96 | Dumb Bitch & Jeepers Creepers

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GMIE. She was so fucking clueless. Her full attention was on the water, her mind never wandering as a sadistic predator invaded her space, waiting to destroy her innocent bubble and drain the essence from her body.

Arms sliding swiftly through the crisp water, she never once lost concentration as I tiptoed into the pool room. The lights were off, the only glow coming from the bluish water bouncing off the white walls. 

Shifting through my pocket and closing the doors quietly behind me, I took out a large baggy and emptied the contents in front of the entrance. Hundreds of clear thumbtacks, marbles, Legos and crushed, jagged glass littered the floor like corn in shit, creating a deadly trap. No escape for her. 

Husky shadows cloaked the perimeter of the room, and I blended in with them, becoming one as I moved along the wall.

Gmie came to the end of the pool, thunderous splashing reverberating when she kicked off the inner underwater wall, changing directions, mind still focused.

I shattered that focus with a simple movement — rubbing the sole of my sneaker against the slick floor, releasing a squeaky sound, telling her she wasn't alone.

Gmie squeaked and hopped upwards in the air a few feet like a startled kitty and crashed back down, body plunging deep below.

My teeth sank into my lip, trying to stop the laughter bubbling up my throat as Gmie broke the water surface, coughing and spluttering, beating her chest with her hand.

She then spun around, head slamming from left to right, looking for the maker of the noise. But no one was there with her. No one she could see anyway.

Vicious confusion formed on her soaked face, droplets dripping down her cheeks as she pulled off her cap, hair falling around her face. "Demo?" Her voice came out soft and small. "I told you we needed to stay together."


"Demo stop playing a-around."



No response.

Then, her expression darkened, and it finally sunk in that Demo wasn't coming. Her only ally was gone, and she was all alone. And totally fucked. And all mine.

My tongue licked my teeth, a grin spreading my cheeks wide like a bloody rat smile. This must be how female praying mantis' felt right before they eat their mate — hopeful, horny and hungry.

Let's fuck with her a bit more. I clicked the tip of my knife on the tiled molding next to me three times, emitting a glassy beat.

Gmie flung the goggles from her eyes and looked toward the noise. "Who's there?" she asked, voice coming out stern, but her tone shaky.

Hehe, keep up that brave face, girlie. It's alright. It'll feel even more orgasmic when I make it all crumble just like your great-grandmother's  first dildo.

I answered her question by smashing the handle of my knife into a tile, breaking it, sharp rock and debris fluttering to the floor in a loud thump.

"Come out already," she said in a firm tone, head flailing from side to side, trying to see in the darkness around her.

Nah, this was too much fun. Holding back a laugh, I scrapped the floor with the tip of my blade, moving along the wall, feet squeaking along the way. That's when I saw genuine fear swim in her eyes, jaw flexing.

"Whoever's there, stop being a little cocktard and come out," Gmie said, puffing out her chest as she buoyed in the water. "I'm not afraid of you."

Oh, you're very afraid. It's written on your face like graffiti on a subway — big and colorful, and I'm gonna suck it off like an ice cream cone dipped in powdered blood. 

Taking Rucker's trick, I flicked a quarter across the room, and it landed behind her. And when she turned toward it, I flicked another in the opposite direction, making her spin in a circle.

"Oh, so you guys have to double team me, huh?" she said, twirling around. "Cowards."

Hypocrite, much? How many of your brainless lackeys did you send to try to take me down? 

"It's you, isn't it, Chi?" Gmie asked with a smug smile. "You need to learn to close your thighs before coming for me."

I rolled my eyes. You really need to think of better insults than that. There's nothing wrong with riding dick regularly. Not everyone wanted to have the hairy pussy of a nun.

"And you Aries," Gmie started, but I cut her off.

"Wrong!" My voice screamed at the top of my lungs, the bass flickering off the walls like twerking ass cheeks on glass.

Gmie flinched and flopped backward, hitting her head on the rim of the pool. A hand went to her bloody head, a wince leaving her full lips. "Stop fucking with me and show yourself," she said, eyes slitting.

Powerful anger tried to line her features, brows coming together, but intense fright broke through, reminding me of cherry on a sundae. I wanted to pluck it off, suck it and devour it with my teeth.

I wanted to taste it so bad. I needed to hurry this up. Fuck the rest of the plan.

Gripping the burner phone in my pocket and tapping the button, an earsplitting whistling song emanated through the speakers, the jeepers creepers whistle.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Every shrewd octave sent delectable goosebumps across my spine and down my tummy to my pelvis, making me moan as my heart thrashed in my chest like a master spanking their naughty slave.

Most people found this song creepy, but I loved it.

Gmie placed her hands over her ears, shaking her head. "This d-doesn't scare me. You fuckers gotta try harder than t-that."

Her wish was my command. I giggled, turning it up louder. So loud that it drowned out her weak shouts and my giggling. It consumed me and I couldn't hear anything but it, but I could see. See the vicious terror bubbling on her face, and the tension in her body.

The moment I moved closer, she swam to the edge of the pool with a gusto, plopped herself onto the floor and booked it to the entrance.

Nah, ah, girlie.

Bolting across my trap, a vulgar shriek exploded from her throat as she tumbled down like a sack of bananas, falling onto more sharp objects.

"Ow, ow, ow!" Body trembling like a savage earthquake, red droplets leaked down her wrists from the long thumbtacks lodged into her palm and fingers. "F-fuc-ck." More tacks and glass punctured her flesh, covering her arm, thighs and ass like bloody knives.

Such a beautiful sight.

"O-ouch," she cried out, chest heaving. Jagged glass sliced open her other hand, raw flesh hanging down like mauled lunchmeat as her pointer finger protruded out at an awkward angle.

I stomped over, bringing the music closer to her, increasing that lickable fear on her face as she shouted for Demo, clutching her hands to her chest, voice cracking like overdone cheesecake.

Her shouting turned to a deafening yelp when my hand chucked the burner phone near her head, the black phone exploding into a shower of plastic and metal, music warping before stopping.

Condescending cackles flowed up my throat as I stalked over to her, revealing myself from the shadows like a boss. "Hello, girlie," I said, scrunching down. "You look a little tuckered out. Rough night?"

"I should've known it was your c-crazy ass," she screamed, trying to scoot away, embedding more glass and tacks into her ass and back thighs as blood smeared the floor like shit stains in underwear. "I knew I was right about you."

I tapped my knife on the side of my head, looking up. "Yet, you still fucked with me?" My eyes stared at her, lips smiling. "You knew something was off about me when we first met, but you still continuously kept fucking with me. I don't know if that makes you ballsy or stupid." I laughed. "Probably both."

She tossed some pasty marbles at me. "Stay away from me."

I cocked my head to the side, eyeing her finger. "You're hurt. I just want to help. Isn't that what fellow contestants are for? To help each other in our time of need."

"You DID this to me," she said, voice screeching as she shivered.

"Did I? Well, let me fix it."

"Don't touch me," she whispered, eyes narrowing.

I pouted. "You don't wanna play doctor with me? I promise to behave and be real gentle?"

"How are you free?" Her eyes widened, lips thinning. "You should be institutionalized."

My head fell back, hair brushing my neck as I giggled, each one coming out higher and denser than the next. "I was but my therapist said I'm good now. I think you're just being judgy." I locked eyes with her again. "Just because I want to slice you open and use your intestines as a buttplug doesn't make me weird. Makes me... unique." I smiled, teeth showing. "Right?"

"Oh god, someone help me," Gmie whispered, sliding away from me some more, bringing glass and marbles with her.

"No, we gotta play doctor first," I said, snatching her damaged hand from her chest. "We gotta fix your finger." Gripping her index finger in my palm, I yanked it upwards, back into place, a chilling bone-cracking noise ringing in our ears.

"Eckk!" Gmie jumped out of my grip and wailed like a banshee riding an incubus bareback while holding her hand between her tits.

I stood, watching her roll around like she was on fire. "You're such a drama queen," I said, pursing my lips. "I did you a favor. Any doctor would've charged you like six grand. I did it for free."

"What are you talking about? Get away from me." She rolled, wincing along the way, toward the door. "You're nuts."

"Nah, I'm just a little sexually frustrated." Tiny droplets of dark blood littered the floor where she used to be, looking like polka dots, making me lick my lips. "But that'll be fixed soon enough."

"Stay the fuck back," she said in warning, tears dripping down her skin.

"Aww such foul language coming from someone so proper and classy," I said, stepping closer, glass cracking like pop rocks under my sneakers. "Didn't your snobby mommy teach you any better?"

Gmie stayed silent, only her breathing coming through, as her body quivered. 

I crouched down in front of her and swiped my finger on the ground, picking up a bloody piece of glass. My teeth chewed on the glass, loving the cool, rough texture as a metallic flavor warped my palate.

I swallowed while she gagged.

"I'm gonna keep it real with you, girlie," I said while crunching on another piece. "We're gonna have a lot of fun in this room tonight, and when it's over, you're gonna be dead. No ifs or buts about it. You're gonna take your last breath in this room and I'm gonna come while you're doing it."

An intense look of disgust colored her face. "I won't die here," she said, a smugness mixing in with her shaky tone. "They'll save me first."

I looked around the empty room. "Who's gonna save you? Did you fuck someone else I don't know about?"

"You don't need to know." She chuckled, chest lifting. "They'll—" I punched her in the nose, knuckles digging in deep, and her head bobbed back like a boxing ball.

Then I kicked and kicked and kicked her in the stomach, her feminine yells filling my ears like smoke, which just made me moan and my core tighten.

Gmie tried to grab my leg, but I smacked my knee into her temple, and she went limp like a wet noodle. Still breathing, a dazedness absorbed her sticky face.

Tangling my hands into her wet hair, I dragged her across the floor like a dirty doll, making sure to bump her body into everything possible.

"S-save me," she moaned, waving her arms around, but they wouldn't cooperate with her.

"Trust me, not even god can save you from the fun I'm gonna have with your mind and body." I kicked a bunch of tiles on the wall, revealing the secret bathroom.

Behind one of the toilets, I stashed a pair of handcuffs and attached Gmie's wrists to one of the shower nozzles.

Wrists above her head, while standing on her tippy toes to avoid hanging off the ground, Gmie moaned, head to the side, body shivering. "Sa-save m-me," she said through harsh whimpers, droplets of red slithering down her body like tears from the various wounds.

Going to the back corner that I covered in fake trash, I tore through all of that to get to my bag of surprises and to the large device that I had specially designed.

The large device was a Catherine wheel, a torture device from the olden days.

Rolling the device out of the corner and into the room, I placed it near the pool, the bluish water bouncing off the cherry wood base. It literally looked like a giant steering wheel with triple the holes and leather cuffs on the top and bottom for limbs.

"Help me," Gmie said from the bathroom, voice muffled by the distance.

The instance I made it back into the bathroom, Gmie started hollering and elbowing at me. Slapping them away, the heel of my hand dove into her flat stomach.

A chocking gulp huffed from her mouth, and she dropped, body hanging in mid-air, chest convulsing. I smacked her a few times, testing her alertness.

She was alive, but she would be out of it for a few minutes. Unhooking her and dragging her into the pool room again, I kicked the wheel down, making it flat before throwing her on it.

Groaning from the impact, she trembled while I attached her to the device and kicked the wheel back up into a stand.

Legs and arms tied, she reminded me of Jesus on the cross, thin blood trickling down her arms and legs, forming small puddles underneath her.

I licked my lips, feeling my pelvis tighten as I thanked myself for tripling up on the panties.

Gmie looked flawless. True perfection.

Now it was time to make her scream.


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