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Work had been hectic. Irene not once catching a break. Jackson had left the next day for his week mission and she instantly felt the void. She hated it. She hated how reliant she was becoming on him for company,for companionship. She was going to break her own heart and the worst part of it was that she didn't care. She just wanted him. She only thought about him, hell he was the reason she got up in the morning to see if he was home and alive and not bleeding out on their floor or something. She had always hated uncertainty; it was something that had always unsettled her from a young age. Everything she did was planned and carefully thought through. But not Jackson Wang. He was the most uncertain aspect  in her life...and it wasn't so much him, it was what he brought with him. Her heart was constantly aching, the mere thought of him that had her restless was something that suffocated her. His mother coming around standing pictures of their wedding day around the house with a beautiful portrait of just the two of them now hanging in the living room to add to the torture. She had attempted to take it down. But her heart wouldn't allow it. They looked perfect. Like they were in a fairy tale...that turned out to be a tragedy. A beautiful tragedy. His forehead rested against hers, her arms wrapped around his neck, fingers tangling with the hair on the lower half of his head, his hands resting around her waist. Smiling. Something she could barely muster the courage to do anymore. She sighed grabbing her bag to make her commute to work, ditching the toast she had prepared her appetite lost whilst she gazed at the picture.

She walked into work, her hand holding the strap of her bag tightly as she walked to the doctors lounge missing the concerned looks that were cast her way. She emerged minutes later, a colleague approaching her. "Irene...the chief wants to see you for that position." Irene's eyes widened tapping on her iwatch seeing the date. She nodded, running down the corridor, bracing herself for the interview. She had been trying for this position for years; and yet the thoughts of him had made her forget everything.

An hour later she had succeeded in passing the first half of the interview the other half to be continued in two days. She sighed reaching up for a chart busying herself in her work, her only escape from the reality of life. Her only escape from him. Her short term peace was disrupted however by the devil himself. She rolled her eyes making an attempt to walk down the corridor to avoid  him. She was slammed against a wall, her back paining as she winced her hands gripping his biceps wincing as Jin smirked. She looked up at him his eyes staring lustfully at her lips, she stomped on his foot taking the chance to run to where he couldn't get to her, her heart thumping loudly as she prayed. Prayed for her husband. Praying for her husband to complete his vow of protecting her.


Jackson was beyond pissed. Jin had managed to fool them once again, sending him on a week long mission when this fucker was in their home town all along. He swore loudly the boys flinching at his tone as they packed Into the car to head back. Jackson's heart was thumping loudly, the only sound was Bambam's furious typing to try and get a location, the others choosing to remain in silence noticing the look Jackson wore. "He's at Seoul central hospital." Jackson whipped around, his thoughts lingering to Irene as his heart skipped a beat in concern. "What." He said. "Nope scratch that he's on the move." Bambam sighed slamming the laptop shut, as Jinyoung placed a hand on Jackson's shoulder. "Maybe we should give up with this jack...it's been years we have been going back and forth and we have got nowhere..." Jackson turned to him. "I'm not giving up...I won't stop till he's behind bars...I'm not walking away from this. You guys can decide whether you want to follow me." One by one they crowded around him. "Together." They said as one, Mark pressing harder on the accelerator as they worked tracing him. They split up changing vehicles after managing to get a location. They reached the hospital in record speed, Jin's location being retraced back to the hospital. Jackson ripped off his seatbelt running out before mark had even stopped the car. Flying through the doors he looked around his eyes wide in search of her. "Irene!" He called out desperately, his legs rushing around the corridors he had noticed her take before. The girls watched him as he finally stopped seeing his wife. His wife with another man. She seemed to be crying. Her body shaking as the man, another doctor held her tightly. Jackson rushed forward, looking between the two not knowing what to do and how to intervene. One thing was for sure however, he wanted to break this mans arms. Jackson read the ID card, Bogum. He hadn't seen him before and his irritation was peaking watching another's arms around her. "Irene." He called watching as she pushed herself away from Bogum wiping, or rather hiding her tears from him. He watched her in concern, Bogum watching her intently before turning to Jackson. "Are you a patient? Do you require medical attention." He asked. "I need to talk to my wife." Jackson seethed, his eyes falling back to Irene who was standing up against the wall for support, a detached look on her features, the fear he had questioned the other day again present in her eyes. "Who's your wife?" He questioned. Jackson resisted the eye roll that threatened to take over. "The one you just had your arms around." He retorted rather sharply bringing Irene out of her traumatised mindset. She gulped looking at Jackson, swallowing the emotions that were overflowing. "Irene your married?" He questioned, Jackson seething slightly as Bogum stretched out a hand, Jackson grabbed it in a deadly grip shaking it, "Irene never mentioned you sorry." Jackson looked at him with a fake smile, "well my wife is a busy woman, I'm sure she's too busy to talk about her private life. Right Babygirl?" Irene's eyes widened at the way he addressed her, but she saw the frustration looming in his eyes. She nodded as the two men stood awkwardly in silence. "I'll leave you to it then Irene. Are you sure your going to be okay? You should really report that man." Irene's eyes widened flashing to Jackson's who tensed. "What man?" He asked, Bogum looked at Irene "Geez Irene you have a husband and you haven't told him about what's been going on." Irene winced slightly,pushing Bogum around "you said your leaving us..go." He shook his head. "You don't need to go through it alone. I'll be here if you need me Bae." She nodded the two men looking each other dead in the eye as Bogum walked away. Jackson grabbed her arms noticing the way she flinched. His grip immediately softened as he turned her to him. "What wrong? What's been happening?" She shook her head. "Nothing don't worry, Bogum is just talking shit." She said attempting to laugh. She grabbed the file she had put down. "How was the mission?" she questioned busying herself with writing. He looked at her, his eyes flickering between her and her hands that wrote. He took the file slamming it down onto the chair. "Stop lying to me irene what's happening? Let me help you." "And how do you plan to do that when your never goddam  here." She shouted slightly watching as they caught the attention of those around them. She sighed. "I'm fine it's not your concern. I'll handle it." "IRENE!" They heard watching joy shout from the station. "Victim with multiple stab wounds to chest and neck five minutes out." She nodded, moving away from Jackson, her eyes cast low. She stopped turning to him. "Go home. I'll be late." She turned away as she was handed a protective gown and gloves. He watched as joy tied her up as Wendy and Suelgi joined her, the three of them heading out. He sighed, taking a seat as the boys came forth. "We got nothing. No one matched the description and he's been avoiding the cctv cameras." Jackson sighed his head falling into his hands. "Okay...we will pick up on this tomorrow. Get some rest." They nodded. "Your not leaving?" Asked Mark. Jackson shook his head. "I'm going to wait for my wife." They looked at him a proud smile on their faces as they squeezed his shoulder. "See you tomorrow then." Bambam said the six of them leaving. Jackson leaned back in the comfortable chairs, his head resting against the wall. His mind replaying images of Irene. The fear, the tears, the tiredness. He opened his eyes watching as she ran past him already covered in blood as she shouted out orders. He looked down at the ring on his finger. His eyes ghosting back up to her form. A sense of guilt dwelling in his chest. He sighed his arms crossing against his chest, his tiredness over taking as his head dropped down slightly, his eyes closing, in attempts to grab onto an ounce of peace.

Hours later Irene finished, her hand rubbing her neck as she gave the last of the instructions. Her and Wendy looked at each other sighing. "Another hectic night." Said Wendy with an eye roll. "How long you on until?" Irene questioned. "Morning." Irene laughed. "Good luck with that." The two laughed, checking the drip and heart monitor one last time. "So any plans with the husband." "Wends-" "He waited." She cut Irene off pointing outside of the room, Irene's gaze following her hand. Her heart quenched. He looked so cute. Wendy watched her best friends eyes soften. "I told him to go home." She said. "Maybe he's trying to be a better husband." Irene laughed bitterly. "Of course whilst sleeping with another woman." "Irene-" "I'm off see you in the morning." She gave her a backward wave approaching her husband. She looked at him, her heart softening as she grabbed his shoulder, watching his eyes fly over. "I told you to go home." She said, not waiting for a response. She walked off, Jackson's tired eyes finally registering what happened. He stood up rubbing his eyes following her into the doctors lounge. He opened the door that she had slammed shut seeing her on a stool attempting to get something down. He watched her scrubs ride up slightly as she reached higher up. His eyes widened before narrowing noticing bruises on her creamy skin, finger prints imprinted into her skin. His eyes flew up to her as she lost her balance. He moved forward catching her swiftly watching her wince in pain as his hands grasped her waist. He set her down quickly his hands moving away as he looked up realising that she was trying to get a first aid box. He leaned over her slightly grabbing it, their eyes connected. Irene was the first to break the eye contact. She shoved at his chest taking the first aid box out of his hands and moving to the sofa. He watched her inspect the creams and medication, taking quick strides to her. He turned her slightly his hands pulling up her shirt as her eyes widened. She attempted to shove his hands away only for him to continue. His eyes meeting hers. "Irene what's been happening." She remained silent, watching the concern in his eyes. Concern that she wanted to deny. "I told you it's fine.""stop saying that and just tell me what is going on." She shook her head. "It's just a patient don't worry about it." "Irene-" "I don't want to talk about it." She yelled finally, walking and Turning away from him, tears returning. She heard him sigh. He took the medicine in his hands moving her scrubs again, applying the medicine. She fought against him. "I can do it myself." She voiced, he looked at her, "Just let me do it." She sighed giving in as he inspected the entirety of the wound, his eyes flashing up to hers as she gripped onto a the cabinet. They remained in silence. For the rest of the evening.

He drove them home, not knowing what to say to her. They entered the house, his eyes instantly looking at the photos that graced their house. She turned to him inspecting the mail. "Your mum put them up." She said walking to him. "Here's your post." She said slamming it down in front of him."You haven't been home?" He questioned. "I've been working night shifts." She saw the concern again, she laughed hysterically in her mind, her brain telling him to choke on his worry, her body turning away from him. "Goodnight." She said abruptly. "What about food?" "there's some pasta in the fridge that I made the other day if you want it." She said. "I meant are you not going to eat." "Not hungry." She turned away slamming the door to her room shut as he sighed leaning against the counter, his eyes trailing up the stairs in concern. "What is she hiding?" He whispered.


Authors note:
Hiiiii let me know what you think of this one. Lots of love to you all. Stay safe x

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