41 | Naked Bath Fight

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DEATH. The frighteningly bittersweet yet peaceful process that every living thing must endure.

No one could prove what happened after death. Did good people go to heaven and dance with the beautiful angels and see their deceased loved ones while sinners got tortured and ripped to pieces in hell?

Or do we get reborn or reincarnated as a tree or a roach or even another person? Or did nothing happen at all, and our lifeless corpses just decay in the ground or our ashes just sit in an urn decade after decade until someone finally throws them away or redeposits them back into Mother Nature?

I guessed that it all boiled down to your religious beliefs or whatever you wanted to believe. Believing in a heaven vs. hell afterlife didn't sit well with me because where would I fit?

That was why I feared death so much—because it reeked of uncertainty. If I got voted off and died, what happened next for me? That unknown question sent scorching shivers throughout my chest.

Two creaking bangs broke me from my thoughts, and I turned toward the sound. A horde of guards stomped toward me from the doorway, coming at me like bees trying to protect their queen.

One of the meatier guards with no neck reached me first, yanking me off the ground like a naughty puppy. He held me in the air for a sec, my feet dangling back and forth, water dripping from my body.

I clenched my teeth. "You don't gotta be so rough, asshole," I said once he dropped me like a sack of wheat, causing me to almost face-plant, but I caught myself in time, still stumbling because of my wet sneakers.

Meathead ignored my words, shoving me forward instead while the other guards surrounded us in a semi-circle, blocking me in from behind.

I caught myself again from falling and turned around to face the ugly brute. "Ah, now I know why your hands are so strong."

The ugly brute cocked his head, confused.

"You don't get fucked very often, so your hands have to keep you company at night. How sad." I pouted, blinking my eyes. "I'd give them a rest though. Carpal tunnel is a real bitch, you know?"

He responded by tossing me through the open doorway and straight into the darkened hallway. The deep shadows blinded me, and I stumbled into a wall, chin first. Fuck. That hurt.

Oh, he would pay for that one day.

A light clicked on seconds later, chasing away the darkness as I rubbed my chin, back against the wall. My eyes got blinded by the sudden bright assault, but they cleared within a minute.

"Oops...," The meaty guard said as he trudged through the doorway with the other guards behind him. He smirked at me, gripping my arm yet again.

I almost bit him, but Jookie materialized out of nowhere, pulling me from his hold.

"Don't get rough with the merchandise," Jookie said, eyeing the ugly brute who glowered at him. "The bosses won't like that." Then Jookie gripped my hand, yanking me down the hallway. "You know he has a gun, right?" he whispered to me, amusement coloring his tone.

"So? He was a dick first," I mumbled, causing Jookie to let out a tantalizing laugh. "He'll get his. I promise."

"Life is never boring around you, my devious peach." Jookie glanced at me for a second, an unknown emotion filling his eyes before he hurried us down the hall and to the left and through a black metal door.

We entered into a wide open area that resembled a backstage dressing room. Multiple thick black wires overlaid the gray hardwood floors, festooning up the metal beams to the bright black stage lights stationed above.

Several vanity mirrors trimmed in odd-shaped light bulbs fenced the back wall, make-up and other oddities slathering the tables underneath. A ruffled maroon curtain hung from the tall cement ceiling, concealing off the left side.

Jookie left me by the door and went toward the vanities, snapping his fingers and whistling. "Hey guys, we gotta move. We got a live interview in forty-five."

Two women came out of nowhere and rushed over to him. The pretty black-haired one dried his hair while the tall blonde ripped his wet clothes off. It took me a moment to realize something was off about them.

With eyes the color of boiling swan feathers, neither one of them ever blinked or spoke a word. Every movement they made looked robotic, swift and mechanical.

What was wrong with them? I stopped studying them when the tall blonde literally tore Jookie's wet jeans off him, revealing his black Calvin Klein boxers. The wet cotton stuck to his tight ass, and I averted my eyes to the floor.

"Like what you see?" Jookie asked, humor lacing his tone.

I narrowed my eyes, looking back at his wet, almost naked form. "Fuck you."

He smiled, the tip of his tongue touching his top lip. "Well, if you insist..." And at that moment the tall blonde chose to start pulling down his soaking boxers, small droplets sliding down his legs. The top of his ass and the lines of his V-cut filled my vision before I turned away.

I folded my arms over my chest, eyeing the bright lights above. "Can't you like do that yourself — in the bathroom, perhaps?"

He let out a hearty laugh. "I'd prefer you do it for me."

"I'd prefer that light fixture fall on your head, but we both can't have what we want, can we?" I said, eyes still upwards.

"Ahh so mean," he said in a pouty tone. "I thought we bonded back there in the water, especially when you wrapped your legs around me and humped me."

I spun to face him, seeing that he was wearing tight jeans now. "I never humped you!"

His gray eyes twinkled with delight. "You also licked me and moaned a bit too," he said, as the two robot women left. "Don't worry, I enjoyed it."

I slitted my eyes. "I only licked you to distract you."

Jookie sauntered over to a metal rack draped with clothes. "If you say so, but I know a lady boner when I feel one."

Before I could retort, he cut me off. "And for the record, I'd love to undress myself, but my bosses won't let me."

"What? Why?"

He gave me a side look. "Like I said before, we're all being watched." He then said, "Bae! Come here."

A curvy girl pushed through the velvet curtains, letting the fabric flutter behind her. With hair the color of rich rose-gold, every straight strand came together into two intricate French braid pig-tails, the midnight ends tickling her shoulder.

"What do you want?" she asked, her fingers touching her high-waisted shorts.

"I need you to get her washed and groomed and beautified," Jookie said, playing with the hangers on the clothes rack. "They want to do her interview now."

Rubbing her bronze-golden eyelid, Bae crossed her eyes, tightening her dark-painted lips. "Do I have to?"

Jookie gave her a stone face. "Just do it, Bae."

Barging over to me, her black nails dug into my bicep, pulling me toward a door straight ahead. "Come on," she said to me, tone dripping in irritation.

It was really starting to piss me off that people thought that they could just grab and toss me around like some stupid ragdoll. "Don't grab me like that."

Just like with the meathead, my words went over her head. She dragged me down shady hallways, dozens of metal doors lining the cement walls.

We stopped in front of an open door, bluish light splashing our feet and the floor.

Going inside, an ivory marble tub took up more than half of the scarlet-colored walls. Bae let go of my hand and turned on the faucet, filling the huge tub to the brim before adding rich floral scents and pink bubbles.

Once finished, she turned to face me, her smooth features still looking pissed off. "Strip."


"This is what they want," she said before sighing. "If you don't get undressed in front of me, they'll have both of our fucking heads. It's to make sure you have no weapons."

Peering up at the corners, I spied the tiny camera moving back and forth. There was really no privacy anywhere. I let out a soft breath before taking off my clothes. Then I made my way over to the tub, hopping into the hot water, bubbles sticking to my body like hot wax. The intense aroma of blooming lilies entered my scenes, making me relax.

"I'll be back with some dress choices," she said, turning to the door but stopping on the threshold. "Also, stay away from Jookie."

"What?" I asked, surprised. "Why?"

She scrunched her small nose, making it look even more petite. "You don't need to know why. Just stay away from him. He doesn't need someone like you in his life."

"Like me?" I repeated. "What the fuck did I do? You don't even know me."

Her light brown eyes went black. "We've both been through a lot, and we're finally somewhat okay, which means you need to back off. You'll bring him nothing but more problems."

What the fuck was she talking about? More problems? "You're acting like we're dating or something. We're just..." I stopped, not knowing what to say at first. "Co-workers. He does his job and I do mine."

A bitter giggle left her throat. "Don't fuck with my intelligence, sweetheart. There's something in the air between you two, and it needs to stop."

Something in the air—? There's nothing between Jookie and me. Yeah, we played around with each other because he loved to fuck with me, but he fucked with everyone. Yeah, we did get close in the pool, but that was just because I was trying to catch him off guard. Nothing more.

But still, I didn't like this bitch telling me what to do. "I don't remember you pushing me out of your vagina, so I can do what the fuck I want."

Eyes crinkling, she stomped over to the tub. "You will stay away from him."

"Or what?" I said, clenching my fist.

In one quick movement, she shoved me in the chest, and I stumbled but double-backed by latching onto her neck and heaving her into the bath with me. Plop. Pinkish suds and murky water splattered everywhere.

She flailed around for a minute before launching herself at me and wailing wet punches onto my ribs. Squelching noises erupted from every hit, soggy pain scorching up my torso, but I ate it, letting it fuel the darkness within me before I shouldered her away.

A wide open space formed between us, and I swung at her face with my lathered hand and smacked her in the chin, sending small bubbles into the air.

Her head flung back, but she didn't fall. Cracking her head to the side, she grinned at me, eyes swirling with a similar darkness that shone in my own eyes. "Nice hit, sweetie." And then she charged at me, and I did the same.

We collided in a fury of soaking punches and soapy kicks. Water and suds soared everywhere, drenching the floor and ceiling. But neither of us cared as we tried to drown each other while kicking the shit out of each other.


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