98 | Syringes & Dolphins

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TRAUMATIC. Ha, yeah right.

"Yeah, it was an unfortunate accident," Gmie said, eyes narrowing.

"Oh yeah, such a tragedy." I tapped the knife to my chin, leaving behind a bloodstain. "The weird part about it was that all his friends said he hated water. Had a real phobia for it really."

"That's what made it even more s-sad," she said, shaking her head. "He was like a b-brother to me."

I cackled, the tone coming out loud and squawky. "I bet you practiced that line enough," I said, seeing through her painful face. "You've probably been practicing for months."

"Shut up."

The tip of my knife pricked the top of her ankle and went deeper as I sliced upwards. She shivered and tried to nudge me off, but I laughed and sliced her calf vertically, and she whinnied.

"There was also something else funny about your cousin's death." I pressed the blood knife to my lips, moaning at the taste. "The ME said Jamal must've slipped and hit his head on the pier before falling in the lake."

"M-makes sense to me," Gmie said, looking at the ceiling.

"Also, in that report, it said that there was also bruising on his ankle," I said and licked my lips. "Almost looks like he didn't fall in and maybe a swimming expert grabbed his ankle from under the pier and made him hit his head and fall in."

"If that were true, then it would've been marked a homicide."

"Yeah, but it's just funny how the original report was never made official because the ME died of an allergic reaction, so another one was brought in for a second look and concluded it was accidental." I smiled. "You really are good. No one figured out the Harvard deaths because you also added in a few other teen deaths to make everyone think it's just drunk teenagers being stupid."

"That makes no s-sense."

"It doesn't?" I shrugged. "It's just weird that when I go on your Instagram and see all the cities you've traveled to — and you travel a lot, by the way, almost a new city every night — that teens wind up dead. Coincidence?"

"Sounds like it to me," she said, glaring at me.

"I guess your cousin was a coincidence too," I said, shaking my head. "It's just weird that the original ME used to frequent one of your father's gourmet restaurants."

"So? My father's r-restaurants are popular. E-everyone goes to them," she snapped before panting again.

"No, you killed him or had him killed just like everyone else," I said and laughed. "Jamal's death—"

"Was an accident!" she shouted, body flinching, and she winced again.

"Aww is that what you keep telling yourself to help you sleep at night?" I shook my head. "Poor stupid, Gmie. I truly pity you. Parents ignore you and treat you like shit. Probably leaving you alone on holidays and birthdays. But they never did that to Jamal, did they?"

Fresh teardrops fluttered down her sticky cheeks. "S-shut up," she said and hiccupped.

"Ah, you crying? You sad?" I asked and poked out my lip. "I strike a nerve?"

"Shut the f-fuck up," she screamed through her tears.

I giggled and threw back my head, dropping the knife and going through the bag and pulling out a box.

"I think I had enough breadsticks. Let's move onto the second course." I placed the box on the edge of the wheel, pulling out a long sharp syringe, the needle glistening in the murkiness. "If you were an animal, what would you be?" I asked, suddenly changing the subject, bored of the current conversation.

"What?" she panted, glaring at me.

"Animal. What would you be?"

"You're fucking—" I cut her off by stabbing a needle into her thigh, letting it stick straight up. Flicking the plastic barrel with my nail, she screamed.

I picked up another one, clicking the long tip with my finger. "Many people say lion or cheetah. Something big and predatory. Or something cute." I stabbed another syringe into her leg, next to the other one, watching blood pool around it. "You'd probably say something similar if you weren't screaming in pain." 

I took out a third needle, a bigger one. The tip plunged into her side leg, and my finger pulled back on the plunger, slowly filling the barrel with her blood. "I think you and I, actually everyone here, is the same. People would say we're some type of hunter or predator, but we're none of those things. We're actually dolphins."

Gmie gasped as she watched me fill the syringe and pull it out, blood trickling from the tip. "D-dolphins?" Her red-rimmed eyes blinked at me.

"I know. People think dolphins are cute little harmless creatures, and that's what people see and think about all of us," I said and sucked on the needle, getting it really wet. "None of us really look like killers. We're all cute and cuddly. But we all know that it's just a façade that we let people see, right?"

My finger pushed a bit on the plunger, splatting her face with her own blood. She coughed and spit up. "People don't know our real nature. Our killer instinct. Just like dolphins. People don't see their harshness and their ruthlessness. Like did you know that dolphins will sometimes gang rape their females? Like fourteen dolphins will literally cage a female and destroy her. Fucked up, right? They even try to rape humans sometimes. That's Tiran straight up, right?"

Putting the other syringe down and grabbing another, I plunged it into her arm, digging in deep, sucking in more blood as she whimpered. "And the females are probably Layla. So helpless, right? Nah. Female dolphins don't get off the hook either. They sometimes kill their own babies for no reason at all. Just put them in their mouths and beat them against the water until they're lifeless and gone..."

"What the fuck does this have to do with anything?" Gmie screeched, struggling. "Somebody help me — get me away from this crazy sk-kank."

Double fisting both filled syringes, I shoved them into her lips, pumping the fluid into her throat, digging the needles into the soft pinkness of her mouth. "I'm just trying to drop some knowledge on your ass. Dolphins are very dangerous and calculating — just like us," I said, pulling back, leaving the syringes there.

Gmie sneezed, flinging the empty containers across the floor, and choked, thick redness spraying out of her nose as she vomited red sludge, gasping in between breaths.

"All your life you've been so sweet, and people never realized the sadistic bitch you are underneath."

"Fupth boo," she said, mouth full of blood and bile. Fierce coughs attacked her throat, splashing crimson all over her body, the wheel and the floor.

It took her a few minutes to talk again. "I-I'm not a d-dolphin," she said before coughing. "I'm a f-fucking human being. And you're a p-sycho bitch who's gonna die. I-I'll make sure of t-that." She vomited again, tears running from her red eyes.

I chuckled, dropping the box on the floor and going back to my bag. This time pulling out pliers.

"I'm tired of seeing that pretty pink tongue of yours." I punched her in the forehead and knocked her head back. Getting her a bit more dazed, my hands gripped her jaw, forcing her mouth open enough for me to use my pliers to grab her bloody tongue.

The pliers pulled at the organ as she moaned and tried to move her head, but that made me pull harder until it stuck out a bit. And then I gripped one of the syringes sticking out of her thigh and rammed it into her tongue multiple times, leaving it in there the fifth time.

Gmie chocked and tried to suck in her damaged, bleeding tongue, but the huge syringe blocked it from going back in. I died of laughter, watching the plastic slap her in the face and forehead every time she tried to suck in her tongue.

It took her like five minutes to try a new strategy, which involved her flinging her head back, sending the syringe out of her tongue and behind her.

She sobbed and bucked her body, trembling. "W-why m-me? Why..."

"Because, just like a dolphin with its kin, you killed your cousin," I said going back to my bag and pulling out a short whip. Thick pointy nails etched the leather base, along with thin spikes and needles. The things you can request right?

"I don't blame you for it really. Your childhood neglect probably formed a hole in your chest. And it got bigger and bigger over the years. Every missed birthday, every time they ignored you. And then..." I walked over to the pool, dropping the short whip into the coldness. "Your cousin moves in. And your parents probably welcomed him with open arms." I tsked. "I read a magazine article on your mother. She mentioned that she always dreamed of having a big family, but having children was hard for her, and that it took several rounds of IVF to get pregnant. And when she did, it was with twins. A boy and a girl. But the girl ate the boy in the womb."

Gmie stared at me in disdain and rage, blood and spit sliding down her chin.

"And after that, she could never conceive again," I said with a laugh. "There must've been some real resentment there. They had to be so angry and disappointed in you for killing their only possible son."

"S-shut the fuck up," she shrieked and spit at me.

"Oh, momma must've said that to you before, huh?" I asked and mimicked her mother's voice, "You're such a failure, Gmie. Your brother would've been the great one if you didn't kill him."

"Be quiet," Gmie said before sobbing, body collapsing. "S-stop it-it."

"It must've been almost perfect for them when Jamal moved in during middle school and became like their surrogate son." I grinned wide, feeling my cheeks puff out. "They probably never forgot his birthday because he was everything they always wanted. Everything you were not and never could be."

"J-just f-fucking kill me, already," she whispered, body hanging against the leather cuffs.

"And make it easier for you? Nah, this is way more fun." I whipped the whip across her stomach and she arched and screeched, a bloodcurdling noise that made me ruin my second pair of undies. Only one pair left.

"So fucking beautiful," I whispered, touching the marks left behind from the whip on her tummy. She flinched when I touched her, and that made me use it again, and again, and again.

Each time the leather landed against skin, it made a sharp smack noise, making me hop and giggle. After a while, I started making my own rap beats from the sounds until I saw her eyes roll back.

The leather felt rough against my cheek as my tongue sucked on the bleeding needles and nails, as my eyes spotted the bloody incisions leaking from her legs, tummy and chest. I wondered if I connected the dots would I get a picture.

I cackled, throwing back my head, feeling my chest pound, and my adrenaline spike up my spine, a warmness gathering between my legs. So close. I needed to end this now.

"You okay, girlie? We're moving onto dessert now."

Gmie slowly picked up her head, blood leaking from her mouth like a faucet now while her body cried in a similar redness. "You're s-so p-pathetic."

"Am I?"

"You t-think you can r-read me," Gmie said before letting out a weak squeak. "But y-you c-can't. Y-you're just some p-psychopathic bitch who p-probably n-never e-even had a f-family."

"Wrong, again Ms. Virgin," I said. "Don't try to read me, bitch. You can't. You know why? Because you're a selfish piece of shit who spent her whole life only caring about herself. Your family didn't love you. All your relationships were superficial and fake. And now, you're gonna die knowing your life meant nothing."

My foot kicked the wheel, making it roll and slide into the water. Gmie screamed as the bottom of the device hit the bottom of the pool. Icy water splashed everywhere, turning dark red as her head floated on the surface, barely.

Picking up the hunting knife, I jumped onto the wheel, making it slide across the pool like I was on a skateboard.

I giggled as she hollered when I dropped on top, pushing her head under a few times, making her choke as water filled her mouth and nose.

She coughed and spluttered when she came up for air.

I whistled, my signal to Rucker to bring Demo in, so I could seal this deal and get my orgasm.

"You know the worst part about everything," I said, pulling her head out of the water again, watching her vomit on herself. "Your cousin loved you. I saw his Instagram. He always posted pictures of you two together. Saying I love you cousin, and you did him like that."

"So?" she said, spitting at me. And I slapped her and slapped her and put my knife to her throat, grinding in, feeling my vagina tingle. 

"You're a shitty person," I said.

She chuckled, short and loud. "And he wasn't?" She sighed, tears filling her red eyes. "J-Jamal was a m-monster, w-way worse than me. But no one ever saw it but me. No one believed what I said even when there was proof because he was so damn c-c-charming. H-he took e-everything f-from m-m-me."

I jerked back, seeing real pain in her eyes. The pain that Jamal inflicted upon her. Whoa. Plot twist. Not that I cared.

"Boo-hoo. Woe is me. Don't give a shit. I just wanna kill you."

I turned to the door, waiting for Rucker like Gmie was waiting for Demo earlier. And like earlier, he never showed. Shit. Something was wrong.

"Scared?" Gmie laughed. "All bark and no bite!"

"Trust me, bitch. I'm just waiting for Rucker to come in with Demo so she can watch you die. And then I'll slit her pretty throat." I stabbed her in the hand, digging the knife through until I saw the other end say hello.

Gmie whimpered and gasped, more tears falling as I watched the entrance. Still nothing. Should I kill her or go for Rucker?

Fuck it, I'll do both.

Ripping the knife from inside her hand, the blade aimed for her vagina, wanting to stab deep into her walls until I reached her ovaries, but before I could bring the knife back down, something sharp and metal smacked into my hand, making me drop the knife, a sharp intense pain radiating up my hand to my forearm.

"Fuck." I fell beside her on the wheel and clutched my hand to me.

"That's enough, my little peach."

"F-finally," Gmie whispered and threw up blood. "T-told you he p-promised to s-save me."


A Teaser for Chapter 99 is on Instagram 🖤

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