80 | Brawl & Maul

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Hey guys! ^__^ Sorry for the late chapter! I'm doing a double update to make it up to you :) I had a bit of writer's block, but I made it through and mapped out the next rest of the season, so chapters will be coming out a lot faster now. Since the Layla arc was so intense and the next challenge is literally going to be hell for the characters, I'm making these in-between chapters a bit fun and light-hearted. They need to have some fun when they can get it. Hope you enjoy XD



My eyes watched Sebastian charge into Rucker, knocking him into the front wall. A sickening crack saturated the air on impact, a powdery whiteness sprinkling the floor as Sebastian's shoulder pinned Rucker against the hard surface.

Face hardening like a polished ruby, Rucker arched his back against the wall and used his hand to push Sebastian off him, but Sebastian wouldn't let up. He instead circled his arms around Rucker's chest, bringing their bodies closer together before slamming Rucker's back against the wall again and again and again. A loud crunching noise erupted from each collision.

"Fucker," Rucker grounded out while popping his knee between them in mid-motion, pushing Sebastian back a bit. Sebastian tried to hold on, but Rucker began pounding his fist into his head, rapidly like a jackhammer.

Sebastian groaned and stumbled back, clutching his head. Rucker lurched forward and smack the shit out of Sebastian's cheek before following up with a kick to the tummy.

Keeling over for a moment, clenching his stomach, bright redness colored Sebastian's face as his eyes darkened to a tornado blue before screaming and charging at Rucker again.

Rucker moved out of the way and kicked Sebastian in the face, knocking him to the ground with one hit. He then jumped on top of him and started smacking him.

"You little bitch," Rucker said, smacking. "You don't even deserve to be punched."

Duke barked and hopped around the two fighting guys. I had no idea if he was trying to stop it or cheer it on.

"Fuck you," Sebastian said, guarding his face.

Rucker slapped his hands away and smacked Sebastian across the jaw, leaving a light handprint on his pale skin. A stream of blood gushed from his lip too, dripping onto the floor.

Rucker went in for another slap, but Sebastian bit his finger, teeth brimming with bright blood.

"Fuck you," Sebastian said through clenched teeth, digging his canines deeper into Rucker's flesh.

"You're such a pussy," Rucker shouted, snatching his finger out of Sebastian's mouth while rolling to the floor.

Sebastian did some weird stuff and popped his body off the floor without touching anything and dived on top of Rucker, straddling his hips before punching him in the face.

"Anyone want any tea?" Khan asked, walking away from the fighting boys to the cast-iron kettle on the stove. He pulled an assortment of teas out of a bag on the floor.

Yaz got up from her recliner. "Whatcha got?" she asked, looking through the assortment. "Ooo I'll take some moringa."

"Who's the bitch now?" Sebastian screamed, voice squeaky and high, eyes wild and crazy as he tried to pound Rucker's face in.

But Rucker blocked every single blow with ease. "You are because you hit like a fucking pussy."

"Want some sugar?" Khan asked Yaz, pulling some more containers out of his bag.

"Yeah, milk too if you got some," she said, picking up her steaming cup.

"Of course," Khan said, going to the fridge in the corner.

"Are you guys really drinking tea? Now?" I asked, motioning to the boys fighting on the floor. Sebastian kept winding his arms back and punching like a windmill, but Rucker blocked it all, waiting for an opening to strike. He got in his opening a few seconds later, punching Sebastian in the chin when his arms went up again.

Sebastian groaned and fell to the side. Rucker rolled on top, straddling him while one handily picking his upper body off the floor by his shirt and using his other hand to punch Sebastian in the face. Each blow knocked Sebastian's head back like a punching bag as goopy redness stained Rucker's knuckles.

"Shouldn't we be trying to break them up?" I asked, tearing my eyes away from the fighting two to watch Yaz and Khan add milk to their steaming teacups.

Yaz snorted, bringing her cup to her lips, pinky high. "This has been a long time coming. I'm not gonna break it up. I'm gonna sip my tea with my pinkie in the air and enjoy this shit."

Khan shrugged and took a sip from his tea. "They've been going back and forth for days now. Maybe when this fight is over, they'll finally get along."

"Or make it worse," I said, watching Sebastian take a foot to the face.

Rucker somehow got to his feet and kicked Sebastian in the chin. Sebastian dipped the next hit and popped off the floor all weird like again and charged at Rucker's legs like a football tackle, knocking Rucker in the air. Rucker somehow twisted his body and landed on his feet.

"Holy shit," Yaz said, coming in closer to watch, pinky still in the air.

Sebastian let out some weird gargling sound before swinging his legs upward, trying to hit Rucker. Rucker dodged it and grabbed his legs, tossing Sebastian across the room onto the air mattress.


The mattress exploded, gray plastic pieces flying everywhere. Sebastian grunted and tried to roll into a stance, but Rucker kicked him in the stomach.

"Sebastian ain't doing too bad," Yaz said when Sebastian gripped Rucker's foot and threw it back. "He doin some weird shit, but it's kinda working."

Sebastian climbed to his feet and tried to uppercut Rucker, but Rucker smacked his hand away like a naughty child before punching Sebastian square in the face.

Sebastian toppled over and spit up blood. A tooth scattered to the floor as Sebastian wiped his lips, eyes glowering.

Yaz sipped her tea. "Scratch that."

Rucker wound his arm in a circle and cracked his jaw. "Not bad, dandruff. You got heart but you can't beat me."

Sebastian didn't hear that and charged at Rucker again. Rucker swirled out of reach and kicked him in the head, sending Sebastian spiraling back.

"You're like a fucking roach, let it go!" Rucker snapped, wiping his jeans. "You lost."

Sebastian panted, blood dripping down his face and went to charge again. I lurched forward, stopping him this time. He dropped to his knees and I met him there.

"Stop, okay?" My hands went to his cheeks, feeling his sticky face under my palms. "It's fine."

"I ha-have to," Sebastian said, swinging his arms as his body protested in exhaustion.

"No, you don't," I said, placing a hand on his chest and turning to Rucker. "He's going to stop. This is over. You two fought and it's done. Can we please move on as a team? Forgive and forget."

"I don't do neither," Rucker said, crossing his arms. "But if diced tomatoes over there will stop coming for me, we can squash it here and move on."

I looked at Sebastian. "Can you do that?"

Sebastian glanced at me before glaring up at Rucker. "Yes," he spat out, thin lines of blood leaking from his mouth. "For now."

Rucker furrowed his forehead. "For now?"

Sebastian cackled and wiped his bloody mouth, teeth shining like he just ate a mouthful of pomegranates. "Yeah, only four of us can win, right?" He smiled.

"Are you threatening me, feathers?" Rucker went in for a kick, but Khan gripped Rucker back.

"He's had enough," Khan said, holding onto Rucker.

"He fucking threatened me," Rucker yelled, trying to get out of Khan's grip. "I killed people for less."

"He's just talking out of his ass," I said to Rucker before looking back at Sebastian. "Right?"

Sebastian coughed and spit on the ground again, eyes still wild as blood continued dripping from his mouth. "Right."


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