "I'm taking back that hour. Now you only have an hour and a half left."

"What? That's bullshit," Aries snapped, charging toward Jookie.

Jookie raised a brow, tapping his phone. "Nah ah...."

Aries shuddered to the floor, body shaking like an earthquake, spit coming out of the side of his mouth.

"Did you forget who I am?" Jookie laughed. "Now you lose another half hour. All of you."

"You stupid fucker." Yaz rushed from the island, kicking the groaning Aries in the stomach. "Where's your alien god now when you need him, huh? Nowhere because he doesn't fucking exist, unlike your little dick."

Chi charged over, pushing Yaz to the side. "Get off him."

Yaz stumbled for a second before catching herself. "Bitch what?" Her fist chucked Chi in the jaw, and Chi went flying back onto her ass. "He made us fucking lose time because he's a fucking idiot."

Stunned, Chi held a hand to her bruised cheek, mouth gaped.

Yaz stomped back over to her seat.

"Nice right hook," I said, picking up a chunk.

"Thanks," she said before stuffing a piece of thigh meat into her mouth and spitting it back out. "Oh god, this shit is nasty." Thick reddish spit smeared her lips before she wiped it away.

"Clock is ticking people," Jookie yelled as Aries and Chi finally made it to their feet, glaring at Yaz. "Losers will be put in the Bottom Doe Three, so you better start eating people!"

I needed to win this. In big handfuls, my hands stuffed the sticky meat into my mouth, a picture of Tiran laughing filling my mind. I gulped it all down, feeling it scratch my throat, gooey juice running down my cheeks and lips. The meat felt slick and wet going down like swallowing a jellyfish.

Aries and Chi watched me in disgust as Yaz joined me, stuffing things into her mouth. Her teeth tried to chew the meat, getting stuck between the small crevices in her gums, but that just made it stay on her tongue longer and she started to tremble.

A harsh hiccup left her full lips before vomit spewed out her mouth and onto the floor. "Oh, god..." she muttered, coughing.

I kept on eating. There had to be at least a pound of human meat in me at this point, and my body didn't like that. My tummy rumbled like a hunger pain before the undigested meat shot out of my lips, showering all over Aries who was standing not far from me.

"Fucking eww." Aries slipped, falling face first into my bile.

Chi tried eating a piece again, and she also vomited onto the floor, all over Aries too.

"Stop throwing up on me!" he shouted, struggling to get to his feet. Yellowish-red vomit mixed with chunks of meat coated his hair and hoodie.

"Sorry," Chi said, on the verge of tears.

Yaz smacked the counter, swallowing another piece, which she threw up minutes later.

Digging through the basin of meat, the heart stared up at me. Gripping the soft organ, my teeth sank into the base, thick crimson staining my teeth and oozing down my chin, dribbling onto my chest and the counter. That metallic taste caked my tongue, as I swallowed a chunk.

A nauseous sensation filled my gut, but I kept it down, burping. "Ugh..." I shivered. I couldn't do that again. It didn't taste too bad. Just salty and metallicy. But my body wasn't having it. It didn't like raw meat.

Wait, raw... Maybe I could cook it? Isn't that what those cannibals do in those tribes? Cook the meat?


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